Antagonists Wiki

The Perfect Plant is a minor antagonist in the Horrid Henry series. It appears as the titular main antagonist of the episode 'Horrid Henry and the Perfect Plant', where Henry has a nightmare about Peter's plant wanting to eat him.

Its vocal effects were provided by Aidan Cook, who also voiced Miss Battle-Axe, Slimy Sammy, the Bull, and Rude Ralph in the same series.


Henry becomes fed up with Peter and his plant as they woke him up so early, so he decides to sleep on the couch instead. He falls asleep, which is where the nightmare begins. The doorbell rings, and Peter answers it. It turns out to be Gordon and Sam, and they decide to play hide-and-seek with each other. Gordon is the hider, so he decides to hide in Peter's room. However, the plant turns into a monster and eats Gordon alive as its first victim. Sam looks for him, but also gets eaten by the plant. Peter asks Henry if he has seen Sam and Gordon, but he says no and tells him to get out.

The plant turns back into a monster and opens the window, where it grabs Moody Margaret and eats her. Henry wonders if he is dreaming, and starts to celebrate about Margaret being gone, but the plant tries to eat him as well. He tells the plant to eat other people instead, and shows a picture of Peter. The plant turns back to normal once it sees Peter walk into the room, and Henry tries telling him that the plant is a monster, but Peter doesn't listen, as he thinks the television shows he watches are to blame. However, the plant turns back into a monster behind him and eats him alive.

At night, Henry is seen watching Mutant Max on the TV, but feels something touching him. He turns around to see that it's the plant, and begs for it not to eat him, telling it that he tastes bad, but it continues to get closer to him, causing him to scream in horror until he is woken up by Mum, who brought him a present: a plant of his own, causing him to scream "NO!", ending the episode.



           Hhlogo Villains

Horrid Henry | Perfect Peter | Moody Margaret

Horrid Henry | Perfect Peter | Moody Margaret

Greasy Greta | Slimy Sammy | Stuck-Up Steve | Bossy Bill | Mr. Nerdon | Rabid Rebecca | Razor Ron | Nasty Nicola | Perfect Plant | Shark | Bull

Fictional Fictional
Darius Drek

Vic Van Wrinkle | The Inspectors
