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Napoleon Cross is the main antagonist of the 2006 animated film Everyone's Hero.

He is the owner and the general manager of the Chicago Cubs baseball team who plans on making them finally win so that he would sabotage famed baseball player Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees baseball team from the 1932 World Series, to earn the recognition he so deserves to himself. He’s also of the arch-enemies of Yankee Irving.

He was voiced by the late Robin Williams


Cross is a Caucasian-American man with blue eyes, white balding hair and eyebrows. He wears a white suit with 6 golden buttons, a white shirt underneath, a pink ascot, white and black boots. When he got arrested he wore a black and white suit with his ascot.


In the movie that is set in the 1930's, Napoleon Cross is first seen watching with his henchman, Chicago Cubs player Lefty Maginnis, a documentary about the legendary baseball player Babe Ruth from the New York Yankees (in which he has a small part on it), as he greatly envies the latter's immense success in the world of baseball. Ambitious about his desire to earn the same amount of recognition from the 1932 World Series, Cross assumes that Babe's baseball bat, named Darlin, was causing the Cubs their relentless losses, and plans on keeping her away from the renowned baseball player by ordering Lefty to steal it, as he threatens his own henchman about removing him from the Cubs if he fails.

After Darlin was eventually stolen by Lefty, who was taking her with him to Chicago via the Grand Central Terminal in New York City, Yankee Irving (the film's protagonist) successfully infiltrates Cross' plan initially by retrieving her from the infamous baseball player in order for his father to be rehired to the Yankee Stadium again, since the latter and his own son were indirectly involved in the theft of the bat. As Yankee eventually stepped down from the train by a nearby train stop, Lefty also arrived, as well, and entered that same train shop to inform Cross, who was carelessly playing the merchandise about Babe Ruth, regarding the bat he stole. Cross then informs Lefty about the "compensation" the latter would get after the bat is eventually given to the former.

Although Yankee took Darlin from Lefty, Cross' plan is succeeding when it was reported that Babe Ruth is losing for his team by getting subsequent strikes from his failed swings as the batter since Darlin is not with him, causing the New York Yankees to be overtaken by the Chicago Cubs during the game, which upsets Yankee himself. Though, with the help of a couple of homeless men, this didn't hinder him from returning to New York City to return the bat to the Yankee Stadium, but he later decides to actually go to Chicago since Babe Ruth was currently at that city for Yankee to return Darlin to him.

Unfortunately for the young boy, Lefty retook Darlin and succeeds in giving her to Cross while in the henchman's car, thus continuing the succession of the latter's plans on sabotaging Ruth and making the Cubs earn their win against the Yankees. Yankee himself tried to retrieve the bat again by fighting it from Cross, but he is abruptly pulled inside the vehicle instead, capturing him in the process and sending him back to New York to the Yankee Stadium by the scheming Cubs duo. While inside a Yankee Stadium room, Cross taunts Yankee about Babe's huge losses during the game, as the boy failed to return Darlin to the baseball player. Cross then leaves Yankee inside the room with the door locked so that he himself would watch the Yankees, especially team member Babe Ruth, eventually lose to the Cubs.

Once Yankee escapes the room (which is noticed by Cross) with the help of Screwie the baseball and finally returns Darlin to Babe, Cross then shows up and deliberately interrupts the moment, demanding to the umpire that the game must end immediately because the Yankees are about to lose to the Cubs anyway, but Babe already knows the truth about the loss of Darlin from him. However, Cross tries to hide it by saying that what Babe said is "absurd", and insists that the Yankees must forfeit since he states that it's a penalty for baseball players to make false claims to someone regarding baseball itself, so the umpire makes a deal to the team by having them choose a batter for them, or they actually forfeit the game.

As the baseball team eventually picked Yankee as their batter through Babe's decision, Cross was shocked, but also mocks the team for picking a young boy who has little baseball experience while also making fun of the boy for himself with some of the spectators as well. Nonetheless, although Yankee was initially nervous about trying to swing on the first two tries, Cross was then proven wrong with few spectators when Yankee, because his parents including Marti Brewster where there to motivate him, actually swing Darlin and surprisingly hit Screwie with much confidence, which surprises everyone and shocks Cross, Lefty and Cubs. With that, Yankee makes a run around the field bases while the Cubs catcher and the fielders attempts to catch Screwie, but they end up colliding and knocking one of them unconscious before the Cubs right-fielder throws Screwie at the Cubs second base with Yankee passes him. The Cubs second base player chases Yankee and tries to strike him, but he ended up getting tripped by him after he manages to reach third base before being pelted and knocked himself out unconscious from Screwie, which also makes Cross feel greatly nervous about the Cubs losing towards Yankee. After Yankee eventually reached the final base with avoiding Lefty (who was holding Screwie to strike him out) by literally jumping on top of him, he successfully lands on the home plate for the New York Yankees finally beat the Chicago Cubs and win the championship, which causes the spectators, his parents, Marti and Rosetta Brewster, Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees, Lonnie Brewster and his teams, the hobos and his sandlot friends cheers at Yankee in victory. The Chicago Cubs are distressed at their defeat and a horrified Cross have a meltdown by childishly throwing a tantrum in chagrin, since his chances of getting massive recognition was now ruined. Cross then rips some of his hairs and questions himself about it crazily.

During the aftermath of the game, Cross is eventually arrested, along with his partner-in-crime Lefty who he crazily kicks him in the groin, for the organized theft of Babe's bat Darlin and their crimes, which Cross did finally receives his massive recognition as a fan who cheats he deserves to be infamous rather than famous. As a presumably additional punishment, Cross is forced to carry a box of Babe Ruth bobblehead dolls to sell it, which he is not satisfied and went into mental breakdown with Lefty cleans the street as part of their work release at the parade of the New York Yankees victory.


Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth and his best bat, Darlin'. He's everywhere! Every newsreel, every newspaper talks about Babe Ruth. Look at all this stuff! Babe Ruth sippy cup, Babe Ruth silver dollars, Babe Ruth underpants, obviously for the larger child. What's he got that I haven't got? He's got a World Series trophy! And I want one! - Is that too much to ask?
~ Napoleon Cross
No, Lefty, even with your most outrageous cheating you're no match for Babe Ruth.
~ Napoleon Cross to Lefty Maginnis
You're right, Lefty. Babe Ruth does have a lucky charm. What is it, what is it, what is it? It's his bat. So what do we do? I'll tell you what we do. We take away his bat. Let's do the math. - Going into the light. - Babe without bat is nothing. Without that bat, he's just big and fat! (LAUGHING) (COUGHING) Put that on a T-shirt.
~ Napoleon Cross to Lefty Maginnis
Not "we," you.
~ Napoleon Cross to Lefty Maginnis
Get me that bat. And I think the only way to get it is to steal it. Otherwise, you're out!
~ Napoleon Cross to Lefty Maginnis
Babe Ruth, stop hitting yourself. Seriously, why are you hitting yourself, Babe?
~ Napoleon Cross
~ Napoleon Cross after receiving the phone call
Ah! Lefty. I've been expecting your call for several hours. - From now on, we have to talk in code.
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Are you on the way to Cairo?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
It's ode-kay, you idiot-ay! Do you have our little wooden friend with you?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Us? Raoul, there is no "us." If you get caught, I don't know anything about this. - Absolutamente not.
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Not so fast, Raoul. When you make the delivery, we can discuss your compensation.
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
I look forward to seeing the package.
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Oh, what's wrong, little Babe Ruth bobble-head? You don't approve? You look a little groggy. Are you? Well, perhaps you can use a seventh-inning stretch. *laughing before coughing*
~ Napoleon Cross
Here's the windup, and the pitch. It's a home run! The crowd goes wild! They're going nuts in Chicago! *imitating echo* I'd like to thank all the little people. But especially myself!
~ Napoleon Cross
Lefty, my boy, the plan is working. The Series is virtually in the bag. - Where are you?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Do you have the at-bay with you?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
If the bat's on its way, but you're in Toledo, I'm feeling like you're not being completely honest with me, Lefty. You don't have the bat, do you?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
You moron! There's one game left in this Series. If I don't have that bat in my paws before it starts, you don't have a job, Lefty. All right?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Operator. Operator?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Lefty, hello?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
What was that, Lefty?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Who has the bat?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
I said who has it, Lefty?
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Hello? Fine.
~ Napoleon Cross having brief phone call with Lefty Maginnis
Drive the car!
~ Napoleon Cross
So tragic. The indomitable, the unflappable, the amazing Babe Ruth's last turn at plate and no magic bat to rely on. Will he go down in three pitches, do you think?
~ Napoleon Cross to Yankee Irving
Really? And yet you tried so hard to return it to him. What do you say we listen to the radio and see what's happening?
~ Napoleon Cross to Yankee Irving
Well, I believe that's gonna do it for your Yankees, Yankee. *laughing* Oh... I suppose this bat's not much of a threat now.
~ Napoleon Cross to Yankee Irving
Of course there's always next year. Maybe I'll take her to my cabin on the lake. There're some beavers there that'd love to make her acquaintance. Give it a little nibble.
~ Napoleon Cross to Yankee Irving
I suppose I should be heading down to the field to accept my World Series trophy. You just stay put, little Yankee. I'm sure your parents have given up looking for you by now. The orphanage should be here any minute to pick you up. Just walk in saying, "I'm the boy who lost Babe Ruth's bat and cost him the World Series. "How're you folks doing?" Sleep on that, Yankee.
~ Napoleon Cross to Yankee Irving
You see, baseball is about teamwork, a certain level of dignity... What the?
~ Napoleon Cross
No! Stop! Umpire. I demand you call this game immediately, if not sooner, 'cause of shenanigans.
~ Napoleon Cross
What? That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard! Isn't that a penalty? Shouldn't they forfeit?
~ Napoleon Cross
~ Napoleon Cross found out Yankee is New York's hitter
*laughing* I guess you guys really are desperate. *laughing* *wheezing*
~ Napoleon Cross
Okay, Lefty, all you have to do is strike the kid out. Just finish it!
~ Napoleon Cross telling Lefty Maginnis to strike Yankee out
Trip him! Somebody!
~ Napoleon Cross
Oh, no! No!
~ Napoleon Cross throwing a tantrum
Ow! Ow! Oh, that's me.
~ Napoleon Cross


  • Robin Williams, who is Napoleon Cross' portrayer, requests to be uncredited in the film. He wanted it to honor one of the film's directors, the late actor Christopher Reeve, who was his long-time friend.
  • Despite being the main antagonist, Napoleon Cross had a very limited amount of screentime while his right-hand man Lefty had more screentime and did most of the action.
  • His design is similar to Kingpin from the Marvel Comics.
  • He is the second animated character from 20th Century Fox to be voiced by the late Robin Williams, the first being Batty Koda from FernGully: The Last Rainforest, although Batty is a hero rather than a villain.