Mystery Syna (AKA Luna) is the Heroic Femme Antagonist from Gacha League who makes Her Non Canon Debut in Xkour Extreme Parkour. She also appears in Canon Games of Her, Anime Gacha as One of the 4-Star Unit Future Punk Case.
She also appears in Ongoing Lunime Games like Gacha World as a Third Boss, Gacha Resorts and Anime Fidget Spinner. She can be Presets in Gacha Studios, Gachaverse, Gacha Life, Gacha Life 2 - The Club and Gacha Life 3 - The WonderEnd.
She is a 3-Star Dark Unit was an All times Archenemy and Anti Heroic Counterpart of Cele the elder Sister of Blaz (and the Younger Sister of Sol), Close to Cyto and Street Atom, a Partner In Crime of Hawk and was Traumatized Nemesis of Xkour Reaper.
She has been Emotionless, Malicious and and Humorless to DJ Phantom, Demon Hunter and DJ Kōda. According to Mummy Cyanthia and Night Angel, She was a Rivalry of DJ Clover, Pirate Jessie and Kuku Kanzaki and as Archenemy of Restless Aria, Penelope Coconut and Pandora.
She is also voiced by the Japanese Voice Actress, Rina Satō who is also known as Misaka Mikoto from To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. In Dub titles, She is also voiced by the English Voice Actress, Joy Jacobson who also voices Lili Rochefort from Tekken.
Luna had a Short Unkempt Hairstyle and has a Violet Eyes. In the Beginning of Xkour and Gacha World, She wears a Hood who never shows up. She wears a Purple Jacket, Pants and Shoes.
While in the Alternate Dub titles of Extreme Parkpur and Anime Gacha, Syna only shows Her hair and eyes. She had a Black and Pink Jacket, Gloves, Pants and Shoes. While covers up in a Breasts found Violet.
She is Humorless, Insecure and Provoker while having Her Seductress and Princess Warrior. She mainly features as an Antagonist but doesn't make Her a Villain in same place where as She was capable to remorse or less than defending Someone.
She was born with a Martial Artist Rich Tribes when She was created by Dr. Gacha, She keeps crying over Her Real Mother being presumed killed by Xkour Reaper. Syna became a Ninja and will have a Vengeance on the Syndicates.
- Sharp Cycle: Her Special Skill is in Gacha World. Luna does a Spinning Attacks against a Single Enemy, doing Dark Damage. She has no Leadershup Skill.