NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Mysterio from the Marvel Cinematic Universe film series. The mainstream version can be found here: Mysterio (Marvel).
I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in. I control the truth. Mysterio is the truth!
~ Mysterio to Spider-Man
Quentin Beck, also known as Mysterio, is a major antagonist of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, appearing as the main antagonist of Spider-Man: Far From Home and one of the two posthumous overarching antagonists (alongside He Who Remains) of Spider-Man: No Way Home.
He is a former Stark Industries illusions specialist who wants to become the world's biggest superhero in lieu of Tony Stark, feigning attacks from inter-dimensional beings called the Elementals in order to do so.
He was portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal, who also portrayed Louis Bloom in Nightcrawler.
Beck first appeared when Nick Fury and Maria Hill encountered Sandman, which he later destroys using his powers. Once Peter Parker and his friends are attacked by Hydro-Man in Venice, Beck saves Peter from its wrath. The two fight together and Beck destroys the Elemental, appearing as a hero to Italy. Later that night, Nick Fury brings Spider-Man to his hideout, where Spider-Man meets Beck.
Beck tells Spider-Man that he came from a Earth of a different dimension that was destroyed by the Elementals, and that they’re on the original Earth. He reveals that there are four of them and their elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Fury suggested that Spider-Man team up with Mysterio to fight the last Elemental Molten Man, but Spider-Man refuses as he is too busy hanging with his classmates on their field trip.
Eventually, Spider-Man spotted Molten Man attacking the Prague Carnival, so he disguises himself as 'Night Monkey' to avoid suspicion and helps Mysterio fight against Molten Man. The two battle the Elemental for a long time, but they finally get it, Spider-Man webs it and Mysterio attempts to destroy it like the previous one, but they fail. Mysterio then punches the giant in its chest, making it explode and dissipate forever.
True Colors[]
After the defeat of Molten Man, Spider-Man and Mysterio head over to a bar, where Spider-Man declares Mysterio worthy for an Avenger. He then hands over his glasses (containing a intelligence system called E.D.I.T.H. built by Stark), saying that Mysterio should be worthy of being a great superhero just like Stark. However, after Spider-Man leaves, the bar reveals to be an illusion, and Mysterio happily cheered for his team (composed of former Stark Industries employees, mostly William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutermanand Janice Lincoln). It turns out that Beck himself was a former Stark Industries employee who created a projection prototype that Stark would later rename as B.A.R.F., and that Beck felt jealous and furious because of this event. Beck also commented that Stark fired him for his unstable behavior and that he actually plans to usurp Stark as the world's greatest hero since the latter sacrificed himself to destroy Thanos and the Black Order. It also turns out that the Elementals are actually projection drones (built by Giva) as part of Mysterio's true plot to cement himself as a hero to the world and that he tricked Spider-Man into handing over E.D.I.T.H. to further facilitate his plans.
As Peter prepares to reveal his feelings for MJ, the two happen upon a piece of detritus and end up activating it, proving that Mysterio didn't notice that he accidentally bumped into one of his Drones and it lost a projector, which reveals that the Elementals are cybernetic beings and not magical monsters. They then realize that Beck is a fraud who was using them to make himself look like a hero to the public.
Around the same time, Mysterio realized the missing projector was orchestral in a rehearsal to his next battle, planning an Avengers-level threat. Knowing that his plan will be compromised, Mysterio later uses E.D.I.T.H. to find out that Spider-Man and MJ knew his true colors. He also prompts Giva that once he had to kill Spider-Man, Giva will get the blame. In Berlin, Mysterio shoots 'Nick Fury' with one of his drones, then Spider-Man then encounters Mysterio, who fights against and torments him by making him go through separate illusions, such as Mysterio in full armor dropping MJ from the top of the Eiffel Tower, a dozen of mirrored Spider-Men attacking, a zombie Iron Man, a spider whose eyes form a marching army of Mysterios, and also trapping Spider-Man inside his helmet as a snow globe version of New York City including the Avengers Tower. He gets shot by Fury, which asks Peter who did he tell about his identity. Peter tells him that he only told Ned and MJ. Fury turns out to be a disguised Beck, who leads Peter in front of a speeding train.
Final Battle and Death[]
Beck and his team unleash his largest illusion yet, Elemental Fusion in London, which is supposed to kill Michelle and the rest of Spider-Man's classmates. Then Spider-Man comes to the rescue and jumps into the Elemental Fusion's mouth and uses the Peter-Tingle to destroy the Drones inside of the Elemental. Mysterio with anger orders the Drones to attack Spider-Man.
After Spider-Man defeats the Drones, he confronts Mysterio to give him the E.D.I.T.H. glasses. Mysterio creates an illusion where Peter fights the remaining androids, using his Spider Sense again. With Beck being shot by a drone, he attempts to give Peter the glasses but he turns out to be an illusion, as his real self attempts to shoot Spider-Man, but is stopped and shot by an android through misfire. As Spider-Man watches as Mysterio succumbs to his wounds, he asked E.D.I.T.H. to confirm there were no active holograms in use within their vicinity, to ensure whether or not Beck was tricking him with another illusion. E.D.I.T.H. confirmed there are none, ensuring Spider-Man that Mysterio is truly dead.
Exposing Spider-Man[]
However, it turns out that Mysterio, knowing that his plan could fail and that he would die, had his crew edit the footage of him and Peter fighting the Elementals to frame Peter as the culprit behind the attacks and his death while revealing his true identity in revenge for foiling his plans. The footage is then given to and displayed by J. Jonah Jameson, exposing Peter's secret identity to the entire world.
During his days as an employee at Stark Industries, Quentin Beck had always shown a glorious desire for using his skills of technology in order to work with Tony Stark. He designed and invented the B.A.R.F. (Binary Augmented Retro-Framing) prototype, but after Stark noticed his callous and unstable nature, Beck was fired, leaving him embittered. Beck later witnessed his former employer die in the Battle of Earth (in Avengers: Endgame), seizing the advantage in order to use his skills to create drones which project the Elementals and an advanced suit of armor with a helmet to shield his identity. He decided to use the Elementals to cause massive destruction across the continent of Europe and defeat them himself, to be seen as a great hero in the eyes of the wide public.
This plan would succeed, with people such as Flash Thompson giving him praise. Brad Davis states that Beck is similar to Thor and Iron Man together, implying how powerful he truly is without knowing the issue would require the attention of Spider-Man, 'Nick Fury' and 'Maria Hill'. Beck manipulated them by claiming that he is from another Earth, as well as the Elementals, presenting himself as an expert on them and that they are entities from his dimension, all as a move to advance his plan.
While being portrayed as a superhero, he had a selfless and caring nature, appearing to risk his life to protect innocents and allies. Beck would also become somewhat of a father figure to Spider-Man showing sympathy for his desires for a normal life and advising Peter to think about what he wants, rather than following other people's expectations.
However, beneath his superhero guise lies an egotistical, dark, ruthless, destructive and manipulative psychopath who would stop at nothing to get what he wants. While Beck may show some close friendship to his crew that helped him become Mysterio, Beck is a dangerous perfectionist who would not hesitate to murder them for the smallest missteps. Beck also cares less about the casualties caused by his performances than the attention he would receive for them, expressing giddy excitement at staging an "Avengers-level threat", nonchalantly watching Spider-Man get hit by a bullet train, and plotting to kill MJ, Ned Leeds and Betty Brant for knowing his true intentions.
Beck accentuated his psychopathy in the illusions he conjured during his first fight with Peter; one such illusion featured him throwing MJ from the Eiffel Tower, manipulating Peter's feelings for her and fears for her safety. He created dark, terrifying and foggy illusions that terrified Peter, trapped him inside an illusion of a snow globe of New York with the Avengers Tower and causing an illusion of Mysterio's giant arm to fall on him.
He grew much more desperate and blood-lusted in his second confrontation with Spider-Man, unleashed all of his destructiveness to ensure his plan's success; but his lack of emotional stability brought him down, as he turned against E.D.I.T.H.'s advice, only to be riddled with his own drones' gunfire. In spite of this, Beck was partially successful in his goals, as he balanced his still-heroic image to expose Spider-Man's true identity and frame him for the destruction he never caused.
Who are you? (Elemental attacks) You don't want any part of this.
~ Mysterio to Talos/Fury and Soren/Hill, also his first line.
Never apologize for being the smartest one in the room.
~ Mysterio "comforting" Spider-Man.
Let's go save the world, Spider-Man.
~ Mysterio to Spider-Man.
This is Earth, Dimension 616. I'm from Earth-833. We share identical physical constants, level four symmetry.
~ Mysterio to Spider-Man on explaining his Earth.
Mysterio: They first materialized on my Earth many years ago. I was part of the last battalion left trying to stop them. All we did was delay the inevitable. "Maria Hill": The Elementals are here now attacking the same coordinates. Our satellites have confirmed it.
~ Mysterio and Soren (as "Maria Hill") discussing the Elementals.
There's a part of me that wants me to tell you, just turn around, run away from all this and those were about to fight were at stake. I'm glad you're here.
~ Mysterio trying to get Spider-Man to go home.
Mysterio: What do you want, Peter? Spider-Man: What do you mean? Mysterio: What do you want? Spider-Man: I don't know. Mysterio: What do you want, you Peter Parker now? I know what you're thinking about. Spider-Man: I want to go on my trip and go to the top of the Eiffel Tower with the girl who I really like and tell her how I feel and give her a kiss.
~ Mysterio manipulating Spider-Man in the bar illusion.
See? That wasn't so hard (chuckles). Somebody get this stupid costume off me!
~ Mysterio revealing his true colors after tricking Spider-Man into giving him E.D.I.T.H.
Okay, toasts! Gimme that, Doug! To the man who brought us all together, our former boss, Tony Stark. The jester king, literally wrapped in wealth and technology that he was unfit to wield. Like the holographic system I designed, a revolutionary breakthrough with limitless applications, that Tony turned into a self-therapy machine and renamed... "B.A.R.F."! He renamed my life's work "B.A.R.F."! I told him it was a mistake, that my technology could change the world, and then... he fired me. Said I was... unstable. To Tony!
~ Mysterio toasting and venting his hatred for Tony Stark.
Next, to William! The integration of my illusion tech with your weaponized drones was brilliant! Powerful illusions, real damage, worked like a charm! And it's just the beginning. To Guterman! The story you created, of a soldier from another Earth named Quentin fighting space monsters in Europe, is totally ridiculous, and apparently exactly the kind of thing people will believe right now! I mean, everybody bought it! To Victoria! Staging electromagnetic pulses at each attack site so Fury's own satellites would confirm our lies, inspired idea! To Janice! After Tony died, she was the one who discovered that E.D.I.T.H. was being handed over not to us, not the Defense Department, but to a child!
~ Mysterio toasting his crew's contribution to his plan.
To the rest of you, Tony Stark is gone. There is a window of opportunity, and someone will step up. But these days, you can be the smartest guy in the room, the most qualified, and no one cares. Unless you're flying around with a cape or shooting lasers from your hands, no one. Will even. Listen. Well... I've got a cape, and lasers. With our technology, and with E.D.I.T.H., Mysterio will be the greatest! Hero! On Earth! And everyone will listen! Not to a... boozy man-child! Not... to a hormonal teenager! To me, and to my very wealthy crew! To us. To Mysterio! To Peter Parker! Poor kid. Let’s get to work.
~ Mysterio's monologue while speaking to his crew.
More casualties, more coverage. I gotta cut through the static. London is a beautiful city, and it will suffer, but they can rebuild. I mean, if I'm gonna be the next Iron Man, I've gotta save the world from an Avengers-level threat. But, when its new savior descends, all those casualties will be forgotten.
~ Mysterio disregarding the lives of civilians who will be killed in the next Elemental attack.
That projector is evidence, it's going to tell people what we're doing and how we're doing it. I am trying to fool seven billion people here, including Nick Fury, who happens to be the most paranoid and most dangerous person on the planet, and if he catches on before I've killed him, then he will put a bullet in my head! And nobody wants a bullet in their head, right? Right!?
~ Mysterio threatens his crew.
You know, William, one day, after I've had to kill Peter Parker because of this, I hope you remember that his blood is on your hands!
~ Mysterio yells at Riva for his mistake.
Wow, Peter. Wow. I thought we were close. Fury always had to die, but not you. I tried to help you walk away. But now you're making me do this. You told me you were just a kid. You told me you wanted to run after that girl.
~ Mysterio talking to Spider-Man in his illusion.
I don't think you know what's real, Peter. You need to wake up! I mean, look at yourself... You are just a scared little kid in a sweatsuit!
~ Mysterio to Spider-Man.
If you were good enough... Maybe Tony would still be alive. Deep down, you know I'm right.
~ Mysterio tormenting Spider-Man over the death of Tony Stark / Iron Man.
You are so dumb. I mean, smart as a whip, just a... sucker. And now all your friends have to die. It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves. But for what it's worth, Peter... I really am sorry.
~ Mysterio's disguise as Nick Fury after tricking Spider-Man again.
Now that's an Avengers-level threat.
~ Mysterio referring to the Elemental Fusion.
Spider-Man: Your lies are over, Beck! Mysterio: This certainly isn't ideal, but I have contingencies. Spider-Man: Just give me the glasses! Mysterio: You want these? Come and get 'em!
~ Mysterio during his final showdown with Spider-Man.
Mysterio: Why aren't these drones firing? E.D.I.T.H.: You're in the strikezone. The chance of getting hit is- Mysterio: NO- FIRE. ALL. THE DRONES. NOW!!!
~ Mysterio's villainous breakdown.
Spider-Man: Beck! You lied to me. I trusted you. Mysterio: I know. That's the most... disappointing part. You're a good person, Peter... such a weakness. Stark was right... you do deserve them.
~ Mysterio pretends to return E.D.I.T.H. in a final attempt to trick and kill Spider-Man.
I managed to send the Elemental back into the dimensional rift but I don't think I'm gonna make it off this bridge alive. Spider-Man attacked me for some reason. He has an army of weaponized drones, Stark technology. He's saying he's the only one who's gonna be the new Iron Man, no one else.
~ Mysterio framing Spider-Man for the Elemental attacks.
Spider-Man's real– Spider-Man's real name is– Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!
~ Mysterio revealing Spider-Man's true identity to the world.
And hey if we survive this. We'll have all summer to kill Brad.
~ Mysterio hinting at his true nature.
Powers and Abilities[]
He's like Iron Man and Thor rolled into one.
~ Brad Davis about Mysterio.
Quentin Beck does not possess any special abilities, instead he uses a combination of highly advanced hologram technology with stolen Stark Industries drones to give the illusion that he has superpowers. Whenever "Mysterio" is seen battling an Elemental, it is actually a hologram remotely controlled by the real Beck while the drones produce the collateral damage that Mysterio's "attacks" should cause.
Hologram Projection: Using a special equipment and motion capture suit, Beck is able to project a "Mysterio" hologram that participates in the fake battles against the "Elementals". Whenever Mysterio is required to physically interact with someone, Beck can overlay the hologram with himself while wearing a costume to give the impression that he was there the whole time. The physical "Mysterio" costume that Beck wears does not have the "fish bowl" helmet that the hologram Mysterio features, as the costume itself is nothing but a prop.
Smoke Generation: The Mysterio hologram can produce a large amount of green smoke, which gives the illusion of Mysterio having superpowers while also making it easier for the real Beck to replace the hologram when necessary.
Hallucination Induction: Beck can use his hologram projecting devices to induce hallucinations into a target, where reality appears to be distorted while the victim sees horrific visions that confuse them.
Genius Level Intellect: To be added
Master Engineer: To be added
Despite being the main antagonist of the second film of the Spider-Man film series within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mysterio is more evil and far worse than the Vulture, his predecessor. This is because the Vulture actually turned to a life of crime to support his family and had redeemable traits whereas Mysterio became a criminal for pure selfishness and greed. And while the Vulture proved to be honorable by not revealing Spidey's identity to Mac Gargan in gratitude for saving him, Mysterio didn't redeem himself and made it look had all been Spider-Man's fault and posthumously succeeded in exposing Spidey's secret identity to the whole world.
Despite Mysterio being Pure Evil, Spider-Man: Far From Home director Jon Watts expressed his opinion that he doesn't see Quentin Beck as a villain and that he appreciates his crew. However, the film explicitly shows that Mysterio doesn't really respect his crew and Watts' statement may have been in jest, so Mysterio qualifies.
Incidentally, Tony Stark is indirectly responsible for their start to villainy. In Toomes' case, he lost his job when Tony and the U.S. government shut down his business and became a black market arms dealer to feed his family. Beck was fired by Tony, the latter aware of him being unstable and orchestrated the Elementals' attacks just to gain a good publicity.
Matt Damon was initially offered the role of Mysterio, but would ultimately turn it down.
Prior to the release of Spider-Man: Far from Home, Damon appeared in Thor: Ragnarok as an actor portraying Loki in an Asgardian play.
Although it's apparent that Mysterio died at the end of Spider-Man: Far from Home, director Jon Watts commented on Mysterio's fate in which he doesn't rule out Mysterio's possible survival but that Mysterio "seemed pretty dead for [him]".
It is also worth noting that during Spider-Man's final battle with Mysterio a drone is seen shooting down Beck, however the Beck that was standing there was yet another illusion, the real Mysterio was never seen truly being shot.
Mysterio is the first Spider-Man movie antagonist in film thus far to succeed at exposing Spider-Man's identity (as most villains in previous films, while they discovered it, either died with the secret or honorably refused to expose his identity).
Mysterio is one the six villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to succeed in their plans, framing Spider-Man as his murderer and exposing his true identity. The others are Loki, Helmut Zemo, Surtur, Ghost and Thanos.
This is easily one of the most evil incarnations of Mysterio, along with his Shattered Dimensions incarnation.
Out of all villains in all Spider-Man films, Mysterio is the most evil as he is the only one to be pure evil.
Although, his fate is unconfirmed, Mysterio may be the only MCU Spider-Man villain to die.
Mysterio modeled his costume after Vision's body, Iron Man's high tech armor and Thor's otherworldly armor, claims to have a military background like Captain America, using "magic" and never showing any of his heroism to the public like Doctor Strange, sports a green color like the Hulk, uses drones to make illusions like Black Widow, and using illusions to deceive people like Scarlet Witch. This makes sense that Beck made himself an amalgamation of the Avengers to get the public's trust as well as sympathy, meaning that Brad Davis was right to refer him as "Iron Man and Thor rolled in one".
Mysterio is a dark reflection of Iron Man and Spider-Man.
For Iron Man, they both wear high-tech armor capable of fight, project blasts from his hands and wears a retractable helmet; despite being an illusion and his relationship with Peter Parker parallels to his relationship with Tony as he is a flawed mentor helping and protecting Peter, making him a replacement father figure who risked his own life for his protégé where as Mysterio initially appears as a kind and encouraging mentor with good advice but revealed to only be using him and dispose of him when no longer useful resulting seeing how sinister Mysterio was and understand that Tony maybe flawed but was a hero. This represents on what might have happened if Iron Man continued making weapons and having a opportunistic nature.
For Spider-Man, both were connected to Stark and employed by him to do great things and removed when failing to meet his expectations resulting of the origins as a superhero and supervillain alike. The only difference between the two is in spite of initially wanting the fame and glory in being a superhero, Peter grows stronger and become a true successor by understanding what it means to be a hero, is the nicest person in the MCU, defined by his responsibilities and steps up to save the day despite initial hesitation. Meanwhile, Beck became a superhero just to be recognized for his actions even if it was illegitimate and dangerous, chose to be his supposed "replacement" to personally spite Tony's memory, pretends to be nice when it's necessary for achieving his goals and drops it when it isn't, refuse to take any responsibility, threatens his allies and view's Peter's good-hearted nature as a weakness.
Matt Damon was initially offered the role of Mysterio, but would ultimately turn it down. Interestingly, before the release of Spider-Man: Far From Home, Damon appeared in Thor: Ragnarok as an actor portraying Loki in an Asgardian play, and said character returned in Thor: Love and Thunder. Other actors considered to play Mysterio were Matthew Smith, Andrew Scott and Colin Farrell.
When asked about Mysterio's fate, director Jon Watts commented that he doesn't rule out Mysterio's possible survival but that Mysterio "seemed pretty dead for him". Jake Gyllenhaal has likewise stated that Mysterio may have died after all, whereas producer Amy Pascal has refused to confirm anything.
It's worth noting, however, that during Spider-Man's final battle with Mysterio a drone is seen shooting down Beck, however the Beck that was standing there was yet another illusion, the real Mysterio was never seen truly being shot as a result.
Mysterio is the first Spider-Man villain in film thus far to succeed at exposing Spider-Man's identity (as most antagonists in previous films, while they discovered it, either died with the secret or honorably refused to expose his identity).
It's rumored that Jake Gyllenhaal was meant to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2 when Sony fired him after the latter refused to take the role due to having a bout of back pain while filming Seabiscuit. However, Maguire managed to be healed and was hired again to play the role.
It's currently unknown whether Mysterio ordered William Ginter Riva to make the video with doctored footage incriminating Spider-Man in case he was killed or if Riva himself decided to do it to avenge his boss. Although due to Mysterio's spiteful nature, it seems more likely that he ordered William to do so.
There's also the fact that Mysterio ordered William to show the drones once Spider-Man arrived, much to William's confusion as to how Mysterio was going to explain this to the public. It's possible that as Spider-Man was fighting the drones, Mysterio ordered William to doctor the footage on the chance he wouldn't survive his encounter with Spider-Man. He may have also had William show the drones because he intended to frame Spider-Man for their attack.
There's also his last words to Spider-Man when the latter calls him out on his actions, "You'll see Peter...people....need to believe...and nowadays....they'll believe anything". This could be his own foreshadowing of his framing of Spider-Man.
Not counting Carlton Drake, Carnage, Riot, Mysterio is the most evil Spider-Man movie villain to date. He willingly became evil unlike the others who were manipulated or became evil by accidental circumstances. He is also implied to have killed thousands of people.
A scarecrow dressed up as Mysterio can be briefly seen in a commercial for No Way Home by Hyundai.
Concept art from Spider-Man: No Way Home reveals that Mysterio was in fact planned to reappear in the movie as he would have battled Doctor Strange during the final battle at Liberty Island.
He is the only main antagonist of a film in the MCU Spider-Man trilogy to be considered Pure Evil, thus adding to his distinctively cruel nature.
What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]
He staged all of the global destruction caused by the Elementals to pretend to be a hero, not caring at all about any resultant civilian casualties, even telling his crew to have the drones do maximum damage and dismissing the fact that it would claim several casualties, merely saying that it would serve as more coverage.
With this, he ended up ravaging 2 villages and had some heavy hitters on Prague and Venice.
He threatened to execute his entire crew with drones over the loss of one of his projectors, even though this loss was actually his fault.
He psychologically tortured Spider-Man by making him go through nightmarish illusions, calling him a "scared little kid in a sweatsuit" and even blaming him for Iron Man/Tony Stark's death when in reality, Peter had nothing to do with it as Tony sacrificed himself to defeat Thanos out of his own volition.
He intentionally led Peter in front of an oncoming train using his illusions and got him hit by it with the intention of killing him, and would have done so if it weren't for Peter's superhuman strength.
He attempted to kill Peter, MJ, Ned, Flash, Happy Hogan and Betty in order to keep his villainy secret.
It's also worth noting that the latter wasn't even confirmed to know his secret, as Peter said Ned might have told her.
He attempted to kill Nick Fury and Maria Hill to sell his cover story and prevent them from investigating him, unaware that the Skrulls, Talos and Soren, are standing in for them while they're on vacation.
He faked respect for Peter as he "handed" E.D.I.T.H. over, only to reveal it was an illusion so he could try to shoot the boy to death from behind his back.
While it is possible that Mysterio may have had some fondness towards Spider-Man, as he rolled his eyes upon discovering Peter knows his secret and blamed his right-hand William Ginter Riva for killing him, he had no problems with repeatedly tormenting and trying to kill him after he uncovered his fraudulence, thus subverting any redeeming qualities he had.
He planned to destroy London and put the lives of thousands of civilians in danger using the hidden drones in the Elementals, all to stage an Avengers-level threat and usurp the position of the next Iron Man.
He framed Spider-Man for killing him and staging his own attacks while revealing his secret identity to the entire world posthumously, thereby achieving his own goals in death. This makes him indirectly responsible for Peter bringing villains from both Earth-96283 and Earth-120703, Aunt May being killed by Earth-96283's Green Goblin, and making everyone forget Peter Parker is Spider-Man, including his friends.
Tony Stark/Iron Man stealing credit for his invention and firing him is an incredibly petty excuse for his actions for the following reasons:
He was fired for being unstable. His temper tantrums, sadism, and overall arrogance throughout the film certainly support that claim.
He misremembers exactly what happened at Tony's presentation where he imagined the audience laughed when Tony unveiled his glasses' names as B.A.R.F. In reality, the audience didn't laugh at the name and Tony himself admitted the product needed a much more suitable name, thus presenting Mysterio as a narcissist who has an unreliable grasp on his memories.
He endangers countless innocent people that had nothing to do with his lost job at all.
He criticized Tony for using his technology for psychotherapy, despite Quentin himself using this technology for deceptive practices and causing harm (creating the Elementals to make everybody think that he's a superhero).
It is pretty obvious that he felt no gratitude over Tony's sacrifice nor sadness for his death, merely seeing it as a window of opportunity to take his place as the world's greatest hero. This is despite the fact that Tony saved the whole universe (and Mysterio's life) from Thanos.
Though he does have some comedic moments, his actions are still played seriously.
While many other MCU villains have been more scale in the magnitude of destruction that they cause, Mysterio stands out for his lesser resources, his personal villainy towards Peter, and publicly revealing his identity as Spider-Man whilst framing him for his crimes to ruin his life and one up him after his death. This lead to the events of No Way Home, which showed how the lives of Peter and his friends were affected by Mysterio's lie.
Unlike the other villains in Spider-Man films who became evil due to certain circumstances, Quentin willingly became evil by personal choice for no reason other than petty spite, making him far eviler than any other Spider-Man film villain.
He is also far more cruel and heartless than his comic book counterpart, who at least wanted to be famous in a good way.
Animated Features Wicked Wazir |
Grifter the Ringmaster |
Snivley |
Mugger |
Green Goose |
Tanya Malachite |
Ali and Bobo |
Madame Hecuba |
Tulip |
Pete Belinsky |
Loc-Nar |
The Girl |
Ard |
The Queen |
Hanover Fiste |
Captain Lincoln F. Sternn |
Dark Heart |
Marvin McNasty |
Lumpy and Bones |
Hexxus |
Lou the Goanna |
Rothbart |
Bridget |
Alligators |
Eva Friedal |
Tyler |
Lambert |
Odin |
The Crystal |
Boyd |
Monty |
Rock Holmes |
Duke Red |
Vincent Volaju |
Edward Steam |
Sephiroth |
Remnants of Sephiroth (Kadaj) |
Rufus Shinra |
The Beast |
Constance Nebbercracker |
Seijiro Inui |
Shaw |
Tank Evans |
Frederic Downing |
Curtis Miller |
Ron Davis |
Fifi |
Mayor Shelbourne |
General Grawl |
Professor Kipple |
Doug |
Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine |
Allan |
Tom |
Pedro |
Falcon |
Aristides Silk |
Red Rackham |
Chief De Silva |
Lions |
Queen Victoria |
Black Bellamy |
Budzo |
Cecil |
Arachnids |
Quasimodo Wilson |
Esmeralda |
Ada Wong |
Svetlana Belikova |
Unidentified Tyrants |
Normal Lickers |
Ezekiel Stane |
Heraclio |
Sota |
Sir Clorex |
Chester V |
Live Corp (Chester V's Holograms & Barb) |
Punisher |
Black Widow |
Leviathan (Orion) |
Cain |
Bela |
Bat Cronies |
Ed & Edna |
Shero |
Cizer |
Dogs |
King Leonard Mudbeard |
Green Pigs (Ross) |
Titus Drautos |
Ardyn Izunia |
Somnus Lucis Caelum |
Douche |
Gargamel (2017) |
Azrael (2017) |
Monty |
Akihiko Kayaba |
Glenn Arias |
Diego Gomez |
Maria Gomez |
A-Virus |
Zombies |
Smiler |
Anti-Virus Bots |
Hunter |
Thaddeus and Rufus |
King Herod |
Abraham Van Helsing |
Ericka Van Helsing |
Wolfram |
Swordkil |
Daigo |
Nobu |
All For One |
Kingpin |
Doctor Octopus |
Prowler |
Green Goblin |
Scorpion |
Tombstone |
Zeta |
Debbie |
Glenn |
Brad |
Axel |
Carl |
Jerry |
Kira |
Hank |
Nine |
Slice |
Mummy |
Chimera |
League of Villains (Tomura Shigaraki) |
Himiko Toga |
Ilvira |
Gingerbread Guards |
Baba Yaga |
Kolobok |
Enmu |
Akaza |
PAL Labs (PAL Max, Glaxxon 5000 & PAL Max Prime) |
Pockets |
Lutador |
Lapin |
Barry |
Pigmies |
Luther |
Live-Action Features Dr. Terwilliker |
Ben Wade |
Charlie Prince |
Dr. Strangelove |
General Buck Turgidson |
Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper |
Wilhelm Tanz |
Colonel Sandauer |
Dr. Noah |
Vesper Lynd |
Le Chiffre |
King Claudius |
Edmund |
Regan |
Goneril |
Duke of Cornwall |
Alex DeLarge |
Alex's Droogs |
Billy Boy |
French Taunter |
Bridge Keeper |
Rabbit of Caerbannog |
Knights Who Say Ni |
Three-Headed Giant |
Black Beast of Argh |
Black Knight |
The Animator |
Unidentified Knight |
Travis Bickle |
Sport |
Unnamed Passenger |
John Neville |
Judge Fleming |
Overlook Hotel |
Jack Torrance |
Hotel Caretaker |
Lorraine Massey |
Nirvana |
Nirvana's Gang (PunkCut, Jiver, Stomper & Cutter) |
Agatha Hannigan |
Rooster and Lily St. Regis |
Reginald Dyer |
Nathuram Godse |
Maximillian Largo |
Fatima Blush |
Christine |
Arnie Cunningham |
John Kreese |
Cobra Kai (Johnny Lawrence, Dutch, Bobby Brown, Tommy & Jimmy) |
Gozer |
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man |
Terror Dogs (Zuul & Vinz Clortho) |
Library Ghost |
Murray Plotsky |
Central Park Thief |
Billy Chapman |
Mother Superior |
Killer Santa |
Ricky Chapman |
Lieutenant Colonel Podovsky |
Marshall Murdock |
Sergeant Yushin |
Captain Vinh |
Lieutenant Tay |
River Pirates (Trong Kinh) |
Lifer |
Ericson |
Jerry Dandridge |
Billy Cole |
Evil Ed |
B.Z. |
Space Girl |
Eric Towzer |
John Ryder |
S.A.I.N.T. |
Jareth |
Goblin Army |
Chozen Toguchi |
Sato Toguchi |
Toshio & Taro |
Louis Cyphre |
Johnny Favorite |
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman |
Private Gomer Pyle |
Door Gunner |
Faith Stewart |
Dracula |
The Mummy |
Felice Dunbar |
Oscar Baldwin |
The Blob |
Christopher Meddows |
Regine Dandrige |
Colonel Zaysen |
Sergeant Kourov |
Tomask |
Shop Assistant |
Helen Downing |
Terry Silver |
Mike Barnes |
Snake |
Dennis |
Vigo |
Janosz Poha |
Scoleri Brothers |
Bad Alien |
Alex |
Jack Merridew |
Roger |
Vilos Cohaagen (1990) |
Mars Colony Security Force (Carl Hauser, Richter, Lori, Helm, Everett, Benny & Harry) |
Dr. Edgemar |
Annie Wilkes |
Red Skull |
Valentina de Santis |
Darrin "Doughboy" Baker |
Mrs. Baker |
Officer Coffey |
Raymond Zhang |
Nigel Griffith |
Moon |
Kara |
Luis Cali |
Jack Thrope |
Carlos |
Ruiz |
Jorge |
Chains Cooper |
T-1000 |
Douglas |
Skynet |
Robert Masterson |
Varney |
Benitez |
Abigail Craven |
Tully Alford |
James Hook (1991) |
Mr. Smee (1991) |
Godzilla |
Futurians (Chuck Wilson, Grenchiko & M10) |
King Ghidorah |
Jack |
Catherine Tramell |
Roxanne 'Roxy' Hardy |
Ashoka Ghatak |
Luc Deveraux |
Andrew Scott |
Colonel Perry |
GR86 |
GR55 |
GR76 |
Wagner |
Keith Heading |
Hedra Carlson |
Count Dracula |
Brides of Dracula |
R.M. Renfield |
Colonel Nathan R. Jessup |
Jonathan Kendrick |
Matthew Markinson |
Battra |
El Cirujano |
DeSilva |
General Miguel Alvarez |
Raul Ochoa |
George Stark |
Paul McDaggett |
Urban Rehabilitators (Ōtomo & Kanemitsu) |
Mr. Lee |
Eric Qualen |
Richard Travers |
Kynette |
Delmar |
Kristel |
Ryan |
Heldon |
Mike |
Ray |
Mr. Benedict |
The Ripper |
Tony Vivaldi |
Mitch Leary |
Prince John |
Sheriff of Rottingham |
Rose Michaels |
Leland Gaunt |
John "Ace" Merrill |
Jimmy Detillo |
Jed Hill |
Koga |
Ishikawa |
Glam |
Vinnie |
Slam |
Darren |
Gerald Thomas |
Stewart Swinton |
Colonel Dugan |
Ned Randall |
Charlie |
Gabe |
Morgan |
Samuel Norton |
Byron Hadley |
Bogs Diamond |
The Sisters |
Elmo Blatch |
Cat |
Jack Harding |
J.J. |
Jimmy |
Eddy |
Leatherface |
Vilmer Slaughter |
Illuminati (Darla Slaughter, W.E. Slaughter & Rothman) |
Sawyer Family (Grandpa Sawyer) |
Joe St. George |
Fouchet |
Casper |
Ferguson |
Krank |
Diver |
Mademoiselle Bismuth |
The Octopus |
Prince Malagant |
Ralf |
Iago |
Roderigo |
Van Pelt |
Dracula |
Mark Cordell |
Cable Guy |
Agatha Trunchbull |
Harry Wormwood |
Gil Renard |
Byron De La Beckwith |
Lefty |
Nicky |
Sonny Black |
Sonny Red |
Santo Trafficante Jr. |
Philly Lucky |
Big Trin |
Buldeo |
Ultimate Evil |
Zorg Industries (Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg & Right Arm) |
Mangalores |
Edgar the Bug |
Egor Korshunov |
Andrei Kolchak |
Vladimir Krasin |
Agent Gibbs |
Boris Bazylev |
Sergei Lenski |
Igor Nevsky |
Ivan Radek |
Benjamin Willis |
Arachnids |
Peter McCabe |
Suzie Toller |
Ray Duquette |
Kelly Van Ryan |
Sam Lombardo |
Kenneth Bowden |
Mary Ann Rogers |
Lothar Zogg |
C.J. |
Carl |
Buelow |
Zed |
Klaus |
Lars |
Eric |
Zilla |
Baby Zilla |
Don Rafael Montero |
Harrison Love |
William Willis |
K. Edgar Singer |
Huxley |
Bill the Bug |
Pesties |
Smokey |
Alley Cats (Snowbell, Monty, Lucky, Red & Unnamed Gray Cat) |
S.E.T.H. |
Romeo |
Squid |
Delta |
Deacon |
William Tavington |
Diesel 10 |
Eric Knox |
Vivian Wood |
Altaaf Khan |
Hilal Kohistani |
Judith Fessbeggler |
Genus |
General Granger |
Russell Woodman |
Kalina Oretzia |
Cyrus Kriticos |
Ben Moss |
Billy Michaels |
Jimmy Gambino |
Susan LeGrow |
Royce Clayton |
Dana Newman |
Isabella Smith |
Harold Shelburne |
Margaret Shelburne |
George Markley |
Ryan Kuhn |
Horace Mahoney |
Chet Walters |
Green Goblin |
Dennis Carradine |
Harry Osborn |
J. Jonah Jameson |
Chuck Cedar |
Mac McGrath |
Serleena |
Scrad & Charlie |
Jarra |
Dog Poop |
Corn Face |
Pineal Eye |
Mosh Tendrils |
Flesh Balls |
Jeff |
Creepy |
Kylothians |
Falcon |
Devlin Bowman |
Alistair Pratt |
Jeannine Richardson |
Rico |
Rachel Wright |
Arnold Gundars |
Zhu Tam |
Colonel Idris Sadick |
Commander Terwaze |
Fulani Rebels |
Gwyneth Harridan |
Jenny |
Bruce |
T-X |
T-1 |
Johnny Tapia |
Willie Stokes |
Marcus Skidmore |
James Hook (2003) |
Mr. Smee (2003) |
Don Price |
Lucy Diamond |
Brittney Havers |
Maya King |
Julian Haynes |
Niles Dunlap |
Grigori Rasputin |
Karl Ruprecht Kroenen |
Ilsa Von Haupstein |
Sammael |
Ogdru-Jahad (Behemoth) |
Punisher |
Howard Saint |
Quentin Glass |
Livia Saint |
Jimmy Weeks |
John Saint |
The Russian |
Harry Heck |
Cutter |
Mickey Duka |
Alie El Haq |
Eddie |
Lincoln |
Warren Vandergeld |
Vandergeld Sisters |
Heath and Russ |
Doctor Octopus |
Kayako Saeki |
Toshio Saeki |
Takeo Saeki |
Brother Sum |
The Beast |
The Harpists |
Big Al |
Boogeyman |
Elena Sandoval |
Marie Clifton |
Kristen Richards |
Chad Johnson |
Jay Clifton |
Warden Hazen |
Mr. Electric |
Minus |
Nicolae Carpathia |
Count Armand |
Jacob McGivens |
Zorgons |
Robot |
Bill Sikes |
Fagin |
Mr. Bumble |
Elite Hunting (Natalya, Svetlana and Alexi, Vala, Desk Clerk Jedi & The Butcher) |
Clients (Dutch Businessman, American Client & German Surgeon) |
Bubblegum Gang |
Hatsumomo |
Wendell Hatch |
Jerry McDowell |
Calvin Sims |
Mr. Walken |
Rosco |
Bruno |
Herod Sayle |
Mr. Grin |
Nadia Vole |
Yassen Gregorovich |
Concussion |
Carver |
Aubrey Davis |
Mrs. Kawamata |
Vanessa Cassidy |
Trish Kimble |
Le Chiffre |
Quantum (Mr. White, Steven Obanno, Alex Dimitrios, Adolph Gettler, Valenka, Kratt, Mollaka Danso, Carlos Nikolic & Leo) |
Dryden |
Fisher |
Venom |
Sandman |
Beth Salinger |
Axelle |
Todd and Stuart |
Sasha Rassimov |
Roman |
Mrs. Bathory |
Cannibal Client |
Douglas Norquist |
Jigsaw |
James Russoti |
Carmine Gazzera |
Ink |
Maginty |
Lance Warner |
Camp Canola (Robert Jeffrey Warner) |
Fatoush |
Grant Walbridge |
Salim Yousfobdal |
Derek Huff |
Ted Jones |
Budlofsky |
Matheson |
Dominic Greene |
Greene Planet (Elvis & Edmund Slate) |
General Medrano |
Colonel Carlos |
Gregg Beam |
Lieutenant Orso |
Craig Mitchell |
Yusef Kabira |
Guy Haines |
Marchetti Pilot |
Gregor Karakov |
Moishe Soref |
Carol Brazier |
Carl Anheuser |
Veck Simms |
James Kent |
O'Leary |
Richard Nixon |
Congressman Monroe James |
Rafelli |
Chicago Wind |
Fiendish Dr. Wu |
The Tornado |
Naoko Kamawata |
Serena Kogan |
Koobus Venter |
Piet Smit |
Obesandjo |
Commander Topov |
Robert Colin |
Zombies |
Corporal Gallo |
George Stuben |
Linda Dobson |
Brandi Cox |
Rachel Thomas |
Carson Wheetly |
Master Li |
Cheng |
Liang |
Zhuang |
Song |
Ted Winter |
Roger Wesley |
David Ershon |
Piranhas |
Derrick Jones |
Benjamin Chudnofsky |
Frank Scanlon |
Lipstick-Face Demon |
Long Haired Fiend |
Doll Girl |
The Dancing Boy |
The Bride in Black |
Justin Epstein |
Racist Cops |
Street Gang |
Marco |
Don Luis |
William Woogard |
Genarro Rizzo |
Shane |
Stephanie |
Gargamel (2011) |
Azrael (2011) |
Robert Ledgard |
Vera Cruz |
Zeca Ledgard |
Marilla Ledgard |
Fulgencio |
Mike Morris |
Edward de Vere |
Boris the Animal |
Weasel |
Lilly |
Obadiah Price |
Mr. Wu |
Boglodites |
Agent Gorman |
Old Joe |
Martin Vanger |
Gottfried Vanger |
Vilos Cohaagen (2012) |
United Federation of Britain (Carl Hauser, Lori, Harry & Police Synthetics) |
Lizard |
Gustav Fiers |
Cash Register Thief |
Norman Osborn |
Raoul Silva |
Patrice |
Severine |
Boat Captain |
Calvin Candie |
Stephen |
Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly |
Butch Pooch |
Billy Crash |
Big Daddy Bennet |
Brittle Brothers |
Speck Brothers |
Stonesipher |
The Regulators |
Leonide Moguy |
Bill Sharp |
Old Man Carrucan |
Smitty Bacall |
Satan |
Danny McBride |
Jonah Hill |
Demons |
Ursa |
Skrel |
Eli Raphelson |
Martin Walker |
Emil Stenz |
Skip Tyler |
Muriel Walker |
Frat Boy Andy |
Vexy and Hackus |
Carrie White |
Margaret White |
Mortimer Snerds (Chris Hargensen) |
Billy Nolan |
Tina Blake |
Raymond Sellars |
OmniCorp (Rick Mattox, Tom Pope & Liz Kline) |
Antoine Vallon |
Karen Dean |
Thomas King |
Quinta Corvus |
Marcus Proculus |
Electro |
Green Goblin |
Donald Menken |
Rhino |
Ashley Kafka |
Felicia Hardy |
Vladimir Pushkin |
Nicolai Itchenko |
Slavi |
Agent Kruger |
Jessica Delacourt |
John Carlyle |
Guy Danlily |
Colleen Hannigan |
Annie's Fake Parents |
Jungler |
Gretchen Palmer |
Vincent Moore |
Hippo |
Amerika |
Ninja |
Yolandi |
Vincent Sofel |
Donkey Kong |
Pac-Man |
Eddie Plant |
Lady Lisa |
Slappy the Dummy |
Monsters (Giant Praying Mantis, Will Blake, Lawn Gnomes, Madame Doom, Brent Green, Haunted Car, Count Nightwing, The Haunted Mask, Igor, Headless Horseman, Nila Rahmad, Grim Reaper & Bride of Frankenstein) |
Ernst Stavro Blofeld |
SPECTRE (Max Denbigh, Mr. Hinx, Marco Sciarra, Moreau, Dr. Vogel, Guerra, Abrika, Marshall, Valerian, Lorenzo, Gallo, Francesco & Marco |
Rhonda George |
Norman Nordstrom |
Hugo Vega |
Caesar Braga |
Rowan North |
Mayhem |
Martin Heiss |
Electrocuted Ghost |
Gertrude Aldridge |
Anna Walsh |
Bartholomew Bogue |
McCann |
Denali |
Francis Begbie |
Sick Boy |
Vulture |
Bestman Salvage (Tinkerer, Shocker #1, Shocker #2 & Randy Vale) |
Mac Gargan |
Aaron Davis |
Jason Van Horn |
Bats |
Darling |
Eddie No-Nose |
Griff |
Doc |
Wallace Corporation (Niander Wallace & Luv) |
Russel Van Pelt |
Tommy Madigan |
Camilla Salander |
Jan Holtser |
Dave York |
Thomas McGregor |
Mr. McGregor |
Mrs. McGregor |
James Tod |
Slender Man |
Eddie Brock/Venom |
Carlton Drake/Riot |
Life Foundation (Roland Treece) |
Cletus Kasady |
High-T |
The Twins |
Riza Stavros |
Luca Brasi |
The Hive |
Mysterio |
Mysterio's Crew (William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutes Guterman, Janice Lincoln, & Doug) |
Elementals (Molten Man, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Cyclone & Elemental Fusion) |
John Bosley |
Hodak |
Alexander Brock |
Jurgen the Brutal |
Fiona Landers |
Melinda Landers |
Sam Landers |
Isabel Aretas |
Armando Armas |
Melanie Cole |
Dr. Emil Harting |
Jimmy Dalton |
Marcus Tibbs |
Barnabas |
Samuel Whiskers |
Tom Kitten |
Mitten |
Raylan |
Carnage |
Shriek |
Kasady Family |
Ivo Shandor |
Mariah |
Janek |
Sadie Deever |
Braddock |
Santiago Moncada |
Michael Morbius |
Milo Morbius |
White Death |
Lemon |
Tangerine |
The Prince |
The Hornet |
The Wolf |
Walter Deville |
Mr. Grumps
Ten Rings Mandarin |
Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar |
Abu Bakaar |
Ahmed |
Omar |
Ten Rings Agent |
Jackson Norriss |
HYDRA Buyer |
Death Dealer |
Razor Fist |
Gao Lei
The Pride Jonah |
Leslie Dean |
Tina Minoru |
Robert Minoru |
Geoffrey Wilder |
Catherine Wilder |
Victor Stein |
Janet Stein |
Dale Yorkes |
Stacey Yorkes
Others Iron Monger |
Samuel Sterns |
Tough Guy Leader |
Whiplash |
Anton Vanko |
The Destroyer |
Georgi Luchkov |
Herman |
White Power Dave |
The Collector |
Garthan Saal |
Moloka Dar |
Monstrous Inmate |
Ultron |
Ultron Sentinels |
Ulysses Klaue |
Yellowjacket |
Helmut Zemo |
Karl Mordo |
Dormammu |
Abilisk |
Mac Gargan |
Aaron Davis |
Erik Killmonger |
W'Kabi |
Linbani |
Linda |
Dave |
N'Jobu |
Ghost |
Bill Foster |
Elihas Starr |
Akihiko |
J. Jonah Jameson |
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine |
Camilla Reyes |
Franklin Hall |
Lorelei |
Marcus Daniels |
Christian Ward |
Jakob Nystrom |
Lash |
Katya Belyakov |
Johann Fennhoff |
Turk Barrett |
Bill Fisk |
Lash |
Whitney Frost |
Kilgrave |
Will Simpson |
Dorothy Walker |
Audrey Eastman |
Diamondback |
Cottonmouth |
Black Mariah |
Shades |
Eli Morrow |
Lucy Bauer |
Harold Meachum |
Jim Pierce |
Maximus |
Lewis Wilson |
Tony Gnucci |
Lance |
Paulie |
Leo |
Frank Dean |
Darius Davis |
Detective Flores |
Graviton |
Grill |
Samuel Voss |
Alisa Jones |
Karl Malus |
Pryce Cheng |
Detective Connors |
Bushmaster |
Steel Serpent |
Typhoid Mary |
Rosalie Carbone |
Frank Dean |
Darius Davis |
Detective Flores |
Topher |
Anthony Wall/AWOL |
Anderson Schultz |
John Pilgrim |
Eliza Schultz |
Krista Dumont |
D'Spayre |
Mayhem |
Lia Dewan |
Izel |
Shrike |
Id Simmons |
Trish Walker |
Gregory Sallinger |
Nathaniel Malick |
Kora |
Marduk Helstrom |
Kthara |
Basar |
Magoth |
Raum |
Agatha Harkness |
Tyler Hayward |
Sharon Carter |
Alioth |
Khonshu |
Anton Mogart |
Wendy Spector |
Ribbon Demon |
Gargantos |
Gorr the God Butcher |
Zeus |
Black Berserkers |
Rapu |
Comics Abomination |
Abominatrix |
Absorbing Man |
Adolf Hitler |
Agony |
A.I.M. |
Air-Walker |
Alkhema |
Aleksander Lukin |
Alistair Smythe |
Amatsu-Mikaboshi |
Amora |
Anaconda |
Annihilus |
Ani-Men |
Answer |
Apocalypse |
Arcade |
Ares |
Arnim Zola |
Atlas |
Attuma |
Avalanche |
Awesome Android |
Badoon |
Barracuda |
Baron Blood |
Baron Mordo |
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker |
Baron Zemo |
Basilisk |
Batroc |
Beetle |
Beyonder |
Bi-Beast |
Black Knight |
Blackout |
Black Order |
Black Cat |
Black Mamba |
Black Talon |
Black Widow |
Blackie Drago |
Blastaar |
Blitzkrieg |
Blizzard |
Blob |
Blood Brothers |
Bombshell |
Boomerang |
Brothers Grimm |
Brotherhood of Evil Mutants |
Bulldozer |
Bullseye |
Burglar |
Bushmaster |
Bushwacker |
Cache |
Cannibals (Marvel Universe Vs) |
Carnage |
Carrion |
Calypso |
Celestials |
Centurion |
Chameleon |
Chance |
Chemistro |
Chester Goudal |
Chitauri |
Collector |
Colonel Ross Whittaker |
Commander Kraken |
Constrictor |
Corruptor |
Cottonmouth |
Count Nefaria |
Cowled Commander |
Crime-Master |
Crimson Dynamo |
Crimson Widow |
Cristu Bulat |
Crossbones |
Crossfire |
D'Spayre |
Daken |
Damage |
Daniel Whitehall |
Dark Avengers |
Dark Elves |
Deadpool |
Deathbird |
Deathurge |
Death Adder |
Deke Wainscroft |
Demogoblin |
Diablo |
Diamondback |
Doctor Doom |
Doctor Faustus |
Doctor Octopus |
Doctor Spectrum |
Dormammu |
Dracula |
Dreadknight |
Druig |
Eddie Brock |
Eel |
Egghead |
Ego the Living Planet |
Electro |
Elementals |
Elements of Doom |
Enclave |
Enforcers |
Equinox |
Exodus |
Ezekiel Stane |
Fabian Cortez |
Famine |
Fin Fang Foom |
Finn Cooley |
Firelord |
Fixer |
Fold |
Frost |
Frost Giants |
Frightful Four |
Galactus |
Gargantus |
Garthan Saal |
Ghost |
Giganto |
Goliath |
Gladiator |
Godzilla |
Grand Director |
Grandmaster |
Grant Ward |
Graviton |
Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) |
Grey Gargoyle |
Grey Goblin |
Griffin |
Grim Reaper |
Grizzly |
Growing Man |
Grotesk |
Hammerhead |
Hand |
Hazmat |
Hela |
Hera |
Herr Kleiser |
Heinz Kruger |
High Evolutionary |
Hitman |
Hive |
Horsemen of Apocalypse |
Hobgoblin |
Hood |
Hydro-Man |
Immortus |
Impossible Man |
Inner Demons |
Ironclad |
Iron Monger |
Jackal |
J. Jonah Jameson |
Jack O' Lantern |
Jester |
Jigsaw |
Johnny Ohm |
Jonas Hambleton |
Jormungandr |
Juggernaut |
Justin Hammer |
Kaine |
Kang the Conqueror |
Killer Shrike |
King Cobra |
Kingpin |
Klaw |
Knull |
Korath the Pursuer |
Korvac |
Kraven the Hunter |
Kree |
Kristoff Vernard |
Lady Deathstrike |
The Leader |
Lightmaster |
Living Brain |
Living Laser |
Living Monolith |
Lizard |
Loki Laufeyson |
Lucia Von Bardas |
Ma Gnucci |
Machinesmith |
Mad Pharaoh |
Mad Thinker |
Madame Masque |
Madame Viper |
Madcap |
Madelyne Pryor |
Maelstrom |
Maestro |
Maginty |
Magneto |
Magus |
The Maker |
Malekith the Accursed |
Man-Ape |
Mandarin |
Mandrill |
Man-Spider |
Man-Wolf |
Master Man |
Master Pandemonium |
Masters of Evil |
Masked Marauder |
Maximus the Mad |
Medusa |
Melter |
Menace |
Mentallo |
Mercurio the 4-D Man |
Mesmero |
Mephisto |
Mister Fear |
Mister Hyde |
Mister Negative |
Mister Payback |
Mister Sinister |
M.O.D.A.M. |
M.O.D.O.K. |
Mojo |
Molecule Man |
Mole Man |
Molten Man |
Monica Rappaccinni |
Moonstone |
Morbius the Living Vampire |
Morgan le Fay |
Moses Magnum |
Mystique |
Mysterio |
Namor |
Nebula |
Nekra |
Nicky Cavella |
Nightmare |
Nightshade |
Niles Van Roekel |
Nicky Cavella |
Omega Red |
Onslaught |
Orka |
Overdrive |
Owl |
Paladin |
Phalanx |
Phil Urich |
Piledriver |
Pluto |
Presence |
Princess Python |
Proctor |
Psycho-Man |
Punisher |
Puppet Master |
Puma |
Purple Man |
Quasimodo |
Quicksand |
Quicksilver |
Radioactive Man |
Ragnarok |
Ramrod |
Rattler |
Reavers |
Red Ghost |
Red Skull |
Reverend Samuel Smith |
Rhino |
Rhino II |
The Rose |
Ringer |
Ringmaster |
Riot |
Ronan the Accuser |
Roxxon |
Sabretooth |
Sandman |
Säurespritze |
Sauron |
Savage Land Mutates |
Scarecrow |
Scarlet Witch |
Scorcher |
Scorpion |
Screaming Mimi |
Sebastian Shaw |
Secret Empire |
Selene Gallio |
Sentinels |
Sentry 459 |
Serpent Society |
Shriek |
Shocker |
Shockwave |
Sidewinder |
Silver Sable |
Sin |
Sinister Six |
Skaar |
Skeleton Crew |
Skrulls |
Skurge |
Slug |
Space Phantom |
Spider-Man Revenge Squad |
Spider-Slayers |
Spot |
Squadron Sinister |
Stranger |
Street |
Sunstroke |
Superia |
Super-Adaptoid |
Super-Apes |
Super Patriot |
Super-Skrull |
Supreme Intelligence |
Superia |
Surtur |
Swarm |
Swordsman |
Symbiotes |
Tarantula |
Taskmaster |
Technovore |
Temugin |
Ten Rings |
Terminus |
Thanos |
Thorr Odinson |
Thunderball |
Thunderbolts |
Thunderbolt Ross |
Thundersword |
Tiger Shark |
Tinkerer |
Titania |
Titanium Man |
Toad |
Tombstone |
Trapster |
Trick Shot |
Terrax the Tamer |
Typhoid Mary |
Tyrannus |
U-Foes |
Ulik |
Ultimus |
Ultron |
Unicorn |
Universal Church of Truth |
Uranos |
Vapor |
Vector |
Venom |
Vermin |
Vulture |
Walrus |
Warlord Krang |
Whiplash |
Whirlwind |
White Rabbit |
Will-O'-The-Wisp |
Winter Soldier |
Wizard |
Wonder Man |
Wrecker |
Worthy |
X-Ray |
Yellow Claw |
Ymir |
Yon-Rogg |
Zahnmörder |
Zodiac |
Zombie Giant-Man |
Zombie Sentry |
Movies Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2: Herr Kleiser | Chitauri Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow: Ultron The Avengers: Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri (The Other & Leviathans) | HYDRA (Gideon Malick & Jasper Sitwell) | Georgi Luchkov | Thanos Avengers: Age of Ultron: Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | HYDRA (Wolfgang von Strucker, List, Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver) | Ulysses Klaue | Madame B | Chitauri (Leviathans) | Thanos Avengers: Infinity War: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Chitauri & Leviathans) | Red Skull | The Collector | Loki Laufeyson | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Thunderbolt Ross Avengers: Endgame: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Sakaaran Mercenaries, Chitauri, Leviathans & Chitauri Gorillas) | HYDRA/STRIKE (Red Skull, Alexander Pierce, Crossbones, Jasper Sitwell & Jack Rollins) | Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Kraglin Obfonteri | Dark Elves | Thunderbolt Ross | Akihiko
Television The Avengers: United They Stand Ultron | Kang the Conqueror | Swordsman | Ringmaster | Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Absorbing Man, Boomerang, Moonstone, Tiger Shark & Whirlwind) | Attuma | Zodiac (Taurus & Scorpio) | Egghead | Scarlet Witch | Grim Reaper | Quicksilver | Namor | Doctor Doom | Baron Strucker | HYDRA | A.I.M. | Black Knight | The Collector
The Super Hero Squad Show Doctor Doom | Mole Man | Fin Fang Foom | Abomination | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | M.O.D.O.K | Klaw | Toad | Melter | Dormammu | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Pyro | Whirlwind | Zzzax | Enchantress | Baron Mordo | Punisher | Egghead | Ringmaster | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Trapster | Mystique | Impossible Man | The Leader | Mad Thinker | Skurge | Crimson Dynamo | Batroc the Leaper | Loki Laufeyson | Magneto | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | HYDRA (Red Skull , Arnim Zola & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | Galactus | Terrax the Tamer | Firelord | Stardust | Thanos | Kree | Ego the Living Planet | Grandmaster | Annihilus | Nebula | Ronan the Accuser | Nightmare | Ultron | Dark Surfer | Sentinels | Dracula | High Evolutionary | Screaming Mimi
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes HYDRA (Red Skull, Baron Von Strucker, Grim Reaper, Arnim Zola, Doughboy & Madame Viper) | Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Enchantress, Skurge, Chemistro, Abomination, Crimson Dynamo & Grey Gargoyle) | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K) | Kree Empire (Supreme Intelligence, Colonel Yon-Rogg & Ronan the Accuser) | Absorbing Man | Klaw | Ultron | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | Red Hulk | Frost Giants (Loki Laufeyson & Ymir) | Technovore | Bi-Beast | The Leader | Whirlwind | Kang the Conqueror | Man-Ape | Malice | Mad Thinker | Mandrill | Graviton | Fenris Wolf | Lucia Von Bardas | Zzzax | Blizzard | Constrictor | Griffin | Living Laser | Whiplash | King Cobra | Magneto | Wendigo | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Ulik | Malekith the Accursed | Hela | Doctor Doom | Surtur | Glenn Talbot | Winter Soldier | J. Jonah Jameson | Destroyer | Annihilus | Purple Man | Galactus | Firelord | Stardust | Terrax the Tamer | Red Ghost | Super-Apes | Mandarin | Bushmaster | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, X-Ray & Ironclad) | Crossfire | Serpent Society | Rattler | Death Adder | Anaconda | Air-Walker
Avengers Assemble HYDRA/A.I.M. (Red Skull, M.O.D.O.K, Blood Brothers, Grim Reaper, Crossbones & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | J. Jonah Jameson | Doctor Doom | Ulik | Impossible Man | Dracula | Attuma | Hyperion | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | Destroyer | Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri | Justin Hammer | Mojo | Galactus | Ringmaster | Black Order (Thanos) | Hela | Winter Soldier | Nighthawk | Zarda | Crimson Dynamo | Radioactive Man | Zzzax | Dormammu | Ultron | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, X-Ray & Ironclad) | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Absorbing Man | Titania | Whirlwind | Fin Fang Foom | Maximus | Medusa | Masters of Evil/Thunderbolts (Baron Zemo, Beetle, Screaming Mimi, Moonstone, Fixer & Goliath) | Klaw | Ghost | A.I.M. (Kang the Conqueror, Whiplash & Spymaster) | Abomination | Kree Empire | Egghead | The Leader | Crimson Widow | Arnim Zola | Enchantress | Skurge | Typhoid Mary | Ares | Taskmaster | Doughboy | Ulik | Beyonder | Baron Mordo | Symbiotes | Morgan le Fey | Tiger Shark | Erik Killmonger | Princess Zanda | Man-Ape | Madame Masque | Kraven the Hunter | Vulture | Orka
Reboot Duology The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard | Rajit Ratha | Gustav Fiers | Cash Register Thief | Norman Osborn The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Electro | Green Goblin | Donald Menken | Rhino | Alistair Smythe | Ashley Kafka | Felicia Hardy | Gustav Fiers | Norman Osborn
Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man: Homecoming: Bestman Salvage (Vulture, Tinkerer, Shocker #1, Shocker #2 & Randy Vale) | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis Spider-Man: Far From Home: Mysterio's Crew (Mysterio, William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutes Guterman, Janice Lincoln, & Doug, Shanice) | Elementals (Molten Man, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Cyclone & Elemental Fusion) | Skrulls (Talos) | Obadiah Stane | J. Jonah Jameson Spider-Man: No Way Home: Earth-96283 (Green Goblin, Sandman & Doctor Octopus (His Tentacles) | Earth-120703 (Electro & Lizard) | J. Jonah Jameson | Sadie Deever | Venom | Mysterio
Spider-Verse Series Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Prowler | Tombstone | Scorpion | Green Goblin | Lizard | Jonathan Ohnn Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Spot | Lizard | Aaron Davis | Prowler | Anomalies (Vulture, Doctor Octopus, Typeface, Mysterio, Green Goblin, Rhino & Kraven the Hunter)
Television Spider-Man (1967) Vulture | Green Goblin | Electro | Rhino | Mysterio | Doctor Octopus | Scorpion | Human Fly | Kingpin | Lizard | Spider-Slayer | Sandman | Dr. Matto Magneto | Enforcers (Cowboy & Ox) | Frederick Foswell | Mole Man | J. Jonah Jameson
Spider-Man (1981) Doctor Doom | Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Lizard | Black Cat | Sandman | Silvermane | Magneto | Mysterio | Ringmaster | Green Goblin | Sidewinder | Kraven the Hunter | Red Skull | Chameleon | Vulture | Hammerhead | Wizard | Medusa
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981) Green Goblin | Kraven the Hunter | Doctor Doom | Swarm | Chameleon | Electro | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Blob, Toad, and Mastermind) | Mysterio | Loki Laufeyson | Ymir | Mordred | Kingpin | Doctor Faustus | Red Skull | Juggernaut | Shocker | Sandman | Dracula | Scorpion | Beetle | Doctor Octopus | A.I.M.
Spider-Man: The Animated Series Kingpin | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn & Harry Osborn) | Hobgoblin | Venom | Vanessa Fisk | Richard Fisk | Silvermane | Insidious Six (Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Rhino, Mysterio, Chameleon, Shocker, and Vulture) | Black Cat | Lizard | Morbius | Spider-Carnage | Spider-Slayers (Alistair Smythe | Carnage | Baron Mordo | Dormammu | Silver Sable | Hydro-Man | Prowler | Doctor Doom | Red Skull | Electro | Hammerhead | Tombstone | Punisher | Kraven the Hunter | Calypso | Herbert Landon | Jackal | Owl | Spot | Beyonder | J. Jonah Jameson | Spider-Carnage | Hobgoblin (Earth-98311) | Green Goblin (Earth-98311) | Carnage (Earth-98311)
Animated Television Duke Sigmund Igthorn |
Ogres |
Crocosaurus |
Flintheart Glomgold |
Magica De Spell |
Beagle Boys (Ma Beagle) |
Stan and Heff |
Fat Cat's Gang (Fat Cat) |
Norton Nimnul |
Aldrin Klordane |
Baby Thaddeus |
Ratso Ratzkiwatzki |
Evil Manta |
The Sorceress |
Lobster Mobster and Da Shrimp |
Mozenrath |
Mirage |
Mechanicles |
The Collector (Bonkers) |
Demona |
David Xanatos |
Kent Powers |
Henry Villanova |
The Green-Eyed Monster of Jealousy |
Ivy DeVil |
Judge Dimsdale De Vil |
Lawson's Crew (Erwin Lawson |
Randall Weems |
Greg Skeens |
Swinger Girl |
Kurst the Worst |
Menlo) |
The Ashleys (Ashley Armbruster |
Ashley Boulet |
Ashley Quinlan |
Ashley Tomassian) |
Gelman |
Conrad Mundy |
Tad White |
James Stone |
Dr. Slicer |
Gilda |
Mayor Phillip Fitzhugh |
SAL 3000 |
DeSilvo |
Earl Raymond |
Cousin Zeke |
Al Roker |
Chuckles |
Skeleton King |
Mandarin |
Valeena |
Dark Ones (Dark One Worm) |
The Formless |
Huntsman |
Huntsgirl |
Dark Dragon |
Dr. Bedlam |
Carl the Evil Cockroach Wizard |
Night Master |
Coop |
Eradicus |
Eradicus' Minions
(Ella Mental |
Indestructo-Bob |
Rubber Chucky |
Mollecu-Lars) |
Heinz Doofenshmirtz |
Norm |
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz |
Lucius Heinous VII |
Kendall Perkins |
Brad Buttowski |
Brianna Buttowski |
Harold Buttowski |
Brick Bristol |
Bill Cipher |
Li'l Gideon |
Stanley Pines |
Abraham Kane |
Donald Duck's Raw Anger |
Jordan Buttsquat |
Suzi |
Lord Dominator |
Lord Hater |
Commander Peepers |
Rippen |
Toffee |
Ludo |
Meteora Butterfly |
Mina Loveberry |
Solaria Butterfly |
Tom Lucitor |
Commander Heist |
Lazlo |
Zhan Tiri |
Lady Caine |
Varian |
King Edmund |
Cassandra |
Bradford Buzzard |
Flintheart Glomgold (2017) |
Magica De Spell (2017) |
General Lunaris |
Obake |
Diane Amara |
Noodle Burger Boy |
Globby |
Chris |
High Voltage |
Baron Von Steamer |
Momakase |
Mel Meyer |
Mad Jacks |
Trina |
Hardlight |
Chip Whistler |
Gwendolyn Zapp |
Hunter De Vil |
Cuddles |
Clarissa Corgi |
Portia Poodle |
Canal Crew (Fergus, Sid Squirrel & Big Fee) |
Bessie the Cornish Cow |
King Andrias |
Captain Grime |
Sasha Waybright |
The Core |
King Aldrich |
Emperor Belos |
Hunter |
Lilith Clawthorne |
The Collector (The Owl House) |
Infinity Ultron |
The Ghost Council |
The Chairman |
The Barrister Ghosts |
Lady Rancora |
Live-Action TV Miss Hendra |
Victoria Kayne |
Gorog |
Dominic |
Evil Alex |
Dr. Evilini |
The Mummy |
Ronald Longcape Jr. |
Penelope |
Kaita |
Lanny Parker |
King Kalakai/Yamakoshi |
Zadoc |
Farhog the Fierce |
Lexi Reed |
Susan Skidmore |
Sally Jensen |
Sensei Ty |
Rhoda Chesterfield |
Creepy Connie Thompson |
Darla Shannon |
Madeline |
Bryn Beitbart |
McD |
Brooke |
Victor Krane |
Douglas Davenport |
Marcus Davenport |
Giselle Vickers |
Taylor Krane |
Sebastian Krane |
Principal Perry |
Ludmila Ferró |
Jade & Matias LaFontaine |
Gregorio Casal |
Gery López |
Priscila Ferró |
Clément Galán |
Esmeralda Di Pietro |
Milton Vinicius |
Crash Bernstein |
Helga Rooney |
Missy Bradford |
Dawn Buckets |
Laughy Cat |
Brad & Brads |
Agent Johnson |
Brett Willis |
Zane Willis |
Mitch Bishop |
Janet Smythe |
Sebastian |
Cyd Ripley |
Gladys |
Hazel Swearengen |
Dr. Sharon Chen |
Ámbar Smith |
Sharon Benson |
Rey Gutiérrez |
Benicio |
Red Sharks (Gary López) |
Emilia |
Ramiro Ponce |
Matteo Balsano
Literature King Nicholas
Video Games Mizrabel |
Oswald Gardner |
Admiral Evar |
Cogs |
Herbert P. Bear |
Atticus Thorn |
Foxy Loxy |
Goosey Loosey |
Jolly Roger |
Shadow Blot |
False Shadow Blot |
Shorts Peg Leg Pete |
Donald Duck |
Kat Nipp |
Old Man Tree |
Skeletons |
Grim Reaper |
Mad Doctor |
Demon Cats |
Gustav the Giant |
Lonesome Ghosts |
H. U. Hennessy |
Witch |
Pluto's Devil |
Ben Buzzard |
Zeke Midas Wolf |
Izzy Wolf |
The Three Little Wolves |
Boogeymen |
Captain Katt |
Mortimer Mouse |
Butch the Bulldog |
Foxy Loxy |
Ajax Gorilla |
Beppo Gorilla |
Witch Hazel |
Adolf Hitler |
Nazi School Teacher |
Little Hans |
Julius |
Dr. Frankenollie |
Grace Goodwin |
Molly |
Comics Phantom Blot |
Trudy Van Tubb |
Doctor Vulter |
Solego the Chaos God |
Arpine Lusène |
Monsieur Molay |
Azure Blue |
Lawyer Sharky |
Eli Squinch |
Sylvester Shyster |
Fantomius |
Inquinator |
Spectrus |
Raghor |
Zafire |
Newton |
The Raider |
Emil Eagle |
Sr. X |
X-1, X-2 and X-3 |
Professor Nefarious |
Fliplip, Sidney and Armadillo |
Neighbor Jones |
Anacleto Faina |
Anacleto Mitragli |
Beagle Boys |