Antagonists Wiki
Villainess Overview

~ Morag furiously letting out her hatred of the Loud family.
All I wanted was my peace and quiet... AND I WILL HAVE IT!
~ Morag's villainous breakdown and her most famous quote.
The joke's on you, you scaly, putrid lummox! You gave me my peace and quiet! (Seals barking) What? No! No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
~ Morag's last words in the film as she is dropped on a island full of noisy seals by Lela the Dragon.

Morag is the main antagonist of Nickelodeon's 35th non-theatrical feature film The Loud House Movie.

She is a member of a Scottish family who has been rivals with the Loud Family. She is the former caretaker of Loch Loud Castle, a descendant of Aggie, former friend of Angus and the Loud Family. She is also Lincoln's arch-nemesis.

She was voiced by Michelle Gomez, who also voiced Cruella De Vil in 101 Dalmatian Street and also portrayed both Missy (short for Mistress) in Doctor Who and Madame Satan in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.



Not much is known about Morag's past, except that she was a member of an unnamed Scottish family, and the descendant of Aggie, the castle caretaker before her who got rid of the Louds in order to have peace and quiet.


Morag first appears when she gets out of the bathtub to get dressed, as she welcomes the Loud family to Loch Loud Castle. After just a few days of interaction with the Louds, she's driven to the point of shouting out her hate on a far away cliff and digging up her ancestor's journal and learning her methods of controlling the family dragon Lela. When a special occasion was as going on, she brainwash Lela the dragon into cause trouble and frame Lincoln for wrecking the town. While the Louds are preparing to leave, she feed Lela trash to grow it into a full adult and brainwash her again in preparation to make her ascension to the throne indisputable.

When the Loud family was about to leave, she becomes the duchess of Loch Loud and tried to destroy the Loch Loud village with Brainwashed Lela to drive everyone away while she was taking a bath. Before she can succeed in her plans to get her peace and quiet, the Loud kids lures her out so Lincoln could get on top of the brainwashed Lela by getting the royal scepter and Dragon Stone from her.

Lincoln and Morag fight over the staff as they end up crashing into the castle. The Louds and Angus catches up to Lincoln, but Morag manages to get them surrounded with Lela. Now instead of sending them away, she is about to kill them, but Lincoln jumps in front holding the crown to defend his family, knowing Morag won't destroy the crown while he's holding it. Lincoln runs with the crown to distract Morag as they get cut off from the Louds.

With nowhere left to run, Morag demands Lincoln to give her the crown, but he stands up to Morag by telling her that she'll never be the duchess, no matter how many crowns she puts on. Enraged Morag tells Lincoln that he'll not be special which say earlier to make him feel weak, but Lincoln tells her that she is wrong as he makes fun of her to use all the magic tricks which Clyde told him earlier.

Just about having enough of Lincoln, Morag prepares to order Lela to kill him, but turns out Lincoln was distracting her so Lily can get the jewel and replace it with a burrito, having Morag completely outsmarted and Lela freed from her spell as she finally destroys the gem with her fire breath, ending her reign over Loch Loud before it could truly begin and destroying Aggie's evil legacy for good. When Morag angrily tries to steal the crown directly from Lincoln's hands, but they fell of the cliff only to be saved by Lela, and for her gets tossed into a bush. After Lincoln crowns Angus the new duke, Morag climbs out of the bush to witness this and show pure disgust towards everyone. Lela then carries Morag far away by throwing her into an island full of noisy seals resembling the Loud family, much to her shock and annoyance.

In the end credits, it was revealed that Morag was rescued from the island by Angus with the ghostly Loud ancestors holding her strictly as the new groundskeeper as punishment for her crimes against Loch Loud and its people, with Lela keeping a close watch over her, much to her frustration. Morag will spend the rest of her life as a servant to Angus and the Loud ancestors which will never get a chance at revenge on Lincoln, his family or have peace and quiet again.


Morag is a ruthless, selfish, manipulative woman who shows no remorse nor regards for others. This is shown with how she treats Angus like nothing when he treats her as a friend, uses the dragon Lela to destroy Loch Loud, tricks the Loud family into almost leaving Scotland, and then later attempts to kill them with Lela when they try to stop her plans. Even though most of them are teenagers and children, this shows that she does not care for the lives of children either. In conclusion, she is undoubtedly an evil and immoral person. She also states she would be a fool to apologize, showing she only cares about herself. Despite her intellect she really was a fool to believe that she’d be duchess for being evil, thus she may known the Loud family's ancestors but she barely even knows Lincoln and his family, making a snap judgment of them instead of taking the time to know them like Angus did.

Despite her cruel nature, she does genuinely loves her ancestor Aggie, as she looks up to, and was horrified when her portrait was ruined.


Morag is a short Scottish woman about the size of Lincoln and Lynn. She has abnormally large dark dull brown hair with gray streaks usually kept in a high bun and thick dark eyebrows. She wears a dark sap green coat over a dull blue dress with a white neck cuff, black fishnet tights, and red high-heeled boots. Perhaps her most notable part of her appearance, however, is her ridiculously fat bottom, which she is very proud and prideful of and is constantly showing off.

During her musical number "The Duchess I Must Be", Morag wears a dark sap green duchess gown that consists of a white ruffled collar, a gold chain around her waist, a white lace on the neckline and end of her sleeves. Her hair is stylized into horns.


  • Morag is Michelle Gomez's second villainous animated role, with Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmatian Street being her first.
  • Morag is the third Nickelodeon Movies animated main antagonist to be female after Siri and Coco LaBouche.
  • Michelle Gomez worked with David Tennant previously in the DuckTales reboot episode The Fight for Castle McDuck!
    • Similarly, David Tennant portrayed The 10th Doctor in Doctor Who and Michelle Gomez voiced Missy, the female incarnation of The Master.

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           Nickelodeon 2009 logo Villains

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See Also
Avatar: The Last Airbender Villains | Barnyard Villains | Breadwinners Villains | CatDog Villains | Danny Phantom Villains | Doug Villains | Henry Danger Villains | Hey Arnold! Villains | Invader Zim Villains | Jimmy Neutron Villains | Monster High Villains | My Life as a Teenage Robot Villains | Nick Jr. Villains | Nickelodeon All Star Brawl Villains | Rocko's Modern Life Villains | Rugrats and All Grown Up! Villains | SpongeBob SquarePants Villains | T.U.F.F. Puppy Villains | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains | The Fairly OddParents Villains | The Loud House and The Casagrandes Villains | The Wild Thornberrys Villains

           Nickelodeon Movies 2020 Print Villains

Animated Features
Angelica Pickles | Scar Snout | Circus Monkeys | Coco LaBouche | Jean-Claude | Robosnail | Ninja | King Goobot V | Ooblar | Poultra | Future Tech Industries (Mr. Scheck, Nick Vermicelli & Future Tech Guards) Helga Pataki | Robert Pataki | Sloan Blackburn | Bree Blackburn | Poachers | Fluffy | Siri | Tiger | Crocagator | Plankton | Karen Plankton | Patrick Star | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs | Mrs. Puff | Dennis | Cyclops | Victor | Boat Jacker | The Thug Tug Gang | The Frogfish | Dag | Nora Beady | Snotty Boy | Coyotes | Mayor Tortoise John | Rattlesnake Jake | Bad Bill | Hawk | Balthazar Douglas Peterson | Maybelle | Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine | Allan | Tom | Pedro | Falcon | Aristides Silk | Red Rackham | Burger-Beard | Chimpanzombies | King Poseidon | El Diablo | Mayor Humdinger | Kitten Catastrophe Crew | Ruben and Butch | Luan Loud | Lynn Loud Jr. | Lola Loud | Lisa Loud | Scoots | Flip | Morag | Aggie | Jimothy Brett-Chadley III | Lady Mayhem | Ika Chu | Ohga | Krang (Krang One, Krang Two & Krang Three) | Superfly | Bebop and Rocksteady | Cynthia Utrom | Bad Bernie | Carlino Casagrande | Sergio | Ucumu | Lava Minions | Punguari | B.O.O.T.S. (Sue Nahmee, Cuda & Kyle and Phoebe) | Rattlesnakes

Live-Action Films
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Original TV Movies
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See Also
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           Netflix logo Villains

Animated Features
Maximus | Forgotten Children | Spider | The Businessman | The Conceited Man | Academy Teacher | Nian | Omar | Banzou the Cat | Beauty Smith | Curtis | Jim Hall | Ned | The Lynx | Ares | Mr. Dupette | Ed Bighead | Zim | GIR | Mini Moose | Gaz Membrane | Almighty Tallests | Irken Empire | Mrs. Krum | Mr. Ellingboe | Olaf | Pumpkin | The Krum Clan | The Ellingboe Clan | Agent Red | Mugg-1N5 | The Hazmats | M.A.D | Father and Mother | Cat Mask Seller | Horatio P. Huntington | Zucchini | Samson | Stabby | El Diablo | Connor Mandrake | Arlo Woodstock | Dr. Arcannis | Spleech | King Poseidon | El Diablo | Plankton | Karen Plankton | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs | Prince Johan | Reggie | Rose Ross | Ilvira | Gingerbread guards | Baba Yaga | Kolobok | Don | Tiki the Statue | Ruff and Stucky | PAL Labs (PAL, PAL Max, Glaxxon 5000 & PAL Max Prime) | Pockets | Mr. Miller | Benedict Arnold | King James | Grogon | Bellroc | Skrael | Zong-Shi | Lutador | Luan Loud | Lynn Loud Jr. | Lola Loud | Lisa Loud | Scoots | Flip | Morag | Aggie | Sprout Cloverleaf | Clarance | Chaz | Chazzie | Bikers | Grimes | Mr. Van Schoonbeek | The Odd Couple | Lapin | Barry | Pigmies | Luther | Hamsters | Captain Crow | The King and Queen | Gwen Batterbie | Krang (Krang One, Krang Two & Krang Three) | Wendell | Wild | Father Best | Buffalo Belzer | Lane and Irmgard Klaxon | The Old Guard | Mrs. Tweedy | Dr. Fry | Fun Land Farm Guards | Laser Guided Exploding Ducks | Carlino Casagrande | Sergio | Ucumu | Lava Minions | Punguari | Feathers McGraw | Norbot | Norbot's Minions

Live-Action Features
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Animated Television
Hardcase | Dirtbeard's Crew (Dirtbeard) | Hayaku | Clip and Clap | Queen Invicta | S.E.C.R.E.T. | Chef Lombardo | Wendell | Ace Gecko | Breakneck | Cajun Cliche | Dean Cuizeen | F.A.J.I.T.A | Broaches | Baron Von Schwarzhosen | Gigundus | Barth | Crowzilla | Guy Gagné | Bloodwolf | Duchess | Scimitar | El Moco | Beast | Evil Dulcinea | Johann | Dragon Flyers (Krogan, Mr. Murderous Pile of Yak Dung & Flyer Leader) | Dragon Hunters (Viggo Grimborn, Ryker Grimborn, Cleve, Ingar Ingerman, Dragon Hunter Commander & Fight Master) | Dagur the Deranged | Amos | Gruffnut Thorston | Slitherwings | Firecomb Crasher | Hookfang's Nemesis | Drago Bludvist | D-Structs | Skrap-It | Splitter | Blayde | Pounder | Barbarossa | Falan | Memphis | Shaka | Zayzafon | Rotter | Gyokuen Ren | Matal Mogamett | Emperor Zarkon | Lotor | Haggar | Kaos | Kaossandra | Strykore | Dark Spyro | Malefor | Doom Raiders (Golden Queen, Wolfgang, Chompy Mage, Chef Pepper Jack, Dreamcatcher, Broccoli Guy) | Fire Viper | Conquertron | Fisticuffs | Bomb Shell | Greebles | Morgana | Gunmar | Angor Rot | Bular | Stricklander | Nomura | NotEnrique | Queen Usurna | Dictatious Maximus Galadrigal | Yumeko Jabami | Mary Saotome | Hyakkaou Private Academy Student Council (Kirari Momobami, Vice-president, Itsuki Sumeragi, Yuriko Nishinotouin, Midari Ikishima, Yumemi Yumemite, Kaede Manyuda, Runa Yomozuki & Sayaka Igarashi) | Dracula | Isaac | Hector | Blue Fangs | Carmilla | Death | Bishop | Prior Sala | Visitor | Saint Germain | Ryo Asuka/Satan | Demons (Zennon, Psycho Jenny, Sirene, Medoc, Kaim, Vegard & Jinmen) | Moyuru Koda | Babo | Hie | Angels | God | Gilbert Ross | Market Maker (Minatsuki, Laica, Kamui, Quinn, Izanami, Takeru and Kukuri, The Crouse Brothers, Red, Blue, Yellow & Dead Kyle) | Kirisame | Asagiri | Yukikaze | Kazan | The Prince | The King | Poppy Reardon | Tammy | Whittaker Reardon | Gloria Vaughan | Cameron Vaughan | Mr. Pearlman | Vladimir Borislav | Zoe | Stu | Maria | Patty Pupé | Kelly | Trevor | Melvin Sneedly | Benjamin Krupp | The Splotch | Socktopus | Theodore Murdsly | Smartsy Fartsy | Melvinborg | Teachertrons | Croco-bats | Butt-erflies | Alternate timeline Melvin Sneedly | Alternate timeline Benjamin Krupp | Dr. Disgruntled | D-Stroy | Goldtrux | Horde Prime | Hordak | The Horde (Catra, Shadow Weaver, Scorpia, Double Trouble, Entrapta, Imp, Super Pal Trio, Horde Robots, Horde Soldiers & The Horde Trio) | Galactic Horde | Clone Army | Light Hope | First Ones | General Woundwort | Efrafa (Campion & Vervain) | Infected Robots | General Morando | Zeron Alpha | Colonel Kubritz | Gaylen | Professor Maelstrom | Coach Brunt | Countess Cleo | Dr. Sarah Bellum | V.I.L.E. (The Cleaners, Roundabout, Cookie Booker, Tigress, Le Chevre, El Topo, Paper Star, Mime Bomb, Neal the Eel, The Mechanic, The Driver, Lady Dokuso, Otter Man and Moose Boy, Spinkick and Flytrap, The Troll, Madame Goldlove & Dash Haber) | Baris | Barghest | Cthulhu | DeeBees | Detective Briggs | Dicko | Dracula | Golden Woman | Governor | Jibaro | Life Hutch Maintenance Robot | Tall Grass Monsters | Thanapod | Vacuubot | Werewolves | El Balde | El Balde’s Jefes | Alejandra | Master Lo | Magnus Finke | Slinkwing Trio (Lurke) | Waldondo del Mundo | Erik the Wretched | Svetlana the Sly | Hervnick Z. Snerz | Goat | Yes-Man | The Dooka of Yookia | The Dookess of Zookia | Philip Trousers | Marilyn Blouse | Cleve Kelso | SH1FT3R (Shashi Dhar & Layla Gray) | Rafaela Moreno | Mitsuo Mori | Moray | General Dudley | DANN | Dominic Toretto | Human Resistance (Dr. Emilia, Greta & Zane) | Scarlemagne | Mod Frogs (Jamack & Mrs. Satori) | Newton Wolves (Bad Billions and Good Billions) | Scooter Skunks | Humming Bombers | Tad Mulholand | Fun Gus | King Arthur | Hera | Seraphim | Danny Nedermeyer | Sinjin Prescott | Computer Interface | Indominus Twins | Dianne | Daniel Kon | Kenji Kon | Kash D. Langford | Henry Wu | Indominus rex | Eddie | Mitch & Tiff | Hawkes | Reed | Dawson | Eli Mills | Lana Molina | Mr. Gold | Cyrus | Kadinas | The Twins | Lewis Dodgson | Fantos the Amassor | Stuck Chuck | Biker in Black | Krosh | Erodious the Planet Killer | Bogan (Shane, Rickter & Spyder) | Sisters of the Kaiju (High Priestess) | Copperhead | Mutavore | Leatherback | Jawhide | Otachi | Precursors | Fast Frankie | Beanie The Kid | Secretary Wilson | Jason | Zombies | The Devil | The Handsome Young Man | Mrs. Baker | Mictlan | Xtabay | Cipactil and Cabrakan | Acat | Hura and Can | Chivo | Bone and Skull | The Widow Queen's Father | Cognito, Inc. (Rand Ridley, J.R. Scheimpough & ROBOTUS) | Bear-O | Robo Reagan | Reptoids | Flat Earth Society (Harold) | Rafe Masters | Buzz Aldrin | Shadow Board | Jinx | Silco | Singed | Sevika | Marcus | Deckard | Kira | Captain Happy | E.d | The Nowhere King | Minotaurs | The General | The Bog Lady | Queen Opaline | Misty | The Devil | Henchman | Baby Bottle | Ribby and Croaks | King Dice | The Root Pack | Cala Maria | Baroness Von Bon Bon | Werner Werman | Rocky | Angel Royale | ZaZa Royale | Merchin | The Monsters | The Orc King

Live-Action Television
Carlton Bloom | Iain Rannoch | Victoria Skillane | White Bear Visitors | Baxter | Waldo | Matthew Trent | Joe Potter | Jennifer | Saito Geimu | Kenny | Hector | The Hackers | Arquette | Garrett Scholes | Robert Daly | Marie | Trick | Mia Nolan | Dogs | Rolo Haynes | Catherine Ortiz | Dr. Munk | Frank Underwood | Claire Underwood | Doug Stamper | Piper Chapman | Linda Ferguson | Pornstache | Natalie Figueroa | Desi Piscatella | Thomas Humphrey | Artesian McCullough | Aydin Bayat | Pennsatucky | Yvonne Parker | Stella Carlin | Maria Ruiz | Denning Sisters | Madison Murphy | Dayanara Diaz | Carlos Litvak | Kubra Balik | Saul Goodman | Mike Ehrmantraut | Charles McGill | The Cartel (Hector Salamanca, Lalo Salamanca, Nacho Varga, Tuco Salamanca, Marco and Leonel Salamanca, Juan Bolsa, Krazy-8, Arturo Colon, Gonzo & Don Eladio) | Los Pollos Hermanos (Gus Fring, Victor, Tyrus Kitt, Lydia Rodarte-Quayle & Gale Boetticher) | Kim Wexler | Huell Babineaux | Ed Galbraith | Colombian Gang | Angel Changretta | Luca Changretta | Vicente Changretta | Father John Hughes | Billy Kimber | Michael Gray | Oswald Mosley | Jack Nelson | Darby Sabini | Arthur Shelby Jr | Arthur Shelby Sr | Thomas Shelby | Alfie Solomons | Hayden Stagg | Ghostface (Piper Shaw, Kieran Wilcox, Third Killer, Beth & Jamal Elliot) | Brandon James | Haley Meyers | Tom Martin | Becca | Tommy Jenkins | Luther Thompson | Avery Collins | Nina Patterson | Vecna | Billy Hargrove | Demogorgon | Martin Brenner | Connie Frazier | Lonnie Byers | Troy Walsh | D'Artagnan | Neil Hargrove | Grigori | Larry Kline | General Ozerov | Bruce Lowe | Hospital Creature | Jason Carver | Andy | Lt. Colonel Sullivan | Yuri Ismaylov | Shawn | Michael | Trevor | Count Olaf | Esmé Squalor | Hook-Handed Man | Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender | White-Faced Women | Bald Man | Carmelita Spats | Hugo, Colette & Kevin | The Man With a Beard But No Hair | The Woman With Hair But No Beard | Dr. Georgina Orwell | Sir | Vice Principal Nero | Ernest Denouement | Ishmael | Bombinating Beast | The Professor | Berlin | Arturo Roman | Alicia Sierra | Cesar Gandia | Palermo | Sic Mundus (Adam & Noah) | Eva | Luis Miguel | Luisito Rey | Tito | Matilde Sánchez | Cynthia Casas | Patricio Robles | José Pérez | Carla Rosón | Lucrecia Montesinos | Polo Benavent | Nano García | Cayetana Grajera | Teo Rosón | Begoña Benavent | Andrea Villada | Phillipe von Triesenberg | Armando | Benjamín Blanco | Father Blackwood | Billy Marlin | Madame Satan | Weird Sisters (Prudence Blackwood, Agatha Night, Dorcas Night) | Batibat | Crimson Avenger | Plague Kings (Beelzebub, Asmodeus & Purson) | The Pagans (Pan, Circe & Nagaina) | Green Man | Caliban | Jimmy Platt | Dorian Gray | Bartel | Jerathmiel | Mehitable | Aphophis | Satan | Michael Groff | Adam Groff | Hope Haddon | Man on the Bus | Sean Wiley | Peter Groff | Groff's Father | Thornton Pavey | Craig | Jutul Industries (Vidar Jutul & Fjor Jutul) | Ran Jutul | Saxa Jutul | Laurits Seier | Skeksis (SkekSo, SkekZok, SkekSil, SkekTek, SkekAyuk, SkekOk, SkekEkt, SkekMal, SkekVar, & SkekLach) | Tolyn | Seladon | Gruenaks | Darkened Creatures | Crooked Energy | Pat Rollins | Brayden Mills | Mr. Campbell | David Marsh | Sam Lesser | Randy Lesser | Brinker Martin | Shadow Demons (Dodge, Eden Hawkins, Frederick Gideon, Javi, Jackie Veda, Daniel Mutuku, & Dorothy and Ada Wheeler) | Erin Voss | Chad Garland | Raúl León | Pablo García | Natalia Alexander | Gerry Granda | Darío & Ernesto | Bruno | Alex | Roberto de León | Gerry's Father | Darío Guerra | Esteban Solares | Lys Antoine | Security Guard | Monsters (Starving Monster - Blind Monster - Spider Monster - Tongue Monster - Eyeball Monster - Protein Monster - Reach Monster - Speed Monster) | Outlaws | Ui-myeong | Hubert Pellegrini | Leonard Kone | Ravy | Frederick Gideon | Redcoats (Howe, Samuel Coffey, and James Bolton) | Spider | Oh Il-nam | Front Man | The VIPs | The Salesman | Masked Men (Masked Managers, Masked Soldiers & Masked Workers (Number 28)) | Cho Sang-woo | Jang Deok-su | Byeong-gi | Players (Player 278, Player 040, & Player 303) | Loan Sharks | Ji-yeong's Father | Gang Member | Bev Keane | Father Paul Hill | The Angel | Yoon Gwi-nam | Son Myeong-hwan | Park Chang-hoon | Kim Hyeon-ju | Min Eun-ji | Lee Na-yeon | Lee Byeong-chan | The Principal | Zombies (All of Us Are Dead) | Hwang Jang-Soo | Ryu Lee-kang | Jo Seok-bong | The Corinthian | John Doe | Desire | Jeffrey Dahmer | Ed Gein | Christopher Scarver | John Wayne Gacy

See Also
13 Reasons Why Villains | Aardman Villains | Angry Birds Villains | Archieverse Villains | B: The Beginning Villains | Baki Villains | Barbie Villains | Beastars Villains | Benji Villains | Big Mouth Villains | Black Lightning Villains | Black Mirror Villains | Bleach Villains | Blumhouse Productions Villains | BoJack Horseman Villains | Breaking Bad Villains | Castlevania Villains | Cuphead Villains | Daredevil Villains | Death Note Villains | Defenders Villains | Dinotrux Villains | Disenchantment Villains | DreamWorks Villains | Dr. Seuss Villains | Fast and the Furious Villains | Final Space Villains | Fullmetal Alchemist Villains | Godzilla Villains | Hilda Villains | How to Train Your Dragon Villains | Invader Zim Villains | Iron Fist Villains | Jack London Villains | Jessica Jones Villains | Johnny Test Villains | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Villains | Jurassic Park Villains | Kakegurui Villains | Kung Fu Panda Villains | League of Legends Villains | Legendary Entertainment Villains | Lemony Snicket Villains | Locke & Key Villains | Love, Death & Robots Villains | Lucifer Villains | Luke Cage Villains | Magi Villains | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Mediawan Villains | My Little Pony Villains | Nickelodeon Movies Villains | One Piece Villains | Orange Is The New Black Villains | Paradise P.D. Villains | Paramount Villains | Punisher Villains | Resident Evil Villains | Scream Villains | She-Ra 2018 Villains | Shrek Villains | Skylanders Villains | Sonic Villains | Sony Pictures Villains | SpongeBob SquarePants Villains | Squid Game Villains | Stephen King Villains | Stranger Things Villains | Studiocanal Villains | Studio Trigger Villains | Sweet Home Villains | Tales of Arcadia Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Texas Chainsaw Massacre Villains | The Addams Family Villains | The Boss Baby Villains | The Cloverfield Universe Villains | The Dark Crystal Villains | The Grudge Villains | The Jungle Book Villains | The Seven Deadly Sins Villains | The Umbrella Academy Villains | TMNT Villains | Turbo Villains | Universal Studios Villains | Usagi Yojimbo Villains | Wallace and Gromit Villains | Warner Bros. Villains | Witcher Villains

           The Loud House Logo / Nickelodeon The Casagrandes Logo Villains

Royal Woods
Luan Loud | Lynn Loud Jr. | Lola Loud | Lisa Loud | Lily Loud | Flip | Scoots | Chandler McCann | Hazeltucky Hockers (Hank and Hawk) | Lindsay Sweetwater | Mr. Bolhofner | Eighth Grade Bullies (Anderson, Taylor and Pablo) | Vic McGillicuddy

Great Lakes City
Carlino Casagrande | Becky | Ricky | Dodgeball Team (Dodge & Dodgeball Players) | Julius

Monsters and Creatures
El Cucuy | Nightmare Trashy | Nightmare Tentacle | Flip Monster | Candy Goblin | Giant Mosquito | Venus Mantraps | Zombies | Sirens | Minotaur | Cyclops | Aliens

Groundskeeper Jim | Buzz | Alfredo | Narcisso Grillo | Mystic Mummy of Mystery

Dennis | Machines | Chip Micro | Chip Micro's Henchmen | GLART-E

The Bear | Sergio | Sancho | Nacho | Dolly the Dinosaur | Gilly | Ursula | Jazzy | Malo | Beto | Alligators | Mountain Goats | Moby Rick

Neighborhood Cats
Mr. Wiggles | Street Cats

Great Lakes City Rats
Rat Leader | City Rats

The Miller Family | Trench Coat Woman

In-Universe Fiction
The Harvester | The Card Shark | Wild Card Willy | Wild Card Willy's Goons | The Old Maid | Snake Eyes | Gas Monster | Kitty | Long Beard | Pirate | Davey | Cephaloplex | Golden Toe | Blowfish | Odd Bob | Patty Whack | El Dragon | La Cobra | La Tortuga | Master Kitsune | El Polite

Comic Book
Cockroaches | Night Walker | Evil Force

Ro-Bro | Walter Phillipini

The Loud House Movie
Morag | Aggie
A Really Haunted Loud House
Xander Nation (Xander Coddington, Paul Coddington, Johnny & Jenna)
The Casagrandes Movie
Ucumu | Lava Minions | Punguari
No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie
Fifi Dufus | Rufus Dufus | Ham Hand | Dufus' Goons (Henchman Mo)

Bratty Kid | Sue | Burglars | Prisoner | The Loud Doubles | Guy Grazer | Ralphie | Carol Linnaeus | Carol's Bodyguards | Monica | Han Family Bandits | Joyce Crandall | Mr. Vanderspeed | David Nababirdy | Brooke and Chet | Earl of Nuttingham
