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~ Weather Service, "HIM" referring to the Moon.
~ The hijacker in Skywatching

The Moon, also known as simply HIM, is the main antagonist of the horror web series Local 58. It is an eldritch abomination that wants to destroy humanity via brainwashing and misinforming them.


The first hijack on the Local 58 television station was "LOCAL58 - Contingency", which showed a fake warning message from the president of the United States declaring that they have lost to an unknown enemy force and forced to surrender, with the fake message instructing people to kill themselves, their children, and their pets with courage, stating that there is nothing to fear. The fake message also says "This message will repeat until there is none to read it", before ominously stating "THE 51ST STATE IS NOT A PLACE" before cutting back to Local 58, which claims that the broadcast was a hoax; however, a second card can be seen in the background, indicating that the US government really had such a plan under consideration, and that should it have been aired by mistake, the official course of action would be to claim that it was fake.

In "LOCAL58 - Show For Children", the broadcast is hijacked once again, this time showing a disturbing cartoon from 1929 of the skeleton Cadavre searching for a girlfriend with the moon in the sky with a wide grin on its face. Instead, he finds hyper-realistic skeletons and a bird-like carcass, before lying in a grave with the moon overhead and dying. This was likely a message from the creatures to influence children to look at the moon.

In "LOCAL58 - Skywatching", the hijacked broadcast reveals a person recording the moon, referring to it as "HIS THRONE". Upon zooming in, the moon's surface seems to be the texture of flesh, lunar dust is being sucked into a crater, and strange imagery of arrows and skeletal-like craters are shown on the surface as the moon gets closer to the Earth. Air raid sirens are heard and birds scatter away as the moon seems to be broken or rotten, the camera adjusts for a clearer view of the moon, the unseen man slowly walks into view and raises their hands to the moon in reverence, all sound is muted as title text appears saying "REJOICE" before getting cut to static.

In "LOCAL58 - You Are On The Fastest Available Route", the moon is never seen directly. Given that the event would have catastrophic/disastrous repercussions, it can be assumed that the moon tampered with the GPS in some way in order to get the driver killed.

In "LOCAL 58 - Weather Service", a warning comes on the air stating that a meteorological event is occurring and is unsafe to look at. The broadcast urges people to stay inside and do not look at the night sky until they hijack it, dismissing the warnings and demands everyone to go outside and look at the moon. Local 58 tries to fight for control of the broadcast, and it ends with footage of the moon, with the screaming of large amounts of people are heard in the recording.

