Antagonists Wiki
Monica kruszewski code geass drawn by kimura takahiro sample-335c59a23ed0f6f40023e42fa85bf3a2

Monica Kruszewski is one of the supporting characters in Code Geass: Oz the Reflection (manga), one of the supporting antagonists and one of the supporting protagonists in second season. She was a noble and a member of the Knights of the Round, holding the position of the Knight of Twelve before her death.


Monica appeared to be around the age of 17, which was impressive considering her high position. She was a gentle-looking woman whose appearance masked just how dangerous she could be. Monica had straight blond hair that was tied into two pigtails at the front and wore the typical white uniform of the Knights of the Round (same as Suzaku, Bismarck and the rest of them) along with a cape; hers was predominantly a light green one with gold accents. She was shown wearing a skirt in her first appearance.


Unlike many Britannians, Monica bore no prejudice towards anyone, and held the idealistic belief that "Justice is given equally." Monica was very loyal to the Emperor and in command of his Royal Guard, implying some leadership skills. Her loyalty ultimately made her not only refuse to serve under Lelouch, but also try to remove him from power as he had killed the previous Emperor.

She fell in love with enemy pilot Orpheus Zevon of the terrorist organization Peace Mark.

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