Antagonists Wiki

Millions Knives is the main antagonist of manga/anime known as Trigun. he is twin brother of Vash the Stampede.

In Japan, Knives was voiced by Tooru Furusawa and as a teenager by Masamichi Ota, and in the English version he was voiced by Bo Williams and as a teen by Joshua Seth.


Knives and Vash in the beginning were two plants that won a humanoid body, thanks to the SEEDS project, Rem adopts the boys who by the time both had opposite personalities, after Rem passed away, the brothers soon escaped of the ship SEEDS and they fell in the planet Gunsmoke, Knives tries to convince Vass to join him and destroy the human race, but after Rem's death's, Vash was annoyed by this and refused Knives's proposal, but he follows Knives because he does not want to be alone.


Anime (1998)[]

After fifteen years riding around Gunsmoke, Knives and his brother soon came across a very specific piece of a Seeds ship. He leaves Vash alone and soon enters the ship in search of two revolvers that are 45 Long Colt, after looking for Knives then delivers a silver revolver to Vash, and getting the black one to himself, but nevertheless, Vash is troubled wih a gun and holding pacifist ideas that Rem had taught him, and fired Knives into the his thigh involuntarity, Vash then is terrified that he hurt another being his own brother, Vash then went and left him behind.

Several years later, after an incident, Vash discovers the last of Rem's relatives in the town of July. He finds the man who is related to Rem but also discovers that Knives kills the man, thus breaking all connections between him and Rem, Knives then appears on the left of Vash and offers him the last time he joins him, they them fight, Vash then invokes the arm of angels against Knives, Vash then points the arm of angel in Knives that the same ends up destroying all the month of July in a way accidentally.

Although Knives is almost dead, however, he soon regenerated immediately after the incident in July, he then forms the Gung-Ho Guns he was killed or committed suicide instead of admitting defeat to Knives, after all Gung-Ho Guns are dead, Knives himself waits by Vash for the final showdown.

Vash finally manages to find him and the two have an intense battle. Because of him having the best knowledge of Angel Arm, Knives ends up having a certain advantage at the beginning of the fight, and almost killing Vash with his weapon, and them he his Angel Arm against Vash, however with his weapon, and then he his Angel Arm against Vash, however with Wolfwood's Punisher cross against the Knives disables him, and throwing him on the shoulders and thighs, then Knives falling unconscious, Knives is taken back to the village by Vash, which where Mily Thompson and Maryl Stryfe wait for Vash. After that, destination of still remains unknown.


Many years after the Big Fall, the two meet in the town of July, Vash fights against Knives, and the Vash runs out of his left arm, he regenerates slowly, while the Gung-Ho Guns under Knives orders, after he revives and soon discovers that he is dying slowly, he then absorbs the other plants making his power grow.

Knives then after absorbing the plants, he soon has a final fight against Vash, even taking advantage, had a certain difficulty in the beginning, soon after the fight, Knives disappears and is no longer seen again.

Powers and Abilities[]

Knives has the same origins only with better powers to his compared to his brother Vash, he can create weapons like Angel Arm, he can also turn weapons into a great destructive power. He has a great telepathic power being able to manipulate plants, when he made a plant combust only to kill humans, he also made the humans suffer by leaving them insane simply by using their psychic manipulation.In Manga, Knives uses his Angel Arm, because it is an ability that is natural to a plant, and does not require a revolver to use power, he can use sharp knife and blades through monomolecules, he can also absorb other plants by leaving him more strong. Knives after merging with the plants, he for launching an Ark that is a floating ship that goes around the planet Gunsmoke, while absorbing more plants, his Ark assumes a form of a sentient organism that is able to defend itself and even if teleports in an short distance.



As a child Knives was kind and caring and also very like his brother. Already in its adult phase, Knives was very curious about humans more than Vash and studied about the history of mankind, Knives hatred for humans began when he and his brother saw the abused Tesla, which made Knives resentful about humans.


In Anime, Knives as well as Legato, he is a sadistic and cruel psychopath, and having an opposite personality of the anime, he even had no empathy for the other Gung-Ho Guns and always when one of them failed to kill Vash and he or Legato killed them in retaliation to his failures, he was also a misantrope looking at humans with a scorn, yet he still had affectionate relationship towards his brother, but did not hesitate to try to kill him when he was on his way showing a certain lack of empathy and total sociopathy.



  • Knives is very similar to the Lore of the franchise Star Trek: The Next Generation, seen as both are has a comtempt for their parents Knives to Rem Saverem and Lore to Dr. Soong, and both have rivalry with their twin brothers, Lore to Data and Knives for Vash, and also both are misanthropic villains in their respective series, and also are Complete Monsters/Pure Evil.
  • Knives's personality in the anime is totally different compared to his manga countepart, since in the anime Knives is simply cruel and sadistic, sociopath, and in the manga he is only just an anti villain, who wants to take revenge on what happened to Tesla which is a plant.