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Michael "Mikey" Miller is a recurring character (mostly the main antagonist in his vids) in the Dhar Mann videos, appearing as the titular anti heroic main protagonist of his own series and the titular anti heroic deuteragonist of the Jay & Mikey TV series.

He is a mischievous and troublemaking teenager (formerly kid) who is currently in middle school (formerly elementary) and is the older brother of Jayden Miller, who (like Perfect Peter is to Horrid Henry) is pretty much the opposite of him, as instead of being bad, he is good and is constantly rewarded instead of punished by his parents unlike Mikey.

He is portrayed by Kaido-Lee Roberts.


Mikey Miller is a 13-year-old boy with light skin and blonde hair.


In the videos, Mikey is frequently shown to be a very lazy, dishonest, mischievous, greedy, and sometimes arrogant person. He behaves poorly at both school and home, constantly getting bad grades due to him either just being lazy or attempting to cheat, with the latter usually failing as he is always caught and afterwards punished for his behavior, and due to his bad grades and overall poor performance in school, he always tries to find a way to get out of doing it such as skipping, pretending to be sick, and even pulling the school fire alarm which is an actual crime, causing him to get arrested in the same video.

He is also shown to be a terrible liar, as every time he tries to lie it never works as he is constantly exposed for his misbehavior and immoral deeds, with him usually facing the consequences for his actions such as cheating, skipping school, pretending to be sick, etc., with his mom grounding him for an extended period of time, such as when he attempts to cheat on his math finals with the harshest punishment being grounded for the entire summer with the PS5 being given to Jayden, and his electronics being sold on ebay to cover the costs of a resit.

His personality is quite similar to that of his older brother, Owen (who is serving a life sentence for multiple first-degree murders), as the latter is also lazy, dishonest, mischievous, and greedy, as both of them want to be successful without putting in the effort, but it never works.

In the later videos however, Mikey seems to have somewhat redeemed himself as he is more mature, such as in the video "Kid Sneaks Candy Into Theatre", and didn't do as much troublemaking/immoral acts as he used to. However, not too long after that video, he went back to his old troublemaking ways again.

Immoral Acts[]

  • In the video "STUDENT CHEATS on FINAL EXAM, Instantly Regrets It", where he makes his first debut, he tries to cheat on his final math exam by using a website that turned out to just be a sting operation made by his teacher in order to catch students trying to cheat as revealed by the end of the video. He then ends up getting a 0% (F) thus failing, meaning that he would have to repeat the 5th grade, which he would have to pay for. He also receives a harsh punishment: Being grounded for the entire summer, with the PS5 being given to Jayden and his electronics being sold on ebay (in order to cover the costs for him to repeat the 5th grade), which is well-deserved despite being unrealistic.
    • He then tries to cheat on another exam (an English one), but is actually allowed to move on up to middle school this time as in the US, english was not a core subject in final exams in California at the time of production.
  • In the video "Kid Fakes Sick Note to Skip Class, He Instantly Regrets It", he fakes an early dismissal, helps Jay fake a broken arm, and cheats in a MrBeast contest.
  • In the video "Kid PULLS Fire Alarm To SKIP TEST", hence the title, he pulls the school fire alarm, causing him to (subsequently) be arrested by the police, as misuse of a fire alarm is a federal crime.
  • He always tries to be successful without actually putting the effort in, such as when he pretends to child with Tourette's syndrome on TikTok, causing him to gain temporary success because of it, and also used his younger brother, Jayden, to fake being a highly skilled Minecraft player, but was eventually caught and overall humiliated by the end, and is (presumably) permabanned from TikTok for violating the terms of service.
  • In the last 2 episodes of Jay & Mikey, after he watched a 24 hour challenge video on YouTube, he attempted to break into the Superstore to do the same thing, which is obviously illegal.
    • He and his friends then vandalize the place by messing the store up, and even eat all of the snacks there without paying, staying at the store after it closed. They are then caught and severely punished by there parents (who pretended to be robbers of the store), who say that they are lucky they didn't get arrested.
  • In "Big Bro Has To Say YES FOR 48 HOURS", after losing a bet to Jayden, he is forced to do whatever his little brother tells him for 48 hours under the penalty of losing his iPad to Jayden forever if he refuses even one thing. The things he's forced to do include finishing his vegetables, making Jayden food, doing both of their chores, embarrassing himself at the request of his friends, volunteering to answer questions in class, and abandoning his usual troublemaking acts, However, once the bet is over, he meets with one of his classmates named Eddie Valentino (who is also a troublemaker), in which the latter stole the answer key to the final exams, with Mikey seemingly re-enacting his plan to cheat by taking a picture in spite of Jayden's previous protests.
  • Fakes being a child with Tourette syndrome on TikTok, and gained temporary popularity and success because of it.
  • In the first episode of the Mischief Mikey series (another spin-off starring him) he disguises as an adult to steal money from a bank to buy an Apple Vision Pro.
    • He does the same thing again in the follow-up episode, this time robbing a church, effectively killing a leukemia patient, whom the church was raising money for. However, he redeems himself later, returning the money and helping the church catch the real thief, who was none other than Pastor McDaniels, to everyone's surprise.
    • In the episode after that, he commits an act of terrorism, which in the US carries a life sentence, with a death sentence if an attack is carried out that leads to the loss of life or property. Mikey Miller made a threat during a flight home to avoid taking a test at school.
    • Along with Jay Lawson, he makes an attempt to escape juvenile hall but is caught. After they are let out on early release but under house arrest, they show constant refusal to follow the conditions of their release, such as attempting to remove their ankle monitors, refusing to follow house arrest orders, and fleeing community service.
    • Along with Jay and Noah, uses his mom's credit card to buy 100 banned items from Amazon and sell them to a bunch of other kids. Using their money, they make almost $2,000 in total, only to be caught by their parents, who force them to return all of the items, as well as refunding all of the kids they sold the items to. One of the kid's houses even getting flooded because of it, and another kid's mom getting attacked by an alligator, and another family's house almost exploding.
  • In Jay's World, he drives Jay's mom's BMW without a license along with his friends Jay and Noah after being given the idea by Jay's mom, causing them to get pulled over by the cops and receive a $500 speeding ticket, in addition to almost crashing, but didn't get arrested for it.
  • Rigs a raffle in order to win a Tesla, but ultimately fails in the end, with Mikey's mom telling him that he will not be receiving any Christmas presents, such as a Vision Pro like before, causing him to scream "NO!" out loud. However, Mikey only did this so that Noah's dad could have a working car.


  • Mikey is shown to be a huge fan of Dhar Mann, the very channel that he's on, which is quite ironic as the videos usually portray him as the antagonist/bad guy.
  • Some have noticed that he resembles both Horrid Henry and Greg Heffley, and primarily Alex from the novel A Clockwork Orange, as they are all dishonest, greedy, and very arrogant.
  • Kaido-Lee Roberts (his actor) was fired by Dhar Mann, but later returned for the Jay & Mikey TV series, which is produced jointly by NHK and Dhar Mann.
  • Mikey is a convicted terrorist, and is on the no-fly list, meaning he is barred from all major airlines.
  • Mikey is legally barred from using the internet for unknown reasons, possibly due to having committed some form of cybercrime.
  • He does not make an actual appearance in the Jenius Jayden series despite being mentioned.

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