Antagonists Wiki

You were right! I didn't understand magic before, but I do now!
~ Midnight Sparkle explaining her true form to Sunset Shimmer
Unlike you, I can have everything I want!
~ Midnight to Sunset

Midnight Sparkle is the evil transformation of Sci-Twi and one of the antagonists in the Equestria Girls franchise. She is the secondary antagonist of Friendship Games and Legend of Everfree.

She is a corrupted version of Sci-Twi who tried to destroy CHS to steal all the magic in Equestria because of Principal Cinch.

She was voiced by Tara Strong.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Dark Magic: Midnight Sparkle possessed Equestrian magic which she was corrupted with.
    • Dimensional portal creation - she created portals leading to Equestria.
  • Flight: she was able to fly with her wings.


My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games[]

When Principal Cinch discovers this, she pressures Twilight to release the magic from her device to win the Games. Once she does, the magic engulfs her, and she transforms into a monstrous creature obsessed with magic. After her transformation, Twilight uses her powers to open additional rifts to Equestria. Using Twilight's device, Sunset channels the released magic to transform herself. Following an explosive battle, Sunset offers Twilight her hand in friendship, and Twilight accepts. Twilight apologizes for all the trouble she caused, and Sunset and her friends forgive her.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Legend of Everfree[]

Midnight Sparkle appears as a central antagonist when Sci-Twi has her alter-ego in her nightmares. When Sci-Twi was suffering from anxieties and recurring nightmares, she fears her evil Midnight Sparkle alter ego will one day return and take over her body, her friends serve as steady moral support.


Midnight looks somewhat similar to the human Twilight Sparkle, she has an aqua blue fire around her eyes, in place of her counterpart's glasses. She wears a dress, showing off the colors and cutie mark associated with Twilight Sparkle.

Her hair color is the same as Twilight's purple with a pinkish streak and it floats upwards. She has a long, purple tail, and her skin is purple, just like her eyes. She has a glowing turquoise horn with a black magical aura. She has black, feathery wings that slightly glow.


Midnight can be described as hungry for knowledge. She would destroy anything that gets in the way of her understanding magic, as shown by the Friendship games, where she starts to tear apart Canterlot High to get to Equestria. She is cocky. She believes that she can have anything that she wants, which is true. She seems to be an alternate personality altogether to Twilight, who has a hard time overcoming Midnight.

She is also selfish and malicious, consumed with desire to learn everything about magic even at the cost of her entire world.





  • Most of her actions are bog-standard Doomsday Villain, as she didn't do any lasting or permanent damage to Equestria.
  • Unlike other MLP Villains, she has no moral agency to being a PG/GH that got corrupted by evil.
  • Despite the role of antagonist that she poses at the time of becoming Midnight Sparkle, Principal Cinch is the main antagonist of the entire film, since she is the cause of Twilight using that magic.

External Links[]


           My Little Pony franchise logo Villains

My Little Pony 'n Friends
Ahgg | Beezen | Catrina | Dragon Gang | Erebus | Flories | Grogar | Hydia | King Charlatan | Lavan | Princess Porcina | Queen Bumble | Raptorians | Reeka & Draggle | Somnambula | Squirk | Tirac

Friendship is Magic
Apple Bloom's Shadow | Ahuizotl | Arimaspi | Bugbear | Changelings | Chimera | Cockatrice | Daybreaker | Dr. Caballeron | Diamond Dogs | Diamond Tiara | Discord | Dragons (Dragon Lord Torch, Garble & Sludge) | Flim Flam Brothers | Gladmane | Grogar | Hydra | Jet Set and Upper Crust | King Sombra | Legion of Doom (Queen Chrysalis, Tirek & Cozy Glow) | Mane-iac | Maulwurf | Mean Six | Nightmare Moon | Parasprites | Pony of Shadows | Puckwudgies | Roc | Sable Spirit | Shadowbolts | Silver Spoon | Snips and Snails | Sphinx | Starlight Glimmer | Storm King | Svengallop | Tantabus | Tatzlwurm | Tempest Shadow | Timberwolves | Trixie Lulamoon | Vampire Fruit Bats | Windigos | Wind Rider

Equestria Girls
Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze & Sonata Dusk) | Juniper Montage | PostCrush (Kiwi Lollipop & Supernova Zap) | Principal Cinch | Snips and Snails | Sunset Shimmer | Trixie Lulamoon | Vignette Valencia | Wallflower Blush

Make Your Mark
Shadowy Alicorn

Accord | Bad Apple | Blonn Di and Shining Light | Changelings | Chupacabra | Cosmos | Cozy Glow | Daybreaker | Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze & Sonata Dusk) | Diamond Tiara | Discord | Flim Flam Brothers | Grogar | King Diomedes | King Sombra | Mane-iac | Nightmare Forces | Nightmare Moon | Nightmare Rarity | Pony of Shadows | Princess Celestia | Pseudocorns | Queen Chrysalis | Rabia | Rough Diamond | Sendak | Shadowbolts | Shadowfall | Shadowfright | Silver Spoon | Smooze | Snips and Snails | Starlight Glimmer | Storm King's army (Storm King, Tempest Shadow, Grubber & Storm Creatures) | Sunset Shimmer | Swift Foot | Terri Belle | Tirek | Trixie Lulamoon | Vampiric Jackalope

My Little Pony: The Movie (1986): Hydia | Reeka & Draggle | Smooze | Ahgg
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017): Storm King's army (Storm King, Tempest Shadow, Grubber & Storm Creatures)
My Little Pony: A New Generation: Sprout Cloverleaf
