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I'm Mephiles, Mephiles the Dark! What, did you forget me?
~ Mephiles the Dark introducing himself.
It's futile. The world will betray you. Why fight at all? Why risk your life for those who will persecute you later?
~ Mephiles to Shadow.
Finally, the seal is broken! At long last, I'll be able to join with you! IBLIS!!! Now, Chaos Emerald! It's time for the final curtain call!
~ Mephiles using the power of all the Chaos Emeralds to fuse him with Iblis as well as his last words.

Mephiles the Dark is the main antagonist of the 2006 platform game Sonic the Hedgehog.

He is a malevolent entity that was accidentally created during the ill-fated Solaris Project commissioned by the King of Soleanna. Upon being released, Mephiles takes on the form of Shadow the Hedgehog and begins wreaking havoc across space and time in order to merge with his other half, Iblis, and regain their true form as the sun god Solaris.

He was voiced by Takayuki Sakazume in the Japanese version, and by Dan Green (who also voiced Yami Yugi in the English dub of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Mewtwo in the English dub of Mewtwo Strikes Back-Evolution) in the English version.


Mephiles has three main forms. His original form was an amorphous mass of darkness, which emitted an aura and behaved similarly to liquid. In his second form, Mephiles appeared almost identical to Shadow the Hedgehog, aside from having green eyes with snake-like pupils, a pale-skinned muzzle with no mouth (though his muzzle moves when he speaks, as if he does have one), and the fact that everything that is red on Shadow is a grayish-green on Mephiles. Just like Shadow, he had rings on his wrists and ankles. His third and most iconic form was a crystalline, anthropomorphic hedgehog appearance with no mouth, nose or even feet. Instead, his legs ended in a purple mist. His eyes also change color in this form, gaining reddish-pink sclera and lime green irises, while his quills were bushier and ended in white tips. Lastly, his hands, gloves and all, become crystalline like his arms, with the fingers now ending in white-tipped claws.



Mephiles was born from an experiment done on the white flame form of the solar deity, Solaris. The people conducting the "Solaris Project" sought to obtain the power of time-travel, but experimentation on Solaris caused an explosion that split Solaris into two beings; Mephiles and Iblis, both of whom were really powerful and were now escaping the underwater lab the explosion happened in. After he escapes in a formless ooze, he is sealed in the Scepter of Darkness by Shadow the Hedgehog, who travelled through time to 10 years in the past.

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)[]

In the present, Dr. Eggman gets hold of the Scepter and Shadow goes to steal it, so that G.U.N. can't have it. At a rendezvous point with Rouge the Bat at the original castle of the Soleanna royal family, Eggman appears and brings robot henchmen to steal the Scepter back. He attacks Rogue while she tries to get away, but is saved by Shadow. The Scepter on the other hand falls and breaks, damaging Eggman's robots. Mephiles (as a cloudy being) flies out, kills the robots, scares Eggman away and lands into the ground, sucking Shadow's own shadow out and using it to become a demonic version of Shadow. He sends Shadow and Rouge into the future with his new time-travelling powers after he realizes that Shadow does not know who he is.

While there, Mephiles somehow discovers out that Princess Elise the Third had Iblis sealed in her body since the Solaris Project explosion, and the only way to release the demon is to make her cry. She later also has visions of a frightening future where Iblis destroys everything should he be ever awakened. To accomplish this, he tells Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat that Sonic the Hedgehog is the cause of Iblis being released into the future (as it has now destroyed most of the world by this point), which leads to the destruction of their world. Sonic is, thus, referred to as the "Iblis Trigger". He sends the two back in time, making them believe that killing Sonic would save the future.

Mephiles later tells Shadow (who is still in the future) that the world, and eventually E-123 Omega, will betray him in the future, and asks him to join him in order to punish the world of humanity. First, he explains that when Iblis came around to cause the apocalypse, the world would blame someone responsible ("A search for the guilty. Who did this, you may ask?"), and people use this as an excuse to lock Shadow (in the future, at least) in an energy cage until the end of time. Shadow, however, refuses to believe or join Mephiles, and fights him as he takes the form of a crystalline hedgehog while E-123 Omega eventually pops in and aids Shadow.

Mephiles retreats to the present, and somehow transforms back into his Shadow form on the way in order to keep manipulating Silver and Blaze. He tells them that Sonic is at the terminal station, and it's now or never if they want their world to be safe. Later, he encounters Omega at Wave Ocean, who starts to shoot him. After getting shot, Mephiles reveals that Omega himself was created to defeat Shadow in the future. Enraged by this, Omega switches to his machine guns, and shoots Mephiles again. As Mephiles started to fade away, he laughs evilly. After Omega told Shadow about Mephiles' statement, Shadow feels hurt and walks away. Meanwhile, Shadow, Omega, and Rouge encounter Mephiles once again at Dusty Desert, now having discovered his plans to obtain Chaos Emeralds and fuse with Iblis, and fight him in a temple, all while he taunts Shadow and sends clone after clone at him.

After they defeat him, Shadow tries to imprison Mephiles with their new Scepter of Darkness, but Mephiles proves to be immune to this prison and pushes Shadow and his partners away. He then uses his Chaos Emeralds to create a massive load of Mephiles clones, enough to take on an army of Eggman's robots. He then boasts to Shadow that he can't defeat him, and asks why he is even bothering to protect a world that will eventually turn against him. Shadow responds by saying, "If the whole world decides to become my enemy, then I will fight like I always have", and he removes rings on his wrists that unleashes a super-power that allows him to bulldoze through the army until it becomes a puddle of goo.

After either Mephiles escapes or survives the battle with Shadow, he finds the purple Chaos Emerald (despite possessing it previously to deceive Silver), uses it to warp to Sonic and Elise's location shortly after they escape Eggman's exploding Egg Carrier, blinds them with the Emerald's powers, and impales Sonic through the back with an energy beam, killing him instantly. Elise cries over his death and, because of this, releases Iblis (as a mere fireball). With this done, Mephiles takes his Emerald to transport the 6 other separated Emeralds to his location and uses them to fuse with Iblis and transform into Solaris, and Solaris releases a bright light that engulfs all of Soleanna and transports all the protagonists (and even Dr. Eggman) into a shattered dimension.

Solaris tries to consume all existence while the protagonists go through the past levels in the game to get the Chaos Emeralds. Solaris sends black hole-like anomalies and evil monsters to stop them, but they get the Emeralds and revive Sonic. Solaris is then taken down by Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver all taking turns, which drops Elise and Sonic into a time-warp that sends them to when Solaris is only a measly flame. When Elise blows out the flame, Mephiles is erased from history and the game's events are actually part of an alternate timeline.

Other Media[]


Sonic Universe[]

An alternate version of Mephiles appears in the Sonic Universe comics, set in the Archie Sonic continuity. Mephiles has been captured by the Zone Cops and locked into the Zone prison due to his messing with the Zones. His powers were taken away due to the Bands placed around his arms.

During his time here, he sits with Void in the cafeteria and talks to him, Mephiles notices Scourge angrily walking away from the Destructix and wonders what is going on. When Scourge and the Destructix manage to deactivate the Zones defenses, Mephiles attempts to escape from the prison. It is unknown whether or not he succeeded.

Sonic Runners[]

Mephiles appears in Sonic Runners as one of the playable characters.

Sonic Dash[]

Mephiles appears in Sonic Dash as an unlockable character, who can be played after collecting 150 of his Legendary cards.


You have no desire for revenge. You only crave destruction. Your only lust is to fuel Iblis until there is nothing left of time itself!
~ Shadow to Mephiles.

Mephiles is a cold, calculated, and villainous demon, who uses lies and threats to turn people against each other. He is shown to be extremely sadistic and destructive, as he gloats over how Omega will be the one to betray Shadow in the future and takes simple enjoyment over killing Sonic. He is cool, composed, manipulative, and determined, and rarely loses his temper.

He is also arrogant and views others as inferior compared to him, due to his status as a god. He is also shown to be nihilistic, evidenced by his questioning Shadow as to why he even bothers fighting at all to protect humanity when they will inevitably persecute him later. He also craves destruction, right down to even time itself. He is also a manipulator, as shown when he deceived Silver into believing Sonic was the "Iblis Trigger", just so he could make Princess Elise cry and break Iblis's seal.

Powers and Abilities[]

Drown in darkness!
~ Mephiles the Dark.

Mephiles is capable of taking various forms by absorbing an individual's shadow, which resulted in him gaining his common form. Subtle differences are applied, however, such as a far darker shade of various colors, a pale complexion, and bestial green eyes. Besides actually taking on a form with someone's shadow, he also can grow stronger by absorbing shadows, especially if it comes from the same type of shadow as the being whose shadow he absorbed earlier outside of time. This is especially evident with his second encounter, where he managed to effortlessly escape imprisonment from another Scepter of Darkness due to his present self having gone back in time absorbing Shadow's shadow while the latter was sealing away Mephiles' past self.

Mephiles can manipulate and move through time with an ability similar to Chaos Control. Whether or not this was due to taking Shadow's form through his shadow or he had this power all along is debatable; however, being one-half of the time god Solaris, the latter seems more probable. In addition, he has enough control over his abilities of time manipulation to separate pursuing enemies, as evidenced by how he managed to escape Omega and Shadow after their first fight in the future. His primary offensive technique is a massive sphere of black energy that is spawned from his hands that home in on their targets. He can also use the energy spheres to move himself and others through time. Since Mephiles absorbed Shadow's shadow, he also has the ability to actually be his shadow, as seen in the first boss fight against him. Furthermore, he can alter his physical form to sink into the ground and merge with the shadow of another. He can also manipulate shadows to create "clones" of himself, although they are warped and imperfect without the power of the Chaos Emeralds. He can also merge the clones together to make large shadow monsters. With two Emeralds, he can create an army of perfect clones. As seen in the "Showdown with Mephiles" cutscene, Mephiles can also blast opponents away by firing shock waves of energy at them. Mephiles' final attack used before fusing with Iblis to become Solaris was a beam of energy (dubbed the "Dark Chaos Lance" by fans) that he extends from his right hand to kill Sonic.

Mephiles appears to be immortal, surviving every fight he takes part in, and whenever he is beaten he seems to just shift into his base form. Whether or not he is capable of feeling pain is unknown; although he reacts to taking damage during his boss battles with Shadow, he merely stood and allowed himself to be shot multiple times when confronting Omega at Wave Ocean. Indeed, when defeated by Shadow a second time, he also declared himself to be immortal, and invincible.

Since he is the mind and will of Solaris, Mephiles also happens to be very intelligent. This is shown in his ability as a master manipulator, being able to easily trick Silver and Blaze into nearly getting his desired result. He is also shown to have adept knowledge on using modern technology, as evidence by knowing exactly which files in Dr. Eggman's computer to use when trying to persuade Silver to assassinate Sonic. This is most likely due to his apparently endless lifespan and time travel power allowing him to study the world around him for as long as he needs to.

Mephiles has also demonstrated the curious ability to, with one Chaos Emerald in his possession, warp the other six Emeralds to his location instantly, which he did after the Flames of Disaster were released from Elise and before reuniting with Iblis. Presumably, he utilized the Chaos Emeralds' magnetic properties to pull this off.

Mephiles also was capable of creating and commanding various monsters, as evidenced by the various monsters that appeared.

Minions and Monsters[]


Stalkers, also known as Mephiles Biters, are lizard-like canines that have succumbed to the control of Mephiles. They behave very similarly to their Iblis counterparts in that they leap forward with claws outstretched and whip their tails to attack. However, Stalkers are also capable of blasting lasers from their mouths, unlike Iblis Biters, which breathe flames. A Stalker can be defeated in two hits.


Titans, also known as Mephiles Golems, are giants with thick, purple armor. Although the Titan's attack pattern is similar to that of its Iblis counterpart (throwing energy balls and making shock waves with its fists), it is very tough and resistant, having the dubious honor of being the strongest non-boss monster in the game, and can only be damaged with Homing Attacks or thrown objects. Titans must be damaged eight times to be defeated.


Takers are airborne, skeletal bat-like creatures. They are mostly the same as Iblis Takers, except that they shoot black spheres of energy instead of fireballs and they swoop at their foes when in close quarters. A Mephiles Taker can be killed in two hits. They are useful for crossing large gaps by using Homing Attacks on them.


Worms are enormous purple leeches controlled by Mephiles. Just like Iblis Worms, they rise from floors, walls or ceilings when the enemy is nearby and attack by sweeping their bodies around. Mephiles Worms also exhale toxic gas for an extra attack. They take six hits to be defeated.



  • Iblis



AH HA HA HA HA! Oh, how ironic fate can be! I would never have believed I would be resurrected through your shade. I thank you, Shadow the Hedgehog.
~ Mephiles introducing himself to Shadow the Hedgehog after escaping from inside the Scepter of Darkness.
What you gave to me, I now return to you! A one-way ticket to oblivion!
~ Mephiles.
Mephiles: So, decided to void your return ticket now, did you?
Shadow: Why are you here? Did you ruin this world?
Mephiles: The answer's yes... and no. Perhaps it's better to show you. [snaps his finger revealing Shadow from the future] Yes, that's you. After the World was devastated by Iblis's flames, what do you think happened? A search for the guilty. Who did this, you may ask? Humanity wasn't just jealous of your power. They feared it. They used this incident as an excuse to hunt you down. Come with me, Shadow. Let us punish this foolish world of humanity. It's only fair to give back what was intended for you. You have every right to want justice.
~ Mephiles to Shadow about Silver's future.
Such foolishness...very well, let's see if you can entertain me.
~ Mephiles
I'm your can't even touch me.
~ Mephiles the Dark.
You're just a nuisance...robot.
~ Mephiles to E-123 Omega.
Just as a flower comes from a seed, or a chicken comes from an egg, everything has an origin. You need to find the being originally responsible for this catastrophe.
~ Mephiles, misleading Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat to find the source behind the Day of Disaster.
With my help, you can...because I have the power to travel through time.
~ Mephiles, manipulating Silver the Hedgehog.
I was expecting you sooner, as you must know, you're already too late...but there is still time for you to change your mind...join me, Shadow. Let us teach this world a lesson, and rewrite the future...
~ Mephiles to Shadow the Hedgehog.
I'll make sure you regret this, Shadow the Hedgehog!
~ Mephiles to Shadow the Hedgehog.
The 'I' of now absorbed your power through your shadow in the past. What may have worked 10 years ago, no longer does!
~ Mephiles.
This only proves you were created to stop Shadow, the ultimate life form!
~ Mephiles about Shadow the Hedgehog.


  • Mephiles is the only character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and in any other Sonic-related media for that matter, who has actually successfully killed Sonic.
  • Mephiles' name is derived from Mephistopheles, the demon from the legend of the German magician Faust, and possibly after Mephitis, the Greek personification of the poisonous gases emitted from the ground in swamps and volcanic vapors.
  • Sonic comic book writer Ian Flynn speculates the Time Eater from Sonic Generations, is actually what is left of Mephiles, who managed "to slip through a crack in time". While this applies for the comics, it is unknown if it is true for the games, but Ian Flynn states that it is implied for the games, considering the hints and similarities of the Time Eater's appearance and its abilities. However, this might just be a coincidence and Sega has yet to confirm this in-universe information.[1]
    • Ian Flynn planned to bring back Mephiles due to his popularity, but claimed Mephiles is "currently off limits for use".
      • Morio Kishimoto, one of the designers and directors of Sonic Team, in a response to fan feedback regarding Sonic Frontiers, claimed that it's very possible for Mephiles to return in future installments due to previous mainstream titles connecting with Frontiers. [1]
  • Killing Sonic would reveal that Mephiles' lie about him being the Iblis Trigger was a half-truth, as realized by Eggman and Silver. While Sonic actually is the Iblis Trigger, his death would not stop Iblis's resurrection like Mephiles told Silver. Instead, it would be the very event that would release Iblis on the world since the key to Iblis's freedom from Elise's soul was for her to become so consumed with despair or guilt that she would cry, as she had formed a very close (possibly even romantic) bond with Sonic. Had Silver succeeded in killing Sonic without Amy Rose or Shadow intervening, his future would have been worse off than it already is.
  • He appeared as one of the playable characters in the now defunct mobile game Sonic Runners and Sonic Forces: Speed Battle.
  • Despite being in their presence, Mephiles neither interacts with, shows interest in, or even acknowledges the presence of Rouge and Blaze, the females closely associated with Shadow and Silver respectively.
  • When Mephiles gains a new physical form he has trouble walking and his limbs were limp most of the time, but in all later scenes he walks normally and his arms are no longer limp implying that he gained more control over his body after his transformation.

External links[]



            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Villains

Eggman Empire
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Classic) | Metal Sonic (Classic) | Infinite
Sage | Orbot | Cubot | SA-55 | EggRobos (Lone EggRobo) | Mecha Sonic | Silver Sonic | Mecha Knuckles | Tails Doll | Hard-Boiled Heavies (Heavy King | Heavy Gunner | Heavy Shinobi | Heavy Magician | Heavy Rider) | E-100 Alpha | E-101 Beta | SCR-HD
Chaos | Eggman Enterprises | MeteorTech | Time Eater | Jackal Squad | Replicas | Accevive Corp | Robotnik Corp

Team Dark
Shadow the Hedgehog | Rouge the Bat | E-123 Omega

Babylon Rogues
Jet the Hawk | Wave the Swallow | Storm the Albatross

Eggman Nega's Forces
Eggman Nega | Metal Sonic 3.0 | Captain Whisker | Johnny

Deadly Six
Zavok | Zazz | Zeena | Master Zik | Zomom | Zor

Starline Empire
Dr. Starline

Clean Sweep Inc.
Clutch the Opossum | Rough and Tumble | Mimic the Octopus | Surge the Tenrec | Kitsunami the Fennec

Black Arms
Black Doom | Eclipse the Darkling

Knuckles Clan

The Hooligans
Fang the Hunter | Bark the Polarbear | Bean the Dynamite

Hard-Boiled Heavies
Heavy King | Heavy Gunner | Heavy Shinobi | Heavy Magician | Heavy Rider

Mephiles the Dark | Iblis

Nocturnus Clan
Imperator Ix

Battle Kukku Empire
Great Battle Kukku | Battle Kukku XVI | Dr. Fukurokov

Witchcart | Bearenger the Bear | Hocke-Wulf | Carrotia the Rabbit

Storybook Villains
Sonic and the Secret Rings: Erazor Djinn | Captain Bemoth | Ifrit Golem
Sonic and the Black Knight: Merlina | King Arthur | Knights of the Underworld

Classic Time Period
Classic Dr. Eggman | Classic Metal Sonic

Sonic Adventures

LEGO Dimensions
LEGO Chaos | LEGO Dr. Eggman | LEGO Metal Sonic

Robotnik's Forces
Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Agent Stone | Badniks (Unit & Matryoshka Drones) | Lindsey and Jason | The Buyer | Agent Willoughby | Agent Mason | Professor Gerald Robotnik

Echidna Tribe (Pachacamac, Echidna Warrior & Knuckles the Echidna) | Shadow the Hedgehog | Rava the Destroyer | Scavengers | Giant Owls | Iblis | Metal Sonic

Roadhouse Thug | Pistol Pete Whipple | Jack Sinclair | Cattleprod Bounty Hunter | Chain Bounty Hunter

Babylon Guardian | Biolizard | King Arthur | Boom Boos | Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Scorpius | Dark Gaia (Dark Gaia's Minions) | Erazor Djinn | Fang the Sniper | Feist | G-merl | King Boom Boo | Ifrit | Merlina | Professor Gerald Robotnik | Pachacamac | The End

See Also
Sonic Boom Villains | Sonic Cartoon Villains | Sonic the Comic Villains | IDW Sonic Comic Villains | Sonic Manga Villains | Sonic X Villains | Sonic Prime Villains
