Margie is Bruce Wayne's nemesis on the Parent-Teacher's Association from Duke Thomas's school.
Margie was first mentioned in Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #15, when Batman telling Alfred Pennyworth to get good seats for Cassandra Cain's dance performance as he was not letting Margie get the best seats again. He then said that her kid wasn’t even a good of a dancer.
Margie makes full appearance in Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #79, where she manipulates Bruce Wayne into thinking he’s in charge of bringing the snacks for Duke Thomas' class party, when in reality he was supposed to bring the desserts. On the day of the class party, Bruce shows up with the snacks and Margie swoops in and upstages him with her homemade cupcakes, telling everyone that she was in a baking mood last night. She was then praised by the other members of the PTA for bringing the desserts. Margie was then confronted by Bruce about how it wasn’t a coincidence that she had those cupcakes ready. Margie then told him that he should have payed better attention to what was said to him and to throw the snacks he brought in the back, telling him they probably won’t need them.
Later, when Margie was about to be thanked for making today happen, the school speaker came on and told everyone to go to the school parking lot for free ice cream provided by Bruce, to Margie's dislike. Outside, one of the PTA members was talking to Bruce about how this was incredible and then asked Margie if she thought the same. Margie then sarcastically stated that it was so amazing, with Bruce telling that it meant a lot coming from her.