Antagonists Wiki
Magma Dragoon

Magma Dragoon (Magmard Dragoon in Japan) is one of the eight bosses that appear in Megaman x4.

Megaman X4[]

Magma Dragoon betrayed the Maverick Hunters and became Maverick. He attacked the Sky Lagoon causing it to collide with the city, resulting in the deaths of thousands of the civilians, resulting in the guilt of Repliforce by what happened. Depending on whether the player chooses to choose between X or Zero, after facing Magma Dragoon in volcano, where Magma Dragoon fights throwing fireballs from his hands and screaming ''hadouken'' while making the attack, breathing the current of fire and casting meteors of fire, he can also use uppecut of ''shoryuken''. His weakness is Double Cyclone when he plays with Zero.

After being defeated either by X or Zero, he regrets his actions and apologizes and states that he always dreams of fighting X or Zero.
