Antagonists Wiki

Magica De Spell is the main villainess of the Scrooge McDuck comics and the DuckTales TV series. She is an evil sorceress whose main enemy is Scrooge McDuck trying to be a thief over Scrooge's Number One Dime in The Midas Touch comic. Not only Magica is a villain to Scrooge McDuck and his nephews, she's also the enemy of the Donald Duck Universe characters.


Like most witches, she has a raven as her assistant. Her raven assistant is Poe who is revealed to be Magica's brother. However, Poe was never to be turned into an anthropomorphic duck, which remains him to be in his raven form permanently. However, in the comics, the raven is Rattface, which is also an ally to Magica. She is also capable in transforming into a non-anthropomorphic buzzard in the DuckTales video game; not only that, Magica is also capable in transforming into a non-anthropomorphic crow in the DuckTales animated series.


A wicked sorceress, Magica is considered the most gothic villainess than The Evil Queen in her hag form. As stated above, her most despicable plan is when she tries to get Scrooge's Number One Dime to make it a golden amulet in a King Midas-like state to turn everything gold for her to be rich in her first appearance. She is considered eventually crueler than Merlock from The Ducktales Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, in which both villains are depicted as sorcerers which are anthropomorphic animals and can shape-shift into non-anthropomorphic animals.

One of her most despicable plans outside the comics and the TV series is when she attacks Donald Duck in the video game "Goin' Quackers" in the haunted house levels as the third boss. She is known for trying to stop Donald Duck from trying to save Daisy by sending skeletal ducks and magic beams to thwart Donald. In the DuckTales video game, her most despicable plan is assisting Flintheart Glomgold to reach the treasure for him to be rich and stop Scrooge from being rich. This is considered villainous teaming, as the two are trying to beat Scrooge in reaching the treasure.
