Antagonists Wiki

Madame Odius is a secondary antagonist in the first season of Power Rangers Ninja Steel and after Galvanax's death she would become the main antagonist in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.


Power Rangers Ninja Steel[]

Odius is Galvanax's second-in-command, then when Galvanax goes to planet Earth to catch the Ninja Nexus Prism, he soon ends up fighting and apparently kills Brody's father. Then he ends up welcoming Brody to his ship. However, arriving in his teens, he and Mick and Redbot escape the ship and take the prism and go to Earth. They soon end up befriending other teenagers who are Preston Tien (Blue Steel Ranger), Calvin Maxwell (Yellow Steel Ranger), Hayley Foster (White Steel Ranger), Sarah Thompson (Pink Steel Ranger), and her ship friend and relatives Levi Weston (Gold Steel Ranger), Dane Romero (Red Steel Ranger) and Mick Kanic (Red Steel Ranger). Then when she kidnaps Brody's brother, who is Levi who had not been introduced in the episode. After that, she incriminates Ripcon. She also sent an android to pass on Brody's brother who had all of Levi's memories. After Ripcon's death, and arriving in the final episodes when Galvanax is strengthened after absorbing the powers of the Ninja Nexus Prism. However, Odius suck the rest of Ripcon's powers, Galvanax furiously tries to attack her. Weakened by Odius, he is defeated by the Ninja Steel Rangers. It is later revealed that Odius survived the attack and became the new Galaxy Warriors ruler in place to Galvanax.

Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel[]


Odius is extremely cruel, sadistic and sinic because she has shown joy in the destruction of Ripcon. She is totally narcissitic, wanting power at any cost and proving to be a megalomaniac and also a manipulative psychopath. It also unlike other treacherous villains from Power Rangers who failed to use their superiors like Darkonda, Deviot, Vexacus, Broodwing, Imperious, Grizzaka, Serrator and Arachnitor. She in turn succeeded after leaving Galvanax weak for the Rangers to destroy him.



  • Its Sentai counterpart is male who is Kyeumon Izayoi.

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