Antagonists Wiki

Dan Oherlily as Macduff in the 1948 adaptation of Macbeth

Macduff is the main antagonist but the main hero in the Shakespeare's literature Macbeth, while the titular character is the main protagonist but the main villain of the story. He sought revenge against his rival Macbeth, which was for having Macduff's wife and children killed.


Macduff is the Thane of Fife. He becomes the first person in the story to know about Macbeth's killing of King Duncan. So instead of attending Macbeth's coronation, he goes to England where he convinces Malcolm, Duncan's estranged son, to return and take the throne from Macbeth,

Meanwhile, Macbeth is told by the three witches to be aware of Macduff, while at the same time he heard that no man of woman born can hurt him and that will remain king until the Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill. Macbeth responds to this warning by ordering the murder of Macduff's wife and son. Macduff is devastated when he learns of this, and it encourages him all the more to make sure Macbeth is killed.

Malcolm and Macduff's forces use branches from the trees in Birnam Wood as camouflage as the two men march up to Macbeth's castle at Dunsinane. They fulfill the first half of the witches' prophecy of Macbeth's downfall, and when Macduff confronts Macbeth, he tells him that he was born through a cesarean section and thus is not "of woman born", fulfilling the other part of the witches' prophecy. Macduff kills Macbeth and presents his head to Malcolm, who is now the king of Scotland.
