Lynn L. Loud, Jr. is one of the ten deuteragonists of Nickelodeon's The Loud House franchise. She is the fifth oldest sister and shares her room with her polar opposite sister, Lucy. She is also Lincoln's occasional arch-rival and has played a villainous role in some episodes.
She is voiced by Jessica DiCicco, who also voices Lucy Loud in the same series. In the live-action series, she was portrayed by Morgan McGill in A Loud House Christmas and currently Annaka Fourneret.
At 14 years old (13 before Season 5), Lynn is the fifth-oldest child of the Loud family, and the youngest of Lincoln's five older sisters. She is named after her father. Lynn is an eighth grader (a seventh grader in the first four seasons) at Royal Woods Middle School, which she attends with her brother Lincoln. She has a habit of turning everything into a competition and enjoys calling Lincoln "Stinkin'" as her favorite nickname for him.
In "Middle Men", Lynn confessed that she had a miserable, if not depressing, time in her first year of middle school, describing it as a "real horror story." Back then, she was more soft-hearted, tender and sensitive, but she was humiliated and picked on multiple times by her peers in school. Because of this, she acted more aggressive and tough against others. Although it prevented her from ever being bullied again, it has just caused her to become more violent and forceful over the years. Nonetheless, she is still caring and she just didn't want her brother or Clyde to suffer like she did.
Lynn is athletic and competitive. She loves to play sports and enjoys roughhousing with her siblings.
She enjoys playing every existing sport, including football, soccer, hockey, basketball, and baseball. She is also skilled in various forms of martial arts, such as kickboxing, Mexican wrestling (or lucha libre), and parkour. Lynn tends to turn everything into a competition - her siblings consider this to be her most annoying habit. She is also shown to be very competitive, and strives to be "number one" in every game she plays, even when winning isn't involved.
After Lola and Lori, she is the third most easily angered Loud sibling and is the most prone to physical confrontations.
Despite her tomboyish attitude, she shows a more feminine side on rare occasions, and takes part in her sisters' girly activities. She shows no shame in using puppy eyes to get what she wants, such as bunking in Lincoln's room in "Space Invader". In "Heavy Meddle", she gets as excited as her sisters after finding out about Lincoln's romantic situation. In "Back in Black", she helps with Lucy's makeover as the rest of her sisters do. In "L is for Love", she happily sighs after Lori reads a love letter.
Lynn is very superstitious and makes up absurd assumptions, such as in "Sleuth or Consequences"; where she tells Lincoln that she never "bombs the toilet" before a big game of roller derby because it's bad luck. This is also prominent in "Intern for the Worse", where she doesn't allow her teammate, Margo, to use the bathroom, because of the same belief. In "Cover Girls", she tells Lincoln to cover for her while she is at the batting cage to hit baseballs to avoid spring cleaning, and she said if she didn't hit the first ball, she'll have bad luck all throughout the baseball season. This is shown again in "No Such Luck", where she is shown to perform good luck rituals, and unfairly believes Lincoln is bad luck when he comes to her game and she loses, ruining her winning streak.
Lynn is also very immature, as shown in "Cereal Offender" when she rides on carts in the grocery store and wrecks several aisles. Another example of her immaturity is shown in "A Tale of Two Tables", where she participated in the food fight with her siblings. Another part of this immaturity is her poor sportsmanship. When she loses, she starts throwing tantrums, and if she wins, she starts gloating at others, until someone makes her realize she's hurting their feelings.
Lynn isn't exactly above employing underhanded methods in order to win. In "Space Invader", she complements Lincoln's wrestling ambush upon entering his room, even if it is considered cheating. Another instance occurs in "Lynner Takes All", when she tricks Lincoln into giving the wrong answer during a trivia game.
Although in "Net Gains", she may have finally learned true sportsmanship when she was put in a bad basketball team called Turkey Jerkies and since she was so blinded by winning the championship, that she forgot the real reason why they play basketball: to have fun. She even accepted her and the teams' loss with pride at the end.
In "Sitting Bull", it is revealed that her aggressive attitude caused her to abuse the kids that she babysat, which causes their parents to fire her older sisters. After she was placed to babysit the Fox quintuplets, her methods proved effective when used on rough children, and she also give her sisters their customers back.
Since it was shown in "Middle Men" that she has grown to become more assertive and competitive because of her fear and depression in the 6th grade, it is possible that she is just really insecure about herself and hides it by acting aggressively. If she didn't, she would be bullied forever. However, hints of insecurity can be seen in her overreliance on good luck rituals and amulets, which suggests Lynn has a lack of faith in her abilities in sports. Additionally, her competitive personality does not stem entirely from the bullying, as shown in the comic "It's Just a Phase" where she's described as being "too competitive" at age one.
In "Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow", she is revealed as she cannot handle her pride and jealousy. If she sees someone getting more attention than her, she gets extremely upset and jealous. At the end, she finally realized that her behavior was causing her to lose her friend and started to become supportive rather than jealous.
Lynn is somewhat interested in romance when it comes to other people, as shown in several episodes which show that she is a fan of The Dream Boat, and in "Heavy Meddle" and "White Hare" where she shows great interest in Lincoln's love life. Despite this, as shown in "Singled Out", she is not very interested in participating in romance herself, due to finding it "mushy".
Lynn attends Royal Woods Middle School as a 7th grader with no other siblings for the first four seasons. However, as the fifth season, Lincoln attends middle school with her and she is an 8th grader.
In "Diamonds Are for Never", Lynn revealed that she despises the magic shows while the rest of her family likes Lincoln's magic show despite clapping for him earlier because she's aware that they're all just sleight-of-hand illusions. She beats up Lincoln in a rage for cleaning her socks with his magic trick.
Lynn has auburn hair pulled back into a short high ponytail that is smaller than Luan's. She wears a red and white jersey with a red "1" on it (which is revealed to be her roller derby shirt as shown in "Lock 'n' Loud"), red-and-white track shorts, and black cleats with striped white knee-high socks. She is slightly taller than Lincoln and has freckles on her cheeks. Despite her age, her short appearance makes it seem like she's a preteen, not a teenager. Like most of her siblings, she has purple-gray eyelids.
Her original night-time attire consists of a white tank top, red shorts, and ankle high socks. In a few instances, she is shown wearing a nightshirt that looks like her regular jersey, with socks instead of her usual sleepwear. Beginning in the start of season 3, her usual night attire consists off a white and red sports shirt with a 5 on it and red shorts, although in a few instances post season 2, she is instead shown with her original night attire. Her swimwear is a red-and-white surf shirt with matching swim trunks.
Villainous Acts[]
- "Making the Case": Lynn wants to get revenge on Lincoln by beating him up for uploading videos involving her and her sisters.
- "Butterfly Effect": In Lincoln's fantasy sequence, she joins Lola in a life of crime.
- "Back in Black": She wrecked Lincoln's school project with her hockey stick so Rusty could come over with his brother to fix it up.
- "No Such Luck": Lynn forces Lincoln to attend her softball game by threatening to beat him up with a baseball bat. After Lynn loses at a softball game, she blames Lincoln and lies to her family that he is unlucky so they can ban him from attending their activities. She and her family also kicks Lincoln out of their house and refuse to forgive him for lying that he is bad luck. After Lincoln manages to prove he is not bad luck by wearing a squirrel mascot costume at her softball game, Lynn and her family apologize to Lincoln for hurting his feelings.
- "Lynner Takes All": Lynn beats her siblings in every board games they play which she constantly showboating and gloating in front of their faces. At the Ace Savvy trivia game, she tricks Lincoln into giving the wrong answer. When Lynn loses the game "The Settlers of Cat-Land", she beats her siblings by turning everything into a contest to get revenge for defeating her.
- "Shop Girl": She lies to Leni about Lincoln helping her become more assertive, much Lincoln is disappointed what she said about the celebration of Leni's success.
- "Sitting Bull": Lynn abused the McCauley kids that she was babysitting by forcing them to do stuff that pretty much traumatized them, like forcing them to carry heavy things, encouraging them to fight each other, and telling them a disturbing story about breaking a bone in her leg before she put the kids to bed, which she ruins her older sisters' reputation. When Lincoln butts in Lynn's room to say he is available, she throws a football at Lincoln to knock him down. Later, Lynn steals her older sisters' babysitting jobs to abuse the other kids by making them lose their jobs.
- "Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow": Lynn becomes jealous of her friend Margo gets praised after she wins a soccer game. She decides to overshadow Margo by winning another soccer game, which results in her get the spotlight back and upsets Margo in the process.
- "Racing Hearts": Lynn disguises as Helen by teaming up with Scoots to compete against the other teams and win a tiny trophy at the Royal Woods Astonishing Quest after she was banned from this year's event for her aggressive and over-competitive behavior last year.
- "Schooled!": Lynn abused her hall monitor status, like shoving Lincoln into a locker, making him late to class and getting him in trouble for it. She also shoves Zach and Rusty into lockers for not having hall passes which she acts like a bully instead of what she's supposed to be doing.
- "Cow Pie Kid": She hallucinated that a nearby goat was heckling her and assaults the goat by throwing a baseball at it, which just comes off as animal cruelty.
- "No Bus No Fuss": She steals Lincoln's breakfast burrito and eats it completely in a matter of seconds, a disappointed Lincoln ended up skipping his breakfast because of her.
- "Diamonds Are For Never": Lynn furiously attacks and beats up Lincoln for cleaning her socks with his magic trick, even it reveals that she hates magic shows.
- "The Taunting Hour": Raging over Scoot heckling her at the soccer game, Lynn tells Lincoln to leave her alone and throws her gym stuff at him. She also threatens to beat Lincoln up and refused to have a negotiation about it. Later, she wants to get revenge on Lincoln for revealing the critics.
- "Time Trap!": A flashback shows her hitting Lincoln with the pizza box to prevent him from getting the last slice of pizza, flinging him into Lynn Sr. and Rita's vase.
- "Lynn and Order": Lynn starts to boss the students around by giving them demerits for infractions. As Liam is assigned as Lynn's hall monitor partner, she attempts to teach him how to boss the students around by giving them demerits, but he gives them a second chance instead. Because of this, Lynn schemes to keep Liam out of her way by cutting a hole in the school fence and sending him on a bogus squirrel hunt. Later, she apologize to Liam and officially become partners.
- "Snow Escape": Lynn goes full beast mode when it's Packing Day and ruthlessly hunt down her family by pelting them with snowballs, which the rest of the Loud family were terrified of her. She steal her family's sack lunches and pops Vanzilla's tires. She attacks her siblings with snowballs who heading to school while caught Lucy, Lana and Luna, followed by capturing Luan. She later ends up falling victim to her four siblings' trap where gets shoved and locked in the food storage locker. Lynn breaks out of food storage locker and prepares to attack her four siblings with snowballs, but she burps and causes the snow falls on her. At the end when Patchy declares that tomorrow will be another Packing Day, Lynn tells her family that they will eat major snow tomorrow and rushes out of the house to get ready for her beast mode.
- "A Crime to Dye For": She and Luan get revenge on Lincoln by framing him for dying the family's laundry orange. However, they both apologized for their actions and were sent on laundry duty for the next month.
- "Bye Bye Birthday": Lynn slams Lincoln with her elbow and knocks him out of his seat during Lucy's birthday. At the end, she is about to slam Lincoln with her elbow, but gets told not to do that again.
Listen Out Loud[]
- "Lynn Loud": Lynn steals Lori's phone and runs around the house in five laps which she covers it in her sweat.
Other Media[]
- "Sibling Rivalry": She steals Lincoln's backpack and race him to the Loud house.
“ | You're gonna possess a bruise in a minute! | „ |
~ Lynn threatening Lincoln. |
“ | DUTCH OVEN! | „ |
~ Lynn giving Lincoln a dutch oven. |
“ | Hey, Lincoln, I almost forgot something. | „ |
~ Lynn pantsing Lincoln as punishment for breaking Lori's watch. |
“ | Lincoln: Hey, sis. I'm really sorry you lost. Hey. Lynn: Stay back! You're bad luck! Lincoln: What are you talking about? Lynn: My team has been dominating all season, then the one time you show up, we lose! Lincoln: That's ridiculous. I'm not bad luck. Lynn: Yeah-huh, you are! Which is why I'm banning you from all future games. Now scram! I have to make things right with the softball gods. Hutta-hut! Hutta-hut! Hutta-hut! |
„ |
~ Lynn blaming Lincoln for being unlucky and making her team lose while she lies that he's bad luck. |
“ | Oh my gosh, you're right. Wow, Lincoln, I'm really sorry. | „ |
~ Lynn apologize to Lincoln for accusing him of being unlucky before the rest of the family apologize for insulting him. |
“ | Boom! Welcome to Losertown! Population: you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you! | „ |
~ Lynn treating her siblings as loser guys. |
“ | Oh, is it? Are you sure? It could be a trick question. I'm just sayin'. (chuckles) Game's riding on this. It'd sure be a shame if you choked. | „ |
~ Lynn tricking Lincoln into giving the wrong answer. |
“ | Ah, we gotta celebrate. Pretzels and sodas. On Lincoln. | „ |
~ Lynn lying to Leni about Lincoln helping her become more assertive. |
“ | Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't give a babysitting job to Stinkin'! I’m next in line. | „ |
~ Lynn forbidding Lincoln to join the babysitting club. |
“ | Lincoln: Are you okay? Your anger vein is doing that thing it does. Lynn: No. I'm not okay. I've been carrying my soccer team all season. I'm the top goal scorer, I bust my butt every game, then one fluke shot and poof! Everyone loses their minds! Lincoln: Sorry, Lynn. I got distracted. I was just watching a video of Margo's amazing kick. Lynn: Oh, that does it! |
„ |
~ Lynn getting jealous of Margo. |
“ | Lynn: No throwing juice in the halls! Lincoln: Lynn, I have to get to class. Can you give me another escort? Lynn: Negative! You only get one freebie. You're doing some time, Stinkin'. Lincoln: This isn't even my locker. Lynn: This isn't even my juice, but you don't see me complaining! |
„ |
~ Lynn shoving Lincoln into a locker and made him late to class. |
“ | Ha-ha! Snooze, you lose, Stinkin'! | „ |
~ Lynn stealing Lincoln's breakfast burrito. |
“ | Boo! Give it up, Stinkin'. We know your hat has a false bottom and Walt's underneath it. | „ |
~ Lynn taunting Lincoln's magic show. |
“ | Hey, check this out! STINKIN'!... | „ |
~ Lynn teasing Lincoln by shouting his nickname in the cave. |
“ | Ha! Thanks, Stinkin'. Good idea. Happy Packing Day, chumps. | „ |
~ Lynn preparing to pelt Lincoln, Lola, Leni, and Lisa with snowballs. |
“ | Haha, chumps! You may have won today, but tomorrow, you're gonna eat major snow. See ya on the battlefield! | „ |
~ Lynn getting herself ready for her beast mode after Patchy declares that tomorrow will be Packing Day again. |
- Her name is the only name out of the Loud children to have one syllable instead of two.
- Along with Luan, her name is also a unisex name.
- She was the main antagonist in some episodes, such as "No Such Luck", "Lynner Takes All", "Sitting Bull" and "Snow Escape".
- Lynn was named after one of Chris Savino's five sisters.
- She is similar to Helga Pataki from Hey Arnold!. Both characters are tomboys and enjoys calling Lincoln and Arnold a main nicknames, including "Stinkin'" and "Football Head".
External Links[]
- Lynn Loud Jr. on the Heroes Wiki
- Lynn Loud Jr. on the The Loud House Wiki
- Lynn Loud Jr. on the Paramount Wiki
- Lynn Loud Jr. on the Nickelodeon Wiki
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