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This villain was approved and proposed on the Entertainingly Detestable Wiki to be an Entertainingly Detestable who stands out for having entertaining qualities such as exceptional intelligence, charm, charisma, and comical tone, while remaining notably detestable for their characteristics and the actions that they have committed. Do not remove this template from characters unless they were removed from the Entertainingly Detestable Wiki. Failure to comply will result in a block.

Villain Overview

Shen: Greetings, panda! At last we meet! [He falters.] Oh, no no no no no... [acrobatically flips about before pointing his lance in another direction.] We meet at last! Yes! That's it! Greetings, panda! We meet at la- [He stops short when he ends up pointing his lance at the Soothsayer, who has appeared out of nowhere.]
Soothsayer: You are afraid for a reason.
Shen: I'm not afraid. He's coming to me in chains! If anyone should be afraid, it's...
Soothsayer: You.
Shen: [looks at her trying to munch his robes.. then quickly yanks them out of her reach.] Don't even think about it.
~ Lord Shen's planned greeting for Po.
Happiness... must be taken. And I will take mine.
~ Lord Shen's famous quote talking to the Soothsayer as she leaves,
Such sad, sad faces. But now is a time only for joy. You are going to be part of something beautiful. Once we reach the harbor, in front of all the world, you and your precious kung fu will die. (chortles) Then China will know to bow before me. Set sail!
~ Lord Shen's second famous quote to the captured Furious Five.

Lord Shen is the main antagonist of DreamWorks' twenty-second full-length animated feature film Kung Fu Panda 2 and the posthumous overarching antagonist of its sequel Kung Fu Panda 3.

He is a sadistic, devious and power-hungry peacock prince who wanted to use fireworks to create deadly cannons in order to conquer all of China and annihilate Kung Fu with his cannons. Shen was prophesied to be defeated by a warrior of black and white, motivating him into wiping out the Pandas. He is the Soothsayer's former master and the Wolves' leader, as well as Po's arch-nemesis. Shen's genocide of the pandas is also the reason Po was found, adopted and raised by Mr. Ping, how he met and befriended Master Shifu and the Furious Five as well as how he became the Dragon Warrior in the first place.

He was voiced by Gary Oldman, who also played Ruber in Quest for Camelot, Dreyfus in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Mason Verger in Hannibal, Norman Stansfield in Léon: The Professional, General Grawl in Planet 51, Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg in The Fifth Element, Vladislav Dukhovich in The Hitman's Bodyguard, Carnegie in The Book of Eli, Daniel Clarke in Call of Duty: Black Ops, Egor Korshunov in Air Force One, Dr. Zachary Smith/Spider Smith in Lost In Space, Drexl Spivey in True Romance, Count Dracula in Bram Stoker's Dracula and Milton Glenn in Murder in the First.


Shen wears a long white robe held with a black-colored belt. According to him, the robe is made from "the finest silk in the province". Sewn along the edges of the robe is silver silk patterned with flame-like designs, and it has a flying bird, possibly a peacock, placed on the back. He also wears metal talons that served to protect his feet, light his cannons, and act as formidable weapons.


Lord Shen is a wicked and callous peacock who wants to eliminate every panda in China. He has no problem in slaughtering anyone who opposes him, going as far as to slaughter Boss Wolf for disobeying his orders. However, he doesn’t murder the Soothsayer despite her clearly opposing him, which shows that he’s capable of caring for others.

He is also chicken-hearted and fearful since when he overhears his true fate, he has all the pandas wiped out so no one can face him, and other examples of chicken-hearted, when he refuses to warn the people crossing the bridge to move away and just has the bridge fired at and when he slaughters Master Thundering Rhino while he was easily defeated, with another example of being fearful is when Shen asks the Soothsayer what his fate is. Shen is also incredibly brilliant, able to use fireworks, something meant for color and joy as a weapon in form of a cannon and when he decided to wipe all pandas out completely, which out of sheer luck only some survived, and using his foes weaknesses completely to his advantage.

Lord Shen is also passive and neurotic, as shown when he fears getting defeated by a panda and believing that his parents hated him when they really loved him actually. What’s more, he knows what he is doing is wrong, but he continues with his plans of conquest because he knows if he stops, all the demises he caused will amount to nothing. At the end of the film, Lord Shen's own battle-cannon collapses on top of him. Instead of running, he closes his eyes and accepts his death, knowing he has failed and preventing any persecution for his crimes.

Other Media[]

Kung Fu Panda 2: The Videogame[]

in Kung Fu Panda 2: The Videogame, Lord Shen has no physical appearance, but is a posthumous and mentioned character. A few moments after Shen was defeated by Po and his fleet failed to pass the limits of the of Gongmen City, the citizens celebrated the Dragon Warrior's victory by bringing down his empire, also destroying scrolls with his emblem. The throne without any ruler, some komodo dragons, led by Zhou Dan, plan to take over the city taking advantage of the death of Lord Shen.

Lord shen in showdown of legendary legends

Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends[]

In Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends, Lord Shen appears as a playable character.

Kung Fu Rumble[]

In Kung Fu Rumble, Lord Shen appears as an enemy to be defeated inside his palace as a combat stage.


  • An entire Panda village
  • Po's Mother
  • His parents (indirectly)
  • Thundering Rhino
  • Boss Wolf
  • His wolf army


Get them all!!!
~ Shen ordering his wolves to kill every panda there is.
My father's throne... he used to let me play here beside him, promising someday that this throne would be mine... [The throne is tossed out of a window seconds later. The cannon is moved in it's place.] A little to the left. (GORILLA: Uh, but it's so heavy, master!) For thirty years I've waited for this moment. Everything must be exactly how I envisioned it... and I envisioned it a little to the left. Perfect. With the weapon by my side... ah, a little bit more. [The gorillas adjust the cannon.] With the weapon by my side... all of China will bow before me. We move out in three days, when the moon is full, and the tide is high.
~ Shen taking complete control of Gongmen City and announcing when he will start his invasion.
Now you old goat, why don't you tell me my- (Soothsayer: Fortune?) F-future. I was going to say future. Look into your bowl, and tell me what glory awaits. [Soothsayer looks into a small bowl.] (Soothsayer: If you continue on your current path...) [Her eyes roll upwards. Shen slowly walks down the small steps in the middle of the room, intrigued.] ( will find yourself... at the bottom of the stairs.) [Shen stops on the bottom of the steps. He exclaims in annoyance before approaching the Soothsayer, who again looks into her bowl.] (Soothsayer: I see... I see... I see pain... [She plucks a feather from Shen's wing.] Ow! (Soothsayer: And anger...) [She takes a bite out of Shen's robe.] How dare you! That is the finest silk in the province! (Soothsayer: Followed by denial...) This is not fortune telling! You're just saying what's happening right- (Soothsayer: Now?) [Shen sighs in exasperation. Soothsayer puts the feather and piece of silk into the bowl.] The most important time is now. But if you really want to see the future...) [Glowing blue-white smoke suddenly erupts from the bowl. Shen watches in awe as the smoke rises into the air.] Oh, what do you see? [The smoke forms into a peacock.] (Soothsayer: A peacock...) [The peacock is consumed by a fiery yin yang symbol. The gorillas back away in fear.] (Soothsayer:...Is defeated by a warrior of black and white. Nothing has changed.) [A shocked and furious Shen shatters the bowl with a throwing knife and fans away the apparition with his tail. Soothsayer looks up as Shen chuckles.] That's impossible.. and you know it! (Soothsayer: It is not impossible... and he knows it.)
~ Shen realizing his fate has not changed
Find this panda, and him bring to me!
~ Shen ordering Boss Wolf to find Po and capture him
So one panda still lives... that does not make you right. (Soothsayer: You're right... being right makes me right.) Then I will kill him... and make you wrong!
~ Shen still denying his fate
Greetings, panda! We meet at-(Po: Hey, how ya doing?) [Shen is caught off guard] Hey.
~ Shen meeting Po for the first time
You really think that this is the warrior destined to defeat me?
~ Shen mocking Po and the Soothsayer
ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE!!!! Bring the prisoners to me.
~ Shen ordering his men to be placed right in front of the cannon.
The very thing you clearly do not know.
~ Shen further taunting Po on how he doesn't know of the panda genocide
The only reason you're still alive is that I find your stupidity... mildly amusing.
~ Shen pointing his dagger at Po
Take aim. [Boss Wolf aims the cannon at the enemies while Shen laughs, until he realized nothing has happened] Well?! Light the... thing! (Boss Wolf: I did!) [Boss Wolf continuously lights the cannon, which gets diffused, to his confusion, until Mantis reveals himself.] (Mantis: FEAR THE BUG!!!) [Shen looks at Po's cage, which actually had an action figure of Mantis]
~ Lord Shen ordering the deaths of his enemies, before scolding the Boss Wolf for not lighting the thing, even though he did, which was diffused by Mantis
Yes. Yes I was.
~ Shen acknowledging he was there in the day Po last saw his parents
~ Shen taking joy at the Palace's destruction
Where are they going???!!!
~ Shen surprised Po and the Furious Five are escaping
Call in the wolves, all of them! I want them ready to move! The Year of the Peacock begins now!
~ Shen ordering Boss Wolf to get the men ready
Greetings, panda! At last we meet! [He falters.] Oh, no no no no no... [acrobatically flips about before pointing his lance in another direction.] We meet at last! Yes! That's it! Greetings, panda! We meet at la- [He stops short when he ends up pointing his lance at the Soothsayer, who has appeared out of nowhere.] (Soothsayer: You are afraid for a reason.) I'm not afraid. He's coming to me in chains! If anyone should be afraid, it's... (Soothsayer: You.) [looks at her trying to munch his robes.. then quickly yanks them out of her reach.] Don't even think about it.
~ Lord Shen's planned greeting for Po.
Such sad, sad faces. But now is a time only for joy. You are going to be part of something beautiful. Once we reach the harbor, in front of all the world, you and your precious kung fu will die. (chortles) Then China will know to bow before me. Set sail!
~ Lord Shen's second famous quote to the captured Furious Five.
Get the wolves ready... we're loading the ships now...[Raises voice] NOW! Now, now, now, now!
~ Shen intimidating Boss Wolf to follow his orders after making a wisecrack against his
You were wrong, Soothsayer! We sail to victory tonight... your magic panda is clearly a fool! (Soothsayer: Are you certain it is the panda who is the fool? You just destroyed your ancestral home, Shen!) A trivial sacrifice... [He sticks the lance's tip into a nearby fire. When it is glowing hot, he stabs it into the map of China, sending the entire sheet up in flames.] when all of China is my reward! (Soothsayer: Then will you finally be satisfied? Will the subjugation of the whole world finally make you feel better!) Hmmm, it's a start. I might also convert the basement into a dungeon.
~ Soothsayer scolding Shen for continuing with his evil plans to which Shen snarkily replies back
(Soothsayer: The cup you choose to fill has no bottom. It is time to stop this madness.) And why on earth would I do that? (Soothsayer: So your parents can rest in peace.) My parents... hated me. Do you understand? They wronged me. I... will make it right. (Soothsayer: They loved you! They loved you so much, that having to send you away killed them.) The dead exist in the past, and I must tend to the future.
~ Lord Shen expressing how he thinks his parents never loved him
Move, you dogs! Faster, faster! Load them all!
~ Shen to his men in speeding up productions of his cannons
Greetings Panda. (Po: Tell me what happened that night.) What night? (Po: That night.) Aahh, that night. (Po: Yes. We're talking about the same night, right?) Yes, I was there. Yes, I watched your parents abandoned you. It's a terrible thing. I believe it went something like this!!!!
~ Shen meeting Po before trying to kill him in the fireworks factory
Are you willing to die to find out the truth?
~ Shen taunting Po who is dangling from a pot filled with molten metal
Nothing stands in my way.
~ Lord Shen commanding the destruction of a bridge full of people blocking his boats' path
Fire. Fire! F-Fire at them! (Boss Wolf: But sire, we'll kill or own.) I said fire at them! FIRE!
~ Lord Shen's breakdown
As you wish. Let's finish this.
~ Lord Shen preparing to kill Po.
Kill him. Somebody, kill him.
~ Lord Shen commanding his wolves to kill Po.
WHAT???!!! NO!!!! [glares at Po, to which Po gestures to him, saying he is next, angering him] Keep firing!!!! KEEP FIRING!!!!
~ Shen ordering the gorilla in his both to fire at Po before the latter sent one of his projectiles towards him.
Your right.. Then I choose this!
~ Lord Shen’s last words before his impending death.


  • His tail consists of 92 feathers.
  • Lord Shen was originally cast as a devious mayor for the first Kung Fu Panda movie.
  • In the Mad episodes "Kung Fu Blander" (in which his new army were the Angry Birds) and "Destroy Bob the Builder Destroyer", Shen was defeated by Master Po, and then by Black and White Spies, who were ironically the black and white warriors from the prophecy.
  • Shen is the only major villain in the Kung Fu Panda films who has not personally met Shifu or Oogway.
  • Shen is also the only major villain in the Kung Fu Panda films who is not sent or banished into the spirit realm.
  • Lord Shen represents what Po could have been if he kept on to old grudges and refused to move on from the past.
  • Shen being born white is intentionally symbolic for his character as a villain, as white symbolizes death in Chinese culture.
  • Shen's fighting style shares similarities with Chinese martial arts form, "Cai Li Fo", in which a metal fan is used as defense or as a distraction for enemies, represented by Shen's tail feathers.
  • Since the release of Kung Fu Panda 2, Shen became one of the most popular DreamWorks villains, topping many lists on "Best DreamWorks Villains".
  • Whenever Po sees Shen's "eyespots" on his tail feather's, he gets traumatic experiences and dazes him, to which Shen gets the upper hand. Also, in the wild, Peacocks uses the "eyespots" in their tail feathers to protect them from predators as a psychological defense.
  • Despite Shen's beliefs that his parents never loved him, he failed to realize that his parents' act of banishing him was an act of mercy, which, aside from the fact that they both died of grief from losing their son, showed that they truly did care for him, as opposed to having him incarcerated or executed for his crimes against the pandas.
  • Some fans have speculated that Shen actually committed suicide and wasn't trying to make one final attempt to kill Po by letting the cannon crush him or die in the explosion, which Po happened to be in the way of, with the reason is all the deaths he has caused now has no meaning at all and he has nowhere else to go. This can't be the case in the first section of the final fight in the boat since none of the ropes suspending the cannon were present. However, it is possible the fans were right if we consider when the cannon was about to fall on him to which Shen doesn't move and just closes his eyes and accepts his fate.
  • As revealed by the director, Shen was incredibly difficult to animate, which was compared to animating six characters all at once.
  • Shen and his followers never acknowledged Po's title as the Dragon Warrior; they only saw him as a threat simply because he was a panda. They are the only villains in the franchise to view Po as a threat that is not because he is the Dragon Warrior.
  • The way Shen's feathers open are incorrect anatomically, as peacock plumage is technically on their backs, thus he couldn't open his feathers without completely exposing his robes.

External Links[]


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See Also
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Animated Features
General Mandible | Colonel Cutter | Pharaoh Rameses | Hotep and Huy | Baka | Pharaoh Seti I | Tzekel-Kan | Hernán Cortés | Mrs. Tweedy | Mr. Tweedy | Mr. Bonzo and Fido | Zuleika | Wolves | Lord Farquaad | Thelonious | Captain of the Duloc Guards | Merry Men (Monsieur Hood) | Unidentified Witch | George Armstrong Custer | The Colonel's Cavalry | Roy, Bill, Jake, Pete and Joe | Eris | Cetus | Roc | Fairy Godmother | Prince Charming | Arm Guards | Elves (Jerome) | Pirates (Captain Hook) | Cyclops | Headless Horseman | Steve and Ed | Witches | Gnomes | Lola | Sharks (Don Lino & Frankie) | Luca | Fossas | Nana | Victor Quartermaine | Philip | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Dwayne LaFontant | The Toad | Le Frog | Spike & Whitey | Thimblenose Ted | Fat Barry | Ladykiller | Henchfrogs | Rapunzel | Evil Queen | Stromboli | Mabel | Black Knights | Layton T. Montgomery | Ken | Tai Lung | Criminals | Makunga | Teetsi | Tour Guide | Poachers | Gallaxhar | Robot Probes | Red Death | Rumpelstiltskin | Griselda | Baba | Pied Piper | Megamind | Minion | Tighten | Lord Shen | Lord Shen's Wolf Army (Boss Wolf) | Jack and Jill | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Chantel DuBois | DuBois' Men | Pitch Black | Nightmares | Chunky | Guy Gagné | Crows | Ms. Grunion | Maximilien de Robespierre | Ay | Drago Bludvist | Drago's Bewilderbeast | Eret | Octopi (Dave) | The Boov (Captain Smek & Officer Kyle) | Kai the Collector | Chef | Creek | King Gristle Sr. | Francis E. Francis | Eugene Francis | Professor Poopypants | Benjamin Krupp | Melvin Sneedly | Turbo Toilet 2000 | Tara Ribble | Talking Toilets | Bank Robbers | Grimmel the Grisly | Grimmel's Deathgrippers | Warlords | Rufus | Dr. Zara | Burnish | Goon Leader | Rock Trolls (Queen Barb) | The K-Pop Gang | Reggaeton Trolls | Spiny Mandrilla | Punch Monkeys | Hendricks | Dr. Erwin Armstrong | Bellroc | Skrael | Zong-Shi | The Bad Guys (Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark, Mr. Piranha & Ms. Tarantula) | Professor Marmalade | Cuddles

Live-Action Films
The Mouse | Sadako Yamamura | Ocean Entity | Dr. Reingold | Benny | Ruby | Commando Elite (Major Chip Hazard, Butch Meathook, Nick Nitro, Brick Bazooka, Link Static, Kip Killigan, & Gwendy Dolls) | Gil Mars | Steamboat Willie | Vivian Thompson | Frank Fitts | General Roth'h'ar Sarris | Commodus | Jacob | Norman Spencer | Genus | General Granger | General Russell Woodman | Voltan | Morlocks (Über-Morlock) | Lamar Burgess | Connor Rooney | Harlen Maguire | Dietrich Banning | Samara Morgan | Anna Morgan | Galem Burke | Frank Abagnale Jr. | Dean Gordon Pritchard | Larry Quinn | James Rethrick | Madame Vandersexxx | Claire Wellington | Vincent | Paco | Felix Reyes-Torrena | Count Olaf | Hook-Handed Man | Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender | Bald Man | White-Faced Women | Officer LeFlore | Jack Byrnes | Chris Wilton | Martians | Dr. Bernard Merrick | Tom Lincoln | Jackson Rippner | Hatsumomo | Curtis Taylor, Jr. | Jean-Baptiste Grenouille | Norbit's Parents | Rasputia Latimore | Big Black Jack Latimore | Blue Latimore | Earl Latimore | Deion Hughes | Buster Perkin | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Katie Van Waldenberg | Robert Turner | Decepticons (Megatron, Starscream, Barricade, Frenzy, Blackout, Scorponok, Bonecrusher, Brawl, Dispensor, The Fallen, Soundwave, Sideways, Grindor, Ravage, Alice & Scalpel) | Constructicons/Devastator (Demolishor, Rampage, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Scrapper & Scavenger) | Lila Cantrow | Assef | Sweeney Todd | Nellie Lovett | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Jonas Fogg | Adolfo Pirelli | Predatory Vines | Tran | Les Grossman | ARIIA | Jake | Max | Anna Ivers | Theodore Galloway | George Harvey | Hilly Holbrook | Setrakus Ra | Jerry Dandridge | Evil Ed | Tak Mashido | Farra Lemkova | Ricky | Zeus | Julian Assange | Dino Brewster | Deja Thoris | Louis | Carl, Rudy, Stevie and Vern

Animated Television
The Scallions | Nebby K. Nezzer | Wally P. Nezzer | Penguins | Fib | Defenders of Jericho | Milk Money Bandit | Rumor Weeds (Mother Weed) | King George | Haman | Peaoni Brothers | Vikings (Olaf) | Bad Apple | Awful Alvin | Lampy | Angry Eyebrows | Greta Von Gruesome | Fearless Leader | Boris Badenov | Natasha Fatale | Snidely Whiplash | Dr. Blowhole | Joey Kangaroo | Officer X | Savio | Clemson | Stacy | Rhonda | Rat King | Archie | Kuchikukan | Hans the Puffin | Vesuvius Twins | Barry | Brotherhood of Malfeasance (Hundun, Taotie, Fung, Gahri, Temutai & Tong Fo) | Fenghuang | Junjie | Scorpion | Lidong | Heilang | Bad Po | Bian Zao | Fu-Xi | Ke-Pa | Pang Bing | Alien Rice Weevils | Coverton | Sta'abi | Johann | Dragon Flyers (Krogan, Mr. Murderous Pile of Yak Dung & Flyer Leader) | Dragon Hunters (Viggo Grimborn, Ryker Grimborn, Cleve, Ingar Ingerman, Dragon Hunter Commander & Fight Master) | Alvin the Treacherous | Dagur the Deranged | Amos | Gruffnut Thorston | Slitherwings | Firecomb Crasher | Hookfang's Nemesis | D-Structs | Skrap-It | Splitter | Blayde | Pounder | D-Stroy | Goldtrux | Galra Empire (Emperor Zarkon, Prince Lotor, Haggar, Sendak & Lotor's Generals (Acxa, Ezor, Zethrid & Narti)) | Bellroc | Skrael | King Arthur | Morgana | Shadow Mephits | Gunmar | Angor Rot | Bular | Stricklander | Nomura | Queen Usurna | Dictatious Maximus Galadrigal | Zoe | Stu | Maria | Patty Pupé | Bloodwolf | The Splotch | Socktopus | Theodore Murdsly | Smartsy Fartsy | Melvinborg | Teachertrons | Croco-bats | Butt-erflies | Dr. Disgruntled | Bootsy Calico | Wendi McCraken | Frederic Estes | Turtleneck Superstar | Happy Sedengry | The Horde (Hordak, Catra, Shadow Weaver, Scorpia, Double Trouble & Entrapta) | Horde Prime | Galactic Horde (Horde Prime & Clone Army) | Light Hope | First Ones | General Morando | Zeron Alpha | Colonel Kubritz | Gaylen | Odlulu | Fritz | Guardian Lions | Stone Dragon | Fritzes | Mr. Grouchy | Cyclops | Mega Noodle Monster | Leopard Seals | Vines | Banana Trees | Pitcher Plants | Shadows (Shadow Odlulu, Shadow People, Shadow Animals, Shadow Waldo, Shadow Wenda & Shadow Darma) | Knights of England (Knight Captain & Knights of the Round Table) | Tarbosaurus | Halloween Decorations (Dracula, Frankie, Mums, Finny, Skeletons, Pumpkins, Bats, Ghosts, Purple Octopus, Witches, Scarecrows & Big Turnip) | Snow Queen | Helka and Oliver | Octopuses | Cleve Kelso | SH1FT3R (Shashi Dhar & Layla Gray) | Rafaela Moreno | Mitsuo Mori | Moray | General Dudley | DANN | Dominic Toretto | Scarlemagne | Mod Frogs (Jamack & Mrs. Satori) | Newton Wolves (Bad Billions and Good Billions) | Scooter Skunks | Humming Bombers | Tad Mulholand | Fun Gus | Human Resistance (Dr. Emilia, Greta & Zane) | King Arthur | Mantah Corp (Daniel Kon & Kash D. Langford) | Henry Wu | Indominus rex | Eddie | Mitch and Tiff | Hawkes | Reed | Eli Mills | OCB | Pyg And Tam | Maria Maria | M-M-R-T-B | Bug The Pug | Wolves

Video Games
King Fossa | Arachne | Doom Syndicate (Psycho Delic)

Mr. Chew | Tour Guide | Boneknapper | Wu Sisters | Le Chuchoteur

See Also
20th Century Studios Villains | 3-2-1 Penguins! Villains | Aardman Villains | Amblin Entertainment Villains | Big Idea Villains | Buena Vista International Villains | Dinotrux Villains | Farrelly Brothers Villains | Fast and the Furious Villains | Fright Night Villains | How to Train Your Dragon Villains | ImageMovers Villains | Jurassic Park Villains | Kung Fu Panda Villains | LarryBoy and The League of Incredible Vegetables Villains | Madagascar Villains | Netflix Villains | Nickelodeon Movies Villains | Norbit Villains | Paramount Villains | Ridley Scott Villains | She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Villains Villains | Shrek Villains | Small Soldiers Villains | Steven Spielberg Villains | Sweeney Todd Villains | Tales of Arcadia Villains | The Bad Guys Villains | The Boss Baby Villains | Tim Burton Villains | Turbo Villains | Transformers Cinematic Universe Villains | Universal Studios Villains | VeggieTales Villains | Wallace and Gromit Villains | Where's Waldo? Villains


Kung Fu Panda: Tai Lung†| Criminals
Kung Fu Panda 2: Lord Shen† | Lord Shen's Wolf Army† (Boss Wolf†)
Kung Fu Panda 3: Kai the Collector
Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll: Boar

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomness: Brotherhood of Malfeasance (Hundun, Taotie, Fung, Gahri, Temutai & Tong Fo) | Fenghuang | Junjie | Scorpion | Lidong | Heilang | Bad Po† | Bian Zao | Fu-Xi | Ke-Pa† | Pang Bing | Alien Rice Weevils
Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny: Jindiao† | Jade Tusk | Rooster | Wing & Wong | Imperial Army (White Bone Demon, Shi Long & General Fang)
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Klaus and Veruca Dumont | Chuntao

Video Games
Wu Sisters | Great Gorilla† | Fai Suan | Kuai Xun | Kai | Mao Ren | Mei Ling

Shadow Queen
Lord Voldemort
Darth Vader
Dahlia Gillespie
Manfred Von Karma
Light Yagami
Lee Woo-jin
Gaston LeGume (Disney)
Leatherface (OG)
Edward Hyde
The Chairstealer
Walter Sullivan
Vlad the Impaler
Audrey II
Albert Wesker (RE)
Thanos (Marvel)
Big Brother (1984)
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Lord Zedd
Magneto (Marvel)
Cthulhu (Lovecraft)
Shredder (1987)
Cobra Commander (GIJ)
Doctor Doom (Marvel)
Lucifer (DI)
Peter Stegman
Sweet Tooth (TM)
President Coriolanus Snow
Dominic Greene
Chase Young
Benjamin Willis
Geese Howard (FF)
Horace Pinker
Kurumi Tokisaki
Grand High Witch
James Moriarty
B.P. Richfield
Judge Claude Frollo
The Grinch
Darth Nihilus
Darkseid (DC)
Fallen Hana
Dick Dastardly (HB)
Francis Dolarhyde
Nyarlathotep (Lovecraft)
Pamela Voorhees
Frieza (DB)
Agatha Trunchbull
The Beldam
Santa Claus (SS)
Randall Flagg
Alex DeLarge
Count Dracula (book)
Jerome Valeska
Lord Shen
Bill Cipher
Tate Langdon
Oogie Boogie
Dr. Venom
Krampus (Krampus)
Joker (Nolanverse)
Lust (FMA)
Leprechaun (LE)
Sauron (M-E)
General Grievous (SW)
Norman Osborn (Marvel)
Jaws (007)
It (Stephen King)
Ridley (Metroid)
Venom (Marvel)
Frank the Rabbit
Queen of Hearts (Disney)
Bowser (Mario)
Bebop and Rocksteady
Ainz Ooal Gown
Father (FMA)
Thulsa Doom
Godzilla (Godzilla)
Yuuki Terumi
Freddy Krueger (OG)
Angel Eyes
Harry & Marv
Isaac Westcott
Poison Ivy (DC)
Jafar (Disney)
Dr. Eggman
King Ghidorah (Showa)
Chucky (OG)
Robbie Rotten
Jack Torrance
Dio Brando
Herrscher of the Void
Ramsay Bolton
Santánico Pandemónium
Judge Doom
Scorpion (MK)
Gendo Ikari
Victor Krane
Napoleon (AF)
Tony Montana
Candyman (CM)
Skeletor (MotU)
Immortan Joe
Davy Jones (POTC)
Erik Killmonger (MCU)
Rattlesnake Jake
William Wharton
M. Bison (SF)
Thrax (OJ)
Michael Myers (OG)
Mola Ram
Hans Gruber
Walter White
Tom Cat
Count Orlok
King Dedede
Emperor Palpatine
Homelander (comics)
Wicked Witch of the West
Vito Corleone
Pinhead (HR)
Shang Tsung (MK)
Dr. Wily (Mega Man)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Scar (TLK)
Ganondorf (TLoZ)
Lex Luthor (DC)
Megatron (BW)
William Afton
Dave Miller
The Master (DW)
Mr. Krabs
The Ink Demon
William Afton (FNaF Musical)
Alastor (HH)
Emperor Belos
Carnage (Marvel)