Antagonists Wiki
Villains Overview

Loggie, Bugg, and Finkstein are secondary antagonists of Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers, the ninth instalment in the Captain Underpants franchise.

They are the goons of Kipper Krupp.


Like Kipper Krupp, they would steal the lunch money from the kindergartners every morning (while most of them handed over to them without question) and it’s was lass trouble and painful such as a wedge or a punch in the tummy.

When Kipper and his goons are picking on a 6 year old Harold, a five and three-quarters year old George spank them with his tie. George tells the bullies if they mess with him or Harold, they answer to the tie. Kipper cries “Uncle Benny” and Mr. Krupp puts George (and Harold) in detention.

After George and Harold became friends, they decided to end Kipper’s terror. They buy a new padlock and a “Susie Sunshine Friendship Bracelet Kit” and switch Kipper’s padlock with theirs and put an note and the Susie Sunshine Friendship Bracelet Kit in his locker and George type on Kipper’s phone by sending messages to Kipper’s goons.

Kipper shows two friendships bracelets to his goons, the goons fought he has gone completely mad. They said they don’t want to play friendships bracelets with him. When Kipper open his locker, he found out the kit is in there and someone stole his money that he stole. Finkstein shows him the message that was send from his phone which he didn’t wrote. Bugg want to know with the friendship bracelets on his arm. He says that the cheerleaders gave him those (which he found out they didn’t). The goons leave laughing as Kipper reads a note that says “I coming for you! Signed Wedgie Magge”.

The next day, as Kipper has been ordering kids that who’s is Wedgie Magge, rumors are been saying that Wedgie Magge is a ghost and that it’s looking revenge against Kipper for being mean to kindergartners. Kipper and his goons later know about the rumors (which Kipper says that there isn’t such thing as ghost).

That afternoon, Loggie, Bugg and Finkstein got a another fake massage that says “Let’s play princess”. The goons say they don’t want to play dress up with him. Kipper opened his locker and saw the dresses in his locker and his goons laughed at him again. And on Wednesday the goons got a another fake massage that say “pretty doll tea party”. The goon laughed at Kipper again as he opened his locker and 20 dolls fell out his locker. He gets into a meltdown for like 15 minutes and as the goons run away.

Kipper have find out that someone was picking his locker and putting stuff in his locker, he buys a “Supa Doopa Combo Lock 2000” to replace his old one and he and his goons steal the pizzas from the pizza man. However, George and Harold got a new plan. They spray shaving cream in the vents of the bullies lockers to pass it off as ectoplasmic. When the bullies open their lockers which it’s work as the the goons run out the school.

Mr. Krupp tells Krupp that the ectoplasmic is sprayed through the vents on doors and is really is shaving cream. Kipper gets really mad and tell his goons about the shaving cream prank and they going to make the kindergartners gave them $12 every day by threatening them to make sure they never been born. At lunch time when the pizza guy came, he warns them that the pizzas are really hot (which Kipper says they better hot and that he hates cold pizza). However the bullies ate Piqua Pizza Palace's hottest chili peppers pizzas that make them burn their mouths. The bullies spend 2 hours in the nurses office just before wrestling practice began.

George and Harold put old looking comics in the bullies lockers and spiders in the lockers and put extra hot cheese in their man stik deodorants to burn their arm pits. When the bullies went to their lockers, they noticed the spiders in them and an old looking comic called “The Curse Of Wedgie Magee” and panic. Mr. Krupp was in a teachers meeting and heard the panicking and decided to get to the bottom of it.

The bullies run into the bathroom to hide where George and Harold are setting up their final prank. Looking like their busted, George takes a step to them as the bullies back away and run out the school. On Monday morning, the bullies reformed and payback all the kindergartners.

Unfortunately in the future, Tippy Tinkletrousers travel back in time get epacse from Captain Underpants and went to the point as Kipper and his goons run out the school and saw the gigantic robotic pants. The bullies go insane and got sent to the goof house. Causing Mr. Krupp getting fired and prevented him from being Captain Underpants in the first place and causing the world getting destroyed.

They returned in the next book “Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers” as Tippy went back again to prevent the bullies from seeing him and freezes them to do it.


           Captain underpants logo Villains

Main Villains
Benjamin Krupp/Captain Underpants | Tippy Tinkletrousers | Melvin Sneedly/The Bionic Bogger Boy

Book Villains
Bank Robbers | Dr. Diaper | Dr. Diaper's Robots | Talking Toilets (Turbo Toilet 2000) | Zorx, Klax & Jennifer | The Evil Zombie Nerds | Dandelion of Doom | Wedgie Woman | Robo-George and The Harold 2000 | Carl, Trixie, and Frankenbooger | Captain Blunderpants/Nice Benjamin Krupp | Evil George Beard | Evil Harold Hutchins | Giant-Evil Sulu | Kipper Krupp | Loggie, Bugg and Finkstein | Petey the Cat | Zombie Nerd George Beard and Zombie Nerd Harold Hutchins | Supa-Mega Tippy Tinkletrousers | Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy Tinkletrousers | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Thirty-Nine-&-Three-Quarters-Year-Old George Beard & Forty-Year-Old Harold Hutchins | Old Benjamin Krupp | Sir Stinks-A-Lot | Mecha Petey | Flippy the Fish

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Flabby Flabulous | DJ Drowsy Drawers | Homework Hydra | Messica Gorgon | T.P. Mummy | Avacadwoe | Claylossus | Socktopus | Theodore Murdsly | Alternate timeline Melvin Sneedly | Alternate timeline Benjamin Krupp/Captain Stretchypants | Smartsy Fartsy | The Fart Army | Melvinborg | Teachertrons | Furcules | Queen Zombee | Zombees | Poopacabra | Chupacabra | Malison | The Saurus Brothers | The Splotch | Crocobats | Butt-erflies | Cloggernaut | Clogneta | Brainy Blabulous | Cruelius Sneezer | Tubbadump | Dr. Disgruntled | Fingers the Petty Thief Panther | Nanobots | NanoZero | H2O Bliterater 2000 | Camplafire | Ragely J. Snarlingtooth | Altitooth | Barfilisk | Melvinathan | Salamangler | Camoflush | Camoflush’s Rule Breakers | Blah Borelock | Gumbalina Toothington | Combotato | Laserlightmare | Sugamechanger | Sebastian | Poopertrators | Evil Living Halloween Decorations | Hack-O-Ween Balloons | Dupe Licitous | F.L.U.S.H.E.R | Squorg and Garg | The Biglyans | Hangry Hypnosinger | Greego and Dohlar | Captain Pandernuts/Mr. Purpk | Arice | Utopiqua Kids | Jacked Santa

Super Diaper Baby
Deputy Doo Doo | Rip Van Tinkle | Petey the Cat

Ook and Gluk
Chief Goppernopper | J. P. Goppernopper | Goppernopper's Guards | Mechasaurs

See Also
Dog Man Villains
