Antagonists Wiki

Lifty and Shifty are a pair of green raccoons and recurring villains in the internet cartoon Happy Tree Friends series.

They are also kleptomaniacs, meaning they will steal anything that isn't nailed down, even the stuff that is nailed down; they have no qualms about what they steal or who from. They almost always end up being horribly killed in cold blood as a result of their own misdeeds or simply because of bad luck.

Lifty and Shifty are some of the few main cast that are continually portrayed in a villainous role and are one of the few Happy Tree Friends that can act deliberately malicious towards others. Like all the other characters, they do not speak throughout the series, but despite this, they are both voiced by Kenn Navarro.


Unlike the psychotic Flippy or superhuman Splendid, neither Lifty nor Shifty seem to have remorse over what they do though, unlike Flippy, they almost always receive fatal retribution while Flippy and Splendid are famous for their resilience to death, though they are far from immune to it.

However, despite their nature, they show their good side. When the rest of the Happy Tree Friends are stranded on a island surrounded by water, Lifty and Shifty help by taking out an inflatable lifeboat.

Though they still almost always fail, Lifty and Shifty are shown to be willing to go to great lengths to steal what they're after. A notable example being that in "Junk in the Trunk", they want to steal Lumpy's elephant but can't move it to get it in their van. Instead they: unload all the other stolen caged animals, completely dismantle their van, reassemble the van around the elephant to full working condition, and reload all of the other stolen pets.

However, in "Meat Me for Lunch" and "Buns of Steal", they were shown to be very poor and starving which caused debate on whether or not they may steal something that doesn't belongs to them because they need to, not out of malice or kleptomania. Nevertheless, one of the series creators, Kenn Navarro, confirmed that they are indeed kleptomaniacs. Surprisingly, both brothers can earn money honestly as some episodes depict them as street vendors.


Lifty and Shifty are identical green raccoons with striped tails colored in a darker type of green, dark green spectacles overall resembling eye masks (due to their thieving personalities and their species), and small pink heart noses. They also both have snickering looks on their faces, furthermore enhance their nature. To easily tell one apart, Lifty wears nothing while Shifty wears a tall pale green fedora hat, like that of Henry Jones.

Even though they are raccoons and not humans, they look somewhat similar to gangsters, especially akin to the Italian American mafias or mobsters. Their grins resemble theirs and their laughing accents sound somewhat similar to that of Italian. They are also fairly similar to Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, based on the fact that both pairs are archenemies with a mooses (Lumpy and Bullwinkle J. Moose) and a flying squirrels (Splendid and Rocky the Flying Squirrel). Also, similarly to Boris and Natasha, their plans usually foil. However, Lifty and Shifty are twin brothers while Boris and Natasha are a couple, not twin siblings.


  • Outside the Happy Tree Friends series, their main enemies are Mizuchi the Harlequin Rabbit (since they enjoy to pick her pocket while her back was turned), Hiroshi Odokawa, Kenshiro and Koshiro Daimon.