Antagonists Wiki
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Leo Kasper is the main antagonist of Manhunt 2 at the end of the game. He's psychopath who manipulated Daniel Lamb in part of the story in order to gain control of his body.



Leo was a former government assassin who was trained by Project in skills with murder, infiltration, combat and invasion. Leo first appeared guilding Danny out of the asylum. And although Leo sometimes helps Danny, it's almost always Danny who does the dirty work. When Leo arrives at Origins, he interrogates Dr. Pickman and demands that he remove the Pickman Bridge, but Dr. Pickman says it is a very bad idea and that it would kill him.

Then when Danny is captured, Dr. Whyte reveals more about Leo and that Danny worked as a scientist in the implantation of a second personality who would be a murderer without conscience and memory, whych was Leo. Whyte also says that the two minds in the body would not be getting to know each other. However, Pickman Bridge failed in that as both Leo and Danny saw each other and talked all the time. However, Danny refuses to get rid of Leo because he had saved his life, but when Whyte shows Leo's profile. And when Whyte shows Danny through videotape that Leo kills Danny's wife when he took over the body. And with that the two fight for the body.

Altenative Endings[]

  • In Personality Clash, Danny kills Leo in a cemetery and takes over his body but loses his memory.
  • In Release Therapy, Leo defeats Danny in the library and kills him by taking over his body, and when Leo wakes up and orders Whyte to remove the Pickman Bridge, and then shows Leo in Danny's body in a reflection that shows Leo in the mirror.


Unlike Danny who even feels remorse for the life he took. Leo on the other hand was much more cruel, brute and dangerous than Danny, he also doesn't feel remorse for his actions and Leo also encourages Danny to do horrendous actions like killing innocent people. At the end of the game it is shown that Leo is treacherous and that he just wants to get rid of Danny and take care of his body.



  • Leo is very similar to Edward Scarka in that they both possessed an innocent person, Leo for Danny, and Scarka for Miles, both also destroyed the lives of their hosts by killing the closest people, Leo killed Danny's wife, and Scarka killed the Miles's mother and father, and both are Pure Evil.