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Labby is the main antagonist of the 2012 animated horror anthology film Where the Dead Go to Die. He is a demonic labrador retriever that stalks and convinces a block of children to participate in hellish rituals and acts while transporting them to different dimensions and times.

He was voiced by the film's director and writer Jimmy ScreamerClauz, who also voiced his The Alfred Alfer Movie counterpart.


Chapter I: Tainted Milk[]

A little boy known as Tommy first meets with Labby outside of his house. Here, Labby explains to Tommy that his mother is giving birth to the Antichrist, and that Tommy must murder his own brother. Labby also claims the mothers breast milk wont be the same quality after the second child is born.

However, despite being goaded by Labby, Tommy is unable to murder his family. In a rage, Labby proceeds to kill them off himself by tearing the baby out of the mother's womb and biting the father's penis off because of it being the origination of the Antichrist. Because of the incident, Tommy passes out in shock and has a vision where a fetus is stuck in a bubble, while his parents transformed into humanoid dogs.

A spirit known as Monk appears, and Tommy explains to the spirit how he has only one wish that both of his parents are alive again. Labby tells Tommy that his wish will become a reality, if Tommy loses his virginity, which escalates in Tommy having to have sex with Labby in front of his parents deceased corpses. Tommy has been waiting for his parents to awaken, but never did, so Tommy ends up burying all three of his family members under the ground.

Chapter II: Liquid Memories[]

A drug addicted serial-killer only known as The Man has a routine of killing his victims inside of a abounded church. He then extracts their memories, which he uses in order to alter his own memories.

A prostitute ends up pleasing a veteran man outside. The veteran man ends up having visions of his enemies, and believes that the prostitute is one of the enemies, so he ends up pulling the woman's eye out, which escalates in the woman killing the man with a glass bottle. The woman manages to escape and enters the church, where she asks for help. In the church, The Man ignores her state, and just kills her, and injects her memories inside himself. He then experiences her memories as he sees shadow beings, demons, and people without faces. Ultimately, The Man loses his mind from all of this, and kills himself.

Chapter III: The Mask That the Monsters Wear[]

A young boy, Ralph, keeps wearing a mask around his head, and has a concealed twin brother stuck to his head, and he keeps being abused by his parents. Ralph is in love with a classmate which is known as Sophie. Ralph talks to her father, which sells Ralph a VHS tape where Sophia is being sexually abused. Ralph explains how he does not like the fact that Sophia is crying in the footage, but the father tells him to rewatch the film.

Ralph, ends up being pushed by Labby, as Ralph having a dream where he is with Sophia outside, and she tells him to take his mask off, which he does. Ralph goes to Sophie's house, where the father tells Ralph that he should have sex with Sophie while the father records them having the intercourse.

After the shooting is over, Ralph goes home, where finds his own father being turned on by the new tape. Here, the father explains how he is actually proud at Ralph, and that he also abused Sophia, and that they should have a threesome together. Enraged, he then kills his own father and shoots his mother. After this, Ralph goes to Sophie's house, where he shoots her father too, along with the other men which were making another film, abusing Sophie. Labby influences Ralph to kill his own twin, which he does with a glass bottle.


Ralph goes to Monk, along with Tommy and Sophia. The movie ends with all three of the kids together, along with Monk, the killed prostitute, and The Man who is nailed onto a cross.

Other Media[]

The Alfred Alfer Movie[]

Main article: Labby (The Alfred Alfer Movie)

On account of Jimmy ScreamerClauz's at-the-time relationship with Alfred Alfer creator Emily Youcis, Labby appears as the main antagonist of The Alfred Alfer Movie, and as (what is implied to be) the manifestation of the titular protagonist's trauma, abuse and abandonment.

He first appears in "Alfred's Big Surprise" alongside Alfred, driving a flying car with burning bodies in the trunk through the sky, singing happily with Alfred. He drops him off in a wasteland called "WHERE THE DEAD GO TO DIE" and asks Alfred if he's ready for his surprise, before ditching him, laughing, flipping him off and calling him a bitch, and leaving Alfred distraught and stranded.

He appears again in "Dead Girl Strip Club" when Alfred, who is drinking his depression away at a club called "WHERE THE DEAD GO TO DRINK", notices his shadow looming over two red shot glasses, reminding him of Labby and making him sad. Labby materialises himself through the shot glasses and tells Alfred he should be "Taken out back and shot" while materialising a revolver on the table, implying that he wants Alfred to commit suicide. He nearly does, but gets distracted when a mysterious shadowy figure behind the curtain places a sexy stripper corpse on the stage, prompting Alfred to abandon his suicide and go on a necrophilia rampage that lasts until "Return to the Playhouse", which is when Labby next appears physically.

His car is seen briefly flying through the sky in the background during "G.G. Alfred", but he doesn't directly influence anything during this part.

He's then seen again during "Return To The Playhouse", appearing in Alfred's living room and threatening to molest Alfred if he doesn't bring his bag of defiled bodies down to the basement, holding a popsicle menacingly and appearing near identical to the person from Alfred's flashback in Alfred's Playhouse Part 1, implying that he's not really Labby, but actually a manifestation of Alfred's sexual abusers. Alfred attempts to comply before getting swarmed by his twisted Playhouse Friends, to which Labby molests Alfred anyway.

He's last seen briefly during "Alfred's Ascent" alongside the shadowy figure from "Dead Girl Strip Club", loosely implying that they were conspiring to get Alfred to defile several corpses.


Labby is a highly intelligent, manipulative being, taking advantage of this by manipulating those around him, especially children, into sick and evil acts. He seems to thrive on demonic energy and practices, as he gains satisfaction from acts such as murder, necrophilia, bestiality, rape, drug abuse, physical and mental torture, defiling corpses, and participation in Satanic rituals.


Labby appears as a very large, black Labrador with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth.



  • Labby is considered a prototype (or even inspiration) for the titular character of Adult Swim's Mr. Pickles, another demonic dog associated with extremely controversial media. They also share many traits including tormenting mostly horrible people, appearing demonic in nature, committing many murders and sexual acts, and being in works reviled for many reasons.
    • Emily Youcis, the creator of The Alfred Alfer Movie, infamously despises Mr. Pickles because she believes they stole the idea from her character, Dictator Pickles. In said movie, Labby is a manifestation of all Alfred's (and by extension, Emily's, as Alfred is a self-insert of her) misery, which would ironically mean that Labby spited the two once more, bringing about Mr. Pickles.
  • Labby's name is obviously based on the fact that he is a Labrador.
  • Labby's appearance in The Alfred Alfer Movie happened because Jimmy Screamerclauz dated Alfred Alfer creator Emily Youcis.
    • Similarly, Alfred Alfer appears in Where The Dead Go To Die in a PSA about sexual assault during a brief scene with Ralph, although it is a quick cameo, whereas Labby appears as the main antagonist of The Alfred Alfer Movie.