Antagonists Wiki

Kyler Park is the central antagonist of the YouTube Red/Netflix series Cobra Kai, the continuation of the Karate Kid franchise. He serves as the main antagonist of Season 1, a major antagonist in Season 3 and a supporting antagonist in Season 4 and Season 5.

Kyler Park
Background information
Feature films
Television programs Cobra Kai
Video games
Park attractions
Actor Joe Seo
Performance model
Character information
Other names Ky
Personality Mean, cruel, selfish, sadistic, abusive, coward, arrogant, liar, misogynistic, hateful, self-centered. (All formerly)
Appearance Asian teenager 17-years old and black haired.
Occupation Student of Cobra Kai (formerly)
Goal Bullying Miguel (ultimately failed)

Take revenge on Sam for dumping him (briefly succeeded)
Take revenge on Miguel for beating him in a fight. (failed)
Help Cobra Kai win the All Valley Karate Tournament (partially succeeded)
Enter in the Theta Omega fraternity (abandoned)

Friends Brucks, Edwin, Kenny Payne, Mitch, Cobra Kai students, Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Demetri Alexopoulos, Miguel Diaz.
Enemies John Kreese, Terry Silver, Zenker, the frat students.
Likes Bullying people (formerly), training karate, his wrestling skills, drinking beer, dating with Sam (formerly), winning.
Dislikes Being beaten and humiliated, losing, someone better than him, Hawk (formerly), being dumped by Sam, failing his school grades, being subjected to hazing.
Powers and abilities Physical strength
Karate skills
Martial Arts

He is a high school bully who bullies Miguel Diaz, Eli Moskowitz, and Demetri Alexopoulos, until the former two join Cobra Kai and learn Karate by Johnny Lawrence. Kyler is eventually humiliated and beaten up by Miguel in front of the entire school, and stops bullying him and his friends.

Kyler later joined Cobra Kai after being recruited by John Kreese, the original and ruthless founder of the Dojo, later under the command of Terry Silver. Kyler is also Samantha LaRusso's ex-boyfriend.

He redeemes himself in Season 6 and changes his ways, especially after being hazed by a fraternity in his attempts to be admitted.

Antagonistic Acts[]

Season 1[]

  • He, along with his friend Brucks and his gang, begins to bully Miguel Diaz after he exposes them for being underage to drink beer, pouring the Pepto Bismal he bought for his grandmother over his head while calling him Rhea. and then pushes Miguel against Johnny Lawrence's car, and bullying him in the following weeks to the incident, like hitting him at the Halloween party or pushing him in the library..
  • He makes fun of Johnny Lawrence when he asks them to leave Miguel alone and get away from his car, challenging him and even pushing him before he and his gang get into a fight with him.
  • Kyler lies to Daniel LaRusso about his black eye, saying that Johnny attacked him and his friends for no reason when they were just "hanging out", twisting the story to make Johnny look like the aggressor. His lie plays a major role in reigniting the rivalry between Daniel and Johnny when the former confronted the latter in Cobra Kai dojo. However, after learning the truth about fight, Daniel suspects that Kyler isn't the good kid he claimed to be.
  • He and his cronies also bullied Miguel's friends, Eli Moskowitz (later Hawk) and Demetri Alexopoulos, often making fun of Eli's lip scar, and even throwing Demetri's backpack in the trash, staining it with yogurt.
  • Kyler is also sexist and misogynist, having dated Sam LaRusso only to satisfy his sexual desires:
    • At the school Halloween party, he was about to make a sexual move on Sam, and would have had sex with her if Daniel didn't intervene and interrupt his attempt (now mistrusting Kyler), making Kyler to hide his intentions by giving Sam a bracelet he kept in his pocket. (This goes for other girls he's dated as well, as Kyler later admits he used the bracelet as part of his sex act with them.)
    • He tries to grope her on a movie date, causing Sam, who has witnessed him picking on Miguel, Eli, and Demetri, to defending herself with her Karate and breaking up with him.
  • Kyler spreads false rumors about Sam at school as revenge for dumping him saying that she hooked up with him at the movies, tarnishing her reputation and alienating her friends. When she confronts him about it, he openly taunts her and ridicules her.
  • When Miguel intervenes by telling him to stop harassing Sam, Kyler insults his karate skills and makes fun of him again, before Miguel, with the training he had in Cobra Kai with Johnny, fights Kyler and his friends, beating them all in the cafeteria school in front of all students.
    • After this, Kyler and his friends don't bully Miguel and the others again, which is shown when Kyler avoids Miguel at school after their confrontation, and when he suggested to his group that they move Yasmine's birthday party elsewhere after seeing Miguel at the lake, thus showing that Kyler is scared of Miguel.

Season 2[]

  • Despite not appearing in Season 2, Kyler's bullying has led to his former bullying victim, Eli/Hawk, becoming a huge bully just as bad as him.

Season 3[]

  • When Kyler and Brucks are recruited by John Kreese to join Cobra Kai (much to Hawk's disapproval), the two intimidate Mitch by scaring him.
    • Although to be fair, Mitch taunted both of them by giving them rude names as soon as they entered the dojo.
  • Upon recognizing their former victim Hawk (formerly Eli), both Kyler and Brucks begin to make fun of him like old times.
  • During match tests, Kyler beats Mitch through his wrestling training, finishing him off with a right hook to the face, causing Mitch to be kicked out of the dojo despite he has always been loyal to Cobra Kai, with Kyler taking his place.
    • However, Kyler is filled with fear when Hawk viciously beats up Brucks in revenge for his past bullying, averting his gaze when Hawk looks menacingly at him after doing so.
  • It is shown that Kyler hasn't changed at all, as he keeps picking on other students at school, particularly Demetri, drawing a penis on his cast and showing it to everyone, making them to laugh at him (with the exception of a repentant Yasmine, who feels sorry for Demetri and now hates Kyler). This shows that Kyler learned nothing from the beating that Miguel gave him.
  • He also slaps Demetri on the head with another Cobra Kai student, taunting him when school ends, showing he joined Cobra Kai only to keep Cobra Kai others.
  • During Cobra Kai's attack on Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang at the LaRusso house, Kyler fights Miguel as revenge for the school lunch fight. However, Kyler has an advantage over him due to Miguel being disabled and still recovering from a major back injury that occurred at the end of Season 2, attacking him simply because he was weakened. However, once Miguel regains his confidence by remembering Johnny's words, he fights back and manages to defeat and knock out Kyler with a few of punches.

Season 4[]

  • Kyler says he's still loyal to Cobra Kai after the fight at the LaRusso house, whereas half the other students quit (including Doug Rickenberger and Mikey Miller). He mocks Robby as he prepares to train the class saying he has never been a part of them, causing Robby to easily defeat him during the fight test with Cobra Kais.
  • Kyler also teases new student Kenny Payne, who enters Cobra Kai to fend off his school bullies, when the boy flinches and runs away from their fighting test. However, Kenny then punches Kyler in the face and earns a place in Cobra Kai in the process.
  • He participates with Robby, Tory and other Cobra Kai in ambushing Hawk at a tattoo shop, holding him by the neck with rope before his mohawk is cut off, as revenge for his betrayal to Cobra Kai, aside from intimidating Kenny and drenching them at baseball field, thus stripping Eli from his confidence temporally.
  • At the All Valley Karate tournament, after beating Chris in a close match, Kyler taunts Hawk again, who now goes through Eli, before facing him in the quarterfinals. Despite that, Eli is motivated by Moon to fight Kyler, and easily defeats him after regaining his confidence.

Season 5[]

  • He remains loyal to Cobra Kai, now under the leadership of Terry Silver, who (unknown to Kyler the rest of the students) framed Kreese for assaulting Stingray and bribed the referee to make sure that Tory won the tournament.
  • As Cobra Kai expands through the valley following their victory at tournament, Kyler continues his harassment against Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang.
  • He, alongside Kenny and other Cobra Kai students, bully Anthony LaRusso (who'd initially bullied Kenny) at a waterpark, surrounding him with various water objects with Kenny throwing him into the pool.
  • He insults Eli when he faces Kenny and then gets into a confrontation with Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang, until they are all kicked out of the park.
  • With Robby leaving Cobra Kai, Kyler also believes himself to be the Cobra King, which makes him very arrogant and individualist.
  • He proves to be a lousy leader to Kenny during a test match with Odell, a sensei associated with Silver, giving the boy pointless instructions which causes them to fail the round, and Kyler criticizes him for not following in his footsteps, angering Kenny.
    • However, when Kenny changes to leader under Silver's influence, he fights Kyler and pushes him away, using him as a springboard to land a kick to Odell's face, winning the final exercise.
  • He and his teammates bully Anthony again when he refuses a Cobra Kai t-shirt at one of its new locations, forcibly carrying him to the boys' bathroom and giving him a swirly in an unflushed toilet.
  • When Cobra Kai discover that Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang (with a redeemed Tory) have infiltrated the dojo to search for evidence to expose Silver, Kyler, Kenny and the others assault Anthony.
  • He asks Mitch to approach Cobra Kai, revealing a dojo t-shirt, meaning that Mitch ratted them out and has been a spy for Cobra Kai all this time.
  • Kyler confronts Tory for being a traitor, and when she and Robby try to convince to the Cobra Kai students that Silver is a fraud, Kyler and the rest simply ignore them, sparking a fight between all the dojos.
  • When he and his teammates see Eli and Demetri looking for incriminating evidence against Silver, Kyler taunts Eli for losing out to Kenny in qualifying for the Sekai Taikai, to which Eli is unfazed and simply says he chose to get over his loss to Kenny and move on, whereas Kyler never did by still putting on the bully act as he usually did, and everyone he's bullied has beaten him in battle by now; Demetri says he hasn't, and Eli assures Demetri he'll get his chance. When Eli tells Kyler he's too stupid to have ever learned his lesson, a furious Kyler attacks him, but is defeated by Eli with the help of Demetri, who knocks him out.


Originally the typical cruel, selfish, mean and arrogant bully, Kyler is rude, reckless and egotistical who seeks to be the center of attention of the high school, regardless if it means picking on the weakest and unpopular students, including Miguel Diaz, Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz and Demetri Alexopoulos, his "favorite" victims. He showed no remorse for bullying other students, and instead just always laughs about it until his victims lose their nerve. However, Kyler tends to hide his bullying when in front of other people. An example is the dinner at the LaRusso house, where Kyler acted like a good kid to please Sam's parents, showing that he is capable of pretending to be someone he isn't. He also tries to play the victim, which is evident when he falsely tells Daniel that he and his friends were attacked in a convenience store by Johnny Lawrence when in reality they were harassing Miguel outside the store and spilling their Pepto Bismal on his head, prompting Johnny to intervene and fight the bullies.

Kyler is also sexist and misogynistic, dating Sam solely for his sexual desires, though she was unaware of his true intentions. For example, at the Halloween party he would try to perform an act of oral sex on her, only to be interrupted by Daniel, who already mistrusted Kyler, to which the teenager lies, pulling out a "grandma's bracelet" from his pocket as he went to give it to Sam, although Kyler later admitted that his bracelet was part of his act and he had used it before on dozens of girls. However, in regards to Samantha, after she dumps him because of his trying to harass her on a date (and due to her seeing him bullying Miguel and his friends), Kyler ruins her popular reputation as a means of revenge, embarrassing her in front of the entire school, using the Daniel's billboard as "evidence".

However, behind his bullying behavior, Kyler is internally a coward and a hypocrite. To prove this, when Miguel beat him and his gang up on him in the school cafeteria, Kyler stopped tormenting Miguel, avoiding him both at school and elsewhere. Also, in Season 3, after Hawk beat up Brucks in the Cobra Kai dojo, Kyler couldn't even look him in the eyes, so Kyler acted with courtesy around him during their time together in Cobra Kai. Nevertheless, Kyler was still rude and violent, like when he tried to get his revenge in Miguel in the Larusso house brawl by taking advantage of his back injury and hitting repeatedly in the same place, until Miguel was able to turn around the fight and winning him.
