Antagonists Wiki
Kurome Happy
Background information
Feature films
Television programs Akame ga Kill! (2014)
Video games Divine Gate
Park attractions
Voice Ayaka Ohashi (Japanese), Juliet Simmons (English)
Performance model
Inspiration Yuno Gasai
Character information
Other names
Personality Gluttoness, greedy, cold, ruthless, fun-loving, insecure, vengeful, psychotic, obsessive, deadly, powerful, murderous
Affiliations Neutral/Bad, later Good
Goal Kill Akame (formerly), Destroy Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army (formerly), Be with Wave and reconcile with Akame.
Home The Empire
Friends Wave, Run, Bols, her boss Esdeath, Seryu Ubiquitous, Bolic, Tatsumi, Akame, Night Raid (in the end)
Enemies Syura, Enshin, Champ, Wild Hunt, Leone, Susanoo, Chelsea, Akame (formerly), Night Raid (formerly), Revolutionary Army (formerly)
Minions Natala, Corpse Puppets
Likes Food, sweet things (especially cookies), playing with corpses, eating, hanging out with Wave, being with her sister
Dislikes Losing comrades, her sister's betrayal, Syura, Wild Hunt
Powers and abilities Teigu: Yatsufusa, martial arts, summoning, Superhuman Speed and Reflexes
Weapons Katanas
Fate Reforms and reconciles with her sister Akame and regains her sanity.
Quote You're surprisingly persistent, Gearsy

How dare you take the console from me. Ha ha Even if 'I' come here, what can you possibly do? More items

You really shouldn't take your eyes off of me completely. Because if there's an opportunity, I'll attack as much as I can. Until you all die.
~ Kurome
We Jaegers will hunt down anyone who disturbs the peace! No matter who that might be!
~ Kurome facing Night Raid.

Kurome is a character in the Akame ga Kill! anime/manga series and the prequel manga Akame Ga Kill! Zero. She is Akame's younger sister and the second strongest of the Jaegers after General Esdeath, capable of taking on the entirety of Night Raid with her Yatsufusa and almost winning. She’s also the only person that can clash swords with Akame and come out unscathed with no allies or supernatural assistance. Kurome is madly in love with her teammate Wave.

She is voiced by Ayaka Ohashi in the Japanese version of the anime and Juliet Simmons in the English version.


Kurome shares some traits with her sister, such as her social awkwardness and big appetite, except she is much more aloof and seems to show more darker sides of her when it comes to killing her enemies. Kurome seems to hate her sister for betraying the Empire, or more specifically, betraying her, yet claims that she still loves her, calling her "beloved older sister". Although she shares some traits with her sister, such as her social awkwardness and her gluttonous desire to eat candy, in place of the meat that Akame is shown to eat, she is much more aloof and seems to show darker sides of her when it comes to killing her enemies. She is cold and ruthless in battle, usually ending the lives of her enemies as one would expect from a seasoned assassin.

Secretly, she is very scared of being seen as weak, knowing that, in the Assassination Division, if she became dead weight she'd be taken out to keep her silent. This has a lingering effect of her upbringing, as she almost did suffer this fate, were it not for the drug therapy she later underwent. She has shown this side of herself, unintentionally, to Wave, who she seems to have developed some trust towards in comparison to the other members of Jaeger.

She holds some form of unstable mental attachment to her fallen comrades as she keeps them as her corpse dolls. This warped psyche was most likely fueled by the empire; as claimed by Run before being enslaved. When Run was severely injured and about to die, she states that it allows them to be "together forever", and she intends to add her sister to this collection. She also seems to play with the corpses of those she has killed, as well as keeping powerful ones to use in her permanent collection which is limited to 8.

She's initially introduced as the ruthless psychopathic assassin who's main goal in life was being her older sister's sole murderer. Eventually through her interactions within the Jaegars and Wave's kindness she begins to show a kinder and sweeter side behind closed doors. This change is lamp shaded by Run, when she encounters Akame for the third time, announcing her intent to take her down for the sake of the people, and not her deep-seated grudge towards her. This is unfortunately averted, as when Run is slowly dying from his wounds obtained in their battle against Wild Hunt, she unexpectedly decides that instead of letting Run die peacefully, she'll instead Mercy Kill him and force him to continue living as one of her corpse puppets.

