Kronos or also known as Chronos, C'us or Saturn. It is the chief one of the major antagonists of Greek Mythology.
According to myth, Kronos simply envied the power of his father, Uranus who was the ruler of the universe. Uranus also gained the enmity of Gaia who hid her giant sons Hetatochus and the Cyclops in the Tartarus, who she feared Uranus might do something to them. Gaia later built a harp and convinced his son Kronos to kill Uranos, which he accepted. Then Kronos killed his father's cruelty and castrated him. And after castrating him the scythe and throwing his testicles into the ocean. From the blood of Uranus that welled up in the earth. Then would have appeared the giants, the erynias and also the meliades. And then the testicles foamed into while that was born Aphrodite. That after Uranos's defeat, Kronos became the main ruler of the earth and the leader of the Titans.
Kronos Government[]
Kronos later ruled the land and married Rhea who bore him six sons, three woman, Hestia, Demeter and Hera, and three men who are Poseidon, Hades and Zeus. After that, Kronos went to Oracle, who predicted that his sons would one day betray him. Afraid of being dethroned Kronos then devoured them one after the other except Zeus, which Rhea had deceived Kronos into swallowing only stone.
Rhea afraid Kronos would find him hid him in a cave. Later when Zeus over time grew up and decided to take revenge on Kronos for devouring his brothers. He then with Metis's help, she offered a potion that caused Kronus to vomit up his brothers. Later during the fight between Zeus and his brothers, who had the help of Cyclops, Hetatonchires and also some Titans who betrayed Kronos had a battle against Kronos and his forces, which Zeus won the battle against Zeus.
After his defeat to his son, all Titans who participation in the battle were sent to the Tartarus, which while Kronos was chained in the underworld.
- In Roman mythology, Kronos is known as Saturn, and according to the cosmos of the sign Kronos is corresponds to Capricorn.