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You will atone for your dissent, Mileena. Your blood will make right.
~ Kotal Kahn to Mileena.
If only you would hear our counsel. As war with the Netherrealm looms. I have urged détente with Earthrealm.
~ Flashback of Kotal Kahn talking to Mileena.
For years you escaped my justice. Sucked dry the bounty of Outworld's people. Today, your debt is paid.
~ Kotal Kahn to Kollector in Mortal Kombat 11 's Story Mode.
Ko'atal, better known as Kotal Kahn, is the fourth Emperor of Outworld and a major character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series, making his debut in Mortal Kombat X. Initially introduced as a major antagonist, he later returns as a deuteragonist of Mortal Kombat 11.
He was once Shao Kahn's general before he was betrayed by the emperor, but kept alive for Shang Tsung's experiments until he was freed after Shao Kahn's death. He succeeded him by Outworld's demands for new leadership after he dethroned Mileena.
Kotal is a warrior from the realm of Osh-Tekk who was once a general under Shao Kahn's commands and later became the new ruler of Outworld ever since the death of former Emperor Shao Kahn. In his past, Kotal was betrayed by his former master when he assaulted the Osh-Tekk, but Kotal was kept in Shang Tsung alive for his experiments until he was freed through both Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung's deaths.
Kotal Kahn's appearance resembles an Aztec eagle warrior, the elite soldiers from the Aztec empire. Kotal's headdress resembles the headwear used by Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec God of War and the Sun. His attire consists of gold, metal armlets on both of his arms, along with a belt that holds his Tecpatl with a leather cloth hanging from the belt. There also seem to be remnants of bones disseminated on the cloth. Kotal Kahn's torso has several tattoos which glow in varying colors depending on his combat variation.
While he is an antagonist, he is not an evil person. Much like the previous rulers of Outworld, Kotal is ruthless. However, unlike them, he is not arrogant nor selfish. However, this does not stop him from being ruthless and cruel to his enemies. Kotal is also very protective of Outworld and never shows an arrogant side, and is always humble. Despite being protective of Outworld, he shows to not trust Earthrealmers and is very cynical, even when the Earthrealmers seem good, he seems to mistrust them. This is shown when he put Cassie Cageandherteam in prison because he could not trust them with Shinnok’s amulet. His cynical behavior is also shown when he mistrusted them Tarkartans even though they are not evil. Kotal can be aggressive, cold, ruthless, hard-hearted and even cruel.
Despite his ruthlessness and cynicism, he is not completely heartless though. Kotal cares deeply for Outworld and his own race and will do anything to protect them. Kotal also has a soft and caring side whenever he's with his long lost lover Jade, even though they can disagree, they love each other nevertheless. After Sheeva and Baraka help him out, Kotal becomes more compassionate and caring, subverting all of his corrupting traits.
Overall, Kotal is ruthless and cynical, yet compassionate and honorable.
Powers and Abilities[]
Osh-Tekk Physiology: The Osh-Tekk were a race of Aztec-like tribal warriors and hunters who lived in a gold-dominated realm. Kotal Kahn is extremely powerful that he is one of the most honorable characters of Outworld. As an Osh-Tekk, Kotal Kahn is incredibly powerful, possessing super-human strength allowing him to smash grown men's heads into bits of bone and gore with ease while allowing him to wield his massive Macuahuitl with a single hand. He also draws power from sunlight to both strengthen himself and heal his wounds. He can invoke Blood Magic to further strengthen himself and while in his Blood God state, he was able to overpower and cut off Goro's arms. His power has been compared to that of a god's by humans from Earthrealm. Like all Osh-Tekk he is weakened when deprived of sunlight, and unable to call on its power. Kotal Kahn is also capable of teleporting in a burst of smoke and flames, though this is not a gameplay element.
Superhuman Strength: Kotal Kahn possessing superhuman strength allowing him to smash a grown man's head into bits of bone and gore with ease while also allowing him to wield his massive Macuahuitl with a single hand.
Superhuman Speed: Kotal Kahn happens to be fast enough to defeat beings impressive speed and agility.
Superhuman Stamina:
Superhuman Durability:
Superhuman Endurance: Kotal Kahn can resist huge amounts of physical pain can still fight.
Regenerative Healing Factor: He is able to recover very quickly like any other Osh-Tekk.
Longevity: Kotal Kahn has once said that he has lived over centuries and it's unknown how much longer he can live.
Magic: As an Osh-Tekk, he can draw power from sunlight to strengthen himself and heal his wounds, while also being able to use it to directly harm enemies in beams of solar fire or even imbue his weapons with it for more damage. With Outworld's Kamidogu, he can invoke Blood Magik to further strengthen himself and his natural abilities over sunlight. While in his Blood God state, he was able to call down an intense beam of solar flames through storm clouds summoned by the Edenian demigod, Rain, and physically overpower and cut off Goro's arms. Additionally with his use of Blood Magik, Kotal Kahn can empower himself by drawing his own blood or the opponent's and can even heal himself by absorbing the opponent's blood. Kotal Kahn also has the ability to use telekinesis, but it is not as potent as other wielders, such as Ermac, since he is limited to restraining people only. Fitting to his Aztec/Mayan inspired design, Kotal has the ability to summon totems that empower him during battle. These totems can be used as sources of power that boosts his damage and reduces the damage he takes. One of his totems has the ability to absorb spilled blood and use it to heal Kotal himself. Said totems can be used as improvised weapons as shown in his Fatal Blow.
Sunlight Empowerment:
Blood Magic:
Blood Empowerment:
Totem Summoning: Kotal possess the ability to summon totems and these totems empower him during battle. These totems can be used as sources of power that boosts his damage of his attacks and reduces the damage he takes. One of his totems has the ability to absorb spilled blood and use it to heal Kotal himself. Said totems can be used as improvised weapons.
Damage Boost:
Pain Resistance:
Telekinesis: Kotal possess the ability to move people and objects with his mind without touching them.
Teleportation: Kotal Kahn is also capable of teleporting in a burst of smoke and flames.
Shapeshifting: He also has the ability to turn himself into a black jaguar whilst still wearing his headpiece to maul his opponent at will.
Master Combatant: Kotal Kahn happens to be extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat. He is a master of martial arts used by the Osh-Tekk and has proved himself capable of defeating a number of opponents. He has managed to defeat Kano, Tanya, Rain, Mileena, Baraka, Skarlet, past Erron Black, and Shao Kahn.
Weapon Mastery: Kotal mostly uses weapons when taking on opponents, but mostly has used them to take out Tarkatans and Shokan.
Advanced Intelligence: Kotal Kahn happens to be very intelligent when it comes to strategy and collaboration. He has been talking to Reptile and D'Vorah to talk about ways to dethrone Mileena for her madness. Also, the people of Outworld considered him a great leader. He is capable of leading his servants and his armies to deal with serious matters.
Tactical Analysis:
Indomitable Will: Kotal has proven to man of honor. He has unstoppable willpower to do whatever it takes to make Outworld united and better ever since Shao Kahn's defeat and Mileena's downfall. He shows compassion of protecting Outworld's throne against Mileena's rebellion army.
Macuahuitl: This is an ancient Aztec weapon resembling a club but lined with small prismatic blades, or "teeth". This is Kotal's weapon of choice in open warfare. Although Kotal's Macuahuitl looks like big sword.
Tecpatl: It is an Aztec knife that is most commonly used in Aztec human sacrificing rituals that involve pulling out the human heart.
Injustice 2[]
Kotal was mentioned by Sub-Zero, in the same time when Kuai Liang is about to teleport into DC's Injustice universe after repelling Kotal and his force back to Outworld.
You prefer Mileena?
~ Kotal Kahn talking to Raiden about who should be on the Outworld throne.
It matters not.
~ Kotal Kahn after Tremor tells him he is fighting a Black Dragon.
Edenians are my subjects.
~ Kotal Kahn speaking to Tanya about Edenians being part of the united Outworld.
They say your skill is unsurpassed. Then I welcome this opportunity.
~ Kotal Kahn to Kenshi Takahashi.
You will keep your distance. You will not bewitch me!
~ Kotal Kahn to Quan Chi.
You spit at me no longer!
~ Kotal Kahn to Shinnok.
As you wish.
~ Kotal Kahn after Takeda says he wants to go a couple rounds.
Your sacrifice honors me.
~ Kotal Kahn in between rounds.
My you choke on your gold.
~ Kotal Kahn mid fight with Kano.
Lying snake!
~ Kotal Kahn to Kano.
Truly fit for hell!
~ Kotal Kahn mid fight with Shinnok.
Consider it an evaluation.
~ Kotal Kahn testing Ferra/Torr's strength, skill and loyalty.
I wish to restore you.
~ Kotal Kahn reminding Ferra and Torr how he wants to help them
You lack will, Reptile.
~ Kotal Kahn telling Reptile that he needs to improve on his will during mid fight.
You would do well to desist.
~ Kotal Kahn telling Sonya to cease her with him.
I've survived many battles.
~ Kotal Kahn to Cassie Cage.
Every word erodes my trust.
~ Kotal Kahn to Quan Chi.
Death comes to all.
~ Kotal Kahn meantions in between rounds that everything eventually dies.
Your rebellion is done.
~ Kotal Kahn mid fight with Mileena.
Kotal: Raiden? Shao Kahn? Shao Kahn: General Kotal? Kotal: Kotal Kahn Shao Kahn: Kahn? Pathetic fool. You pretend to my throne! Kotal: It is mine, by right and deed. You were killed, long ago. As was your repugnant spawn, Mileena.
~ Kotal Kahn to Shao Kahn.
Sheeva? What is... Where is Jade? And why is he here?
~ Kotal's first words in Aftermath, when he sees one of the person he hates the most, Shang Tsung.
According to his in-game bio, the Mayans named Kotal Kahn "Buluc", or "Buluc Chabtan," the Mayan God of War.
Kotal Kahn is one of two characters to have a Brutality in which the initiate dies as a result of the Brutality. The other is the Predator, though Kotal Kahn's is more akin to a Hara-Kiri.
Kotal Kahn's Blood Offering, Skarlet's Blood Ball, and Ferra/Torr's Pain and Gain are the only special moves in the Mortal Kombat series that drain health when used.
Before Phil LaMarr announced his return as Kotal Kahn, he reprised his role for a video on the Cameo website.
Despite his role as an antagonist, he wasn't really a villain, he was just forced into villainy by D'Vorah.