Antagonists Wiki
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King ripple as seen in the short film

King ripple is the main antagonist of the 2015 short film of the same name, king ripple is a supposed omnipresent entity who controls everything within the city he created, he can do many things including turning people into pure diamond, melting people into water, and more.


when king ripple was born, he wouldn't stop crying at all, soon after the nurses and doctors taking care of him and his mother, well, vanished, soon after, his mother would also disappear. after that nothing is known about him except when he created a city, gained or learned new abilities, and destroys anyone who exits the city or finds him. at some point he also melts down a person into water, and another into diamond. he also seemingly has a connection with a bathtub which he is commonly seen in


  • Teleportation: he seemingly has the ability to teleport from place to place
  • Telekinesis: has been seen to lift objects into the air, such as the bathtub he always sits in
  • Clairvoyance: allows him to know other peoples names and motives, as seen at the end of the short\
  • Summoning: he summoned a ghost as seen mid way through the short
  • Existence erasure: has been documented to be capable of erasing people from reality
  • Reality warping: As we see multiple times during the short film
  • Fire manipulation: seen when he summoned a ghost
  • water manipulation: he can turn people into water instantly
  • Animal and Plant manipulation: As prominently seen via his crows he can control
  • Creation: when he made the city
  • Life creation: he presumably created all the people in his city