Antagonists Wiki

Heheheh... Heheheheh... To my people, I'm a hero...... to you? I'M THE BAD GUY!!!
~ The King introducing himself before fighting the heroes.
Ha ha ha ha... You want me to LET HIM GO!? Then how about this...? I'll drop him off the edge and let him splatter... Unless you all KNEEL and learn your place! What will it be, Lightners?!
~ The King threatening to kill his own son.
KING - Abandoned by the Lightners, his heart became cracked with hatred. He cannot be reasoned with, but don't give up...!
~ The King's description in the "Check" option.

The King is the central antagonist of the 2018 indie video game Deltarune, serving as the main antagonist of Chapter 1 and a minor antagonist in Chapter 2. He is the cruel and heartless ruler of the Dark World and the father of Lancer, who despises the Lightners and will do anything to get revenge on them for abandoning his kind years ago.



Before the events of the game, the King was one of the four kings who ruled over the Card Kingdom. One day, however, a mysterious knight appeared and, in the Light World, created a new Dark Fountain. King, throughout the playing card form he has in the Light World, witnessed this event. The Fountain changed King's behavior and he grew more cruel and tyrannical. He started to believe that the Knight was on his side and that he allowed King a chance to get back at the Lightners who abandoned him and his kind.

Afterwards, King betrayed the other rulers of the Card Kingdom and imprisoned them, and put himself and his son Lancer into power. He also made Rouxls Kaard the new duke of puzzles. Currently, the King is planning to cover the world in darkness and rule over it while making Lightners "live in despair". In reality, he's unaware of the Knight's true, cataclysmic intentions.

Chapter 1[]

When Lancer told his father that two Lightners are heading to the Card Castle to close the Fountain, he orders him to dispose of them. Unfortunately for the King, however, this plan backfired as Lancer started to grow a bond with the Lightners, particularly with Susie due to their similarity.

As the heroes get closer to the Castle, however, Lancer starts to become more nervous at the thought of the heroes fighting his dad. When the heroes eventually reach the castle, Lancer betrays them and throws them in the dungeon forever, so that they would not have to fight his father.

Susie manages to escape and attempts to find a way to free Kris and Ralsei. On her way, however, she meets up with Lancer, who attempted to stop Susie, resulting in the two to fight. Susie, however, can not bring herself to kill Lancer and begs him to move aside, at which Lancer reveals his concern that the heroes and the King will end up killing each other. Susie then promises Lancer that she won't kill the King and they'll try to talk it out. Relieved, Lancer goes ahead to try and reason with his father while Susie rescues the rest of the party.

When the Lightners eventually made it to the top of the castle, they see Lancer attempting to reason with his father. When the King asked Lancer if the Lightners were disposed of, he became enraged when he learns that the Lightners were still alive, and became even more enraged when he learned Lancer befriended them.

When the King noticed the heroes' presence, he picked up his son and threatened to throw him off the roof if the Lightners refuse to bow to him. Lancer, however, manages to attack his father from behind, causing the King to drop Lancer and giving him a chance to escape. The heroes then proceed to fight King.

The heroes attempted to reason with the King, but he refused to listen, forcing them to stop him by force. When the King either receives enough damage or becomes tired from the heroes holding out against his attacks, he calls off the fight, exhausted, and claims to wish for a peaceful solution, convincing the heroes to put down their weapons and Ralsei to heal him.

When Ralsei does heal the King, however, he attacks the heroes, knocking them out. The King then attempts to murder Kris, saying that quiet people "piss him off". Before the King can land the finishing blow, however, he is interrupted by Susie, who also said the exact thing to Kris the first time they meet.

Depending on the route the player is doing, the fight will end in one of two ways.


Ralsei will use the opportunity to cast his Pacify spell on the King, putting him into a deep sleep.


Susie will distract the King long enough for Lancer to show up, who had gathered the minions that King mistreated during the fight. Lancer will then announce that he's overthrowing his father, and promptly throws his father into the dungeon.

Chapter 2[]

King appears again as a minor character in Chapter 2. He is imprisoned in a prison cell by Lancer and/or Ralsei and sits in his cell. It is revealed he actually was not going to kill Lancer, he just threatened his death in order to bluff the heroes, which worked far more effectively than it should've according to him. It is also revealed that even if he did drop Lancer, he believed his son would just bounce off the floor anyways. When asked about his water bottle, he begins gloating about it while chugging it.

After Queen is defeated, she visits her possible-husband in the cell, claiming that she's taking care of Lancer now. She also says she has a much better water jug in her mansion (which does exist and can be found). King tells Queen that if Lancer ever cries, just bounce him like a little ball, which usually calms him down.


King is a big and bulky figure. Half of his face is covered with a spade, covering his eyes. He has big, sharp teeth and, like his son, tends to hang his blue tongue out. In the middle of his stomach, there is a big mouth where a chain with the shape of a heart comes out, which King uses during his battle. He wears a black cape, blue boots and gloves, and a spiky crown on his head.


King is a brutal, abusive, power-hungry, and heartless ruler. He is known for constantly mistreating and abusing his servants, and shows little to no concern over them, either firing them or outright throwing them into the dungeon. In addition, he is an abusive father towards Lancer as well. Rouxls Kaard mentions that King often neglects Lancer and, at times, forgets to feed him. He even threatens to throw Lancer off the roof, showing he has little to no concern for his son whatsoever. This could be because of the Dark Fountain's influence, resulting in his transformation into the evil person that he is to this day.

The only positive thing that could possibly be said about King are his standards and love for his son. He might have been a neglectful and abusive father who tried to make his son watch as he kills his friends, but he genuinely loves him, and threatening to throw him off the roof was a lie to make the Lightners surrender. He will also express disgust at the heroes if they don't save everyone from the Cyber World, and he considers Queen's tyranny to be even worse than anything he did.


Chapter 1[]


Lancer, my son. Have you dispatched the Lightners, as I commanded?
~ The King's first words.
They're ALIVE?
~ The King after learning the Lightners and Ralsei are alive.
~ The King asking Lancer where the heroes are.
... Lancer. Lancer, my son. (Lancer: Y... Yes, father?) Do you remember what I told you? (Lancer: D... Don't... get too attached?) You have failed. They have poisoned you with my sentimentality. Free yourself, Lancer. They care NOT for you. Their only goal is to destroy our glorious Fountain. They. Are. Scum. (Lancer: N... no they aren't...) (The King picks up Lancer) WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
~ The King trying to manipulate Lancer.
Now WATCH, Lancer...! (Points bullets at the Lightners and Ralsei) SEE what happens when you befriend Lightners! (Lancer attacks the King) W... What the!? YOU... YOU TRAITOR...! COME BACK HERE...!
~ The King trying to kill the Lightners and Ralsei.


How dare you come here, Lightners...? You, that left us in the shadows, stripped of meaning...You DARE return to torment us once again? Begone! We have found fresh purpose. For the KNIGHT has appeared. The KNIGHT that pulls the Fountains from the Earth. Holy Fountains, whose shadows are creating a new world... OUR world. Hahaha... Do you now see our NEW purpose...? Soon, this world shall be blanketed in darkness... And DARKNERS shall RULE it! Then, you may see what it is like to live in DESPAIR! Now, enough talk! Fall before the chain of justice!... ha, you're quite strong, aren't you!? If I keep fighting you like this, then... It seems... that... My KNIGHT... I shall not fail you...
~ The King during the fight. Note that it's split into multiple parts.
Silence, Lightbringer! Your very existence goes against our own... By the Knight's will, I shall shatter your heart to pieces!
~ When Kris tries to talk. Note that Kris can't even say anything before being interrupted.
(Susie: Arright, listen up. Lancer's my friend. So if we can get by without hurting you, then...) If I perish, so be it! Show my son the monster you REALLY are! (Susie: ... Arright, you wanna see what I can do, huh?)
~ When Susie tries to talk.
(Ralsei: You might not realize it, but... This is a world where you don't have to fight. I know if we try, we can all find another way...) Such simple-minded platitudes... A shame you will not live to realize your naivety. Now, perish with the pathetic LIGHTNERS you worship! (Ralsei: Sorry, my friends and I aren't going anywhere!)
~ When Ralsei tries to talk.


Enough... is enough... I see... I see that I cannot defeat you... I have grown exhausted from our long battle. Lightners... I... Perhaps I... I have been too cruel.
~ The King starts to manipulate the heroes.
King: The truth is... I was not always this way. There once was a time... where Darkners and Lightners lived in harmony. A time where Darkners could fulfill their purpose in peace... It would be a lie to say that I, too... do not yearn for those days... Perhaps... Perhaps you young ones are right. Please... let us put away our weapons. There must be a peaceful solution to all this. [...]
Ralsei: I'm sure we can all be friends, Mr. King!
King: Y-yes... "Friends..." That sounds... lovely... (C-cough) My apologies, I am... I am not used to... fighting like that... My body is... getting weak...
Ralsei: Oh, don't say another word! (Heals the King) There, you should be all healed up! How do you feel...?
King: L... Let's see... (Attacks and knocks out the Lightners) Never better.
~ The King after his boss fight, using his backstory to manipulate and try to kill Kris, Susie, and Ralsei.
Did I say you could get up?
~ The King after Susie gets on her knee, pointing bullets at her.
Oh, spare me the heroics.
~ The King after Kris blocks the bullets, only for the King to attack them with more bullets, knocking them down.
You... You're the leader, aren't you? So, what's your plan? To laugh, as you cast us all back into obscurity?... You can't even say...? Young one... Let me tell you a secret. (Picks Kris up) Quiet people PISS ME OFF.
~ The King to Kris.
Heh heh heh heh... OR WHAT? You'll KILL me? (Susie: Nah.) So what's your plan, then...? To TALK me to death...? You stupid, stupid Lightner. You honestly think you have any way... to convince me NOT to kill you?
~ The King after Susie attacks him.
L-Lancer!? E-Everyone!? WHAT is the meaning of this!?
~ The King after the people pick him up with Lancer on top.
You IDIOTS! The Lightners are your ENEMIES! FOOLS! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU! (Lancer: Yikes! I think someone needs a time out! Go to your room, dad!!!) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
~ The King's Villainous Breakdown as he's getting overthrown.
Heh heh heh heh... OR WHAT? Surely you must realize... How exhausted I am, Lightner. Any hit from you would kill me. Why not do it, Lightner? Kill me and show my son how much you REALLY care. (Susie: Nah.) So what's your plan, then...? To TALK me to death...? You stupid, stupid Lightner. You honestly think you have any way... to convince me NOT to kill you? (Susie: Just wait a second.) Wait for WHAT? (Ralsei casts "Pacify" on the King) H... Huh? Why am I suddenly... so sleepy...? Why you... you little... you sweet... little.... pumpkin...
~ The King's defeat as Ralsei puts him to sleep.

Audio Clips[]

The King's laugh[]



Card Castle by Toby Fox[]


Chaos King by Toby Fox[]






  • The King's battle theme, "Chaos King", is a remix of the Card Castle theme.
  • His laughter is a deeper pitched version of Lancer's laugh.
  • The King's, Lancer's, Rudinn's, Hathy's, Clover's, and Jevil's designs were all designed by kanotynes. All of the designs, barring Jevil, were originally used for a school assignment, where she had to draw unique designs for a playing card deck.
  • Despite being the main antagonist of the first chapter, his real name is never mentioned.
    • It could be possible that it will be mentioned later in the game.
    • There's a theory that his real name is simply King. This seems to be the most likely option as of Chapter 2, where the Queen's name is, quite simply, "Queen."
  • According to Toby Fox, the creator of the game, the Dark Fountain that was created by the Knight changed King's behavior.
  • It's been theorized by fans that the Shadow Mantle, an item that Seam wanted to give the heroes in Chapter 2 before realising they lost it, is actually King's cape that flies away after his battle ends.