Mighty Morphin
Finster |
Ghost of Darkness |
Goldar |
Lokar |
Lord Zedd |
Machine Empire |
Master Vile |
Putty Patrollers |
Rita Repulsa |
Rito Revolto |
Scorpina |
Squatt and Baboo |
Tenga Warriors |
Tom Oliver |
Z Putty Patrollers
Season 1 Monsters: Bones | Giant | Mighty Minotaur | King Sphinx | Gnarly Gnome | Pudgy Pig | Chunky Chicken | Eye Guy | Mr. Ticklesneezer | Knasty Knight | Pineoctopus | Terror Toad | Madame Woe | Snizzard | Dark Warrior | Genie | Shellshock | Spidertron | Spit Flower | Frankenstein Monster | Wheel of Misfortune | Mutitus | Rockstar | Samurai Fan Man | Weaveworm | Babe Ruthless | Fang | Cyclops | Hatchasaurus & Cardiatron | Polluticorn | Twin Man | Cyclopsis | Octoplant | Goo Fish | Goatan | Fighting Flea | Jellyfish Warrior | Mantis | Dramole | Grumble Bee | Two-Headed Parrot | Peckster | Pumpkin Rapper | Soccadillo | Slippery Shark | Lizzinator | Rhinoblaster | Commander Crayfish | Oysterizer
Season 2 Monsters: Pirantishead | Primator | Saliguana | Bloom of Doom | Robogoat | Octophantom | Stag Beetle | Invenusable Flytrap | Guitardo | TurbanShell | Pipebrain | Trumpet Top | Mirror Maniac | Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel, AC & DC | Pursehead | Lipsyncher | Magnet Brain | Key Monster | Doomstone | Terror Blossom | Four Head | Beamcaster | Silver Horns | Skelerena | Scatterbrain | Pachinko Head | Showbiz Monster | Flame Head | Cannontop | Weldo | Evil Bookala | Jaws of Destruction | Tube Monster | Photomare | Wizard of Deception | Rat Monsters | Snow Monster | Turkey Jerk | Mondo the Magician | Needlenose | Vase Face
Season 3 Monsters: Repellator | Vampirus | Artistmole | Lanterra | Marvo the Meanie | Centiback | Hate Master | Face Stealer | Miss Chief | Katastrophe | Inciserator | See Monster | Crabby Cabbie | Garbage Mouth | Ravenator | Brick Bully | Sinister Simian | Blue Globbor | Dischordia | Professor Longnose | Parrot Top | Slotsky | Barbaric Brothers | Bratboy | Witchblade | Arachnofiend | Smudgey Swirl | Yetiki | Piecemeal | Barkzo | Hydro Hog
Archerina |
King Mondo |
Klank & Orbus |
Louie Kaboom |
Machine Empire |
Prince Gasket |
Prince Sprocket |
Queen Machina
Monsters: Staroid | Silo | Boohoo the Clown | People Pitcher | Digster | Puppetman | Video Vulture | Leaky Faucet | Pumpkin Sorcerer | Steambot | Traffic Kitty | Bucket of Bolts | Adrian | Pollenator | Fortissimodo | Mean Screen | Mechanizer | Robocupid | Defoliator | Main Drain | Punch-A-Bunch | Mace Face | Defector | Drill Master | Googleheimer the Toy Robot | Wrecking Ball | Admiral Abominator | Wolfbane | Tarantabot | Somnibot | Hosehead | Tough Tusks | Stenchy | Midas Monster | Cruel Chrome | Altor | Protectron | Nuklifier | Mechaterpillar | Cog Changer
Rita and Zedd's Monster: Impursonator
Other: Hydro Contaminators | Autochthon | Borax and the Varoxes | Filet of Parasol | Cruella Desquid
Chromites |
Divatox |
Elgar |
General Havoc |
Maligore |
Piranhatrons |
Porto |
Putra Pods |
Monsters: Amphibitor | Shadow Chromite | Visceron | The Demon Racers | Big Burpa | Mouthpiece | Pharaoh | Numbor | Blazinator | Terror Tooth | Electrovolt | Wolfgang Amadeus Griller | Shrinkasect | Flamite | Delisha Ennivel | Dreadfeather | Mad Mike the Pizza Chef | Translucitor | Clockster | Metal Mangler | Crosspatch | Flashhead | Voltmeister | Wicked Wisher | Wild Weeder | Torch Tiger | Maniac Mechanic | Lord Litter | Crash & the Creeps | Mr. Goorific | Strikeout | Count Nocturne | Goldgoyle
In Space
Quantrons |
Astronema |
Dark Specter |
Darkonda |
Ecliptor |
Psycho Rangers
Monsters: Manta Menace | Electrotramp | Clawhammer | Voltage Hog | Elephantitan | Craterites | Waspicable | Sting King | Crocovile | Destructipede | Power Driller | Fearog | Behemoth | Mamamite | Termitus | Barillian Bug | Swarmthing | Mutantrus | Lionizer | Body Switcher | Lunatick | Crocotoxes | Praying Mantis | Destructoid | Horror Bulls | Coralizer | Lizwizard | Batarax | Spikey | Frightwing | Owl Monster | Datascammer | Jakarak | Vacsacker | Tankenstein
Other: Kerovan-Ouster | Chef Swinegang Pork | Magic Mushroom | Bonker
Lost Galaxy
Captain Mutiny |
Deviot |
Furio |
Kegler |
Scorpius |
Stingwingers |
Trakeena |
Monsters: Brunt | Radster | Horn | Gasser | Sledge | Mutantrum | Wise Wizard | Quakemaker | Starcog | Ruptor | Samuron | Fishface | Chillyfish | Destruxo | Shark Brothers | Impostra | Freaky Tiki | Skelekron | Crumummy | Rykon | Cannonbrawl | Icy Angel | Loyax | Trencher | Chameliac | Magnetox | Hardtochoke | Kubak | Teksa | Motor Mantis | Maronda | Spikaka | Ironite | Decibat | Rocketron | Grunchor | Rojomon | Nightmare
Other: Alien | Titanisaur | Hunghorn
Lightspeed Rescue
Diabolico |
Jinxer |
Loki |
Prince Olympius |
Queen Bansheera |
Triskull |
Vypra |
Ryan Mitchell
Demons: Ghouligan | Magmavore | Quakemon | Whirlin | Fireor | Gold Beaked Monster | Elestomp | Strikning | Smogger | Trifire | Liztwin | Demonite | Thunderon | Falkar | Troika | Cobra Incarnate | Thunderclaw | Shockatron | Spellbinder | Moleman | Cyclopter | Mantevel | Vilevine | Freezard | Infinitor | Birdbane | Memorase | The Gatekeeper | Furnace Monster | Ghoular | Flowar | Mermatron | Fire Wasp | Aquafiend | Arachnor | Treevil
Time Force
Cyclobots |
Frax |
Gluto |
Nadira |
Mutants: Flamecon | Jetara | Fearog | Mantamobile | Tentaclaw | Rabbitcon | Medicon | Fatcatfish | Izout | Tronicon | Vexicon | Redeye | Electropede | Univolt | Brickneck | Commandocon | Klawlox | Cruel Senturicon | Turtlecon | Notacon | Conwing | Dash | Contemptra | Ironspike | Artillicon | Cinecon | Steelix | Venomark | Severax | Dragontron | Mr. Mechanau | Miracon | Angelcon | Chameliacon | Serpicon | Max Axe | Doomtron
Wild Force
Ancient Master Org |
General Venjix |
Jindrax |
Juggelo |
Mandilok |
Master Org |
Mut-Orgs |
Nayzor |
Onikage |
Putrids |
Retinax |
Toxica |
Viktor Adler |
Orgs: Turbine Org | Plug Org | Barbed Wire Org | Camera Org | Bell Org | Tire Org | Ship Org | Cell Phone Org | Bulldozer Org | Freezer Org | Vacuum Cleaner Org | Bus Org | Motorcycle Org | Lawnmower Org | Quadra Org | Karaoke Org | Signal Org | Bowling Org | Wedding Dress Org | Samurai Org | Tombstone Org | Flute Org | Lion Tamer Org | Monitor Org | Toy Org | Clock Org | Locomotive Org
Ninja Storm
Choobo |
Lothor |
Marah & Kapri |
Motodrone |
Shimazu |
Vexacus |
Monsters: Blue Face | Mad Magnet | Copybot | Terramole | Amphibidor | Florabundacus | Snipster | Toxipod | Super Toxipod | Bopp-A-Roo | General Trayf | Madtropolis | Hiphopper | Sky Scrapper | Sucker | Starvark | Tentacreep | Magic Moustache | Fragra | Mr. Ratwell | DJ Drummond | Beevil | Footzilla | Slob Goblin | Morty Board | Wolfblades | Goldwinger | Bald Loser | Inflatron | Eyezak | Condortron | Catonia | Loong Ago
Dino Thunder
Elsa |
Mesogog |
Trent Fernandez-Mercer |
White Dino Ranger Clone |
Monsters: Birdbrain | Pollinator | Donkeyvac | Demagnetron | Dysotron | Goldenrod | Scorpex | Megalador | Creature | Angor | Rojobot | Insectolite | Fossilador | Termitetron | Ka-Ching | Mad Mackerel | Copyotter | White Terrorsaurus | Jupitor | Tutenhawken | Thornox | Deadwood | Horn-Rimmed Monster | Jade Gladiator | Skortch | Izzy | Pupperazi | Squidrose | Croco D'Vile | Rumba Monkey | Rude Elf | Fridgia | Ruby Dragon | Ugly Monster
A-Squad Power Rangers |
Broodwing |
Emperor Gruumm |
Krybots |
Morgana |
Monsters: Praxis | Ringbah | Rhinix | T-Top | Hydrax | Bugglesworth | Giganis | Sinuku | Debugger | General Benaag | Drakel | General Valko | Goradon | Tomars | Wootox | Katana | Invador | Changtor | Green Eyes | Shorty | Devastation | Mysticon and Al | Slate | Mirloc | Stench and Thresher | Gineka | Chiaggo | Delapoo | Blobgoblin | One Eye | Silverhead | Professor Mooney | Bork | Herock | Dragoul | Kraw | Icthior | Spotty-Eyed Monster | Green Monster | Vine Monster | Delex | Roswell | Crabhead | Spiketor | Lazor | Cricket Monster | Jackal Monster | Demon Monster | Heater Monster | Jail Bird Monster | Tentacle Monster
Mystic Force
Barbarian Beasts |
Imperious |
Koragg |
Morticon |
Necrolai |
Octomus the Master
The Ten Terrors: Black Lance | Gekkor | Hekatoid | Itassis | Magma | Matoombo | Megahorn | Oculous | Sculpin | Serpentina
Monsters: Dark Troll | Mucor | Hydra Worm | Clawbster | Rock Troll | Taxi Cab Monster | Giant Spider | Flytrap | Boney | Skullington | Gargoyle of the Gates | Jester the Pester | Behemoth | Gnatu | Spydex | Screamer | Warmax | Shrieker | 50 Below | Fightoe | Ursus | Chimera
Operation Overdrive
Fearcats: Benglo | Mig | Crazar | Cheetar |
Flurious |
Kamdor |
Moltor |
Flurious' Monsters: Atlantis Temple | Flurious' Robot
Moltor's Monsters: Giant Sea Creature | Weather Machine Monster | Volcan | Moltor's Zord | Dragonizer | Scaletex | Bullox | Lavadactyls | Blothgaar | Cybernetic Rex | Magmador
Kamdor's Monsters: Ultrog | Bombardo | Big Mouth Monster | Camera Monster | Amplifier Monster | Top Hat | Generalissimo | Datum | Garbage Warrior | Golem Warrior | Statue Warrior | Kunoichi Monster | Prince Warrior
Fearcats' Monsters: Jet Robot | Commando Robot | Centurion Robot | Agrios
Thrax's Monsters: Vulturus
Jungle Fury
Camille |
Dai Shi |
Five Fingers of Poison|
Grizzaka |
Carnisoar |
Jellica |
Scorch |
Snapper |
Whiger |
Rinshi Beasts: Mantor | Buffalord| Rantipede | Gakko | Stingerella | Toady | Naja | Pangolin | Slickagon | Bai Lai | Carden | Crustaceo | Mog | Shadow Guards | Hamhock | Porcupongo | Monkeywi | Red Shadow Guards | Barakouzza | Crocovile | Whirnado | Whiricane | Sonimax | Dynamir | Unidoom | Rammer | Badrat | Grinder | Osiris | Lepus | Fox Rinshi | Anglerfish Rinshi
General Crunch |
General Shifter |
Kilobyte |
Tenaya 7 |
Venjix Computer Network |
Venjix Computer Virus |
Professor Cog
Attack Bots: Generation 5 Attack Bot | Water Hoser | Subterranean Plutonic Gopher Bot | Generation 9 Noz Bot Attack System | Magnetron | Pump Attack Bot | Boom Bot | Camera Attack Bot | Drill Attack Bot | Reflects Bot Generation 12 | Gat Bot | Broiler Bot | Sat Bot | Lightning Bot | Oil Bot | Dyna Bot | Vacuum Bot | Saw Bot Generation 15 | Generation 16 Saw Bot | Balloon Bot | Generation 3 Textile Bot | Manhole Bot | Knight Bot | Hammer Attack Bot | Generation 3 Chemical Bot | Dowser Bot | Series 2 Rotor Bot | Heat Bot | Generation 16 Hyper Bot | Dumbbell Bot | Generation 12 Energy Bot | Final Attack Bot
Samurai/Super Samurai
Dayu |
Master Xandred |
Moogers |
Serrator |
Octoroo |
Nighloks: Tooya | Scorpionic | Rofer | Doubletone | Dreadhead | Negatron | Yamiror | Madimot | Desperaino | Robtish | Vulpes | Steeleto | Antberry | Splitface | Arachnitor | Rhinosnorus | Sharkjaw | Sergeant Tread | General Gut | Armadeevil | Switchbeast | Eyescar | Crustor | Skarf | Duplicator | Grinataur | Epoxar | Maldan | Trickster | Pestilox | Fiera | Gigertox | Gred
Megaforce/Super Megaforce
Admiral Malkor |
Bigs |
Bluefur |
Creepox |
Emperor Mavro |
Metal Alice |
Messenger |
Princess Levira |
Prince Vekar |
Argus |
Damaras |
Insectoids: Scaraba | Yuffo | Virox | Dragonflay | Beezara | Dizchord
Toxic Mutants: Hisser | Psychotick | Shadow Serpent | Distractor | Mummy | Kesaran | Gremlin | Skyfish | Nojoke | Dream Snatcher | Glytcher
Robots: Rotox | Rotox DX | Rico the Robot | Water Rotox Army
Field Commanders: Headridge | Tentacus | Cybax | Skatana | General Peluso | Matacore | Pacha Chamak | Gorgax | Commander Osogain | Skeltox | Sirjinkor | Invidious | Desolar | Tranceferer | Turtlelini | Tresnag | Drill Horn | Yellzor | Redker
Dino Charge/Dino Super Charge
Curio |
Doomwing |
Fury |
Heckyl/Snide |
Lord Arcanon |
Poisandra |
Singe |
Sledge |
Spikeballs |
Wrench |
Outlaws: Iceage | Scrapper | Spellbinder | Bones | Smokescreen | Gold Digger | Memorella | Shearfear | Meteor | Slammer | Puzzler | G-BO | Wish Star | Cavity | Stingrage | Duplicon | Greenzilla | Nightmare | Hookbeard | Loafer | Ninja | Hunter | Game Face | Beauticruel | Spell Digger | Fortress | Half-Bake | Leisure | Screech | Conductro | Scumlaw | Professor Strickler | Badussa | Heximas
Ninja Steel/Super Ninja Steel
Galvanax |
Cosmo Royale |
Brax |
Madame Odius |
Ripcon |
Tynamon |
Lord Draven |
Contestants: Korvaka | Ripperat | Spinferno | Slogre | Tangleweb | Badpipes | Hacktrack | Stonedozer | Trapsaw | Toxitea | Shoespike | Drillion | Phonepanzee | Cat O'Clock | Abrakadanger | Forcefear | Cleocatra | Ghost Monster | Kuliner Monster | Smellephant | Deceptron | Spyclops | Doomwave | Game Goblin |Wolvermean | Speedwing | Rygore | Venoma | Foxatron | Dreadwolf | Blammo | Typeface | Voltipede | Megamauler | Versix | Fangore | Jabberon | Stabberous | Shelldax | Plasmora | Ackshun | Gorrox | Snow Fright
Beast Morphers
Blaze |
Evox |
Roxy |
Scrozzle |
Robotrons & Gigadrones: Cycletron | Cycledrone | Needletron | Needledrone | Shoveltron | Shoveldrone | Slicertron | Slicerdrone | Meltatron | Meltadrone | Railtron | Raildrone | Vacuutron | Vacuudrone | Antennatron | Antennadrone | Drilltron | Drilldrone | Tooltron | Tooldrone | Clonetron | Clonedrone | Tubatron | Tubadrone | Tubatron 2.0 | Tubadrone 2.0 | Burnertron | Burnerdrone | Turbotron | Turbodrone | Shockatron | Shockadrone | Spiketron | Spikedrone | Infernotron | Infernodrone | Vargoyledrone | Fighterdrone | Drilltron 2.0 | Drilldrone 2.0 | Trappertron | Trapperdrone | Gamertron | Gamerdrone | Keytron | Keydrone | Digitron | Digidrone | Controlatron | Controladrone | Dumbelltron | Boxertron | Alphadrone | Betadrone | Gammadrone | Deltadrone | Tiaratron | Tiaradrone | Bulldozertron | Bulldozerdrone | Vargoyledrone 2.0 | Magnedrone | Thieftron | Thiefdrone | Clawtron | Clawdrone | Antennatron 2.0 | Antennadrone 2.0 | Railtron 2.0 | Omegadrone
Other: Ryjack | Goldar Maximus | Putty Patrollers | Triptoids | Vivix
Dino Fury
Void Knight | Void King | Void Queen | Mucus | Boomtower | Slyther | Wreckmate | Snageye | Nulleye | Hengemen
Sporix Beasts: Shockhorn | Vypeera | Draknarok | Brineblast | Smashstone | Wolfgang | Doomsnake | Roostafa | Tombtress | Fogshell | Reaghoul | Tidemare | Trawler | Stone Triplets | Boneswitch | Spider Sketch Monster | Santa's Magic Sketchbook | Sporix Beast Fly | Bitscreem | Occulo | Junkalo | Zord Jammer | Squashblight | Trackenslash | Flapnarock
other: Lord Zedd
Ivan Ooze |
Ecto-Morphicons |
Mordant |
Rita Repulsa |
Lord Drakkon | Shredder
Video Games
Lord Drakkon | M. Bison