Antagonists Wiki

Kaidomaru (AKA Beast Gorilla) is the Minor Antagonist from Iron Virgin Jun. He is a Big Buff (Black) Japanese Guy who affiliates and joins Jun Asuka's Mother. He replaces Mauta Nandou after Jun Asuka defeats Him Be cuz She doesn't want to marry Him.

He was portrayed by Uncredited Cast, only in Anime Adaptions.


Kaidō is an Extremely Large Brutal Boy. Despite that He looks like Gorilla, His Hair was an Uncolor Short Untidy Hair. He wears a Black Tuxedo Suits, Bow and Long Shorts, Gray scales in His jacket and loose socks, White shirt and a Dark Brown Shoes holding One Paper and Black Pen In Book.

In OVA, He only wears a Magenta Jacket and Long Shorts (like Black Skin Waiter), an Orange bow, His shirt was same in novel, Grey Socks and Black Shoes. Only He can be in Part 1 of Iron Virgin Girl.


He was a Psychopath, Warrior and Tyrant in His scenes. In the Asuka's Room, He was to Gentle and Saboteurs to Jun's Mother as a Minion. He loves to plays where He can haves His Lover. He can became tamed by Jun Asuka's Father who hates Him for ruining Innocent People.

While His is in Outside middle of the Forest, He becames Malicious, Vicious and Bully. He ever meets Kurata Oonami as He is to Jealous that He ever dates Miss. Jun. He turns Hateful, Rivalry and Killer through He doesn't cares about Daiba's Late Friends who currently passed away by Him before His Former Lover's birthday.



He translates Kaido into His english name, Gorilla who was concidered Himself as an Ape. (He looks like the Father of Shota Yabe from Killing Bites).

He gets the Six Kills than The Golden Cherry Boys.

He and Mauta are look alike which understands Their Connections about the Former lover of Jun, serves Their leaders and are the rivalries of Daiba.

He is the Extremely Large Character from Him instead of Everyone in Go Nagai.

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