Antagonists Wiki

Josh is the main antagonist invisible of the 2011 horror movie Megan Is Missing.


He acts friendly, but it's nothing but an act. He killed Amy and Megan for his own twisted desires. If you didn't want them return them back to their family. And don't kill Amy's friend then kidnap Amy to and put her in something. And then you lie about letting her out. And rope her and then you somehow show her her friend's dead body. AND PUSH HER IN THERE WITH MEGANS DEAD BODY. And bury her alive.

So Megan at the beginning was fine until her friend showed her an app called webcam and she made a lie and said that she did it for her self and got her to do it. So she meet this grown man named (Josh) and then she was like oh can you show me your face and he said no because he made a lie and saying his little brother broke it... and Megan was like oh ok..... and then he said lets meet behide mc'donalds ok and she said okay. Next day he was waiting for her and then saw her coming when she said hi he grabbed Her ran off with her and then put her in a van. And then her friend was like where is she she was post to come over and she never came over... and then the grown man gave her some pictures of here friend dead and some weird things in her mouth.

Unfortunately, there is nothing stopping Josh from hurting anyone else. Again.


He is criticized for thereotically existing only to warn people of the dangers of the internet. But it was wrong of Megan to place blind trust in Josh, and Amy was wrong to not tell anyone that she was in danger...and she made the same mistake of trusting Josh that Megan herself did.
