Antagonists Wiki

Joker is the Main Protagonist In Schlouden06's Fanfic Joker and The Posthmus Overarching Antagonist In Batman 2:League of Shadows. He is Batman's arch-nemesis, and is an intelligent serial killer who enjoys watching people suffer. He was also the one that betrayed Edward Nygma so he can escape Arkham for himself and cause chaos. He is also the leader of The Cult of Joker.

This version of Joker is portrayed by Schlouden06.


It is implied that he was a worker that was made-fun of and fell in ace chemicals thanks to getting pushed by a bully, and he became an insane serial killer that fights Batman, becoming his arch-nemesis. After his latest fight with Batman, he went to Arkham Asylum. He manipulates Edward/The Riddler into helping him escape by hacking the security system. He even figured out a way to escape from Arkham by himself.


The Joker is shown to wear a purple-suit with an orange shirt, a blue bow-tie, purple gloves and shoes, and has a pink flower on his suit's jacket. He also has white skin, red lips and green hair.


He is an insane person who enjoys watching people suffer for a sick enjoyment. He does enjoy killing and making people suffer. The Joker will do whatever it takes to escape Arkham, even left Edward for dead, lying to him that they escape together. He also manipulated some crime-lords so he can steal their money he is also very egotistical when he hears of a cult to worships him he joins in saying “I am your god! Worship me!”, showing levels of pride, as well as being attention-seeking. He also likes to wear fancy clothes so he can look good, as well as wanting to look good in everywhere he goes.he does prank people every one in a while for fun and some of the them have laughing gas in them


  • This version of Joker is based off of Health Ledger’s joker due to his intelligence, messy hair at the beginning, and the pencil trick.
  • He was also based off of Mark Hamil's Joker, due to the description of Mark Hamil's Joker from the animated series, as well as his hair having a similar resemblance to the latter after brushing his hair).
  • He also takes inspiration from Jerome Valeska, due to having a cult that worships him.


           Schlouden06 Antagonists

Mr.Red (Schlouden06)

Five Nights At Freddy’s Anatgonists
William Afton (Schlouden06)
Glitchtrap (Schlouden06)

Batman Anatgonists
Joker (Schlouden06)
Dr.Hugo Strange (Schlouden06)

Star Wars Anatgonists
Darth Vader (Schlouden06)

Sonic Anatgonists
Mephiles The Dark (Schlouden06)

King Magnifico (Schlouden06)
