This Antagonist was Headlined onMarch, 16th, 2024.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
~ The Joker's most famous quote.
Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away… forever.
~ The Joker.
A lion doesn't pass judgement on a gazelle. Cancer doesn't pass judgement on a brain. I've been saying this all along. Evil doesn't exist. There are only actions. We got to the same place - the top of the food chain - just on different paths. Mine was more fun.
~ The Joker.
The Joker, also known as the Clown Prince of Crime, is one of the main antagonists of the DC Universe, specifically serving as the main antagonist of the Batman franchise.
In the comics, the Joker is portrayed as a criminal mastermind of varied characterization and the archenemy of Batman. The original and currently dominant image is of a highly intelligent homicidal maniac with a twisted, sadistic sense of humor. His most prominent origin story is that he fell into a vat of chemicals, which bleached his skin white, turned his hair green and turned his lips bright red, giving him the appearance resembling clown-like attributes. His crazed grin, psychotic, clown-like appearance and a bitter glow of Insanity all make the Joker, one of the most diabolical villains of DC Comics of all time.
He has been directly responsible for numerous tragedies in Batman's life, including the murder of Jason Todd, although he was resurrected as the Red Hood, and the paralysis of Barbara Gordon. He is generally one of the most infamous of Gotham's criminal dark elements and one of the most feared members of the Legion of Doom.
He was portrayed by the late Cesar Romero in the Batman television series.
He was portrayed by Jack Nicholson - who also portrayed Jack Torrance in The Shining, Jimmy Hoffa in Hoffa, Colonel Nathan R. Jessup in A Few Good Men, and Frank Costello in The Departed - in Tim Burton's Batman.
He is voiced by Mark Hamill in the DC Animated Universe, the three Rocksteady Arkham Games, as well as the incarnation from the animated adaptation of Batman: The Killing Joke.
He was portrayed by the late Heath Ledger in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight - who also portrayed Tony Shepard in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.
He was portrayed by Jared Leto - who also portrayed Angel Face in Fight Club, Harry Goldfarb in Requiem for a Dream, Junior in Panic Room, Niander Wallace, Jr. in Blade Runner 2049, Michael Morbius in Morbius and the Hatbox Ghost in the 2023 The Haunted Mansion film - in the DC Extended Universe.
He was voiced by Richard Epcar in the Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Injustice: Gods Among Us and its sequel, Injustice 2. He also voiced The Joker in Mortal Kombat 11.
He was voiced by Anthony Ingruber in the Batman: The Telltale Series games.
Jeremiah Valeska, the twin brother of Jerome, who after becoming infected by a toxin that expose his darkness and made him the real Joker.
Arthur Fleck, the DC Black Universe's version of the Joker, was portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix - who also portrayed Commodus in Gladiator and Napoleon Bonaparte in Napoleon - in Joker.
A year after Bob Kane first introduced Batman to comics, DC Comics requested a new villain for the hero. Kane and Batman's co-creator Bill Finger started working on ideas and they came up with one villain known as The Cat. However, they were in need of a second villain and after a suggestion by their frequent collaborator, Jerry Robinson, Kane and Finger developed the idea for the Joker. They developed the idea after the main character on the 1928 film The Man Who Laughs, portrayed by the late Conrad Veidt - a man whose face is disfigured into a permanent smile. On his first appearance, Joker was characterized as a psychopathic master criminal who murdered for pleasure, but in the original script, he was killed off on his second appearance, in which he accidentally stabs himself as he rushed at Batman. However, DC Comics feared that they would run out of ideas for villains if they kept killing them off, so, after an editorial edict, a final scene was arranged in which the Joker was shown to be alive.
The Joker in the 1940s was portrayed as a spree killer/mass murderer; in the 1950s, the Comics Code Authority cracked down on violence in comic books, and so the Joker was portrayed as a goofy, harmless prankster.
The Joker was given an origin story in 1951, written by the Joker's co-creator Bill Finger in Detective Comics #168. In this story, the Joker was once a masked criminal known as The Red Hood, who was disfigured after falling into a vat of chemicals during a confrontation with Batman.
In the 1980s, that origin story was expanded by Alan Moore in The Killing Joke, portraying the Joker as having been an engineer who quit his job to become a stand-up comedian, only to fail miserably. Desperate for money to support his pregnant wife Jeannie, the engineer agreed to help two criminals break into the chemical plant he once worked in, dressed as the Red Hood. In this version of the story, the Red Hood persona is given to the inside man of every job (thus, it is never the same man twice); this makes the man appear to be the ringleader, allowing the two criminals to escape. During the planning, police contacted him and informed him that his wife and unborn child had died in a household accident.
The Joker as the Red Hood.
Devastated, he tried to back out of the plan, but the criminals strong-armed him into keeping their commitment to them. When they entered the plant, however, the police were waiting for them, and opened fire. In the ensuing melee, the two criminals were killed, and the engineer escaped, only to run into Batman, who happened to be investigating the disturbance. Terrified, the engineer jumped over the railings into a vat of chemicals in order to escape from Batman. He swam out of the plant's drainage canal, but the chemicals bleached his skin and turned his hair green and lips red. His disfigurement, coupled with the loss of his wife and child, drove the engineer insane and resulted in the birth of the Joker.
This is just one of four origin stories suggested by writers in the Batman universe. The true story is unclear due to the fact that the only man who knows what really happened (that being, The Joker) is an unreliable source. The Joker even says to Batman during a battle between the two:
"Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another. If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple-choice!"
Another origin story, written by Paul Dini, portrays the Joker as a mob enforcer who created the Red Hood persona to commit small-time crimes, since he reveled in "dirty work". After his disfigurement, the gangster remained sane, but made his crimes look like the work of a lunatic in order to pursue his vendetta against Batman and avoid the death penalty.
The "Lovers and Madmen" story arc in Batman Confidential portrays the Joker as having been a professional criminal who had grown bored with his work until encountering Batman; he found that matching wits with the Caped Crusader rekindled the thrill of crime. He badly injured Bruce Wayne's girlfriend Silver St. Cloud, prompting an enraged Batman to scar the criminal's face with a batarang, leaving him with a permanent grin. Batman then chased the criminal into a chemical plant, and the criminal fell into a vat of toxic waste, resulting in his disfigurement and the birth of the Joker.
Joker was given yet another origin in the New 52. In this continuity, the man who would become the Joker was once leader of the Red Hood Gang. Eventually their members were picked off and incarcerated by Batman; causing the gang's numbers to dwindle. Batman then learned that the gang's leader, known as Red Hood One, had planned to steal deadly chemicals from the ACE chemical plant. So, he got the drop on them by blowing off the building's roof. Red Hood One tried to escape via helicopter but Batman yanked him off it, causing them both to fall through the damaged roof and be left dangling over a chemical vat. Batman tried to save Red Hood One, but the villain told him that this encounter was "only the beginning" before breaking free of the Dark Knight's grasp and letting himself plunge into the chemicals below, resulting in his disfigurement. Like some other origin stories, Joker's true identity is never revealed.
It is later revealed that there are apparently three Jokers on Prime Earth, which might explain why there are various origins for the mad man. One of the Jokers has the origin from the Killing Joke confirming it did indeed happen.
Joker appeared in comics in various versions, these are some of the most important.
Joker from Batman #1[]
This was the first ever version of the Joker in which he intended to steal diamonds. In some editions of this comic book, he didn't even have green hair and a purple suit that he's known for today, he had casual black hair and a brown suit. This comic book presents some of its basic features according to which it is recognized to this day.
This version of the Joker offers us one of origin's most famous stories in which he, as an engineer employed by a company by force of opportunity, helps the mafia rob it. Meanwhile his pregnant wife dies in a domestic accident. The grief-stricken engineer tries to get out of the plan, but the criminals make him keep going. During the robbery, the engineer comes into conflict with Batman, and then out of fear he jumps into chemicals. His distortion and sadness drive him mad, thus creating the Joker.
Emperor Joker[]
In a special mini-series that ran through several issues of Superman, the Joker tricked the reality-warping imp known as Mister Mxyzptlk into giving him his powers. This resulted in the Joker becoming a god and transforming the entire world into a sick amusement-park style nightmare dedicated to his own madness. Despite all of the Joker's vast power in this special story line he had a weakness in the fact that his relationship to Batman had reached a point where he could not exist with him, a kind of psychological "vicious cycle" deal in which for all his hatred of the Dark Knight, the Joker could not kill him as the two had become interlinked as characters: in short without Batman there was no Joker. Superman used this knowledge to his advantage and ultimately defeated the omnipotent Emperor Joker as a result - the Joker has never obtained such godlike power again.
Joker from Batman: Death of the Family[]
In this version, the Joker marks his return to Gotham with the recovery of a preserved ripped-off face with the help of a villain called Dollmaker. Joker kidnaps Alfred Pennyworth and brainwashes him, captures Bat Family and puts blood-washed bandages on their heads and rips some people's faces out to make it look like he's torn off Bat Family members faces. He invites Batman to dinner where he shows it to him and then set the building exploding, Batman chases Joker to the ravine, threatening to know his true identity, but the Joker jumps down to not hear it.
There are so many strategies employed by the Joker that there can often be no discernible pattern to his attacks. For instance, The Joker often uses his lapel either to shoot his "Joker gas", or to shoot nothing at all. Other times The Joker has pointed guns at others with a label saying "bang", yet as "Infinite Crisis" has proven, The Joker can also be extremely sadistic. As such, this makes The Joker a very dangerous opponent indeed due to his unpredictable mind. He has outsmarted Batman on numerous occasions, as promptly Superman to have fallen into his traps many times.
The Joker
Joker's appearance usually varies depending on different artists and media, but typically he wears a lavender suit with matching trousers, gloves, a necktie and a flower on his chest that shoots acid, laughing gas, or knockout gas. Of course, aside from his clothes, Joker has chalk white skin, green hair, green eyes (though he is sometimes shown having red eyes), and a big ghoulish smile on his face with an unusually long nose and chin. Occasionally, Joker is also seen wearing a wide brim hat.
Joker has been known to wear different outfits depending on his mood. In the infamous graphic novel The Killing Joke he wore an outfit to resemble a tourist on a tropical vacation.
In the Death of the Family comic arc, Joker was determined to "fix" what he saw wrong with Batman and wore an outfit to show this. He wore a blue mechanics jumpsuit with the words "Joe's Garage" labeled on the back, a tool belt around his waist and, most noticeably, had the skin of his dismembered face hastily strapped back on his head with a belt and twine after cutting it off a year prior.
In the comic arc Endgame, Joker returned with a new appearance. His face had completely grown back with a few alterations due to the healing properties of the chemical Dionesium. The length of his nose and chin are less exaggerated than they were before and his iconic grin, while still very wide, is not as long as it use to be. Joker also sports a new hairdo and wears a black suit ensemble with a pair of white gloves. He eventually wears another outfit more in line with his classic attire, although changes to his hair and facial features remain.
In the mini-series, Underworld Unleashed, The Trickster remarks that, "When supervillains want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories". As far as truth about Joker’s personality, one word sums him up, unpredictable. One day, the Joker may be an enigma to being a clown, to others he can become a driven up, maniacal, anti-social, psychotic, homicidal, psychopathic, ruthless, sadistic, manipulative, viciously intelligent, diabolical master criminal who wants nothing but chaos and anarchy wherever he goes, as well as graveling in the suffering of others. The same goes for what lines he will and won't cross.
Various psychologists in Arkham Asylum have tried to diagnose, though unsuccessfully, the nature of the Joker's mania. It has been stated that he tests positive for all of the clinical markers for both sociopathy and psychopathy although given his unpredictability and volatile nature, the Joker would be closer to a psychopath. It is believed that a combination of trauma of falling into the chemicals that changed him and the chemicals' effect on his system that twisted the Joker into what he is, which is partially supported by the fact that the Lazarus pit temporarily cured him of insanity and the pit is known for its healing properties.
At his most harmless, the Joker is still menacing and will endanger lives with no regard for the harm he causes while also pulling dangerous pranks for no reason other than to spread chaos. At his worst, the Joker would be best described as a living nightmare. A creature whose only purpose is to bring pain and death for his own perverse amusement.
The Joker refuses to work with the Nazi Red Skull, proving that even someone as evil and insane as he has standards.
In addition to this, the Joker is one of the few villains attributed with killing one of Batman's sidekicks (the other being Black Mask). The Joker beat Robin/Jason Todd to death in the comic A Death in the Family. For any Batman villain, killing a Robin is almost the peak of villainy. Only two Robins and one Batgirl have ever been maimed or killed at the hands of supervillains.
He also indicates that all it takes is one bad day for even the nicest most upstanding of people to go insane, citing his own experiences, as well as claims that life is all "one big joke" and that the only sensible way to live is either by being insane or by living without rules, strongly indicating that he is a nihilist and an anarchist.
In fact, The Joker does not have any plan to kill Batman because he is "just so much fun" because he always plays his little "games". Rather he actually wants to corrupt Batman by causing greater tragedies in his life so that he can get Batman to kill him or make Batman like him. Even though the Dark Knight has shown to be incorruptible and sticks to his moral code of not murdering his enemies and having them receive justice instead, the Joker never gives up because the more tragedies he causes, the more Batman will get angry at the Joker and thus, risk breaking his code. Thus, making sure that even if Batman finally snaps and finishes him off, Joker will still come out on top.
However, even the Joker had his standards. During a DC/Marvel crossover, while Joker is working with the Red Skull, he thinks his partner in crime's trademark swastika is merely part of a costume. However, when the Red Skull revealed himself as an actual Nazi, the Joker is horrified and, in the end, he fights him as he is about to drop a bomb on Washington DC. In addition, he was contemptuous of white-collar corporate crime, as evidenced by his hatred of Warren White, a corrupt CEO who embezzled his client's money; he says that, while he may have killed people, he "didn't steal their kids' college funds." Another noticeable moment is at the end of the "No Man's Land" story arc, in which the Joker kidnapped several infants and held them hostage, planning to kill them in order to break Gotham's already fragile spirit. Sarah Essen Gordon tried to rescue them, but he disarmed and killed her during her attempt. He found no humor in her death, uncharacteristically frowning as he walked away, leaving the infants unharmed and promptly surrendered to the police. He also freely admits and takes credit for the crimes he commits. In fact, he has done this so many times that it is usually a surefire sign that the Joker is actually innocent of a crime if the Clown Prince of Crime denies any involvement in it.
Despite this, Joker ended up becoming a more ruthless and sadistic monster overtime. Whatever standards he did have no longer exist. However, his love for Jeannie, his deceased wife, still carried with him even after losing his sanity, to the point where in Batman: Gotham Knight #54, when the Riddler revealed that the dirty cop Oliver Hammet apparently killed Jeannie, the Joker wanted nothing more than to kill him in revenge. Nevertheless, the Joker is still able to control his level of destruction, as demonstrated with his extreme hatred towards The Batman Who Laughs, who despite being a "Jokerized Batman", is far more destructive than the Joker, leading the Clown Prince of Crime to cooperate with Batman to get rid of him. Despite that, the Joker tried to transform Batman into the very same thing Laughs became because he believed that the only way to destroy that Batman was making his own Batman like him, demonstrating that even in spite of that the Joker doesn't measure the potential consequences of his actions.
Relationship with Harley Quinn[]
The Joker and Harley, on the cover of Batman: Harley Quinn.
Previously known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel, an ambitious young psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, Harley is now employed as the Joker's hench-wench/girlfriend. The Joker is often abusive (physically and emotionally) towards her, but she is nevertheless completely devoted to him, believing that her "Puddin'" loves her and only hurts her as a joke. Harley has also returned the beatings a few times. It is implied that the Joker is in fact fond of her despite himself. In fact, in “The LEGO Batman Movie”, they get along well and there is a deleted scene where his coattails turn into a heart shape when she hugs him.
When she became his doctor at the asylum, he told her that her name reminded him of the clown character Harlequin. The next day, when she went into her office, she found a rose on her desk from the Joker. She treated him over the next weeks, during which he told her that he was abandoned by his mother and abused by his alcoholic father. She fell completely in love with him, broke him out of Arkham and became his lover and sidekick, Harley Quinn.
Appearances in Other Media[]
Holy Musical Batman[]
He was only mentioned by name by the Penguin and Sweet Tooth. The Clown Prince of Crime was supposed to be the main villain in the show, but instead, Sweet Tooth, portrayed by Jeff Blim, replaced him.
Mortal Kombat[]
The Joker first makes his appearance in the Mortal Kombat series as a major antagonist and playable character in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.
In Batman's chapter, Joker tried to kill Batman by blowing him up with a bomb after while he was trying to take Scorpion to Arkham. Despite his defeat, Joker escaped later encountering Scorpion who defeated him with ease.
Joker later teams up with Lex's team and the heroes to defeat Dark Kahn. Betraying them after getting infused bu The Rage, Joker defeats Batman before getting tasered. Later, Batman argues that since Joker and Flash both got corrupted by The Rage, they couldn't trust them. However, they decide to keep them on as long as Joker behaves. Joker then particpates during the final battle with the MK side; facing Kano before getting knocked out and aiding both sides against Dark Kahn during the climax.
In the Joker's Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe ending, he gains new supernatural powers since after the parallel universes-merger crisis. He now uses them to ultimately enslave all of Gotham City forever, proclaiming himself "Mayor Joker". Within his chaotic city, the Joker held a new tournament in which contestants fight for his amusement, and the winner of all these challenges would have to face the final opponent, the Joker himself.
The Joker is a DLC character in the first Kombat Pack in Mortal Kombat 11. He was revealed on August 21, 2019.
The Joker is voiced by Richard Epcar in both of his appearances, who also voices Raiden and also voices the Joker in the Injustice series.
DC Universe Online[]
The Joker appears as a major antagonist in DC Universe Online where he acts as the mentor for villains who choose to specialize in technology.
While the Joker is almost a given to appear in any video game that has Batman, he has not appeared in all of them, and is not always the Big Bad. On systems and games before the modern era, he has appeared in:
Two Batman PC games from the late 80's, Batman and Batman: The Caped Crusader both of which featured the relatively primitive graphics of that era.
A TurboGrafix 16 (PC Engine) game with Pac-Man like mechanics.
Games for several systems, based upon the 1989 Batman movie featuring Jack Nicholson as The Joker. This included a full-featured arcade game.
Return of the Joker for NES and Genesis, an unofficial semi-sequel to the 1989 film and the games based on it. Both hero and villain rely a lot more on weapons than combat, ala Contra. Each level had a sub-boss.
Two games based on the 1990's Batman: The Animated Series in its early incarnation. In neither case is Joker the central villain. Stages are based on villains' lairs and traps from the series. This appeared on SNES, Genesis and Sega-CD (Mega Drive and Mega-CD). The Sega/Mega CD version of The Adventures Of Batman & Robin had extensive animated scenes made for its cutscenes, to the point it is considered a 'lost' episode.
Batman: Chaos In Gotham for Game Boy Color. Not the central villain. These later games are based off The New Batman Adventures. Another Arkham mass breakout.
Batman: Gotham City Racer, as the name implies, a racing game, based again on the 90's animated series. For PS1. Joker and Harley Quinn had specialized race cars, similar to LEGO Batman.
Batman: Dark Tomorrow, an original video game adventure. Joker either works for or is manipulated by Ra's al Ghul. XBox, GameCube. Plagued by plotholes stifling game play.
Batman: Vengeance, based upon The New Batman Adventures and featuring extensive cinematics based on it. While the graphics, cinematics and story were widely praised, the controls left a great deal to be desired. In this, Batman is electrocuted by his joy buzzer and Joker falls to his apparent death. But he survives.
Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker - As in the animated feature, a reborn Joker bedevils the Terry McGinnis Batman, and his mystery is tied up in the final battle between Joker and the original Batman. For N64 and Playstation, very poorly received.
Batman: Rise Of Sin Tzu - Only a non-speaking cameo
Justice League: Injustice For All - The Joker as a member of the Injustice League aids their schemes. Based on the Justice League animated series from the 2000's. For Game Boy Advance.
The Joker will appears in the 2021 film Space Jam: A New Legacy, the anticipated sequel to the 1996 Warner Bros. hybrid film Space Jam. He appears alongside other villains from other Warner Bros. properties to challenge LeBron James and the Looney Tunes into a basketball match. Much like in The LEGO Batman Movie, the Joker is reunited with Agent Smith and Lord Voldemort.
The Batman (2022)[]
Riddle me this. The less of them you have, the more one is worth.
~ The Joker to the Riddler.
The Joker is a minor antagonist in the 2022 superhero film The Batman. He was played Barry Keoghan.
Little is known about the Joker. Presumably, he was born with deformities, something that made him go mad. Two years before the events depicted in the movie, he had a standoff with Bruce Wayne, which led to his incarceration at Arkham Asylum. In the movie at their two-year anniversary, Bruce visits Joker to get info about the Riddler, which Joker comments on why Bruce thinks he would be so cheap. Batman says, “I thought you would be curious.” Joker states that the Riddler is a nobody and wants to be somebody. He gets a chance to toy with the Batman, seeing through his mind, that deep down he is not sure that the Riddler is a villain, and that the victims deserved it. This makes the Batman frightened of himself seeing that he may not be better than his foes.
At the end when the Riddler gets imprisoned, he approaches him, posing as a friend, presumably with the goal of crafting an escape plan, and afterwards, making him his minion.
The Joker was shrouded in shadow for most of his appearance severely scarred and seemed to have green hair.
Despite not being named in the film, Matt Reeves confirmed in an IGN interview that he was indeed the Joker.[1]
Barry Keoghan is the third Irish actor to portray a cinematic batman villain, after Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow and Colin Farrell's Penguin.
The Joker's scarred face seems to reference his most common origin where he fell into a vat of chemicals. The idea of a Joker being physically burned from the chemicals seem to come from Jeremiah Valeska.
From the glimpses of the Joker that we got in the film, he will be seemingly based on the updated version of the character in the New 52, with more of a shaved head and scarred face.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed. Why else would you dress up like a flying rat? You had a bad day, and it drove you as crazy as everybody else... only you won't admit it! You have to keep pretending that life makes sense, that there's some point to all the struggling! God, you make me want to puke. I mean, what is it with you? What made you what you are? Girlfriend killed by the mob, maybe? Brother carved up by some mugger? Something like that, I bet something like that... something like that happened to me, you know. I... I'm not exactly sure what it was. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice! Ha Ha Ha! But my point is... I went crazy. When I saw what a black, awful joke the world was, I went crazy as a coot! I admit it! So why can't you? You're not unintelligent, you must see the reality of the situation? Do you know how many times we've come close to World War III over a flock of geese on a computer screen? Do you even know what triggered the last world war? An argument with Germany over how many telegraph poles they owed their war debt creditors. Telegraph poles! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! It's all a joke! Anything anybody ever valued or struggled for, it's all just a monstrous, demented gag. So why can't you see the funny side? Why aren't you laughing?
~ The Joker's famous monologue to Batman in The Killing Joke.
Memories can be vile. Repulsive little brutes, like children I suppose. But can we live without them? Memories are what our reason is based upon. If we can't face them, we deny reason itself! Although, why not? We aren't contractually tied down to rationality. There is no sanity clause. So when you find yourself locked down in an unpleasant train of thought, heading for the places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember: There's always madness. You can just step outside and close the door, and all those dreadful things that happened, you can lock them away. Madness... is an emergency exit.
~ The Joker.
No. I'm sorry, but... no. It's too late for that. Far too late. Hahaha. You know, it's funny. This situation. It reminds me of a joke...
~ The Joker to Batman, refusing rehabilitation.
See, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum. And one night, they decide they don't like living in the asylum anymore. They decide they're going to escape! So, like, they get up onto the roof, and there, just across this narrow gap, they see the rooftops of the town, stretching away into the moonlight. Stretching away to freedom. Now, the first guy, he jumps right across with no problem. But his friend, his friend daren't make the leap. Y'see... y'see, he's afraid of falling. So then the first guy has an idea... He says, 'Hey, I have a flashlight with me! I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk across the beam and join me!' But the second guy just shakes his head. He suh-says... he says 'Wh-what do you think I am? Crazy? You'd turn it off when I was halfway across!
~ The Joker's joke.
If I weren't crazy, I'd be insane!
~ The Joker.
If the police expect to play against the JOKER, they had best be prepared to be dealt from the bottom of the deck!
~ The Joker.
I may be insane... but I'm not crazy!
~ Joker.
If someone hates you for no reason, give that jerk a reason!
~ The Joker
Give a man a mask and he'll become his true self.
~ The Joker
The only way you'll beat him... is to become him. Heh.
~ The Joker's dying words to Batman after attempting to kill himself.
You and I... We'll always be at war. You think we matter, I think life is a bad @$#%!$& joke. I believe that one day I'll win. That I'll watch you screaming at my feet as this city dies, and on that day I will laugh at you. But just once, and never again, here and now... I... I want you to know... that's not what I want.
~ The Joker to Batman.
No. (...) I want neither of us to win. Ever. Heh.
~ The Joker to Batman.
He was created by the late Bob Kane, the late Bill Finger and the late Jerry Robinson.
The Joker's first name is nearly revealed and apparently begins with "Ja--" However, before Melvin Reipan is about to mention the name, the Joker shushes him, saying "We don't use that name anymore, remember? I'm Cousin Joker now".
The Joker arguably has the largest individual body count in the DC Universe (galactic rulers and planet destroyers aside), having killed over 2,000 victims in his career. While Mongul, Cheshire, and Black Adam have devastated entire cities, Joker probably has killed more in a single act, ranging from traditional knives and explosives to his lethal electric joybuzzer and his signature laughing gas.
It has recently been revealed there are three different Jokers. The original Golden Age Joker (prominent in Golden Age and Pre-Crisis), the Silver Age Joker (also prominent in Death in the Family) and the Bronze Age Joker (The Killing Joke, Emperor Joker and No Man's Lands, Death of the Family, Batman Endgame and Dark Knights Metal).
Though whether or not this comic can be considered canon is up for debate.
In Kano'sMK Vs. DC Universe ending, he becomes a Joker-like killer in his universe.
In MK9, Shang Tsung has a Fatality where he morphs into a red-nose-and-makeup clown, and then shoots with a gun that first gives off a BANG! flag, only to then really shoot the enemy, with him giggling over it. It is very similar to Joker's MK vs. DCU fatality, and some accounts say that the programmers actually wanted Tsung to morph into the Joker, but copyright concerns arose.
Mike Matei of appears as the Joker with his cohort James Rolfe in an Angry Video Game Nerd review of past Batman games. He taunts the Nerd, dressed as Batman, when the controls on the older games prove a frustrating challenge for Rolfe, who notably does not have Batman's self-control.
He also made a cameo appearance at the party scene in the 2018 sci-fi film Ready Player One along with Harley Quinn.
Live-Action Films Prince John |
Freddy Krueger |
Sir Guy of Gisbourne |
High Sheriff of Nottingham |
Dickon Malbete |
Bishop of the Black Canons |
Wicked Witch of the West |
Kasper Gutman |
Joel Cairo |
Major Heinrich Strasser |
Signor Ugarte |
Signor Ferrari |
Rhedosaurus |
Giant Carpenter Ants |
Alex's Droogs (Alex DeLarge) |
Billy Boy |
Scorpio |
Toecutter |
Toecutter's Gang (Bubba Zanetti, Nightrider & Johnny the Boy) |
Overlook Hotel |
Jack Torrance |
Hotel Caretaker |
Lorraine Massey |
Lord Humungus |
Lord Humungus' Marauders (Wez) |
Roy Batty |
Pris Stratton |
Leon Kowalski |
Zhora Salome |
Nathan Grantham |
Cujo |
Socs (Bob Sheldon, Randy Adderson, Paul Holden & David) |
Mrs. Cade |
Scut Farkus |
Grover Dill |
Stripe |
Ruby Deagle |
Gremlins |
Mama Fratelli |
Jake Fratelli |
Francis Fratelli |
Mr. Perkins |
Troy Perkins |
Aunty Entity |
Ironbar Bassey |
Miss Finch |
Sam and Sid Sleaze |
Francis Buxton |
Albert |
Audrey II |
Orin Scrivello |
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman |
Private Gomer Pyle |
Door Gunner |
Mr. Igoe |
Max |
David |
Sergeant Nagata |
Peter Dellaplane |
Harlan Rook |
Beetlejuice |
Sandworms |
Hughie Warriner |
Gale Nolan |
Thomas Perry |
Richard Cameron |
The Joker |
Bob the Goon |
Alicia Hunt |
Carl Grissom |
Max Eckhardt |
Vinnie Ricorso |
Joe Chill |
Howard Hyde |
Walter Boyett |
Zack Gregory |
Witches (Grand High Witch, Susan Irvine, Nicola Cuttle, Pamela, Lois Leffour, Mildred, Elizabeth, Henrietta, Jacqueline & Beatrice) |
Brain Gremlin |
Daffy |
George |
Greta |
Lenny |
Secretary Gremlin |
Bat Gremlin |
Electric Gremlin |
Cushing Catheter |
Jimmy Conway |
Tommy DeVito |
Paul Cicero |
Henry Hill |
Billy Batts |
Tuddy Cicero |
Parnell Edwards |
Fat Andy |
Jimmy Two-Times |
Robert McMahon |
Joe Manri |
Frankie Carbone |
Michael Franzese |
Sheriff George of Nottingham |
Guy of Gisbourne |
Mortianna |
Bishop of Hereford |
Funekei Yoshida |
Sato |
Tanaka |
Muto |
Ito |
Hardboy |
Hagata |
Earl Talbot Blake |
Kim |
Fence Shooter |
Heather Evans |
Penguin |
Max Shreck |
Catwoman |
Red Triangle Circus Gang |
Charles Rane |
Sabrina Ritchie |
Forget |
Vincent |
Matthew |
William Strannix |
Peter Krill |
Daumer |
William Foster |
Nick the Neo-Nazi |
Switchblade Sam |
Pod People |
Dial |
Dr. Charles Nichols |
Simon Phoenix |
Raymond Cocteau |
Frederick Sykes |
Sidney J. Mussburger |
Aloysius |
Ray Finkle |
Vinnie and Roc |
Samuel Norton |
Byron Hadley |
Bogs Diamond |
Elmo Blatch |
Sisters |
Lawrence Van Dough |
Ferguson |
HAL 9000 |
Lestat |
Armand |
Santiago |
John Milner |
Bill Wilcox |
Ilya Pavel Kazak |
Rosa |
Leonid Volkov |
Zhukov |
Stefan |
Emilio Juantorena |
Navigator |
Codebreaker |
Baker |
Clarice Kensington |
Miss Minchin |
Jack Mac Gruder |
Riddler |
Two-Face |
Sugar |
Spice |
NygmaTech (Frogmen) |
Neon Gang |
Salvatore Maroni |
Travis Dane |
Marcus Penn |
Miguel Bain |
Vincent Cadby |
Neil McCauley |
Waingro |
Roger van Zant |
Jonas Miller |
Daniel Harper |
Robert Deguerin |
Mr. Swackhammer |
Monstars |
Martians (Martian Leader, Martian Ambassador & Martian Girl) |
Yolanda Saldívar |
John Wesley |
Wesley's Whalers |
Poison Ivy |
Mr. Freeze |
Bane |
Jason Woodrue |
John Milton |
Christabella Andreoli |
Lloyd Gettys |
Grant Frost |
Dr. Philip Adams |
Agent Smith |
Cypher Reagan |
Agents (Agent Jones, Agent Brown & Agent Johnson) |
Dr. Arliss Loveless |
Susan McCallister |
Jim Whitlock |
Mako Sharks |
William Wharton |
Percy Wetmore |
Kathy Morningside |
Jeremy Melton |
Lewis Strutt |
Stanley Jobson |
Gabriel Shear |
Mr. Tinkles |
Calico |
The Russian |
Thrax |
Mayor Phlegmming |
Thrax's Henchmen |
Alonzo Harris |
Roger |
Lord Voldemort |
Quirinus Quirrell |
Draco Malfoy |
Severus Snape |
Mountain Troll |
The Dursleys |
Terry Benedict |
Burke Bennett |
Frank Stokes |
Merv Green |
Buggy Ding Dong |
Parade of Hope |
Rainbow Randolph |
Morlocks (Über-Morlock) |
Richard Haywood |
Justin Pendleton |
Walter Finch |
Scrappy-Doo |
N' Goo Tuana |
Zarkos |
Demons |
Luna Ghost |
Akasha |
Spiders (Consuela & Tank) |
Mayor Wade |
Alistair Pratt |
Jeannine Richardson |
Jack Ferriman |
Francesca |
Lucius Malfoy |
Basilisk |
Gilderoy Lockhart |
Acromantula (Aragog & Acromantula Colony) |
Salvatore Maggio |
Frankie Lombardo |
Mr. SmithMr. Gray |
Byrus |
Machines (The Architect) |
The Merovingian |
Agent Thompson |
Agent Jackson |
Twins |
Bane |
Vamps |
T-X |
T-1 |
Skynet |
Deus Ex Machina |
Trainman |
Mr. Chairman |
Bob Smith |
Robo Dog |
Henry James |
Jay McPherson |
China |
Luther |
Martin Asher |
Jonathan Jacobo |
Peter Pettigrew |
Dementors |
Marge Dursley |
Patience Phillips/Catwoman |
Hedare Beauty (Laurel Hedare & George Hedare) |
Clara Dalrymple |
Sir Trenton |
Trenton's Pride |
Gabriel |
Mammon |
Balthazar |
Lucifer Morningstar |
Bo Sinclair |
Vincent Sinclair |
Guy of Lusignan |
Raynald of Châtillon |
Ra's al Ghul |
Scarecrow |
Carmine Falcone |
League of Shadows (Decoy of Ra's al Ghul) |
Victor Zsasz |
Arthur Slugworth |
Dr. Bernard Merrick |
Tom Lincoln |
Boss Hogg |
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane |
Barty Crouch Jr. |
Nagini |
Bellatrix Lestrange |
Bill Cox |
V |
Adam Sutler |
Lewis Prothero |
Norsefire |
Peter Creedy |
Anthony Lilliman |
Light Yagami |
Lex Luthor |
German Drinking Team |
Cherry |
Sister Summersisle |
Frank Costello |
Arnold French |
Colin Sullivan |
Captain Vidal |
Pale Man |
Colonel Coetzee |
Captain Poison |
Oliver Potter |
Zodiac Killer |
Arthur Leigh Allen |
Xerxes |
Willy Bank |
Dolores Umbridge |
Cornelius Fudge |
Karen Crowder |
Sam |
Steven Wilkins |
Mr. Kreeg |
Laurie |
Macy |
Alpha Male |
Darkseekers |
Sweeney Todd |
Nellie Lovett |
Judge Turpin |
Beadle Bamford |
Jonas Fogg |
Adolfo Pirelli |
Royalton Industries (Arnold Royalton & Cruncher Block) |
Snake Oiler |
Agent 23 |
KAOS (Siegfried) |
Dalip |
Shtarker |
Joker |
Two-Face |
Sal Maroni |
Gambol |
Joker's Thugs |
Spider |
Smokie |
Babyface Killer |
Serena Kogan |
Principal Deedle |
Ezekial Gallows |
Prudence Prufrock |
Lord Henry Blackwood |
Lord Coward |
Irene Adler |
Esther Coleman |
Decoy Queen |
Mr. Black |
Rolf Woods |
Kitty Galore |
Paws |
Mayor Brown |
Chief of Staff |
Carnegie |
Gwen Lieber |
Wanda Grubwort |
Lake Monster |
Mal Cobb |
Rodney Cole |
Martin B |
Elizabeth Harris |
Blue Jones |
James Moriarty |
Sebastian Moran |
Keith Clayton |
Angelique Bouchard |
Dr. Julia Hoffman |
Collins Family |
Bane |
Talia al Ghul |
Barsad |
Catwoman |
John Daggett |
Hades |
Kraken |
Acrisius |
Medusa |
Prokopion |
Charon |
Kronos |
Ares |
Cyclopes |
Minotaur |
Makhai |
Azog |
Smaug |
Witch-king of Angmar |
Sauron |
Gollum |
Mickey Cohen |
Tom Buchanan |
Jay Gatsby |
Myrtle Wilson |
George Wilson |
Daisy Buchanan |
General Fallon |
Giants |
Lord Roderick |
Wickie |
Precursors |
Kaiju (Trespasser, Knifehead, Mutavore, Otachi, Leatherback, Raiju, Scunner, Onibaba & Slattern) |
Bathsheba Sherman |
Annabelle the Doll |
Pearly Soames |
Lucifer |
Artemisia |
M.U.T.O. |
Mimics |
Disciples of the Ram (Annabelle Higgins & Thin Man) |
Dr. Mann |
Balem Abrasax |
Titus Abrasax |
Immortan Joe |
Cult of the V8 (Rictus Erectus, Prime Imperator, Bullet Farmer, People Eater, Organic Mechanic, Coma-Doof Warrior, Nux, Slit, Ace, Morsov & War Boys) |
Daniel Riddick |
Susan Riddick |
Tyler Harne |
Deputy Stack |
Emilio |
Victoria Vinciguerra |
Valak |
Léon Rom |
Lamar Blackburn |
Braxton |
Gellert Grindelwald |
Credence Barebone |
New Salem Philanthropic Society (Mary Lou Barebone) |
Skullcrawlers (Skull Devil) |
Preston Packard |
King Vortigern |
Mordred |
Wallace Corporation (Niander Wallace & Luv) |
It |
Bowers Gang (Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Belch Huggins & Vic Criss) |
Alvin Marsh |
Butch Bowers |
Leonard Dekkom |
Duncan Taylor |
Phoenix Buchanan |
Mathias Vogel |
Ana Miller |
Nolan Sorrento |
Innovative Online Industries (I-R0k, F’Nale Zandor & Sixers) |
Claire Wyden |
Brett Wyden |
George, Ralph and Lizzie |
Damian Lewis |
Jack Morris |
Duke of St. Carta |
Vinda Rosier |
Abernathy |
Queenie Goldstein |
Shere Khan |
Tabaqui |
La Llorona |
Patricia Alvarez |
Howard Clifford |
Ditto |
Sebastian |
Ann Laurent |
King Ghidorah |
Rodan |
Alan Jonah |
Asher Jonah |
Emma Russell |
The Bride |
The Black Shuck |
The Ferryman |
The Samurai |
Toy Monkey |
Maryville Cemetery Ghosts |
Critters |
The Banana Splits (Fleegle, Drooper, Snorky & Bingo) |
Poppy |
Karl |
Leo |
Cry Baby |
Kelly |
The Principal |
The Biology Teacher |
Webby Garton |
Steven Dubay |
Chris Unwin |
Tom Rogan |
Arthur Fleck |
Penny Fleck |
Clowns (Clown & Ambulance Clown) |
Wall Street Three |
Penny Fleck's Boyfriend |
Rose the Hat |
The True Knot |
Andrei Sator |
Priya Singh |
Zelda |
Consuella |
Esmerelda |
Saoirse |
Terrance Mendoza |
Butch |
Mechagodzilla |
Apex Cybernetics (Walter Simmons, Ren Serizawa & Maia Simmons) |
Shang Tsung |
Sub-Zero |
Mileena |
Reiko |
Kano |
Kabal |
Goro |
Reptile |
Nitara |
Shao Kahn |
Al-G Rhythm |
Pete |
Goon Squad |
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen |
Count Glossu Rabban |
Piter de Vries |
Helen Mohiam |
Gabriel |
The Analyst |
Riddler |
Penguin |
Carmine Falcone |
Animated Television The Grinch |
Cousin Mel |
I.M. Slime |
Snow Miser |
Heat Miser |
General Parvo |
Werewolves |
North Wind |
Hervnick Z. Snerz |
Goat |
Yes-Man |
The Dooka of Yookia |
The Dookess of Zookia |
Philip Trousers |
Marilyn Blouse
Live-Action TV Father Blackwood |
Agatha Night |
Aphophis |
Batibat |
Billy Marlin |
Satan |
Video Games Sauron |
Black Hand of Sauron |
Celebrimbor |
Tower of Sauron |
Hammer of Sauron |
Children of Arkham (Vicki Vale, Oswald Cobblepot & Blockbuster) |
Catwoman |
Two-Face |
Falcone Crime Family |
Joe Chill |
Victor Zsasz |
Mr. & Mrs. Vale |
Gotham Criminal Triumvirate (Thomas Wayne, Hamilton Hill & Carmine Falcone) |
The Pact (Riddler, Harley Quinn, Bane, Mr. Freeze, John Doe & Eli Knable) |
The Agency (Amanda Waller & Roger Harrison) |
Rumi Mori |
Willy Deever |
S.A.N.C.T.U.S. |
Zog the Eternal |
Brûz the Chopper
Comics 2-Face-2 |
Abraham Langstrom |
Alfred Protocol |
Alfred Stryker |
Alice |
Amanda Waller |
Amygdala |
Anarky |
An Innocent Guy |
Ares |
Arkham Knight |
Arnold John Flass |
Azrael |
Baby Doll |
Bane |
Barbatos |
Bat-Mite |
The Batman Who Laughs |
Black Glove |
Black Mask |
Blockbuster I |
Blockbuster II |
Brain |
Broker |
Brother EYE |
Calculator |
Calendar Man |
Castle Bat |
Captain Fear |
Captain Boomerang |
Carmine Falcone |
Catman |
Catwoman |
Cheetah |
Cheshire |
Circus of Strange |
Clayface |
Clayface (Matt Hagen) |
Claything |
Clock King |
Clownface |
Club of Villains |
Cluemaster |
Composite Superman |
Condiment King |
Copperhead |
Cornelius Stirk |
Court of Owls |
Crazy Quilt |
Crime Doctor |
Curtis Base |
Dark Archer |
David Cain |
David Li |
Dark Knights |
Deacon Blackfire |
Deadshot |
Dealer |
Deathstroke |
Dick Grayson (Frank Miller) |
The Dawnbreaker |
The Devastator |
Dr. Crane |
Doctor Death |
Doctor Double X |
Doctor Phosphorus |
Doctor Randolph Porter |
Donna Troy |
Dr. Silversmith |
The Drowned |
Electrocutioner |
Emperor Penguin |
Enigma |
Ernie Chubb |
Faceless |
Falcone Crime Family |
Film Freak |
Firebug |
Firefly |
Flamingo |
Floronic Man |
Gearhead |
General Ulysses Armstrong |
Gilda Dent |
Gorilla Boss |
Gotham City Police Department |
Gillian B. Loeb |
Great White Shark |
The Grim Knight |
Harley Quinn |
Holiday |
Holly Robinson |
Humpty Dumpty |
Hugo Strange |
Hush |
Instigator |
Jack the Ripper |
James Gordon, Jr. |
Jason Todd |
Jeremiah Arkham |
Joe Chill |
Joker (Earth-22, 2008 Graphic Novel) |
Judge of Owls |
Joker's Daughter |
Key |
KGBeast |
King of Cats |
King Snake |
King Tut |
Killer Croc |
Killer Moth |
Kite Man |
Lady Shiva |
League of Assassins |
Leviathan |
Lex Luthor |
Lock-Up |
Lord Death Man |
Mad Hatter |
Mad Monk |
Magpie |
Malochia |
Man-Bat |
Mary Keeny |
Maxie Zeus |
Maxwell Lord |
The Merciless |
Merrymaker |
Micheal Atkins |
Monk |
Mr. Bloom |
Mr. Freeze |
Mrs. Freeze |
Mayor Oswald Cobblepot |
Mr. Toad |
Mr. Whisper |
Mutants |
Neo Joker |
Neron |
Nightslayer |
Nocturna |
Omega |
Onomatopoeia |
Orca |
Outsider |
Owlman |
Phantasm |
Penguin |
Penny Plunderer |
Phosphorus Rex |
Planet Master |
Poison Ivy |
Polka Dot Man |
Professor Arnold Hugo |
Professor Pyg |
Prometheus |
Punchline |
Ra's al Ghul |
Ragdoll |
Ratcatcher |
Reaper |
Red Death |
Reverse-Flash |
Riddler |
Robin King |
Roland Daggett |
Roxy Rocket |
Royal Flush Gang |
Rupert Thorne |
Saint Batman |
Sal Maroni |
Scarecrow |
Sensei |
Sewer King |
Signalman |
Simon Hurt |
Sinestro |
Snowman |
Solomon Grundy |
Spellbinder |
Squid |
Steeljacket |
Suicide Squad |
Talia al Ghul |
Talon |
Tally Man |
Ten Eyed Man |
Terrible Trio |
Thomas Wayne |
Tiger Shark |
Timecode |
Tony Zucco |
Tweedledum and Tweedledee |
Two-Face |
Ubu |
Vandal Savage |
Ventriloquist |
Ventriloquist II |
Ventriloquist III |
Vertigo |
Victor Zsasz |
Whisper A'Daire |
White Rabbit |
Wrath |
The Wonderland Gang |
Theatrical Movies Batman (1966): Penguin | Catwoman | Joker | Riddler Batman (1989): Joker | Joker Goons (Bob Hawkins) | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill | Harvey Dent Batman Returns: Penguin | Red Triangle Circus Gang (Organ Grinder, Poodle Lady, Tattooed Strongman, Stungun Clown, Thin Clown, Fat Clown, Sword Swallower, Knifethrower Dame & Fire Breather) | Max Shreck | Catwoman Batman: Mask of the Phantasm: Phantasm | Joker | Salvatore Valestra | Arthur Reeves | Chuckie Sol | Buzz Bronski Batman Forever: Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar | Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang (Neon Gang Leader) | Salvatore Maroni Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Snowy Cones Thugs | Golums | Jason Woodrue Batman Begins: Ra's al Ghul | League of Shadows (Ra's Decoy) | Scarecrow | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Victor Zsasz, & Arnold Flass) | Joe Chill The Dark Knight: Joker | Joker's Thugs (Thomas Schiff, Chuckles, Kilson, Happy, Dopey, Grumpy & Bus Driver) | Two-Face | Sal Maroni | The Chechen | Gambol | Lau | Bank Manager | Michael Wuertz | Burmese Bandit The Dark Knight Rises: League of Shadows (Bane, Talia al Ghul & Barsad) | Catwoman | John Daggett | Phillip Stryver | Ra's al Ghul | Scarecrow Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Doomsday | Anatoli Knyazev | Mercy Graves | Cesar Santos | Amajagh | Joe Chill | Zod | Joker | Steppenwolf Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs The Lego Batman Movie: Joker | Harley Quinn | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Agent Smith, Jaws, Gremlins, Medusa, Lord Vampyre, Wicked Witch of the West, Flying Monkeys, The Swamp Creature & Daleks) | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Two-Face | Bane | Riddler | Salvatore Maroni Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend The Batman (2022): Riddler | Falcone Crime Syndicate (Carmine Falcone, Penguin, William Kenzie, Vinnie, & The Twins) | Catwoman | Salvatore Maroni | Riddler's Cult | Pete Savage | Gil Colson | Don Mitchell Jr. | Train Gang | Joker
Direct-to-video Movies Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero: Mr. Freeze | Dr. Gregory Belson Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker: Joker | The Jokerz (Chucko, Dee-Dee, Ghoul, Bonk, & Woof) | Harley Quinn Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold Batman: Under the Red Hood: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Ms. Li Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday Batman: Year One: Batman | Gotham City Police Department (Commissioner Loeb, Arnold John Flass, & Howard Branden) | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone & Johnny Viti) | Catwoman | Joker Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Ellen Yindel | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider, KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered: Bat-Mite | Lex Luthor | Joker | Penguin | Man-Bat | Captain Cold | Black Manta Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant, & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts: Animalitia (Penguin, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Cheetah & Silverback) Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem: Joker | Scarecrow | Clayface | Silver Banshee | Solomon Grundy Batman: Bad Blood: League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, The Heretic, Onyx, Firefly, Tusk, Mad Hatter, Electrocutioner, Hellhound, Calculator, & Killer Moth) | Black Mask Batman: The Killing Joke: Joker | Vinnie & Joe | Paris Franz Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants: Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Cheetah | Hush | Mad Hatter | Two-Face | Bane | Chemo | Killer Croc | Clayface | Joker | Dr. Kirk Langstrom Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders: Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Catwoman | Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Clock King | Egghead | False Face | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Minstrel | Mr. Freeze | Sandman | Shame | Siren Batman and Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Floronic Man Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. Freeze | Shame | Harley Quinn Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: Jack the Ripper | Barbara-Eileen Gordon | Selina Kyle | Harvey Dent | Hugo Strange Batman Ninja: Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Gorilla Grodd | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Deathstroke | Two-Face Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Ubu) | Joker | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Scarecrow | Two-Face | Poison Ivy | Bane Batman: Hush: Riddler/Hush | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Bane | Joker | Harley Quinn | Clayface | Scarecrow | Lex Luthor | Lady Shiva | Two-Face | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Thomas Elliot Batman: Death in the Family: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Talia al Ghul | Cheetah | Two-Face Batman: Soul of the Dragon: Nāga | Kobra (Jeffery Burr, Schlangenfaust, Lady Eve, King Snake & Rip Jagger) | Ben Turner | Shiva | Richard Dragon | Jade Batman: The Long Halloween: Holiday | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Milos Grapa, Alberto Falcone, Johnny Viti, & Sofia Falcone) | Two-Face | Joker | Solomon Grundy | Salvatore Maroni | Poison Ivy | Penguin | Scarecrow | Mad Hatter | San Ho Hui (Mickey Chen) | Calendar Man | Catwoman
Television Batman 60s show Joker | Penguin | Catwoman | Riddler | Mr. Freeze | The Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Egghead | Clock King | Queenie Goldstein | Sandman | Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft | Cabala | Minstrel | Shame | False Face | The Siren | Undine | Chandell & Harry | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Cornelia | Baby Jane Towser | Lydia Limpet | Zelda the Great | The Puzzler | Olga, Queen of Cossacks | Marsha, Queen of Diamonds | Lord Marmaduke Ffogg | Lady Penelope Peasoup | Ma Parker | Freddy the Fence | Lola Lasagne | Nora Clavicle | Colonel Gumm | Minerva | Killer Moth | Calamity Jan
Comics Anarky |
Bane |
Batman (Frank Miller) |
Black Mask |
Bruno |
Brutale |
Captain Boomerang |
Cluemaster |
Condiment King |
Copperhead |
Court of Owls |
Cypher |
David Cain |
Deathstroke |
Electrocutioner |
Flamingo |
Flatline |
Gearhead |
General |
Gentleman Ghost |
Hatchet |
Hellgrammite |
Joker |
KGBeast |
Killer Croc |
Killer Moth |
King Snake |
Lady Shiva |
League of Assassins |
Leviathan |
Lock-Up |
Mad Hatter |
Mammoth |
Maxie Zeus |
Mister Freeze |
Mister Zsasz |
Neron |
New Joker |
NKVDemon |
Penguin |
Ra's al Ghul |
Rancor |
Ratcatcher |
Respawn |
Riddler |
Scarab |
Shrike |
Steeljacket |
Talia al Ghul |
Talon |
Tony Zucco |
Toyman |
Trickster |
Two-Face |
Ventriloquist |
Movies Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Snowy Cones Thugs | Golums | Jason Woodrue Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant, & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker
Black Mask |
Blockbuster II |
Brutale |
Chemo |
Clayface |
Copperhead |
Court of Owls |
Deathstroke |
Doctor Sivana |
Electrocutioner |
Firefly |
Francis Redhorn |
Grimm |
Joker |
KGBeast |
Killer Croc |
Lady Vic |
League of Assassins |
Lex Luthor |
Lock-Up |
Mad Hatter |
Monsoon |
Nite-Wing |
Penguin |
Polka Dot Man |
Punchline |
Ra's al Ghul |
Riddler |
Scarecrow |
Shriek |
Talia al Ghul |
Talon |
Tarantula |
The Trigger Twins |
Tiger Shark |
Tony Zucco |
Two-Face |
Comics Black Mask |
Brain |
Brutale |
Calculator |
Catwoman |
Clayface |
Cluemaster |
Condiment King |
Court of Owls |
Deathstroke |
Doctor Death |
Doctor Phosphorus |
Doctor Psycho |
Firefly |
Hush |
Harley Quinn |
James Gordon, Jr. |
Joker |
Killer Croc |
Killer Moth |
Lady Shiva |
League of Assassins |
Leviathan |
Lex Luthor |
Livewire |
Mad Dog |
Magpie |
Man-Bat |
Mister Freeze |
Monsieur Mallah |
Penguin |
Poison Ivy |
Ravager |
Riddler |
Roulette |
Scarecrow |
Shadow-Thief |
Shrike |
Terrible Trio |
Ventriloquist III
Video Games Batman: Arkham Knight: Batgirl: A Matter of Family: Joker | Harley Quinn | Joker's Gang
Comics Alex Luthor |
Amanda Waller |
Amazo |
Anomaly |
Anti-Monitor |
Atlas |
Atomic Skull |
Ballser |
Bane |
Barbatos |
Bernadeth |
Bertron |
Bizarro |
Black Adam |
Black Banshee |
Black Mercies |
Black Zero |
Blanque |
Blackrock |
Blaze |
Bloodsport |
Bloody Mary |
Brainiac |
Bruno Mannheim |
Boss Moxie |
Bug-Eyed Bandit |
Captain Boomerang |
Captain Cold |
Catwoman |
Cheetah |
Chemo |
Chessure |
Circe |
Clayface |
Coldcast |
Commander Gor |
Composite Superman |
Cyborg Superman |
Cythonna |
Dabney Donovan |
Dark Knights |
Darkseid |
Dax Novu |
Deathstroke |
Desaad |
Deuce & Charger |
Dev-Em |
Devilance |
The Devastator |
Doctor Light |
Doctor Manhattan |
Doctor Polaris |
Donna Troy |
Doomsday |
Earth-Man |
Eclipso |
The Enchantress |
Epoch |
Equus |
Eradicator |
Eradicator (Dark Multiverse) |
Ernest Smalley |
Eve Teschmacher |
Faora Hu-Ul |
Fastbak |
Female Furies |
Fifth-Dimensional Imps |
Forgotten Villains |
Francis Redhorn |
Funky Flashman |
Galactic Golem |
Gilotina |
Gorilla Grodd |
Granny Goodness |
Green Man |
Glorious Godfrey |
Gzptlsnz |
H'El |
Heat Wave |
Hector Hammond |
Hellgrammite |
Helspont |
Hfuhruhurr |
Imperiex |
Intergang |
Jax-Ur |
Joker |
Jon Lane Kent |
Justice League of Earth |
Kaizen Gamorra |
Kalibak |
Kanto |
Karkull |
Killer Croc |
King Shark |
Kobra Cult |
Ku Klux Klan |
Lashina |
Last Sun |
Legion of Super-Villains |
Lex Luthor |
Livewire |
Lobo |
Mad Harriet |
Magpie |
Major Disaster |
Major Force |
Malice Vundabar |
Manchester Black |
Mandrakk |
Mantis |
Master Jailer |
Masters of Disaster |
Match |
Maxima |
Maxwell Lord |
Mercy Graves |
Metallo |
Mister Oz |
Mongal |
Mongul |
Mongul II |
Morgaine Le Fey |
Morgan Edge |
Mr. Freeze |
Mxyzptlk |
Neron |
Neutron |
Nick O' Teen |
Nimrod The Hunter |
Overman |
Parademons |
Parallax |
Parasite |
Phantom Zoners |
Planeteer |
Plasmus |
Plastique |
Prankster |
Preus |
Princess Zala Jor-El |
Prometheus |
Psycho-Pirate |
Queen Bee |
Queen of Fables |
Rampage |
Rogol Zaar |
Reverse-Flash |
Royal Flush Gang |
Samuel Lane |
Scarecrow |
Secret Society of Super Villains |
Shockwaver |
Shrapnel |
Silver Banshee |
Sinestro |
Sleez |
Solomon Grundy |
Subjekt-17 |
Suicide Squad |
Superboy-Prime |
Superdoom |
Superman Revenge Squad |
Superman (Earth-2) |
Superman (The Dark Side) |
The SuperMan |
Spellbinder |
Steppenwolf |
Stompa |
Talia al Ghul |
Tarantula |
Thaddeus Killgrave |
Thunder & Lightning |
Titano |
Tobias Whale |
Toyman |
Two-Face |
Ultra-Humanite |
Ultraman |
Ursa |
Vincent Edge |
Virman Vundabar |
Vyndktvx |
Weather Wizard |
Whirlicane |
Whisper A'Daire |
William Dunn |
Xa-Du |
Theatrical Movies Superman: Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | General Zod | Non | Ursa | Brad Wilson Superman II: General Zod | Non | Ursa | Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | Rocky Superman III: Ross Webster | Corrupted Superman | Vera Webster | Lorelei Ambrosia | Gus Gorman | Brad Wilson Superman IV: The Quest for Peace: Lex Luthor | Nuclear Man Superman Returns: Lex Luthor Man of Steel: Sword of Rao (Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul, Nam-Ek, Jax-Ur, Tor-An, Car-Vex, Nadira, & Dev-Em II) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Doomsday | Anatoli Knyazev | Mercy Graves | Cesar Santos | Amajagh | Joe Chill | Zod | Steppenwolf
Direct-to-video Movies Superman: Brainiac Attacks: Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Mister Mxyzptlk Superman: Doomsday: Lex Luthor | Superman Clone | Doomsday | Toyman | Mercy Graves Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam: Black Adam All-Star Superman: Lex Luthor | Solaris | Parasite | Nasthalthia Luthor | Bar-El & Lilo-El Superman vs. The Elite: The Elite (Manchester Black, Coldcast, Menagerie & Hat) | Atomic Skull Superman: Unbound: Brainiac The Death Of Superman: Doomsday | Lex Luthor | Intergang (Bruno Mannheim) | Mercy Graves | Cyborg Superman Reign Of The Supermen: Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Parademons | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves Superman: Red Son: Superman | Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Batman | Superior Man Superman: Man of Tomorrow: Parasite | Lobo | Lex Luthor
Television 1940's Superman Bulleteers | Inventor | Mechanical Monsters | Mad Scientist| Indian Scientist
Comics Angle Man |
Amygdala |
Anarky |
Bane |
Billy Numerous |
Black Lantern Corps |
Black Mask |
Calculator |
Captain Cold |
Carmine Falcone |
Catman |
Catwoman |
Chesire |
Cheetah |
Chemo |
Court of Owls |
Deadshot |
Deathstroke |
Falcone Crime Family |
Gorilla Grodd |
Gotham Sirens |
Harley Quinn |
Hellhound |
Hugo Strange |
Hush |
Joker |
Killer Croc |
Lady Shiva |
League of Assassins |
Lex Luthor |
Magpie |
Maxie Zeus |
Mercy Graves |
Merlyn the Archer |
Mister Freeze |
Neron |
Nightslayer |
Phantasm |
Penguin |
Poison Ivy |
Punchline |
Ratcatcher |
Red Claw |
Riddler |
Scarecrow |
Snowflame |
Solomon Grundy |
Suicide Squad |
Talia al Ghul |
Movies Catwoman (2004): Patience Phillips/Catwoman | Hedare Beauty (Laurel Hedare & George Hedare) DC Showcase: Catwoman: Rough Cut Catwoman: Hunted: Catwoman | Leviathan (Barbara Minerva/Cheetah, Black Mask, Tobias Whale, Boss Moxie, Tzin-Tzin, La Dama & Mr. Yakuza) | League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, Cheshire & Nosferata) | Solomon Grundy
Gotham City Sirens Gotham City Sirens: Catwoman | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy
Others: Joker
Direct-to-video Movies Justice League: The New Frontier: The Centre | Captain Cold Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Crime Syndicate of America (Owlman, Ultraman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, J'edd J'arkus, & Black Power) | Lex Luthor | White Martians | President Slade Wilson | Rose Wilson Justice League: Doom: Legion of Doom (Vandal Savage, Bane, Cheetah, Ma'alefa'ak, Metallo, Mirror Master, & Star Sapphire) | Royal Flush Gang (King, Queen, Jack, Ace, & Ten) Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: Professor Zoom | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Ocean Master | Black Manta | Deathstroke | Lex Luthor | Clayface | Rogues (Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Top, Heat Wave, & Mirror Master) | Joker | Yo-Yo Justice League: War: Darkseid | Desaad | Parademons | Ocean Master Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Ocean Master | Black Manta | The Trench | Lex Luthor Justice League League: Gods and Monsters: Will Magnus Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon |
Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul Justice League vs. the Fatal Five: Fatal Five (Emerald Empress, Mano, Persuader, Tharok, & Validus) | Bloodsport | Two-Face | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy
Video Games Injustice: Gods Among Us: One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Yellow Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Shazam, Nightwing, Raven, Hawkgirl, Sinestro, Black Adam, Killer Frost, Solomon Grundy, Catwoman, Bane, & Doomsday) | Joker | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Ares Injustice 2: Brainiac | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Cheetah | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Bane | Scarecrow | One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Nightwing & Black Adam) | Dr. Fate | The Lords of Order | Grid | Atrocitus | Joker | Darkseid
Comics Adjudicator |
Amanda Waller |
Anarky |
Angle Man |
Anti-Monitor |
Ares |
Aresia |
Barbatos |
Baroness Von Gunther |
Bizarra |
Black Manta |
Blue Snowman |
Catwoman |
Cheetah |
Cheshire |
Circe |
Clayface |
Copperhead |
Corvidae |
Crime Doctor |
Clayface |
Dark Knights |
Darkseid |
Deadshot |
Deathstroke |
Devastation |
Doctor Poison |
Doctor Polaris |
Doctor Psycho |
Donna Troy |
Doomsday |
Dragon God |
Dr. Yes |
Earthworm |
Egg Fu |
Egg Fu The Fifth |
Eris |
Felix Faust |
Genocide |
Giganta |
Grail |
Hades |
Hercules |
Jinx |
Johnny Sorrow |
Joker |
Killer Croc |
Killer Frost |
Klarion |
Kobra Cult |
Lady Lunar |
Last Dragon of Solstratos |
League of Assassins |
Maxie Zeus |
Maxwell Lord |
The Merciless |
Morgan Edge |
Morgana |
Morgaine Le Fey |
Mr. Freeze |
Neron |
Princess Zala Jor-El |
Prometheus |
Queen Clea |
Queen of Fables |
Ra's al Ghul |
Riddler |
Scarecrow |
Shrapnel |
Solomon Grundy |
Starro |
Steppenwolf |
Superwoman |
Talia al Ghul |
Veronica Cale
Movies Wonder Woman (2009): Ares | Cheetah Wonder Woman (2017): Ares | Erich Ludendorff | Doctor Poison Wonder Woman: Bloodlines: Villainy Inc. (Veronica Cale, Doctor Cyber, Doctor Poison, Silver Swan, Cheetah, Giganta, & Medusa) | Parademons Wonder Woman 1984: Maxwell Lord | Cheetah
Video Games Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Dark Kahn | Shang Tsung | Scorpion Injustice: Superman | Wonder Woman | Black Adam | Killer Frost | Bane | Raven | Ares | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Scarecrow | Cheetah
Comics Abbadonia |
Alice |
Amygdala |
Bane |
The Batman Who Laughs |
Black Mask |
Bloody Mary |
Bruno Mannheim |
Catwoman |
Christopher Falchion |
Court of Owls |
Cutter |
Deathstroke |
Delores Winters |
Duela Dent |
The Drowned |
Firefly |
Fright |
Green Fairy |
Harley Quinn |
Hugo Strange |
Hush |
Intergang |
Joker |
Killer Croc |
Killer Moth |
Killshot |
Kobra Cult |
Kyle Abbot |
La Llorona |
Lamprey |
Mad Hatter |
Many Arms of Death |
Maro Ito |
Medusa |
Morgaine Le Fey |
Mortician |
Mr. Freeze |
Nathan Grantham |
Nocturna |
Night-Thief |
Nyx |
Penguin |
Poison Ivy |
Professor Pyg |
Ra's al Ghul |
Religion of Crime |
Riddler |
Rush |
Scarecrow |
Scatter |
Scorpiana |
Sister Shard |
Tahani |
Talia al Ghul |
Two-Face |
Victor Zsasz |
Whisper A'Daire |
Wolf Spider
Movies Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne Batman: Bad Blood: League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, The Heretic, Onyx, Firefly, Tusk, Mad Hatter, Electrocutioner, Hellhound, Calculator, & Killer Moth) | Black Mask
Television Season 1: Wonderland Gang (Alice, Jonathan Cartwright, & Chuck Dodgson) | August Cartwright | Hush | Crows Security (Catherine Hamilton-Kane & Miguel Robles) | Magpie | The Executioner | The Rifle | Anti-Monitor | Monitor | Lex Luthor | Bruce Wayne (Earth-99) | Shadow Demons | Nocturna | Duela Dent | Mabel Cartwright | Johnny Sabatino | Tim Teslow | Safiyah Sohail | Joker Season 2: Many Arms of Death (Safiyah Sohail, Tatiana, The Pike, & Dire-Flail) | False Face Society (Black Mask, Rudy, & Circe Sionis) | Alice | Enigma | Crows Security (Russell Tavaroff & Miller) | Ethan Rogers | Hush | Victor Zsasz | Candy Lady | Amygdala | Ellis O'Brien | Kilovolt | Cluemaster | Gotham City Police Department | Wonderland Gang (Jonathan Cartwright) | Catherine Hamilton-Kane | Joker Season 3: Marquis Jet | Alice | Poison Ivy | Mary Hamilton | Liam Crandle | Killer Croc | Professor Pyg | Victor Zsasz | Kiki Roulette | Joker | Jonathan Cartwright | Black Glove Society (Virgil Getty)
Evil Organizations Army of Darkness |
Black Dragon Clan |
Brotherhood of Shadow |
Cyber Ninjas |
Dragon King's Army |
Festival of Death |
Forces of Darkness |
Kahn Guards |
Masked Guards |
Red Dragon Clan |
Shaakans |
Shadow Assassins |
Shadow Priests |
Tekunin |
The Deadly Alliance
Movies Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins (1995): Shang Tsung | Goro Mortal Kombat (1995): Shang Tsung | Kano | Goro | Sub-Zero | Scorpion | Reptile | Shao Kahn Mortal Kombat: Annihilation: Shao Kahn | Sindel | Shinnok | Mileena | Motaro | Sheeva | Ermac | Jade | Baraka | Cyrax | Smoke | Scorpion | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Rain Mortal Kombat: Rebirth: Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Baraka Mortal Kombat: Legacy: Gadsen | Liu Kang | Baraka Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge: Scorpion | Quan Chi | Shang Tsung | Goro | Shao Kahn | Kano | Baraka | Reptile | Moloch | Motaro | One Being Mortal Kombat (2021): Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Mileena | Reiko | Kano | Kabal | Goro | Reptile | Nitara Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms: Shao Kahn | Shinnok | Shang Tsung | One Being | Scorpion | Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Sektor | Legends | Mileena | Smoke | Reiko | Kintaro | Jade | D'Vorah | Baraka | Li Mei Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind: Kano | Shang Tsung | Kabal | Kira | Kobra | Erron Black | Ferra and Torr | Drahmin | No Face | Tremor | Jarek | Kronika Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match:
Shinnok | Sareena | The Director | David Doubldy | Jataaka | Kia | Drahmin | Moloch
Shows Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm: Karbrac | Hideyoshi | Komodai | Oniro | Ruby | Zaggot | Zara | Zenkaro Mortal Kombat: Conquest: Bannak | Baron Reyland | Cilene | Jola | Kebral | Kiri and Ankha | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Queen Kreeya | Peron | Qali | Shang Tsung | Scorpion | Reptile | Siann, Mika and Sora | Sub-Zero | Vorpax
Television Aliens |
Andrew Bedwetter |
Dr. Amelia Chronos |
Baxter Simon |
Beauregard Klaxon |
Celia N. Airtight |
Channel Surfer |
Cheap Chucky |
Cybermite |
Dark Star Trio |
Davida Steelmine |
The Devil |
Gorgonzola |
Government Guy |
The Hood |
Kablamus |
Lonnie the Shark |
Lonnie's Biker Gang |
Madame Suspiria |
The Mask |
Phoney Frenchman |
Pretorius |
Putty Thing and Fish Guy |
Selina Swint |
Skillit |
Sly Eastenegger |
The Stinger |
The Tempest |
Tex Clobber |
Walter |
Willamina Bubask