Antagonists Wiki
Jinn headshot

Jinn (real name Kris Rutherford) is an antagonist of Edens Zero.


Working Under Sister[]

Jinn's first appearance is as a member of the mercenary squad Rogue Out. The squad is given a mission to kidnap female B-Cubers on Blue Garden for their client Illega. Jinn is in the middle of taking popular B-Cuber Labillia when he is stopped by Shiki. Shiki argues that he is making her uncomfortable but Jinn dismisses her feelings and prepares to fight him.

The two fight each other over one of the highways of Blue Garden, but their fight is cut short when he is ordered to return to base. Jinn tells Shiki to come to Guilst if he wishes to challenge him and disappears with the wind.

Later on the transport ship, Jinn stops his companion, Ganoff, from torturing Rebecca. Then, after arriving at Guilst and delivering the B-Cubers, he watches Ganoff and Sister argue with Illega's henchman when Illega refuses to pay them. He notices Shiki's presence and decides to investigate Illega Tower.

He intercepts Shiki and promises to kill him for freeing the captured B-Cubers. The two fight again but Jinn is overpowered by Shiki. Sister and Ganoff interrupt the fight and join in when Shiki challenges the three of them. During the fight, Sister uses Jinn as a shield against Shiki's attacks and heals him so he can continue to fight.

The fight is interrupted when the real Sister steps into the room and reveals that the Sister Jinn was working with was an imposter and beats her up. Everyone is made aware of the approaching Chronophage and makes their escape. Jinn glares and Shiki, who promises to continue their fight another time. Sister begs Jinn to take her with him, but Jinn crushes her head, killing her, for lying to him.

Working Under Drakken Joe[]

Somehow, Jinn manages to escape the disaster on Guilst and finds himself working under Drakken Joe, acting as an assistant to Sylph of the Element 4, who is actually his sister Kleene.

He reappears in timeline 30, where he guards Drakken Joe's young-keeping machine, but after learning what it does, he helps Shiki's team in destroying it. Short after, Jinn leaves the room.

After Drakken's downfall[]

After Drakken Joe is defeated, Jinn appears in the Edens Zero's ship alongside Kleene, who is bedridden. He later talks to Sister about healing Kleene.
