“ | I need big shows, Jerry! Big ideas! | „ |
~ Jimmy Crystal. |
“ | Jimmy Crystal: Hey, One last thing. Don't you ever do nothing to make me look bad! You got that? Buster Moon: Oh, I will never let that happen, sir! Jimmy Crystal: You better not or I'll throw you off the roof! |
„ |
~ Crystal threatening Buster Moon - his famous quote. |
“ | Jimmy Crystal: Well, I've got you now, you lowlife, little loser! Buster Moon: No, sir. I'm not a loser. We did what we came here to do. And there's nothing you can do or say to change that. Jimmy Crystal: (chuckles evily) Oh, I can do whatever I want! |
„ |
~ Crystal's third breakdown before making his final attempt to kill Buster Moon as Buster finally stands up to him, thus showing no fear of Jimmy anymore. |
Jimmy Crystal is one of the antagonists of Sing (franchise).
He is an Arctic wolf who is the former head of Crystal Entertainment, Porsha Crystal's estranged father, the former boss of Suki Lane and Buster Moon's arch-nemesis. Crystal holds auditions for musical shows at his theatre, but it later turns out that if the directors of his shows do not give him what he wants, he is willing to make them pay for displeasing him, to the point of even trying to kill them.
He is voiced by Bobby Cannavale, who also played James Kent in Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Gyp Rosetti in Boardwalk Empire, Guy Danlily in Annie, Sergio De Luca in Spy, Irving in Mr. Robot, Russel Van Pelt in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, J.P. Lange in Law & Order, and William Stevens/The King in Thunder Force,
Jimmy is an anthropomorphic Arctic wolf with white fur, sharp teeth and blue eyes. He wears a black suit, a white collared shirt, some pairs of tie, and black shoes with black ironed pants. His tie includes a regular black color, a magenta one with golden guitar initials on it, and a loosened dark blue tie which he ends up straightening it.
Jimmy is best described as hard-nosed, in which case he will do whatever it takes to make big shows. He is also a tough crowd pleaser as he is never very easy to satisfy. Jimmy was also shown to be menacing and threatening when he urges someone to do something quickly. When his daughter got "fired", his personality descends into a sadistic, short-tempered, and slightly unhinged agenda. He absolutely hates being made a fool out of and anyone objecting to his authority in any way.
When he learns that Buster Moon tricked and lied to him, he is justifiably angry, but takes it too far when he tries to drop Moon from the top floor of his building, only stopping to address a media appointment to save face, but continuing to hold a grudge against Moon. He orders his men to find him so he can dispose of him. He becomes more enraged when his daughter, Porsha, stood up to him and refused to listen to him during the performance. He begins to lose his sanity and eventually tries to kill Moon again by throwing him off the stage scaffolding.
However, he never gave a thought that he inadvertently exposed his actions as well as his true, sadistic personality right in front of the audience who were watching the show, which leads to him being arrested for his crimes. He is also shown to be a rather distant, albeit nepotistic parent, giving his daughter Porsha whatever she wants and paying more attention to his job and image. Even worse, he displayed caring more about his own professional image and reputation than the feelings of his upset daughter, when he blamed her for "getting fired" and how that would make him look to the public (even though Porsha was not actually fired and it was only a misunderstanding on her part). In the end, his reckless actions of trying to kill Buster and endangering his friends proved to be his downfall, causing Jimmy to be arrested by the police and lose his entire career and company for 5 years.
While looking for new talent, Jimmy meets Buster Moon and his friends, who claim they can get retired rock star Clay Calloway to perform in his show. Approving the idea, Crystal orders them to get things put up or he'll drop Moon off the roof.
Buster is then called to Jimmy’s office, where he tells him that his guys spoke to Calloway’s lawyer and say that he's never heard of Buster or his show. He then angrily threatens Buster, telling him that no one makes a fool of him and that if it wasn't for his daughter being in his show, he would throw him out of the window by now. He warns Buster to have Calloway by the end of the week or face his wrath. Buster promises to fix things, and leaves to go get Calloway.
However, later on in the movie after noticing Buster Moon had "fired" his daughter, he tries to throw Buster off his building, but instead, he has him locked up in a closet in his office when a TV interview becomes more of a priority, stating he will finish the job of killing him later. He later finds out that Buster escaped and sends his henchmen to track him down and hunt his friends as well.
However, they all escaped and instead of running away, they decided to put in the show they worked hard on behind Jimmy's back and got a little help to make sure he doesn't try to stop them. As he is asleep, Jimmy then finds out from Jerry that Buster and his crew are performing the show without his knowledge and has his men take him there so he can finish him off.
When Jimmy and his goons enter the theater, he gets hold off by Big Daddy and his gang to prevent him from stopping the show. He orders his henchmen to get rid of the gang, but they are easily defeated. He manages to get past them and goes backstage to see Porsha performing and orders her to get off the stage, but she finally stands up to him, running up to him as she taunts him with her lyrics, much to his anger. As Jimmy threatens to stop the show, he gets locked in a trap door under the stage by Buster, but he manages to escape with Jerry's help and he grabs Buster and quickly uses an elevator, cowardly fleeing from Buster's friends without a fight so they can't stop him, but Buster finally tells Jimmy, showing no fear of him anymore as he tells him what they did was right and they got what they wanted as he tells him there's nothing he can do to stop them. His correct words make Jimmy more enraged as he foolishly claims he can do whatever he wants and throws him off from a scaffolding in front of the audience watching the show.
However, Buster is saved by Rosita, who overcomes her fear of heights to save him, much to Jimmy's anger. Suki also manages to stop Jimmy from going back down to kill Buster again, leaving Jimmy stuck and was grabbed by Johnny's father until the performance is over. Upon realizing that the show was a success, he attempts to take credit for it and claims that the show will be performing again at his theatre. However, Buster and the crew have left, leaving Jimmy to look like a fool of himself, thus causing him to be humiliated and laughed at by the entire audience. This also reveals his true nature to the general public, and he is arrested for his crimes by the police.
“ | Well, where's the next group, Jerry? Why am I standing here waiting? Be useful or be gone, ok? | „ |
~ Crystal aggressively warns Jerry to stay out of his way. |
“ | "Ordinary" and "school." Two words I will never be associated with. | „ |
~ Crystal when he rejects Buster and his troupe's audition, even though they haven't started yet. |
“ | Crystal: Are you telling me you-you got Clay Calloway's permission to use his song? Moon: Well, what if I told you I did? Crystal: Ah. Okay, so what, you got some kind of personal connection to this guy? Moon: How else would I get it? Crystal: Wait, if you know him, then you could get him in the show, right? Oh, that'd be huge for me. Huge. |
„ |
~ Crystal impatient that the participation of Clay Calloway will bring him in profit. |
“ | Crystal: MOON!!! Moon: Mr. Crystal. Crystal: Your set designs are a disgrace! Moon: What? Crystal: [laughs] I'm just messing with you. Where's you sense of humor, huh? Anyway, this is my daughter Porsha. Porsha: Hey. Moon: Nice to meet you, Porsha. Crystal: She wants to meet Calloway. Big fan, aren't you, baby? |
„ |
~ Crystal visiting the preparations for Out of This World while introducing his daughter, Porsha, to Buster. |
“ | Porsha: Daddy, he won't let me jump! Crystal: Come on, Moon. Let her do the thing. |
„ |
~ Crystal allows his daughter to do everything. |
“ | Crystal: Moon, walk with me. What's wrong with you, huh? What, you got a kink in your think? Moon: It's just that I wrote this part for Rosita and... Crystal: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me tell you something, Moon. What you got here is an opportunity to make me happy. And when an opportunity like that comes along, you'd better grab it! You get me? Moon: Uh... Crystal: What? You don't think my daughter's good enough for your show? Moon: No, Mr. Crystal. Well, I-I think she's wonderful. Crystal: Oh, good. So you'll figure it out. Moon: I'll.... Yes, I will. |
„ |
~ Crystal forces Moon to hand over the lead role to Porsha. |
“ | Moon: You wanted to see me, sir? Crystal: Yes, I did, Yes, I did. Come on in. Moon: Whoa. This place is incredible. Crystal: (chuckles) Pretty great, huh? So, how’s it going with Calloway? Moon: Calloway? It’s, uh… it’s good. Yeah. Very good. Crystal: Right, right. Well, let me ask you something. What did I do to make you disrespect me, huh? Moon: What? Crystal: Oh, what? You think I’m an idiot? Some kind of bozo? Moon: No. No, sir, not at all. Crystal: My team, they talked to Calloway's lawyer, and they say he's never heard of you, or your show. Moon: Really? They said that? Uh... |
„ |
~ Crystal informing Moon about Calloway, revealing how he now knows Buster lied to him about knowing Calloway. |
“ | Crystal: YOU LIED TO ME!! Buster: I didn't mean to. Okay? Uh, honestly, I really thought I could get him. Crystal: No one makes me look like a fool. NO ONE!!! Moon: I-I-I wouldn't dream of doing that to you! Crystal: I swear, if I didn't have my kid in your show, you'd be out that window by NOW!! Buster: Please, please, please! I'm so sorry. Crystal: You'd better have Calloway by the end of next week or SO HELP ME!! Buster: I-I-I will. I-I-I’ll get him. I won’t let you down, sir. Crystal: Oh, I know you won't let me down. |
„ |
~ Jimmy’s first breakdown. |
“ | Crystal: Jerry, get in here! Jerry: Yes, sir. Right here, sir. Crystal: Clean this mess up, will you? Jerry: Yes, absolutely, I’d love to. |
„ |
~ Crystal (offscreen) calling his assistant, Jerry in to clean the mess up. |
“ | Crystal: He fired my daughter? MY DAUGHTER?! Would you be quiet? You've embarrassed me enough. Porsha: But, Daddy... Crystal: Now the whole world thinks I got a talentless loser for a daughter! Take her home. Bring me Moon. |
„ |
~ Crystal getting very angry and neglecting his own daughter, not caring about her feelings and only caring about his image. |
“ | Crystal: [To his henchmen] Everybody out. [His henchmen leaves the room] Moon: Okay, I think I know what this might be about, and I… Crystal: You fired Porsha. Moon: No. No. I never fired her. Crystal: You calling her a liar? Moon: No, no, no, no, She just got it wrong, is all. I was only trying to help her do the best she could, and be-believe me, I-I-I just wanted to do the right thing. Crystal: The right thing to do... [Crystal grabs Moon by the shirt] ...is what I tell you to do! Moon: But I did! I-I-I delivered a great show. And Ca-Calloway, he's coming. [Crystal holds Moon above the roof] No, no, no! Stop! Stop! No! Crystal: You really think I'd let a lowlife little amateur loser like you humiliate me? Moon: Please! Please! Crystal: You made me look bad. Moon: No, no! I didn't mean to! No! Crystal: So I'm gonna have to let you go. |
„ |
~ Jimmy Crystal’s second breakdown and arguing with Buster as he fearfully tries to explain, mercilessly ignoring his plea and about to kill him. |
“ | Moon: You-you nearly killed me. Crystal: And I'll finish the job later. |
„ |
~ Crystal locks Moon in a closet with the intention of finishing the job after the interview. |
“ | Moon got out. Find him. | „ |
~ Crystal ordering his henchmen to find Moon after he escaped. |
“ | I shut down my show cause of a talentless little twerp called Buster Moon. Seriously, you should've seen this teeny, tiny loser. Oh, and his pathetic amateur friends... let's just say, whatever Podunk town they crawled out of, that's where they belong, cause it sure ain't this great city. | „ |
~ Crystal addressing to a media appointment, mocking Moon and his friends. |
“ | Good night, Porsha. All right, be that way. I don't care. Spoiled little brat. | „ |
~ Crystal passive-aggressively saying goodnight to Porsha for giving him a silent treatment, unaware that she left her room. |
“ | Jerry: Mr. Crystal! Mr. Crystal! Crystal: Ahh! Jerry! Jerry: Mr. Crystal, wake up, wake up. Raul: I tried to stop him, sir. Jerry: I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry to wake you up, sir! It's Moon! He's taken over the theatre and putting his show up right now!! (Jimmy gets out of the bed) Crystal: He's WHAAAATTT?!?!?!?! (Jerry screams like a little girl when he sees him naked) |
„ |
~ Crystal being learned by Jerry that Buster is playing the show at the theater. |
“ | Pig chauffer: Uh, we'll be at the theater soon, sir. Crystal: I don't wanna be there soon, I wanna be there now! |
„ |
~ Crystal furiously telling the pig chauffer to drive faster to the Crystal Tower Theater. |
“ | Crystal: Hey, who the heck are you? Where's my security? Big Daddy: We’re security now, mate. |
„ |
~ Crystal being stopped by Big Daddy and his gang from entering the theater. |
“ | Crystal: Porsha! Get off of there! Don't you make me come out there! | „ |
~ Crystal calling his daughter to get off, during her song. |
“ | Crystal: You traitor. That's it, I'm coming up there! [Moon activates the opening of the trap door and Crystal falls into it.] Moon: Miss Crawly put some cushions and snacks down there, so you should be comfortable till the show's over. Crystal: YOU LITTLE... |
„ |
~ Crystal gets locked in a trapdoor by Buster. |
“ | Thank you, thank you! You're too kind! I appreciate it, really, I-I do! Look, I am very proud of this show! We did great work here, great work! And my good friend Clay, Great to have him back, right? (Audience cheering) Yeah! And listen, I look forward to seeing this show run in my theater, for many many years to come. Right, Moon? (Jimmy notices that Buster Moon and his friends had already gone) Moon? | „ |
~ Jimmy Crystal's final words before his arrest. |
- He is the first antagonist of a sequel to a film by Illumination to not have a predecessor, as Mike from the first film was more of an anti-hero than a villain.
- Despite that, the Bears in the first film could count as his predecessors, but they didn't play as big of a role as Jimmy did.
- It is unknown what became of his wife, whether she passed away or divorced him because of his behavior.
- Despite Jimmy's intelligence on finding out himself that Buster lied to him and his way of getting around the stage to escape from Buster's friends without a fight, he still gets easily fooled, even by others who really are being honest with him. This proves that Jimmy Crystal is not as smart as he claimed he was. For instance, during the show, he unwisely attempted to throw Buster over the scaffolding in front of a live audience with the cost of his entire career and getting arrested for trying to kill Buster and threatening his friends. He even made himself look like a moron when he tried to save his face and foolishly believed that Buster and his friends would stay and perform in his theatre again despite everything he put them through.
- Crystal is the third animated canine in a feature film to be voiced by Bobby Cannavale, following Frankie the Bulldog from The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature and Spike Bulldog from Tom & Jerry, the latter of which also released in 2021. He is also the first one not to be a bulldog.
- Crystal's full name is a pun on famous actor and comedian Billy Crystal as both have the same last name.
- Crystal's body structure is somewhat identical to that of Felonius Gru from Despicable Me.
External Links[]
- Jimmy Crystal on the Sing Wiki
- Jimmy Crystal on the Villains Wiki
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