Antagonists Wiki
Villains Overview

Jet Set and Upper Crust are married upper class unicorns and a minor antagonists from My Little Pony: Friennship is Magic and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games

Jet Set is voiced by Peter new and Upper Crust is voiced Ashleigh Ball who voices Asspherra


Both ponies feature unique hair designs and some unique clothing. Upper Crust is seen in all her appearances wearing a white shirt and pink sweater draped on her back with the sleeves knotted at the front of her neck, along with earrings and a necklace. Jet Set has a green shirt and white sweater draped in the same manner as his wife's, and wears glasses. Jet Set's green and white attire is the exact shade used by the New York Jets football team.


Jet Set: Please excuse our interruption. I'm Jet Set, and this is my wife Upper Crust. We saw you from across the cafe and just had to find out...
Upper Crust: ...Where did you get that simply marvelous chapeau?
— Sweet and Elite
Upper Crust: I thought it looked a little country.
Jet Set: I told you it wasn't something you could get here in Canterlot, dear.
— Sweet and Elite
Jet Set: Can you believe what that pony is wearing?
Upper Crust: It's just so plain.
— Sweet and Elite
Jet Set: Important ponies? These ruffians?
Upper Crust: Don't make me laugh!
— Sweet and Elite
Upper Crust: Oh, I'd like to place my order right now!
Jet Set: I think you should get two!
— Sweet and Elite


  • They two are married
  • They are a recurring character in Friendship Games


           My Little Pony franchise logo Villains

My Little Pony 'n Friends
Ahgg | Beezen | Catrina | Dragon Gang | Erebus | Flories | Grogar | Hydia | King Charlatan | Lavan | Princess Porcina | Queen Bumble | Raptorians | Reeka & Draggle | Somnambula | Squirk | Tirac

Friendship is Magic
Apple Bloom's Shadow | Ahuizotl | Arimaspi | Bugbear | Changelings | Chimera | Cockatrice | Daybreaker | Dr. Caballeron | Diamond Dogs | Diamond Tiara | Discord | Dragons (Dragon Lord Torch, Garble & Sludge) | Flim Flam Brothers | Gladmane | Grogar | Hydra | Jet Set and Upper Crust | King Sombra | Legion of Doom (Queen Chrysalis, Tirek & Cozy Glow) | Mane-iac | Maulwurf | Mean Six | Nightmare Moon | Parasprites | Pony of Shadows | Puckwudgies | Roc | Sable Spirit | Shadowbolts | Silver Spoon | Snips and Snails | Sphinx | Starlight Glimmer | Storm King | Svengallop | Tantabus | Tatzlwurm | Tempest Shadow | Timberwolves | Trixie Lulamoon | Vampire Fruit Bats | Windigos | Wind Rider

Equestria Girls
Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze & Sonata Dusk) | Juniper Montage | PostCrush (Kiwi Lollipop & Supernova Zap) | Principal Cinch | Snips and Snails | Sunset Shimmer | Trixie Lulamoon | Vignette Valencia | Wallflower Blush

Make Your Mark
Shadowy Alicorn

Accord | Bad Apple | Blonn Di and Shining Light | Changelings | Chupacabra | Cosmos | Cozy Glow | Daybreaker | Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze & Sonata Dusk) | Diamond Tiara | Discord | Flim Flam Brothers | Grogar | King Diomedes | King Sombra | Mane-iac | Nightmare Forces | Nightmare Moon | Nightmare Rarity | Pony of Shadows | Princess Celestia | Pseudocorns | Queen Chrysalis | Rabia | Rough Diamond | Sendak | Shadowbolts | Shadowfall | Shadowfright | Silver Spoon | Smooze | Snips and Snails | Starlight Glimmer | Storm King's army (Storm King, Tempest Shadow, Grubber & Storm Creatures) | Sunset Shimmer | Swift Foot | Terri Belle | Tirek | Trixie Lulamoon | Vampiric Jackalope

My Little Pony: The Movie (1986): Hydia | Reeka & Draggle | Smooze | Ahgg
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017): Storm King's army (Storm King, Tempest Shadow, Grubber & Storm Creatures)
My Little Pony: A New Generation: Sprout Cloverleaf
