Antagonists Wiki

Jerry "The King" Lawler Was a professional Wrestler who had a prestigious career winning the NWA tag team championship as well as  well as the AWA championship. In 1979 he beat Billy Graaham to become the CWA champion .in 1992 Lawler Was brought into the wwf as a heel (Heel meaning villain in wrestling).

Lawler attacked Bret Hart after he won the King of the ring tournament  as Lawler claimed he was the one true King of wrestling. They were scheduled to fight each other at Summerslam  but Lawler said he was unable to fight because of injuries forcing Hart to fight his court Jester Doink the clown instead Hart beat Doink by submission but was then attacked by Lawler Who had been  faking his injuries.

Hart made Lawler submit but since he refuse to release the hold the decision Was reversed and Lawler Was officially declared the undisputed King of wrestling.the two would not face each other again until the first in your house pay per view Which Lawler won but only due to the outside interference of Hakushi and manager Shinji. When Bret then beat the King at King of the ring Lawler Was forced to Kiss Hart's feet.

Lawler later began a feud With Roddy Piper When he made disparaging comments about Piper and had a kid dressed as Roddy come into the ring and Kiss his feet.Lawler was defeated by Piper at the 1994 king of the ring.

In 1996 Lawler made fun of Jake Robberts because of his alcoholism and drug addiction leading to a match at summerslam 1996 Which was won by Lawler. Following the match Lawler poured whiskey down Robberts throat as a way of further humiliating him.

In 1997 Lawler derided ECW referring to it asExtremely Crappy Wrestling(which Lawler sincerely belived outside of kayfabe).he had a match against Tommy Dreamer at Ecw's hardcore  heaven Which Dreamer won.Lawler denied being the father of light heavyweight Wrestler Brian Christopher despite both men repeatedly helping each other win Mathces.

Following the heel turn of Vince McMahon Lawler became one of his most outspoken supporters much to the chagrin of his friend and broadcast partner Jim Ross. despite being a villain Lawler Was occasionally disgusted by the lenghts other heels went too and shared a sense of camaraderie With Ross. This was best highlighted when he surprisingly attacked Tazz in defense of Ross.

Lawler Would later quit but returned to a standing ovation to replace Paul Heyman as Ross's partner.Lawler occasionally  showed his benevolent side such as when he defended America from attacks by Muhammad Hussan  or saving Hulk Hogan from Randy Orton before eventually turning face as his colleague Michael Cole turned heel.
