Antagonists Wiki

One Krabby Patty. Hold the mayoonaise
~ All Jellions

The Jelliens are the secondary antagonists of the Spongebob Squarepants episode "Planet Of The Jellyfish". They came to replace all of the inhabitants of Bikini Bottom, but were defeated.


During the beginning of the episode, after Spongebob passes by a creepy cave, the ruler, whom notice their presence eats a jellyfish, assimilating it and proceed to makes a bunch more Jelliens. It knew that SpongeBob and Patrick are hunting jellyfishes, and send some of his Jellien Jellyfishes after them. 

One of the member of sent squadron of Jellien Jellyfishes eats Patrick and makes a clone of him, and thus Jellion Patrick is born. Once the Jellien cloning process finished, it had Jellien Patrick to do it's work while carrying the unconscious real Patrick to Overlord off-screen. Jellien Patrick, whom proceed to manipulate SpongeBob, had the rest of the sent Jellien Jellyfishes squadron pretend to be captured by it. The manipulation tactic was successful as SpongeBob, whom also caught one for himself was unsuspicious with one of its members, and still thinking that it is a new breed because they didn't sting. Jellien Patrick and they both give out the Jellien Jellyfishes to the citizens of Bikini Bottom, unaware that they mere duplicate.

As this happens, Overlord, with unknown means of transportation, arrives at the Krusty Krab and proceeds to build a hive within the freezer room by the time the Jellions managed to take over most of the citizens except Spongebob (whom realized that invasion has began and discovering the Hive) and Sandy Cheeks (whom notices the Jelliens' presence due to their unnatural eye shape in spite of imitating Bikini Bottomites). They both learn that the Jellion's weakness is mayonnaise due to them never wanted nor seen eating one. This proved to be correct as when both of them surrounded by Jellions on the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob shot one of the jellien with a mayonnaise which killed one of them and reduce their body into green goo.

By the time they killed presenting Jelliens, their original counterparts, which cocooned within the nest, awakens (implies that the Jellien clones had telepathic connection with the cocoon that restrain the original and had they killed, the cocoon would rots and free the said original). Patrick and the kidnapees are cornered by Overlord and the Jellion Jellyfishes until SpongeBob and Sandy bursts in. The brief battle occurs, where SpongeBob blasts all of its Jellien Jellyfishes with mayonnaise and tries to spray one to Overlord. But due to all of them are in freezer room, the sprayed mayonnaise that intended for Overlord freezes on the midair and land on it's head in form that resembles a marsh mellow. However, Sandy quickly set the temperature into warm where the mayonnaise eventually melt, killed the Overlord and it's fellow Jellion dies due to their telepathic connection.

Appearance, Types and Creation[]

The Jellien Clones look almost exactly the same to their original counterparts except for a few traits. They have big, black eyes with white pupils and sharp teeth that are usually spaced from one another. Aside from those, the Jellien Clones look like a mirror to their counterparts and can fool anyone to thinking they are normal citizens.

Alpha Jellions[]

Alpha Jellions are jellions that creates the Primary Jellions. So far the known alpha is Evil Alien Jellion Overlord whom looks like a giant, alien jellyfish and had the ability to eat regular jellyfish and create Jellions in their place as the Primary Jellions. It has telepathic connections with other Jellions where if it dies, the rest of the hive would dies with it.

Primary Jellions[]

Primary Jellions are Jellions that created by Alpha Jellions whom consume a lifeform it encountered and in process, gained the said lifeform's DNA that it used to create Jellion version of the said lifeform's species, which called Primary Jellions. Primary Jellions serve as drones or scout for the Hive, and depends of the lifeform it based on, could be the weaker. But they counteract this via manipulation and trickery, as shown where it uses it's appearance for fooling SpongeBob.

Primary Jellion has alarming ability to copy the captured victim's DNA and their memories (while sedating them during the cocooning process) that both used to create the Secondary Jellions. As result, while it's appearance mirroring the original except for the eye that remain same with other Jellions, Secondary Jellions would easily blend with non-Jellion lifeforms while either hunting for more potential victims or guarding the Hive.

The only known form of Primary Jellions are Jellion Jellyfishes.

Secondary Jellions[]

Secondary Jellions (also known as Jellion Clones) are Jellions that created by Primary Jellions. Once created, they immediately taking role of Primary assault/Warriors of the Jellion Hive. This was shown while they use the acquired memories of those whom they impersonate to avoid any suspicions, they would alarming any intruders that enter the hive. This was shown when a customer of the Krusty Krab ask for mayonnaise, Jellion-Krab alarms the Hive and attack him before cocooning him and replace him with Jellion version of himself.

While lacking any ability to creating Jellion clones, Secondary Jellions would attack in droves. This makes them very dangerous, as they could easily outnumbering the intruders.

Behavior and Weakness[]

The Jellion clones talk in a slow matter much like how aliens would talk. Some of them, mainly Jellion Squidward, would sometimes end their sentence with a sound like a "RAH". They even seem to act like their real counterparts such as eating Krabby Patties. However, when one mentions mayonnaise, they act extremely aggressive and attack on sight. They also seem to hiss and point at anyone that mentions the condiment. This is because mayonnaise is their one and only weakness. If touched by mayonnaise, the Jellion clone will melt into a pool of green slime and this causes the originals will wake up. Reason of this was the cocoon that covering the original has telepathic connection with the jellion that imitating the original that had it destroyed, the cocoon would rots.

Alpha Jellions, like Overlord, was shown intentionally established a hive within freezer room at the Krusty Krab as all Jellions are weak in hot environments, but still active without any problems in normal temperatures.


           Nickelodeon 2009 logo Villains

TV Series
Lamar Bone | Angelica Pickles | Ed Bighead | Earl | Mr. Dupette | Plankton | Karen Plankton | Lars Rodriguez | Miranda Killgallen | Glowface | Tlaloc | Gart Default | Coverton | Sta'abi | Amanda Killman | Vic McGillicuddy | Chandler McCann | Becky

The Ren & Stimpy Show
Ren Höek | Victor | Victor's Dad | Adonis | Evil Ren | Hideously Evil Ren | George Liquor | Haggis MacHaggis | Contorno | Reverend Jack Cheese | Waffle Woman | Anthony's Dad | Boss | Brain Aliens | Colonel Scrambolio | Drill Sergeant | Kodiak Marmoset | Lout Brothers | Man Eating Village Idiot | Shlomo and Momo | Sid | The Dogcatcher | Worm

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
The Gromble | Snorch & Zimbo | Simon the Monster Hunter | Jake | Sal

The Angry Beavers
Scientist Number 1 and Pete | Edgar the Swamp Witch

Reggie Bullnerd | Mr. Wilter | Skrawl | Biclops | Skrawl's Brain | Bully Nerd | Quicksand Man | Mrs. Tweezer | The Craniacs | Stinky Witch | Doofi Rudy and Doofi Penny | Boorat | Jacko | Vinnie Raton | Terry Bouffant | Beanie Boys | Snake | Thor Throat

Squeakus | The Chump Brothers | Bill Champsley

El Tigre
Sartana of the Dead | Black Cuervo | Voltura | El Tigre | Puma Loco | Lady Gobbler | Flock of Fury | El Oso | El Mal Verde | Dr. Chipotle Jr. | Dr. Chipotle Sr. | Dr. Chipotle Sr. Sr. | General Chapuza | Che Chapuza | Calevera Zombies | Calavera Banditos | Esteban | El Cucharon | Señor Siniestro | Robot Bandidos | Django of the Dead | Skeleton Bandito Army | El Machete | Golden Eagle Twins | Carlitio | Carla | Mano Negra | The Bad Girls | Comrade Chaos | Titanium Titan | Cactus Kid | Mustache Mafia | Don Baffi | Big Man | Tony | Sophia | Dark Leopard | El Tarantula | Ninja Monster Clan | Plata Peligrosa | Guacamole Monster | Forgotten Dead Monster | Dragon Worm | Chipotle Family | Puma Loco Bot | Alebrije Monster | Android El Tigre | Mighty Cheetar

The Mighty B!
Roxxy | Hal | Mr. Griff | Harris Daye | Robot Bessie | K.G. Bianca | Chelsea Gibbons | Chelsea's Friends | Finguere

The Penguins of Madagascar
Dr. Blowhole | Joey Kangaroo | Officer X | Savio | Clemson | Stacy | Rhonda | Falcon | Rat King | Archie | Kuchikukan | Hans the Puffin | Frances Alberta | Vesuvius Twins | Barry | Leopard Seals

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomness
Brotherhood of Malfeasance (Hundun, Taotie, Fung, Gahri, Temutai & Tong Fo) | Fenghuang | Junjie | Scorpion | Lidong | Heilang | Bad Po | Bian Zao | Fu-Xi | Ke-Pa | Pang Bing | Alien Rice Weevils

Fanboy & Chum Chum
Boog | Lenny Flynn-Boyle | Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason | The Global Warmer | Sigmund the Sorcerer | Professor Flan | Berry the Ice Monster | Necronomicon | Marsha | Mr. Trick

Sanjay and Craig
Mr. Noodman | Benjy Warlin | Carlos Bandana | Chef Mei | Chido | Colonel Badguyski | Conquistador | D.I.N.K | Dillinger Softlips | Mr. Noodman, Sr. | Munchie | Pizza Demon | Ronnie Slithers

Harvey Beaks
Dade | Fogbark Monster | Halbreth | Kip Dinkly, Jr. | Les Squirrels | Moff | Randl

It's Pony
Otis Perrybottom | Jill Perrybottom | Bob Perrybottom

The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj
Tara Gupta | Malini Gupta | Hugo | Kristi Lee | Shapiro | Mrs. Hugeman | PAL

The Secret World of Alex Mack
Danielle Atron | Paradise Valley Chemical

The Amanda Show
Judge Trudy

Legends of the Hidden Temple
Temple Guards

Drake & Josh
Ashley Blake | Thornton Locke | Milo McCreary

Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
Mr. Sweeney | Vice Principal Crubbs | Huge Crew | Killer Bees | One-Bite

Zoey 101
Logan Reese | Rebecca | Stacy | Dean Rivers

The Thundermans
Dark Mayhem | Green Ghoul | Mike Evilman | King Crab | Lady Web | Scalestro | Son of Scalestrp | Strongdor | Fairy Pinch-ess | Villain League | Lionel, Jake and Tom | Olympia Wong | Darcy Wong | Balfour | Madison Robertson

Nevel Papperman | Lewbert Slime | Nora Dershlit | Mr. & Mrs. Dershlit | Chuck Chambers | Wade Collins | Missy Robinson | Amber Tate | Kyoko and Yuki | Chip Chambers | The Petographers | The Shadow Hammer | Francine Briggs | Valerie | Jocelyn | Jonah | Rona Burger | Pirates | Marta Trundel | Lervin's Bully | Dimitri and Ivan | Lauren Ackerman | Tessa | Candance | Carter Ford | Steven Carson | Doug Toder | Billy Boots | Cal | Dana Bukowski | Trick-or-Treaters | Totally Teri Writers | Natalie | Sunshine Girls | Backflesh

Jade West | Tara Ganz | Hayley Ferguson | Fawn Liebowitz | Mona Patterson | Mr. Dickers | Mrs. Lee | Rhoda Hellberg | Melinda Murray | Barney and Billy Triplet | Bella | Christie | Francis Thornesmith | Randy Bronson | Jarold and Merl

Big Time Rush
Gustavo Rocque | Mr. Bitters | George Hawk | Wayne Wayne | Jett Stetson | Rebecca | Tad | Dara's Stepmother | Atticus Moon | Sandy | Molly | Captain McAlister | Jane Kennedy

Game Shakers
MeGo | Lance

Knight Squad
Ryker | Commander Umbala | Ryker's Army

I Am Frankie
Lorenzo Bravo | Segundo Mehija | Mr. Kingston | Eliza | EGG | Cynthia Mondall | WARPA | Simone | Dóminus | Luz

Welcome to the Wayne
Calliope Organization | Flowershit

Are You Afraid of the Dark?
The Shadowman | Mr. Tophat | Dr. Vink | Evil Spirit | Adrian | Badge | Basement Demon | Belinda's Witch | Black Figures | Braun Family | Brother Septimus | Chameleons | Corpse | Crimson Clown | Diggers | Doctor Capel-Smith | Evil Executioner | Evil Sheriff | Evil Witch | Ghastly Grinner | Gort | Gremlin | Jake "The Snake" Desmond | Keeper | Koda | Madame Visage | Madeline | Margot | Master Raymond | Mr. & Mrs. Taylor | Mr. Olson | Mrs. Briar | Ms. Valenti | Nosferatu | Peter Kirlan | Phone Police | Quiet Librarian | Renegade Virus | Sandman | Suitmen | Teddy Mars | The British | The Stone Maiden | The Watcher | Zeebo

The Other Kingdom
Versitude | Peter Quince | King Reed | Pixies

LEGO Jurassic World: The Legend of Isla Nublar
Danny Nedermeyer | Sinjin Prescott | Vic Hoskins | Indominus Twins | Computer Interface | Dianne

Nick Arcade
Game Wizards

Action League Now!
Big Baby | Hodge Podge | Madame Shyster | Red Ninja | Roboflesh | Smarty Pants | Spotzilla

See Also
Avatar: The Last Airbender Villains | Barnyard Villains | Breadwinners Villains | CatDog Villains | Danny Phantom Villains | Doug Villains | Henry Danger Villains | Hey Arnold! Villains | Invader Zim Villains | Jimmy Neutron Villains | Monster High Villains | My Life as a Teenage Robot Villains | Nick Jr. Villains | Nickelodeon All Star Brawl Villains | Rocko's Modern Life Villains | Rugrats and All Grown Up! Villains | SpongeBob SquarePants Villains | T.U.F.F. Puppy Villains | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains | The Fairly OddParents Villains | The Loud House and The Casagrandes Villains | The Wild Thornberrys Villains

           SpongeBob Villains

Bikini Bottom
Patrick Star | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs (Alternate Reality Mr. Krabs) | Plankton Family (Plankton & Karen Plankton) | Mrs. Puff | Bubble Bass | Flats the Flounder | Fake Health Inspector | Tattletale Strangler | BlackJack SquarePants | Sergeant Sam Roderick | Carl | Human Resources | Colonel Carper | Con Man | Don Grouper | Chum Bucket Glove | Animatronic Hieronymus Glove | Art Appraiser | Gale Doppler | Stickyfins Whiting | Dorsal Dan | Kevin C. Cucumber | Nurse Daisy Bazooka | Goofy Manager | FitzPatrick | Mister Weiner | Pizza Pete | Señor Taco | Noodleman | Stockholder Eel | Acceleration T. Greenlight | Walter Haddock | Ringmaster Mudkrab

Monsters and Creatures
Alaskan Bull Worm | Puffy Fluffy | Madame Hagfish | Big One | Sea Bears | Jelliens (Evil Alien Jellien Overlord) | Dragon Jellyfish | King Jellyfish | Giant Jellyfish | Kraken | Spot's Children | Abominable Snow Mollusk | Spot's Children | Virus | Krabby Patty Creatures | Giant Krabby Patty | Enigma Shapeshifter | Old Bluelip | Rock Monster | Breakfast Monster

Every Villain Is Lemons (Man Ray, Dirty Bubble, Jumbo Shrimp & Notodoris) | The Bad Guy Club For Villains (Sinister Slug & Atomic Flounder) | Clam Head Candy Cad | Kelp Thing | The Moth | Catfishstress | Octopus King | Hoodoo Guru | Robot Mantis | Commanding Conch

Pirates and Vikings
Flying Dutchman | Lord Poltergeist | Gordon | Captain Scarfish | Captain Cruel | Pirate Queen

DoodleBob (Mini Doodles) | Abrasive Sponge | Dead-Eye Plankton | Planktonamor | Dark Knight | PlanKrab | ChefBob | Mr. Charleston | Dr. Plankenstein | Pat-gor | SpongeMonster | Karen 2.0 | ToyBob | SpongeBob CopyPants | Triton | Lord Royal Highness | Cuddle E. Hugs | Coupe | Swamp Natives | Timmy and Tina | Earworm | Master Udon | The Tickler | Lipp Cervas | Filthy Phil | The Fisherman | Hash-Slinging Slasher | Gorilla | Nosferatu | Fleas | Mr. Krabs' worms | Sandroid | PlankBot | King Neptune's Trident | Chumbot | Trash Bot | Machines | Weird Machine | Q.T.-π | Beelzebass | Saltwater Trees | Capn' A. Krabs | Planky | Bubble Poppin' Boys | Trenchbillies (Ma Angler, Cletus & Cletus, Jethra, Junior, Uncle Belcher, Betsy & Buford) | Boaty | Giant Krabs | Queen Karen | Tiki Aliens | Weenie J. Wiener | Elmer Eraser

Movie Villains
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie:
Plankton | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs | Dennis | Karen Plankton | Cyclops | | The Frogfish | The Thug Tug Gang (Victor, Boat Jacker & DJ)
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water:
Burger-Beard | Plankton | Patrick Star | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On the Run:
King Poseidon | Chancellor | Plankton | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs | Karen Plankton | El Diablo
Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie:
B.O.O.T.S. (Sue Nahmee, Cuda & Kyle and Phoebe) | Rattlesnakes | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs | Plankton | Karen Plankton
Plankton: The Movie
Plankton | Karen Plankton | Mr. Krabs
The SpongeBob Movie: The Search for SquarePants
Flying Dutchman | Plankton | Squidward Tentacles | Mr. Krabs | Karen Plankton

Video Game Villains
Evil Syndicate | King Gorge | The Mawgu | Robots (SpongeBot SteelPants, Robot Plankton, Robo-Patrick & Robo-Sandy) | Prawn (Admiral Prawn) | Mutant Krabby Patty | Supersized Patty | Dreaded Patrick | Patty UFO | Parasites | Globulous Maximus | Nanobots (PlanktoBot, PatBot, SquidBot, Wee Yellow Bot, Demento Bot & Tenderizer) | Seymour Scales | Madame Kassandra | Cosmic Jelly Monsters | The Great Wumbozi
