Antagonists Wiki

Jay Lawson is a recurring character in the Dhar Mann videos. He appears as the main protagonist of the Jay videos, the deuteragonist of the Mikey videos, the titular main protagonist of the Jay & Mikey TV series, the tritagonist of the Mischief Mikey series and one of the deuteragonists (alongside of the Noah's Arc series.

While earlier videos portrayed him as simply a troublemaker, the Mischief Mikey series however shows him committing actual crimes, such as jailbreak and breaching the law, both of which are federal crimes in the US.

He is portrayed by Shaun J. Dixon.


Jay Lawson is a black African-American male with black hair.


Jay Lawson shares a similar personality to Mikey, being disobedient, lazy, dishonest, deceitful, rebellious, and disrespectful towards his parents as well as being unwilling to put forth effort in school. Some of his mischievous acts have caused him to get arrested as well, such as when he steals his school records from the principal's office, in addition to scaring and injuring the latter with a toy snake and a mousetrap, with one of the police officers being his own dad.

He also tries to succeed without actually putting in the effort, but in never works as he is always caught and punished for his misdeeds and faces the harshest punishment possible along with Mikey. A part of a reason for his behavior is because he is constantly verbally and physically abused by his mother Regina Lawson, who shares a similar personality to Kathy Miller, Mikey's mom, with the latter eventually dumping her son at juvie for his misdeeds, as shown in "Mischief Mikey Ep 3: Kid Makes Plane Land To Skip Test".

While he has criticized Mikey for his troublemaking actions and him having a slothful and lazy attitude towards life, with their attitude becoming increasingly negative towards him, especially when he got arrested for pulling the school's fire alarm, newer videos however show Jay going back to his old ways, as shown in the Mischief Mikey series.

The Mischief Mikey series shows him doing actual criminal activity, such as trying to escape juvie but is caught, and after they are let out on early release but put under house arrest, they immediately breach it, causing them to get arrested again.

Villainous Acts[]

  • Cheating in a MrBeast content to win a million dollars to no avail.
  • Flattening the tire on his mom's car just to having to go to school, causing traffic.
  • Sabotaging Mikey's mom's job interview. However, they only did this so that they wouldn't be separated from one another.
  • Stealing his school records from the principal's office, in addition to scaring and injuring the latter with a toy snake and a mousetrap, causing him to get arrested.
  • Going along with Mikey's plan to cheat in an arcade competition to win passes to a video game convention, despite having some initial reluctance.
    • However, their plan is ultimately foiled when they find out that one of the tickets is for them to be accompanied by an adult as they were under the age of 14 at the time, leading to an argument and them losing their passes to Landon, who refused to cheat, and getting them both in trouble with their parents.
  • Breaking into a superstore at night, in which they vandalize the place and stay at the store after it closed. They are then caught by their parents (who pretended to be robbers of the store) who say they are lucky they didn't get arrested.
  • Drives his mom’s BMW while underage, and (along with Mikey and Noah) gets a $500 speeding ticket for almost crashing.
  • Scammed a bunch of people using Amazon items he bought using Mikey's mom's credit card, which turn out to be dangerous as they break easily, resulting in kids and their families getting injured.
  • Along with Mikey Miller, he makes an attempt to escape juvenile hall but is caught. After they are let out on early release but under house arrest, they show constant refusal following the conditions of their release, such as attempting to remove their ankle monitors, refusing to follow house arrest orders, and fleeing community service, leading to them being arrested again.


  • It is possible that Jay's name refers to the middle initial of his actor, Shaun J. Dixon.
  • Jay may have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as he has a tendency to disobey his elders.
  • In the fourth episode of the Jay & Mikey series, Jay has converted himself to the Jewish religion, but he doesn't seem to take anything about it seriously.

See Also[]


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Dhar Mann
Abel | Buddy | Colin | Coach Cooper | Craig | Daniel | Eddie | Frank | Gino | Jay | Kathy | Kristen | Mr. Smiley | MrFeast | Pastor McDaniels | Regina | Sam | Scary Criminal | Sergeant Stokes | Tough Guys | Travis' Mother

Totally Studios
Karen | Tripp

Generation Hope
Dennis | Katherine | Mr. Retrac | White Couple

Life Lessons with Luis

Sameer Bhavnani
