Javier is the main antagonist of the episode ''Justice Denied'' of Law and Order SVU.
He was portrayed by Ramon Fernandez.
Not much is known about Javier's past life and not even his last name were revealed in the series, the only things that are known about him, is that he is Brazilian and a mariner there in Maranhão one of the Northeastern states of Brazil, he in turn began to rape a woman named Ariel Baskins that he tortured her, and deformed his face with red ammonia, and because of this another innocent man was arrested in his place that was Omar Pena.
After that, Javier would continue tp rape and commit his crimes in three different countries among them are Argentina, Italy and Spain, and he would soon return to rape his other victim again in the United States that would be a woman named Gina Logan that he raped tortured and used ammonia on her to blind her.
In the beginning, the detectives did not believe in the innocence of Pena, including Benson that was who the arrested, but when they discover that the ammonia used at the crime scene was red and not green, they then knowing that the uniform is a mariner and that rapist and latin, they then soon discovers that the real rapist is nothing more than Javier since the victims identify him, then the police are going to arrest him, Javier reacts and tries to beat Nick more is knocked out by own Nick, and then Javier is arrested for his crimes.