Antagonists Wiki
Villain Overview

I was there you know, at the first war for this garbage planet. I fought against your armies, I respected your tactics, but this...? This is sick! I don't get what you're planning, Rose. But look! Your base is taken! Your armies are ruined! You... have failed!
~ Jasper to Steven before headbutting him unconscious.
I don't need your help! You're the one that needs help. You think you've beaten me, but you've never beaten me on your own. You've always been a fusion! You've always had your friends! Because you're nothing without them! You think everyone needs help! But it's only you! No one is as pitiful as you!
~ Jasper to Steven in Little Homeschool.
Farewell, my Diamond.
~ Jasper to Steven in The Future.

Jasper is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Yellow Diamond) of the Steven Universe franchise, serving as the main antagonist of Seasons 1 and 3, one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Lapis Lazuli) of Season 2, a cameo character in Season 5 and the anti-heroic secondary antagonist of Steven Universe Future.

She is a Homeworld Gem soldier who is bent on destroying the Crystal Gems and their leader, Rose Quartz, to avenge the presumed death of her superior, Pink Diamond, which turned her into Steven's archenemy and most frequent foe.

She is voiced by Kimberly Brooks, who also played Daisy Fitzroy from BioShock Infinite, and Stormy in the Nickelodeon dub of Winx Club.


Jasper is a muscular tangerine orange and red-striped Gem with a dark brown and red Homeworld suit with a yellow diamond uniform, a reference to her leader. Similar to Amethyst, she has long beige spiky hair. She has her gemstone embedded on her nose, which can summon a crash helmet that she can use to charge at foes.

After her corruption Jasper transforms into an orange and green, spike-ridden, dog-like creature that is forced to be incapacitated by Peridot.

After being healed from her corruption, Jasper now wears a brown-orange tank top that has a pale orange and brown-orange keyhole shape. She also keeps her green horns from her corruption, as well as green patches on her left hand and right shoulder.

After being revived from being shattered by Steven, Jasper's tank top now has a V-neck and the colors of it are inverted. One of her horns is now sliced in half, the band along her face has a split under her right eye, and the knees of her pants are ripped slightly.


By all accounts, Jasper is a sympathetic yet brutish character. She is known to be the ruthless, brutal, and cruel general of the Homeworldian Gems, and has a merciless, abusive, wrathful, and temperamental demeanor, as she is known to lash out at anyone; for example, Sapphire, just for singing, she smashed the wall with her fist and screamed at her to stop. She also has a Darwinistic view on life, which morphs into complete arrogance and hatred, as she outright hates and looks down upon the weak and defenseless, as well as favoring herself, as she seems to see herself as the strongest. She was also deeply power-hungry, as she wants nothing more than to become all powerful. Jasper is also determined, even to the point of obsession, as she is willing to get revenge and retribution on anyone who has wronged her. She is also deceitful and manipulative, and knows just how to manipulate others into serving her goals. This is especially shown when she practically forced Lapis into fusing with her, as part of her own power-mad goals. Ironically, that led to her fusion with her and transformation into Malachite, and subsequently being dragged down into the bottom of the ocean and her abuse by Lapis. Apparently, it was so traumatizing that it ended up turning her into a deranged, obsessive, egotistical, callous, and even sadistic being with a desire for more power. Though she still retained her cunning, her cruelty has been increased significantly, and she has been known to pursue immoral methods to get her way. She is also willing to harm children if need be, as she remorselessly attacked Steven and Connie, fused or not, without mercy.

While she originally had a hatred for the concept of fusion, she was willing to fuse with Lapis Lazuli to try and defeat the Crystal Gems, something that would've been seen as a taboo act on Homeworld. She was even willing to fuse with a Corrupted Gem in order to beat Smoky Quartz, showing her desperation for power. Jasper is also fiercely loyal towards Homeworld often believing that any gem that disobeys the Great Diamond Authority should be purged from the system.

Deep underneath her victory first and militaristic personality, Jasper does have an insecure side that sprouts on occasion. An example is where she becomes angered that whenever she tries to fuse, nobody wants to stay fused with her. Rebecca Sugar confirms that Jasper holds a superiority complex and is consumed by a need to prove herself as the strongest by putting down others. This is because that deep down, Jasper does fear that she is defected and continually feeds her ego in order to combat this and is "tragically obsessed with proving her own superiority". She also holds a deep hatred for Rose Quartz due to her "shattering" her former superior, Pink Diamond, and had desired to avenge her.

While appearing in Future, Jasper rejects the idea of Era 3 and is still stuck in her same mindset. She is still rude and dismissive towards Steven, but did express eagerness in Steven saying that he'd fight her. This makes sense given that Jasper was made for fighting, and had clearly been longing for someone to face. While she fights Steven and continues to put him down, she does show to be impressed by Steven's strength and the two do reach something of an understanding. After Steven returns to ask for help on controlling his powers, Jasper harshly trains him but is still impressed by how his strength has grown. After being shattered in their rematch, Jasper is shocked but bows to Steven referring to him as her diamond, showing loyalty and that he now accepts him as her undisputed superior. However, after Jasper is rejected by Steven and is told to find something better to do with her life, she does show to be affected by his words. In "The Future" when Steven announces his leave, Jasper wishes to come with him in order to protect him, to which Steven refuses. This does show that she has began to care about Steven's wellbeing and is upset that he's leaving. What she does afterwards, as well as her mindset and life without Steven remains unknown.



Jasper was made sometime during the middle of the rebellion where she was made and birthed from the Beta Kindergarten. She came out as the ultimate quartz soldier and would lead the Homeworld Gems in battle against the rebellious Crystal Gems. She had also previously served under Pink Diamond and was loyal to her, but Rose Quartz had seemingly shattered her and Jasper had been mentally scarred as a result.

Following the end of the war, Jasper and the remaining Homeworld forces withdrew from Earth after the rebellion had ended.

Season 1[]

She first appears in "The Return" where she arrives to Earth with Peridot and Lapis Lazuli and is shown to be rather upset at the Gems that are standing in her way of conquering Earth. She then told Peridot to destroy them. Later, Steven saves the Gems with Rose's shield much to Jasper's surprise. After seeing this, Jasper proclaims that Yellow Diamond must see Steven. She then attempts to grab Steven, believing him to be Rose Quartz in disguise, but Garnet stands up to her and fights her. Unfortunately Garnet is severally injured by Jasper and retreats to her gems to heal, much to the shock of Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven. Jasper later knocks all the Gems out cold.

Later, in "Jail Break", she imprisons Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven on the ship. She is also revealed to have imprisoned the two gems that made up Garnet, Ruby and Sapphire. Steven later tries to convince Lapis to come with him and be free from prison but she refuses.

At that same moment, he also frees Ruby and Sapphire and gets them together, causing them to regenerate and fuse into Garnet again. Garnet later fights Jasper while Steven frees Amethyst and Pearl. They later find Peridot, tie her up, and steer the hand spaceship back home to Earth. Garnet defeats Jasper and Peridot retreats to an area on Earth just as the ship crashes into the Gems's residence.

Steven is able to save the Crystal Gems with his mother's shield. Unfortunately, Jasper survives the crash and is upset that she lost and outnumbered by The Crystal Gems. She later notices Lapis and forces her to fuse with her which she accepts, turning them into Malachite. Before she could finish them off with new fusion’s immense power, Lapis later takes control of Jasper and drags both of them into the ocean, which trapping Jasper in the process.

Season 2[]

She makes a cameo in the episode "Chille Tid". She appears in Steven's consciousness in the Malachite Realm, were she is still shackled by Lapis. She notices Steven and angrily tries an attempt to attack him (presumably still believing him to be Rose Quartz), but is prevented by Lapis from doing so and dragged back into the water with her.

Season 3[]

In "Super Watermelon Island", she finally gains control of the fusion, Malachite, and breaks free from the chains holding her down. She manages to manipulate Lapis with helping her fight Alexandrite (a fusion of Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl), but with help from the Watermelon Stevens, they’re ultimately defeated. Lapis and Jasper separate following this and, after she is carried out of the water, she falls into a huge crack made in the ground by the Cluster.

In "Alone at Sea", Jasper returns once more and boards a ship and confronts both Steven and Lapis. There, she begs Lapis to have them fuse again as she loves being Malachite and claims that she's changed, no matter how abusive the relationship between them. Lapis rejects her proposal and Jasper attempts to charge at Steven for his positive influence on former only to have Lapis knock her back into the ocean once more.

In "Gem Hunt", she poofs two Corrupted Gems at the Great North. After this, she briefly gloats at Steven (whom she still thinks is Rose Quartz) by showing him the two inactive gems and walks away into the blizzard, laughing evily.

In "Crack the Whip", she uses the Aquamarine Gem Monster as a steed and challenged "Rose" to a fight but Amethyst blocks her path, attempting to fight her instead. Unfortunately, she is brutally beaten and poofed by Jasper and is about to be shattered by her, but Steven and Connie fuse into Stevonnie and knock Amethyst's gem away from Jasper's grip.

Jasper then mounts on the Aqua Gem while Stevonnie mounts on Lion, and their two steeds collide into each other. Stevonnie tries to strike Jasper with the shield but she grabs it before they can do so. Fortunately, they manage to hit Jasper and her Aqua Gem Monster with Rose's sword. Even though the Aqua Gem Monster is poofed, Jasper takes it's gemstone and retreats to the bottom of the ocean swearing revenge on Stevonnie (especially Steven).

In "Beta", it is revealed that Jasper was created in the Beta Kindergarten halfway during the war when Homeworld needed to quickly grow more Quartz soldiers. She came out as the perfect Quartz, as described by Peridot. Later, Jasper is shown to have caged up a lot of Corrupted Gems behind metal bars in the holes of the Beta Kindergarten.

In "Earthlings", Jasper talks to one of the Great North monsters (who is caged up) about how she is a disgrace and embarrassment to Homeworld along with being pathetic Quartz. Amethyst attempts to sneak up on Jasper by walking across the edge of a cliff above her, but Jasper notices and Amethyst falls to the ground.

Jasper wonders if she wants a rematch, and tells Amethyst that she was destined to lose to her the moment she came out wrong. Steven runs to Amethyst's aid and explains to Jasper how that isn't true, but Jasper claims that all Gems must serve the order of the Diamonds, and those who stray away from that objective must be punished. Jasper says that to come out wrong and to not serve the Diamonds, as well as protect the Earth are disgraceful acts. Amethyst swings her whip before Jasper can counterattack and ends up pushing her back twice, but does no damage. Jasper attacks Amethyst and she falls on the ground, but before another attack can be made, Steven launches his shield and causes an injector to fall, separating Jasper and Amethyst.

Steven and Amethyst fuse into Smoky Quartz after Steven cheers her up, and Jasper angrily asks if fusion is the only trick the Crystal Gems can pull off. Jasper becomes enraged by Peridot's laughter and attacks Smoky Quartz head on, but she easily counterattacks, even causing Jasper to slam into the cliff side and release some of the caged up monsters. Jasper notices the Great North monster caged up, and fuses with it. Smoky Quartz is still able to stop this corrupted fusion and the Great North monster flees, after Jasper's attempts to forcefully refuse with it.

Jasper lies on the ground with inflamed arms and laughs off the fact that nobody she fuses with ever wants to stay. Green spots began to form on Jasper's body, along with spikes, to Peridot's disgust, causing Smoky Quartz to unfuse when realizing it's corruption. Steven tries to calm Jasper down in order to heal her. Jasper still sees her as the enemy, and says “Rose” out of breath. Steven explains that he is not Rose and just wants to heal Jasper.

Steven moves his hand, with healing spit on it, towards Jasper which causes her to lash out and slice Steven backwards, only to leave shirt scarred. Jasper tells Steven that she understands Rose's methods now, she waits until after Gems are weak and useless and then manipulates them to join her team. Jasper points out how Peridot was stripped of everything that made her great, and Peridot explains how the Earth is not a bad place and that she is always learning new things.

As her corruption worsens, Jasper said that Earth is like a prison and thinks she is better than it. Before becoming fully corrupted, Jasper revealed that her hatred toward Steven and the Crystal Gems is because of what Rose did to her Gem colony, her planet, and her Diamond. Steven asked if she was talking about Yellow Diamond. Jasper furiously revealed that she was talking about Pink Diamond, the real diamond she and Rose both belonged to. Soon then, she became a corrupted gem monster and attempts to attack the trio. Peridot launches a bar of metal through Jasper's chest, poofing her, and Amethyst bubbles and sends her to the Temple.

Season 4[]

In "Know Your Fusion", both Smoky Quartz and Sardonyx joke about Jasper, with the latter remarking she should "go back to preschool."

In "Mindful Education", Stevonnie hallucinates about Jasper's corruption and refusing to be saved as one of the things she feels guilty of, along with being forced to poof Bismuth and throw Eyeball into space, though Connie assures Steven it's okay to regret it.

Season 5[]

In "Change Your Mind", Jasper was healed by the Diamonds and Steven. She attempted to attack him, but was stopped by Amethyst who welcomed her back. Jasper stood down after realizing that the Diamonds were watching. Presumably, they have told her the truth about Pink Diamond’s fate and how she became Rose Quartz, a Crystal Gem leader who she ironically despised of.


In "Little Homeschool", Steven heads into the forest outskirts of Beach City to visit Jasper; the latter having chosen to make her home in solitude after being uncorrupted. While not bearing any hostility toward him, Jasper still bears some animosity toward Steven, making it clear that he’s not her Diamond and that he'll have to fight her if he wishes to prove he can lead her as one. Steven, frustrated at Jasper's lack of cooperation, obliges at her request, and the two engage in combat.

During their battle, Jasper pulls no punches as she expresses her disdain for Steven's reliance on his allies and inability to fend for himself alone, viewing him as pitiful. This triggers a newfound ability in Steven, allowing him to defeat Jasper on his own. Impressed with Steven's strength and content with their battle, Jasper initially refuses Steven's request to teach him to fight alone, though she tells him to do as he wishes when he asks if he could return, slowly opening up to him.

In "Fragments", Jasper takes Steven under her metaphorical wings and trains him to fight. After 3 days of training, Steven finally gives Jasper the rematch she's wanted since he arrived. After getting too carried away with the brutal fight, Steven ends up accidentally shattering Jasper. Steven then realizes what he done and rushes home to heal her, which he succeeds in, only for Jasper to call Steven her Diamond.

In "Homeworld Bound", Jasper shows herself in front of Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl as Steven is ready to go to Homeworld alone and Steven tells Jasper that she cannot come and to go find something better to do in her life, leaves her lamentably confused.

In the series finale, "The Future", Jasper encounters Steven one last time after hearing that Steven is leaving. After Steven tells Jasper that he can now protect himself, Jasper bids farewell to Steven after punching another hole, proving that she is also upset about Steven leaving despite acting like she doesn’t bother by this news.


But this is all that's left of her army? Some lost, defective Pearl, a puny overcooked runt, and this shameless display?
~ Jasper asking about the Crystal Gems.
Yellow Diamond needs to see this... thing.
~ Jasper to Steven.
~ Jasper yelling to Sapphire.
Oh great. You're both out? And you're fused again? Why? Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak gems stronger. Quit embarrassing yourselves. I've seen what you really are.
~ Jasper to Garnet about what she thinks about gem fusion.
C'mere, brat! Aw, don't fly off so soon.
~ Jasper to Lapis Lazuli.
These Gems, they're traitors to their Homeworld. They kept you prisoner. They used you. This is your chance to take revenge! Come on, just say yes.
~ Jasper convincing Lapis to fuse with her
You... You! YOU! YOU! YOU!!!
~ Jasper trying to reach Steven in Malachite's mind.
I can't wait to tear you Gems apart!
~ Jasper, as Malachite in "Super Watermelon Island".
You know you're right. There really is something more to this fusion thing. It's not just a cheap trick! You've really shown me a whole new world of possibilities!
~ Jasper as Malachite as she is attacking Alexandrite.
You can't lie to me. I've seen what you're capable of. I thought I was a brute, but you... you're a monster.
~ Jasper to Lapis.
I was wrong about fusion. You made me understand! Malachite was bigger and stronger than both of us! We could fly!
~ Jasper persuading Lapis to fuse.
This is your fault! I'll shatter you!
~ Jasper as she attempts to charge at Steven
Hey Rose, look what I got.
~ Jasper to Steven in "Gem Hunt".
Fighting is my life! It's what I was made for! It's what you were made for too, runt!
~ Jasper to Amethyst
You're a Quartz soldier, just like me. But you're not like me, are you?
~ Jasper to Amethyst
Amethyst: Rose said I'm perfect the way I am!
Jasper: Then she had low standards.
~ Jasper to Amethyst before she attempts to fight back
Jasper: You could of been me! And what are you instead?
Steven and Connie: Amethyst!
Jasper: Just a joke.
~ Jasper before poofing Amethyst
Fusion! Fusion! It's always fusion!
~ Jasper after losing to Stevonnie.
Get ready for next time, Rose! Jaspers don't give up! Jaspers keep going, until we get what we want.
~ Jasper before she retreats into the ocean.
Is fusion the only trick you Crystal Gems know?!
~ Jasper to Smoky Quartz.
I will NOT be beaten by another fusion!
~ Jasper before fusing with a corrupted gem monster.
Nobody I fuse with... ever wants to stay.
~ Jasper after losing to Smoky.
I see how you do it now, Rose. You want Gems after they're worthless, you wait until after they've lost, because when you're at the bottom, you'll follow anyone, that makes you feel like less of a failure.
~ Jasper to Steven once her corruption starts
How can you side with Rose Quartz? Why? Why protect this useless shell of a planet?
~ Jasper to Peridot.
You can't manipulate me, Rose Quartz!
~ Jasper to Steven as her corruption gets worse.
Jasper: Help? Help?! I've been fighting from the second I broke free of the Earth's crust because of what you did to my colony! Because of what you did to my planet! Because of what YOU DID TO MY DIAMOND!
Steven: I... Yellow Diamond?
~ Jasper's last words before she became fully corrupted.
You are not my diamond!
~ Jasper to Steven in the trailer.
Listen, weakling! You might have Pink Diamond's gem, but you are not my Diamond! And I am not going to take orders from some weak, sappy, useless piece of dirt! If you think you're hard enough to tell me what to do, then fight me and prove it.
~ Jasper challenging Steven.
What are you holding back for? You think I can't take it? I'm not gonna coddle you Steven. Do you wanna go home to your gems? Are you afraid to be strong? Are you pathetic? Are you weak?
~ Jasper pushing Steven in their rematch.
Jasper: Heard you're leaving. I'm coming with you!
Steven: Jasper, I'm going alone.
Jasper: Then who will protect you?!
Steven: I can protect myself!
Jasper: [sighs and scowls] I know. [punches a hole in the wall and goes into the opposite direction.] Farewell, my Diamond.
~ Jasper's last line after seeing Steven one last time before going back into the hole of the wall in Little Homeschool.


  • Jasper is the third Homeworld Gem introduced in the series, with the first being Lapis and the second being Peridot.
  • Jasper gemstones often represent protection, nurturing, relaxation, and so on. This is ironic given Jasper's cruel and aggressive personality.
  • Jasper's weapon is a charging helmet, similar to the hairstyle Pompadour, good for head-butts, slamming one's head into things, etc. of the sort. Her weapon could also be a reference to how she is "head-strong".
  • Jasper initially believed that Steven was Rose, and that she transformed to take the form of something else, unaware of Steven being a Half-Gem Half-Human hybrid.
  • In "Beta", it is revealed that Jasper was made on Earth in the Beta Kindergarten.
  • Jasper is the first Gem to fuse with a corrupted Gem and is also the first to become corrupted on screen.
  • Jasper's origin seems to be the opposite as Amethyst's. While Amethyst's Kindergarten had perfect resources but came out 'half-baked', Jasper's Kindergarten had poor resources but she came out perfect.
  • Jasper has been defeated four times by a fusion, once by Garnet, Stevonnie, Alexandrite (as Malachite), and Smoky Quartz.
  • Jasper is the final Gem to be freed from corruption, most likely because she was the last and latest Gem to get corrupted.
  • Jasper's voice actor, Kimberly Brooks also voices Chilli Pepper Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom.
  • Jasper's battle with Steven in Future marks the first time she fights and is defeated by someone who isn't a fusion. Coincidentally, it also marks the first time Steven physically fights and defeats Jasper (or anyone, for that matter) without fusing with another Gem, getting help from another gem, or defending himself more most of the fight (as the battle has Steven attack her, while most fights have him in defence mode). However, some argue that Steven fought against Peridot without fusing or defending himself, although most of their fights have Steven fighting Peridot with the Crystal Gems help, or fighting her without using his powers.
  • Jasper is the first and only Gem to be shattered in a Steven Universe episode.
    • Jasper's revival also revealed that shattered Gems can be revived with the Diamond's essences, and if all the fragments are put back together.
  • Jasper is the last Gem to be fully redeemed.


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See Also
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          StevenUniverseTitle Villains

Great Diamond Authority
White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Blue Diamond | Pink Diamond

Homeworld Gems
Peridot | Lapis Lazuli | Jasper | Yellow Pearl | Blue Pearl | Pink Pearl | Eyeball Ruby | Navy Ruby | Holly Blue Agate | Aquamarine | Topaz | Emerald | Hessonite | Squaridot | Pyrope | Demantoid | Spinel | Mean Lapis

Fusion Gems
Sugilite | Malachite | Cluster Gems | Cluster | Zebra Jasper | Bluebird Azurite

Gem Monsters
Nephrite | Albite | Gem Cave Creature | Big Bird | Larimar | Invisible Gem Monster | Lighthouse Gem Monster | Slinker | Great North Gem Monsters | Lonely Pearl | Grossular Diopside | Monster Steven

Robonoids | Bismuth | Holo-Connie | Marty | Frybo | Fable | Strike

           Villainous logo Villains

Black Hat Organization
Black Hat | Dr. Flug Slys | Demencia

Yukito Pappeto | Hatbots | Black Hat's Clone | Earl | Monstrous Black Hat

Penumbra | Haunted Orphanage Van Deer (Emilia & Ghost Children) | Lady Bonnivet | Dark Phantom | Metauro | Mawrasite | Ghoul | Dr. Valeria Rapture | Chimera | Miss Valdoom | V.I.R.U.S. | Aldo Maldonado | Wobolick | Illuminarrow

Other Villains
Black Hot Organization
Black Hot | Dr. Flex | Dolencia | 6.0.6.

Criminals and Monsters
Miss Heed | Heart-Cam | Miss Heed's Followers | Coyote | Pirate | Loss Tornado | Mascara Macabra | Flower of Pure Foulness | The Witch | Subject 141 | Roxette

Father | The Delightful Children From Down The Lane | Hunson Abadeer | Earl of Lemongrab | Lord Boxman | Rob | Aku | Vilgax | Anti-Pops | HIM | Mojo Jojo | Grandfather | Peridot | Jasper | Perfectionist | Strike | Cacao | Red Guy | Cosma | Grim | Nergal | Bag-Headed Cashier | Hector Con Carne | General Reginald Skarr | Major Doctor Ghastly | Eris | Other Cartoon Network Villains
