Antagonists Wiki

Jason Todd

Jason Todd, also known as the Red Hood and formerly known as Robin, is an anti-hero/anti-villain from DC Comics, as well as the titular main antagonist in the animated movie Batman: Under the Red Hood. He was the son of a petty criminal named Willis Todd who was sent to prison and was never seen by Jason again which left him with a drug addicted mother who died of an overdose and Willes had disappeared after screwing up a job for Two Face. This forced Jason to steal car parts for cash which led him to encountering Batman when he tried boosting tyres off the Batmobile. Bruce Wayne wished to save Jason from a life of crime and put him in Ma Gunn's school for troubled youths but Jason ran away when he discovered it was a front for criminal activity.Bruce then took Jason into his home and Batman began training him to be an attempt to rescue his mother Jason was murdered by the joker much to Batman,s chagrin.after Super-Boy prime punched his way into the main reality Jason's corpse was revived. Talia al Ghul arranged for Jason to be abducted and brought to her he father Ra,s was intrigued by Jason's resurrection but thought that he wasn't really worth anything to them and wanted to have

Jason sent somewhere safe out of respect to Batman, feeling that doing anything else with him would risk Batman's anger. Talia put him into the lazarus pit which healed Jason's mind. Talia told him that Batman had allowed Joker to live after his death as if Jason's demise was just another one of Joker,s


Jason wipes the smirk out of Joker's face.

crazy schemes.Jason then headed to gotham on a mission for revenge and planted a explosive in the batmobile.he decided against using it as he wanted Batman to know that he was the one who hurt him.Jason began targeting several criminals and murdered them.Jason was also involved in Hush,s plan to hurt Batman by facing him in a fight though Batman later dimissed this thinking that it was clayface in disguise.Jason decided to take over the drug trade in the city .Jason only had two rules for his dealers that he got forty 0/0 of the profits and that they did not sell to children.Jason also war with Black Mask,s crimianl empire and beat the Joker senseless with a crowbar.ultimately Jason did face Batman and revealed the truth that he was the Red Hood that had been eliminating Black Mask,s that his identity was no longer

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Red Hood's Martial Skills

secret he went to Titans Tower to confront Tim Drake who Batman had chose to replace him and easily beat the other titans but was forcced to fight dirty in order to get one up on Tim.Jason then kidnapped Joker and took him to Crime Alley where he and Batman first met.this resulted in Batman saving Joker though Jason managed to escape.after Bruce was sent back in time and presumed deceased Jason took over his identity but was a much more ruthless and violent Batman.Jason recued the original robin Dick Grayson(who he,d always got along with) and Batman,s son Damian Wayne from an ambush by Black Mask,s thugs but the lethal force he used in doing so was unappreciated by Dick.Jason also had another encounter With Tim and once agin emeerged victorious but Dick beat Jason.Jason also gained the sidekick Scarlet who he rescued from Professor Pyg.Jason and Scarlet used the internet to show the public their methods and actually gained their favor.Jason was ultimately taken into custody and bitterly accused Dick of not trying hard enough to revive Bruce and thought the only reason Bruce was still dead was because Dick wanted to be out of his shadow.Jason ultimately became less ruthless and once again became an ally for Batman though his murder of Penguin for being connected to his father,s death once again put a strain on the relationship between Jason and Batman.
