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Jack Frost Santa Claus 3

Jack Frost is the main antagonist of Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause. He's the spirit of Winter and he wants to replace Santa Claus and to take control of the North Pole due to feeling overshadowed by him.

He's portrayed by the comedian Martin Short.



Jack is the spirit of Winter and he brings cold and snow to the season. Despite being very important for the ecosistem, Jack was always ignored and overshadowed by Santa Claus despite trying very hard to become a respected Legendary Figure. He was also feared and ignored by every other creature due to his powers and his powers, which made him bitter, evil and meschievous.

He started trying to steal Santa Claus's job by putting images of him in stores that said "Happy Frostmas" and even froze some kids's parents as vengeance. As a Legendary Figure, he's a member of the Councel of Legendary Figures, but he rarely showed up at the meetings.

Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause[]

Jack Frost is found guilty of trying to upstage Santa Claus out of envy and he's about to be expelled from the Councel of Legendary Figures but Santa Claus offers him a job in his factory. Frost is interested in the Escape Clause, wondering if he can manipulate Scott into quitting from being Santa Claus so he can be the new Santa Claus.

Jack tricks Curtis to tell him about the Escape Clause: if Scott says he wishes he never became Santa Claus at all while holding one of the magical Snow Globes, the whole story will be changed and someone else will be able to take the mantle instead. Frost starts sabotating the factory to stress Scott to the maximum in order to make him say the magic word.

When Jack sees Scott fixing everything, he realizes his weakness is his family so he decides to create an argument between Scott, Carol and Carol's parents. He succeeds and takes Scott out for a walk to "calm him down".

Seeing Scott finally sick of all of this, Frost starts asking if he ever asks himself if his work is even worth it, manipulating him into saying "I wish i never became Santa at all" while giving him a Snow Globe as a Christmas Gift, thus being both teleported on 1994, the night when Scott became Santa Claus.

This time, Jack is the one that causes the old Santa Claus to fall from the roof and, after a brief fight with Scott, he takes the mantle and becomes Santa Claus while Scott comes back to his old life, now hated by his own family.

For the next twelve years, Jack initially continues delivering toys to the kids until he stops the toy delivering thinking that "no one even thanks for all the effort", turning the North Pole into a commercial amusement park without magic or heart. He finally meets Scott again, that asks him how could he do this to the North Pole but Frost just makes fun of him saying that he's the one who said "I wish i've never been Santa at all" and forces him to enjoy his show.

While he sings a distorted version of New York by Frank Sinatra, Scott sends the Lucy of this alternate timeline to get one of the Snow Globes from the Hall of Snow Globes in order to get back to his old life. When Frost catches the Snow Globe, he thanks he won and starts mocking Calvin once again until he finds out Scott recorded him saying "I wish i've never been Santa at all" tricking him, thus being teleported on that night of 1994 one more time.

This time, however, Scott is able to beat Jack keeping him still enough time to allow his past self to take the Santa Claus mantle becoming Santa Claus again, restoring the original timeline and the correct time fluss. Scott and Frost gets teleported back to the present, once again as Santa Claus and Jack Frost respectively, with Frost comically complaining that the plan did'nt exactly work out the way he hoped.

Jack is later arrested for frozing Lucy's parents and he's confronted by Santa Claus to unfreeze them. Frost answers that he needs to unfreeze himself to unfreeze the parents but he will never do that, with Scott asking Mother Nature but her powers do not work on other Legendary Figures.

Lucy decides to give Jack Frost a warm hug to unfreeze him, while Frost laughs at her idea until she hugs him. Frost feels something he never felt: love and acceptance, two things he always wanted but never felt due to everyone ignoring him or being afraid of him. The warm hug unfreezes Jack, making him assume a more human appearence, also allowing him to unfreeze the parents.

When everyone starts hugging each other, Jack is happy when he's included, crying of joy. Even though he's reedemed, it's unknown what happens to Jack after this as he's not seen again in the ending of the film but it's implied he simply continues to work in the factory.

The Santa Clauses[]

Even though Jack did'nt appear in the show yet and his ultimate fate is left unknown, he gets mentioned by Scott when he mentions his few controversial choices, such as letting Frost fool him. Whether or not he's gonna show up again is unknown a the moment.


  • Despite the upcoming Disney+ show The Santa Clauses being set sixteen years after the last film, it's currently unknown if Jack Frost will appear or even get mentioned. That said, it's currently a mistery if Jack is still working at the factory or if he went elsewhere.