J. Archibald Barrington III (or Archie for short) is one of the secondary antagonists in Where's Waldo? episode "The Unfriendly Giants".
He is the leader of the unfriendly giants who enjoys playing checkers and wrecking havoc on the villagers. Archibald's wife does not like her husband's destructive and unfriendly actions.
Archibald and his giants are attacking through the village and wrecking havoc on the villagers. The two giants are also playing checkers with these villagers. He hates hang-nails and Waldo. When Odlaw is searching for Waldo, Archibald unknowingly stomps him out of pain finger. Archibald also drinks the village pond and Odlaw meets him to ask about working with the nastiest bloke to ever set foot in the village, but he spits the water at Odlaw. Archibald orders Odlaw to give him one good reason why he shoundn’t smash him. Odlaw tells Archie that there is a stranger in the village (including Waldo). Archibald knows Waldo earlier that he wants to help the people chase him out of the village.
While Waldo and Woof found the puzzle piece, Archie and his giants charges the two and surrounds them. When Waldo and Woof builds the see-saw, Archibald attempts to smash them and meteor shower lands on the left of see-saw to jump Waldo and Woof over while the giants tries to catch them. The four giants then gets their feet hurting by the meteor showers. Waldo distracts the giants by bringing a music for them so they can dance. After Waldo and Woof are escape, Archibald orders his giants to go after them. He and his giants also stomps Odlaw while looking for Waldo and Woof.
When Archie found Waldo and Woof, he grabs the tree and attempting to kill them. As Waldo brings out a termite to chop the tree and crashes Archibald. While the giants are on the rampage through the village, Archibald orders his minions to find Waldo right now. When Waldo calls Archie to come over, he gets the house while Waldo and Woof jumps out the house. Archibald is trying to kill the two, but he gets sneezed by the pepper which Waldo tricked him. During the battle, the giants were defeated by the villagers while Archie tries to capture Waldo and Woof, but he mistook which he grab is a cactus and hurts his hand.
As Archibald is out to have revenge on Waldo, Woof and the villagers for ruining his plans, he is called and confronted by his wife. Archie is forced to clean up the mess in the village as punishment for his destructive and unfriendly actions.
- Archibald is shown ripping the top off a building during the show's opening theme song.
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