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Itsuki Light Novel

Itsuki Kawasumi, also known as the Bow Hero, is a supporting character in the Rising of the Shield Hero series. He originally worked as an anti-hero/villain, but returned as the main antagonist in Volume 12.

Driven by misguided principles of justice, as well as a superiority complex and a hero complex, Itsuki's main ambition is to present himself as the ultimate hero. He wants to become the strongest hero so that people can admire him. Therefore, Itsuki cannot react well when shadows are cast on others. After the Spirit Tortoise Incident, Itsuki was betrayed by his allies, who along with Malty S. Melromarc used the wounded hero for their own benefit. He was eventually rescued by Naofumi and Rishia, and on this basis he abandoned many of his false principles. Seeking atonement, Itsuki apologized for his past deeds and began the healing process with Rishia's help.

In the Reprise of the Spear Hero spin-off, Itsuki replaces Motoyasu Kitamura as the most antagonistic hero and Malty's puppet.

In the animated series, Itsuki is voiced by Yoshitaka Yamatani in Japanese and Eric Scott Kimmerer in English.


Itsuki is 17 years old and is the shortest and youngest-looking of the heroes. He has short curly blonde hair and green eyes. Itsuki was first summoned wearing a school uniform with a green blazer, but soon swapped this for lighter clothing. He wears white underwear and his jacket is brown with metal shoulder and waist guards. He also wears a green traveling cloak.


Itsuki feels in his heart that he is the strongest of the heroes and goes on covert missions to kill corrupt nobles and save villages, but mostly only for the sake of admiration. Itsuki, who used to be a bullied child, has a desire to be special and superior. His sense of justice and need for admiration both stem from this, as does his inability to deal with the meek Rishia Ivyred, who reminds him of his own weakness.

Like the other heroes Naofumi Iwatani excluded, Itsuki also believed that the world they entered was the same as that of a video game, but he went even further than them and believed that Naofumi was a god, a game. Itsuki believe that he met a master and received power from him. He made him explain his superiority. Even after becoming a yes-man and destroying everything, she still thinks that Rishia is stronger than herself and must be a cheat. He also considered himself immortal, since the "game" doesn't let you die.

He called himself an ally of justice and tried to act as one, at least at first. However, he lost the essence of justice, and was driven only by his own selfish desire to be praised in the name of his justice. His sense of justice was so strong that he did not listen to anyone's opinion, believing that his own justice was the only true justice. He regularly speaks about justice, but his views are incredibly self-serving and one-sided. He was willing to put to death all those he believed to be wicked simply because he believed them to be wicked and intended to kill them. This got even worse when he was affected by the Cursed series.

Also, although not as much as Motoyasu Kitamura, he is also very gullible and unobservant, and is a very untrustworthy person, with all his teammates except Rishia actually only praising him. They just satisfied his need for compliments, and every compliment satisfied him. However, once again, like when the Church of the Three Heroes lied about Naofumi's misdeeds and that Naofumi possessed an item that allegedly had the power to increase his experience intake, he You can easily be deceived. After a series of curses awakened, he believed Naofumi was evil for having slaves and shunning people who should be able to resurrect from the dead. This is because Malty S. Melromarc deceived him into thinking the latter was possible. He believed those who praised him and distrusted those who tried to reason with him.

He has a hero complex, waiting until people are in danger before acting in a heroic way to "save" them, and cover up his own inaction before people are in danger. may even lie about their abilities. He is very narrow-minded and not very smart, believing that Naofumi is guilty of both the attempted rape and later trying to take credit for what he has done. A Robin Hood-esque hero who frequently hides his own activities. His vileness is once again exposed when Rishia praises him for his efforts against L'Arc Berg. To get revenge on her girlfriend, he charged Rishia with breaking her things and kicked her out of the party.

In short, he is stuck, gullible and wants to be praised by others. The only thing that Naofumi made Itsuki really angry with was "I thought you were better than me, your evaluation has gone down", and he thought it would be okay to shoot the Shield Hero in the back.

After experiencing the events in the Pride series and experiencing Malty's manipulation, Itsuki's prideful personality becomes unstable and he becomes completely desperate. Now he follows Naofumi's orders without any objections.

Power and Abilities[]

Like other Cardinal heroes, Itsuki cannot use weapons that are not based on his original weapon, in his case a bow. Like Motoyasu, he is at a disadvantage compared to Naofumi and Ren because he is unable to fight or defend effectively at close range.

Itsuki's main strategy is to use a powerful bow and use high-level attacks to overwhelm enemies before they can get close. He initially believed that the rarer the weapon, the greater advantage he could hold over his enemies. Like the Sword Hero and Spear Hero, Itsuki also believed that if he leveled up quickly, he could become more powerful than any of his enemies.

Although these strategies were initially beneficial to him, they ultimately stunted his growth and caused him to lose out to people like Naofumi and L'Arc.

Outside of the waves, Itsuki never puts up a fight until the crisis reaches its climax. This is done for the express purpose of making him seem more heroic.


Itsuki ran the party like a vigilante, establishing a clear hierarchy. While Itsuki was in command, his lieutenant was the knight Mardo, and the lowest ranking was the rescued nobleman Rishia. Every action they took was to make Itsuki look like a hero. Itsuki does not tolerate weakness and strives to make his party members as strong as possible, which was one of the reasons he ultimately kicked out Rishia.

Following Itsuki's orders, his companions praised him and sang his name to the masses. However, in reality, Rishia was the only one who was sincerely loyal to him. Others just used him to make themselves look good. Unlike Motoyasu's party, which consisted only of gold diggers and traitors, Itsuki's party was once loyal to him, but it is implied that they were tired of his repeated failures and arrogance.

During the Spirit Turtle Incident, all of Itsuki's remaining members abandoned him. By the time they next meet, Itsuki's associates have joined up with Malty and begin exploiting Itsuki for their own financial gain. Naofumi, Ren, and Rishia eventually discover this, and when the latter defeats Itsuki in open combat, her dangerous former companions completely abandon both her and their heroes.


Early Life[]

Unlike other heroes, Itsuki was born in a world with a small amount of magical power. Initially obsessed with this, as he grew up, Itsuki realized that his skill, Accuracy, was actually thought to be very low-level magic. This led to him being bullied by more powerful students as a child. This harassment prompted Itsuki to develop a sense of heroism and superiority in addition to his strong desire to be recognized as something special.

To escape his reality, Itsuki turned to his computer his game online where he could hide his abilities and use them to his advantage. He especially liked the game Dimension Wave. He adopted a very Robin Hood-like style of fighting for those unable to defend himself and serving as an ally of justice.

One day, while walking home from school, Itsuki was hit by a speeding truck and apparently died. A few seconds later he found himself standing in a new world. At his side were three others, and in front of him was a group of robed figures, with a bow in his hand.

Volumes 1-4[]

Along with Motoyasu Kitamura and Ren Amaki, Itsuki initially believed that the new world he was summoned to, in his case Dimension Wave, was just a game. Itsuki thought that he already knew everything there was to know about this world and that the inhabitants were just NPCs, and he began to make demands on his new caregiver. The ruler of this new nation, King Aultcray Melromarc, soon endowed Itsuki with a band of apparently loyal followers.

Like the other two, Itsuki looked down on Naofumi Iwatani, believing his shield class to be weak and useless. When Naofumi is accused of rape by Myre Sophia (Malty in disguise), Itsuki immediately believes it due to his strong sense of justice. He did not realize that the innocent man in front of him was being framed, and Itsuki took this opportunity to distance himself from the humiliated protagonist. He also blamed the fallen hero for his apparent lack of remorse.

After this, Itsuki became Naofumi's intermittent ally. He tolerated the latter's presence between the waves, but did his best to avoid him outside of the waves. Nevertheless, he and Ren got a small amount of redemption after the second wave. Itsuki and Ren call out to the residents of Melromarc, who are trying to steal Naofumi's companion, the raccoon dog Raphtalia, in a duel with Motoyasu. They informed the stranded Spear Hero of Mine's illegal intervention, while publicly reprimanding the cruel people and royal family for their actions. The next morning, they did the same thing when King Aultcray tried to cancel the reward he had promised Naofumi.

Itsuki spent most of her time among the waves moving throughout Melromarc, delivering justice to those she deemed evil. Following his own fantasies, Itsuki travels in disguise so that no one notices him until the decisive moment. As a result, his achievements were not as well known as those of Motoyasu, Ren, and Naofumi.

At some point, Itsuki ends up being hired to deal with corrupt nobles who overtax the people in their northern territories. Itsuki joins a local rebellion and personally kills the "evil overlord." There he rescued a young noblewoman called Rishia. Fascinated by her, Itsuki asks her to join the party, and Itsuki accepts.

Just before the third wave, Itsuki and Ren and his friends confront Naofumi outside a weapon shop in the castle town. They believed that Naofumi was the one who stole the prize money, and wanted answers. The Shield Hero, furious, flatly told the Bow Hero that he had not stolen the tree's bounty. He also reveals that the nobles Itsuki killed were placing an undue burden on the people, as the country was suffering from famine. This money was needed for food and protection from encroachment by neighbors. After Itsuki left, the rebel army he raised similarly overtaxed the people, causing thousands of casualties. Itsuki didn't believe Naofumi's words and left in a grim mood.

During the wave, Itsuki didn't cooperate with Ren or Motoyasu, and the wave lasted over three hours. He was puzzled by Naofumi's offensive prowess, but he didn't stay long. The quartet and his allies confront Glass, who taunts and defeats Itsuki, Ren, and Motoyasu without issue.

Shortly after recovering, Itsuki is informed that Naofumi has kidnapped Crown Princess Melty Melromarc and is holding the poor girl against her will. Along with Motoyasu and Ren, he joins the search party and hunts down the Shield Hero. It was Itsuki who demanded Melty's release. Naofumi initially tries to convince Ren and Itsuki that this is a different setup, but the Hero of the Bow is upset by Princess Marti's accusation that Naofumi unlocked the brainwashing shield.

When Itsuki made it clear that he would no longer listen to Naofumi, the Shield Hero gave up trying to argue with Naofumi. A fight soon broke out between the two. Despite being underleveled and not even classed up, Naofumi and his friends were victorious and succeeded in escaping. During this confrontation, Itsuki realized that Mine was intentionally launching a powerful attack against her sister, who they were supposed to rescue. Had Naofumi not intervened, these attacks would have surely killed the girl. After the battle, Ren succeeded in persuading Itsuki not to pursue Naofumi and to start a separate investigation into the Church of the Three Heroes, which had returned to the capital.

The two were ultimately betrayed and apparently murdered by the Pope's siphon-off and his fanatical followers after exposing the full extent of the church's corruption. However, due to Queen's Shadow's intervention, he succeeded in escaping and rushed to Naofumi and Motoyasu, who were cornered by the betrayed clergy. Despite being verbally reprimanded by Naofumi, Itsuki and his friends work together with other heroes and their friends to stand up to the Pope.

Thanks to the efforts of the Queen and Naofumi, the Hero of the Bow stood on the winning side. Two days later, they entered the throne room of Melromarc's royal capital with the queen. Itsuki watched in bewilderment as Mirellia began to humiliate her husband and her daughter for everything they had done. Like everyone else, the Bow Hero is shocked to learn that Naofumi was innocent all along and did not come to the aid of Aultcray or Malty, who were publicly punished and humiliated. He also acknowledged Mirellia's decision to do Naofumi a slight favor to make up for everything Naofumi has gone through. However, Naofumi suspects that this is all acting and that Itsuki is actually jealous.

Volume 5[]

Itsuki appeared to be obedient to the Queen, but was not fully reconciled with Naofumi. In fact, the former's actions during and leading up to the Cal Mira Incident further worsened the latter's opinion of him.

In a meeting with the four cardinals and the queen, Itsuki made it clear that he did not believe that Naofumi had become stronger through constant practice and effort during his journey. Instead, he believed that Naofumi met God, the creator of this world, and was given special powers. He also rejected his idea that his method of leveling up using rare items could be wrong.

His arrogance returns to some extent, and during the journey to Cal Mira, Itsuki kicks some passengers and crew members out of their luxury cabins. All three heroes became seasick due to the inclement weather. During the expedition, Naofumi and the other adventurers begin to realize how arrogant Itsuki and most of his party members, especially Mald, actually are. He didn't like how Itsuki and the others treated Rishia. Instead of helping her level up, they treated the poor girl like her servant, and even though the girl was clearly devoted to the Bow Hero, they forced her to Forced to carry heavy loads and lots of food.

During Cal Mira wave, Itsuki was overtaken by Naofumi again, and history repeats itself. They prove to be of no use in practice, but are easily defeated by the intervention of unexpected rivals, L'Arc and Therese. At the end of the battle, Rishia tried to save the heroes by throwing a barrel of sake at the villains, which combined with a fire spell, temporarily disabled them.

Rishia was personally praised by the Queen and Naofumi for her performance. However, Itsuki was not happy to be preempted like this and decided along with the rest of the party that enough was enough. That night, the party members accused Rishia of breaking Itsuki's leveling bracelet, and the Hero of the Bow expelled Rishia from the party.

When Naofumi found out what had happened, he became furious. He immediately questioned Itsuki and demanded an explanation. Even when he was presented with evidence that Rishia, who accused Itsuki, was innocent, he didn't change his mind. In the end, Naofumi realizes that Itsuki did that because he couldn't stand the fact that there was someone stronger than him. Enraged, the Shield Hero told the Bow Hero that he was disgusted with himself and that his reputation had plummeted.

Angered, Itsuki pulled out his bow and shot Naofumi, but thanks to the Shield Hero's high defense, he was able to defeat it. Naofumi looked down on Itsuki and mocked the Bow Hero as weak.

Rishia, who had heard the whole story, was distraught, but at least she was happy to know the truth. He immediately attempts to commit suicide by drowning in the sea, but is rescued by Firo, who happens to be nearby. Later, she is persuaded to join the Shield Hero's party in order to prove Itsuki wrong. Rishia admits that she will continue to love Itsuki no matter what, and Naofumi accepts that.

Volumes 6 & 7[]

After returning to her Melromarc, Queen Millellia hired several tutors to train the heroes to help them become even stronger. Naofumi was the only hero to take this training seriously, but the other heroes were still convinced their original method was the right one. At this point it was clear that there was no unity among the heroes.

Itsuki's jealousy of Naofumi was no longer hidden, as the events of the previous wave had proven beyond doubt that Naofumi was the strongest of the heroes. The hero of the bow was furious that the shield bearer, who had no attack power, humiliated him in front of everyone.

When an unknown group of familiars began attacking innocent civilians, Itsuki, along with Ren and Motoyasu, abandoned their training and immediately set out to deal with the new threat. As a result of their research, the three heroes finally concluded that this incident was caused by the Spirit Turtle. A trio of dragons, philorials, horses, and their party sprinted to face the new beast.

But the Spirit Turtle was unlike anything they had ever faced. Not only was it enormous in size, but it was also virtually immortal. Itsuki and his friends only thought about gaining experience points, valuable materials, and fame, ignoring the fact that historical heroes were unable to defeat the Divine Beast. Indeed, so far the heroes have only been able to seal it, but now his three aggressive heroes are determined to awaken the monster that previously wreaked havoc on this land. was

All attempts to stop Itsuki, Ren, and Motoyasu are unsuccessful, and Itsuki and his party members are temporarily captured. It was the moment when Itsuki's party members revealed their true feelings for Itsuki. Angered, they confront Itsuki and tell him how stupid they think he is, not a hero of justice.

Itsuki was stunned upon hearing this, but he was forced to immediately confront the divine reptilian anyway. Itsuki, Ren, and Motoyasu are incapacitated by an attack by a giant turtle, and are captured by the beast's controller, Kyo. While all of Ren's party members were killed, Motoyasu and Itsuki without hesitation abandoned the heroes who swore to protect their fate.

Itsuki was in stasis for a while, while Kyo drained his energy to power the turtle. This captivity finally came to an end when Naofumi led a group of Melromarc's men into the belly of the beast. Itsuki is saved by Rishia and taken back to the capital for treatment. A week later, while Naofumi, Rishia and the others were following Kyo back to his home dimension, he woke up.

Volumes 8-12[]

Like Ren and Motoyasu, Itsuki quickly escaped from the hospital after regaining his consciousness. But when he ventures out into the world, the bow hero faces his worst nightmare. The whole world now despises him because of the events caused by the Spirit Turtle.

Branded a false hero by the populace, Itsuki finds himself exposed to similar prejudice that Naofumi had previously experienced. The common people threw stones, insulted, and glared. The Guild did not employ him, and soldiers repeatedly tried to arrest him. As such, Itsuki is forced to keep a low profile while searching for party members.

Shortly after betraying Ren, Malty and Mald find the distraught Archer Hero and decide that he is the perfect fit for their plan. They feed a lie to Itsuki, claiming that it is to free the abused slaves in Naofumi's village, convince Itsuki to fight for the money, and take him to the Zeltbar Coliseum. In reality, this money was simply used for personal enrichment.

Driven by purpose, Itsuki fought relentlessly for the justice he believed in. Eventually he releases the Pride, a series of curses, which gives him the Brainwashing Bow and the final execution attack, the brazen bull (similar to Naofumi's Iron Maiden). He never realized he was being used.

Before long, Naofumi, Rishia, and Ren came to save Itsuki. Itsuki, still being lied to by Malty and Mald and under the influence of his series of curses, refuses to listen to the rescue seeker. Rishia stood her ground, refused to abandon the man she loved, and continued her one-on-one battle with Itsuki. Although the latter had a higher level, the former was able to train with Naofumi and was able to defeat him in the end.

Finally freed from the curse, Itsuki breaks down in tears and apologizes for everything. Malty, Mald, and other members of Itsuki and Motoyasu's former party quickly abandoned Itsuki and fled for the second time. With his clear mind and free will in his possession, Itsuki decides to atone for his past mistakes. He threw away his sense of justice and obtained forgiveness from Rishia.

Due to that trauma, Itsuki once retired from being a hero, and settled in Naofumi's village under the care of Rishia.

Extended Links[]
