Antagonists Wiki

Itchy and Snichey are the minor antagonists of the TV special Pound Puppies.

Itchy was voiced by Don Messick, and Snichey was voiced by Frank Welker.


Itchy and Snichey are loyal to their master, Dabney Nabbit. However, like their master, their favorite past time is scratching, since they too are infested with fleas. They are also loyal to Catgut, as they are seen chasing Violet, Cooler, and Louie in the kitchen with him. They are aggresive towards intruders. When Flack and Tubbs tried to sneak in, the dogs attacked them and scared them off.


Itchy and Snichey are twin doberman pinschers with white, sharp teeth, round noses, and black and tan fur. Itchy has red eyes and a red collar with spikes. Snichey has yellow eyes and a yellow collar with spikes.




            Pound Puppies logo Villains

1986 series
Arnold Fist | Brattina Stoneheart | Captain Slaughter | Catgut | Clawfinger | Dog Haters of America | Flack | Itchy and Snichey | Katrina Stoneheart | Klaude Stoneheart | Lumpy and Bones | Marvin McNasty | Samuel Quentin | Slaughtina | Stoneheart Family | Tubbs

2010 series
Agatha McLeish | Agent Ping | Big Chip | Brutus | Fang | Kennel Kittens | Leonard McLeish | Mayor | Milton Feltwaddle | Miss Stiffwhiskers | Mr. Ringbinder | Mr. Stinkman | Puss Puss Galore | Seymour and Tabitha | Stain
