The Internet, also known as Timmy, is a minor character in The Amazing World of Gumball. He first appears in "The Internet" as the main antagonist. He has the ability to control the contents of the Internet, along with several other pieces of technology, possibly via "hacking." In "The Internet," his face is revealed. In "The Intelligence," he has a body with computer mice for hands and feet.
In "The Internet," he looks like a regular computer with computer mice for hands. In "The Intelligence," Timmy has received a slight redesign. He is fully CGI-animated rather than 2D and now has legs. He also uses his whole computer host as a torso of sorts rather than simply having his face appear on the screen. In "The Spinoffs," he lacks the mice. Additionally, his monitor "head" has wires around it.
He believes he can act like a jerk to people online with no consequences, and thus has no friends. He also possesses a similar personality to youths on the internet, using slang terms such as "YOLO."
- His real name is Timmy, as revealed by his mother.
- He also can manipulate objects outside of the Internet, such as traffic lights, telephone poles, and even fire hydrants. He can control and hack anything that has technology.
- His name may be a reference to Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web (often mistakenly called the actual Internet).
- In Portugal, his name is Jimmy.
- He appears as a boss character in the crossover game Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers.
- His personality may be a reference to the stereotype of people who comment and share on websites such as Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and most notably 4chan, whose actions are often viewed as blind, immature, belligerent, and outlandishly offensive.
- If the cable that gives Timmy power is unplugged, the Internet goes down, as seen in "The Intelligence."
- After his full appearance in "The Internet," he gets a slight redesign and becomes a CGI character. He is also given feet consisting of computer mice and black wire.
- This makes him one of the few characters to be animated in more than one medium, the others being Frank, Gumball, Darwin, Howdy, Grady, Blitzer, Principal Brown, Sussie, Ocho, the Evil Turtle's babies, Larry, and Rob.