Antagonists Wiki
Ice Man Complete Works

Ice Man is one six Robot Master that appears in Megaman.



Ice Man is very egocentric at times, he loves to show off in front of people. But he still cares about his friends. As its name suggests, Ice Man loves anything related to snow, He does not like heat.


Ice Man was created by D. Light to perform tasks in completely extreme climates. He was later abducted by Dr. Wily and reprogammed to be a combat robbery and he joined as one of the Robot Masters, for can help Dr. Wily to help in world domination. He later helped the five of Dr. Light's other thieves who had the same fate.


Ice Man's weapon is Ice Slash, it's a sharp blade that can freeze anything. He will shoot three pieces of ice in the Megaman, so the player must jump carefully to avoid his attacks. His weakness is the Thunder Beam.
