Antagonists Wiki

Houjou is the Secondary Antagonist from Killing Bites who joins His Leader, Yuugo Tani. He cares about taking down Hitomi Uzaki after She retreats Be cuz She doesn't want to marry Him.

He was voiced by Hirōmichi Tezuka in Anime Adaptions. The Former Whom in Seiyuu who is also known as Ajeel Ramal from Fairy Tail.


When Hitomi was in high school, she was walking home late one night, when a group of young men snatched her into a van with the intention of raping her, which is revealed to be Houjou an Official Employee of Yuugo Tani. The driver, Yuuya Nomoto did not know that his friends were doing this until they were doing it, making him feel very guilty.

As he slammed the brakes, Hitomi emerged from the back of the van, informed him that his friends were now all dead, and told him to drive to a specific location. Once they'd arrived, Nomoto saw the disemboweled corpses in the back, making him vomit before he ran off. He was killed by Hitomi Uzaki and wets His own Pants.

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