Antagonists Wiki

Hondo is male weequay from the planet srillur  and leader of the pirate Ohnaka gang.he dated Aura Sing in his past and was close friends With bounty hunter Jango Fett  before his death.during the clone Wars Hondo Kidnapped Count Dooku in order to ransom him to the republic.Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi were sent to collect the ransom but Hondo double crossed them taking them prisoner as well as Hondo knew it would allow him to triple the ransom.all three men eventually escaped.While Anakin and Obi Wan had a magnanimous attitude toward Hondo they wanted him that Dooku Would not be so forgiving.Following this Hondo and his crew raided the planet felucia hoping to extort money from it,s farmers.Kenobi,Skywalker and Skywalker,s apprentice Ahsoka Tano to investigate the disappearance of a republic medical station.ultimately the Jedi Worked with bounty hunters to defeat Hondo and protect the farmers though Hondo Manged to evade cpature.Hondo Was later visited by Aura and Jango,s son Boba Who Aura Was trying to help avenge his father,s death by Killing Mace Windu.Hondo had little interest in helping with the plan but told Aura He would not stand in her way.When Hondo Was approached by Plo Koon and Boba Who he had taken prisoner Hondo was the one who talked Boba into divulging the location of prisoners Aura had taken telling him that it was honorable as well as being What his father would have done.While it appeared Ahsoka Killed Aura Hondo secretly rescued her.he was later contracted by Anakin to ilegally Smuggle Weapons into onderon in order to assist Ahsoka and the onderon rebels in their fight against the seperatists.Hondo and his crew intercepted a Jedi cruiser taking Ahsoka and several younglings prisoner.Hondo took Ahsoka back to his base on florum,regarding her as a valuable hostage and taunted her that he intended to sell her to  an underworld businessmen Who would pay handsomely for a beautiful female Jedi and added that the businessman wouldn,t mind if she was dead or alive.When General Grievous(sent by Count Dooku to extract revenge on Hondo arrived)the pirate intended to leave but young padawan Katooni Was able to appeal to his sense of honor leading him to assist in Ahsoka,s rescue.because of this Kenobi decided against punishing Hondo for his crimes.Darth Maul later recruited Hondo,s pirates to turn against him and conspired to Kill him.Hondo once again formed an alliance With Kenobi to goe against Maul.When the traitors realised they were overmatched they chose to again switch sides and were welcomed with open arms by Hondo.Many years later Hondo Would become an informant for the rebel alliance and though he was still rather untrustworthy he Did demonstrate that he was willing to take risks in order to preserve the life of Ezra Bridger(his main friend in the alliance).
